
CLOAKn's page

Organized Play Member. 75 posts (80 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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CLOAKn wrote:
I'd really like to get in on this, you seem like you've got a good plan. On mobile now, can so the crunch tonight and be ready to post anytime. How bout it?

I'm looking to roll an Elven Cleric to mesh with the background if I get picked up for this game. Please keep us posted. :)

I'd really like to get in on this, you seem like you've got a good plan. On mobile now, can so the crunch tonight and be ready to post anytime. How bout it?


Gelik, crossbow loaded and in-hand, begins to hum a tune that grows to a rhythmic chant, his crossbow swaying side to side. The volume of his voice grows until it seems unnatural for his little body to produce, weaving Polyglot words that seem to follow the beats of your heart.

Gelik's "Inspire Courage" performance gives all allies a +1 competency bonus to weapon damage and attack rolls.

Gruk keeps pace with Nagl and Malick, presenting himself as the primary target. He stops just short of the magical grease glistening on the ground and stands tall on his squat legs, beating his chest in time with Gelik's foreign lyrics. Sasha keeps low and follows close behind Gruk with a blade in each hand, ready to strike.

Jask begins right away putting his hands together at odd angles and whispering words of worship. The effect is almost instant, a curtain of sparkling light, just barely visible, surrounds Gruk then disappears.

Jask casts Sanctuary; enemies must make DC 14 Will save to make successful attacks against Gruk.

Having little regard for shiny tricks, the first native, a hugely tall and lanky man who looks starved and emaciated, comes barreling around the corner.

Native #4 Acrobatics check to cross grease: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

He immediately starts sliding forward but catches his footing, digging his bare feet in and thrusting his spear forward toward Gruk.

Native #4 spear (rage) vs Gruk AC: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 vs 14
Will save vs Sanctuary: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 vs 14

The gorilla bares his great chest with a primal scream as the spear deflects upward, bouncing off the transparent veil. The man stumbles slightly, confused and angry, trying to grip the earth beneath the infernal grease.

Deciding to ignore the grease, the two furthest men begin to mount the rocks with several spears tethered to their packs.

Native #2 Climb check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Native #5 Climb check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

While the closer native ascends with ease, his colleague has more trouble, throwing his pack up first then attempting to hoist himself. Ignoring the struggling man, the built tribal man pulls loose a crude but sharp spear and hurls it directly downward toward Malick.

Native #5 javelin vs Malick AC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

It sticks in the dirt, Malick easily sidestepping the haphazardly thrown weapon. Another javelin comes soaring from the throat of the rocks, thrown by the supporting, remaining hunter.

Native #1 javelin vs Gruk AC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 vs 14
Will save vs Sanctuary: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 vs 14
Javelin damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

A bright puff of glinting light isn't enough to stop the projectile, as the curtain around Gruk wavers but the javelin does not, planted firmly in the gorilla's shoulder. The men let loose bestial howls at the sight of blood but Gruk does not stand down.

Maybe I'm daft but I'm not sure where exactly you mean, Koro. Could you mark it on Roll20 possibly, just so I don't have to misread.

Not a problem, sir. I'll post within the hour so we can continue.

Currently waiting on Nagl and Kororinda to post their moves before I continue the game.

Native #3 takes the full force of the spear arcing over the rock, killing him instantly.

A rapier with an indiscriminate red glint is pulled from a sheath to accompany Sasha's kukri blade, creating the perfect precipice for action. Floating into formation you descend on the bottleneck leading to the hunters, leaving Gelik in the rear, loading a bolt onto his crossbow with Jask beside him preparing life-saving magics. Gruk does not hesitate to fall in and he seems more in control than before, suppressing his primal tendencies to revel in the fight. As has been custom Sasha tails Gruk closely, using the shaman's girth as a bestial shield.


Belor: 18
Nagl: 12
Koro: 11
Malick: 7
Group Initiative: 12.25

Gelik: 18
Sasha: 14
Jask: 6
Gruk: 5
Group Initiative: 10

Native 1: 14
Native 5: 14
Native 2: 10
Native 3: 5
Native 4: 5
Group Initiative: 9.6

The first tribal's face takes on a mix of terror and confusion as he is the sole man to behold the small militia marching on his battered brethren. He lets out a shrill croak not resembling any real word but its enough to startle the others and get them to turn about face in a clumsy second. Weilding spears, some in 2 hands and some overhead, their eyes flash with uncivilized ferocity, spurring themselves to fanaticism in mere seconds.

Gelik swallows nervously when it becomes apparent that the group is taking a detour. Gruk, remaining silent since leaving the beach, moves past and takes to following the tracks himself. Everyone, including Gruk, keeps as low as possible to the ground, following a crisscrossing pattern of footprints. Pursuing them for only a few minutes finds the party in a small clearing, littered with boulders and small shrubs.

Their voices reveal them first, cursing in the same intentionally lisping, sharp vernacular. Belor throws up a fist to call for a full halt. Obliging, everyone squats behind a stone that easily hides the large group. The raiders must be ahead of schedule, as their makeshift camp is only ten minutes from the beach encampment.

"You idiot! We ssshould throw you to the lizards for your foolishnesss!". The berating continues along with echoes of snapping branches. Moving to just the edge of the boulder, Belor peers down a narrow channel between rocks to see five visible natives, dressed in much the same garments as the others, milling about a pile of broken wood and twine. Sasha's traps. One man sits with his back against a rock, holding a cloth over his eye, creating a deep crimson stain. A few of the others look cut and beaten, as well, obviously they've stumbled into a few of the simple but effective snares.

Map of the clearing

You have effectively avoided detection and are now in a surprise round. Roll your initiative with your surprise round post, the NPCs will act after the players during each round to keep GM posting down. The stones in the field are five to seven feet high and require a DC 15 climb check to mount them smoothly. If a square is more than 1/2 stone it must be climbed to move through it, if it is less than 1/2 stone it is normal terrain that provides partial concealment. The sun is still high in the sky and the heat remains constant.

It would seem the vote for pursuing the tracks is 4 nays (Nagl, Belor, Malick and Gelik) and 3 yeas (Jask, Sasha, and Kororinda). Am I seeing it wrong?

Back on schedule. I spent the last few days organizing a lot of scattered info on my end. I'm going to try to make your rolls more relevant and their effects more transparent now that I have a good overview of them.

The group moves cautiously over the few rolling hills before being deposited in a lush valley, all the while scanning for tracks or other evidence of their assailants. Nagl strays from the pack for a few moments drawing curious stares from the others. Cutting off any questions, Nagl gestures toward the ground (Survival: 16) where faint, bare footprints can be made out in the soft dirt.

"If they haven't made it to our old grounds then they have no idea we're behind them", Sasha reasons in hushed tones. "It's best we turn back on them and destroy them, lest they overtake us on their return trip". Sasha draws a wickedly pointed dagger, twirling it in her hand as if to accentuate her readiness.

Gelik pipes in, loudly at first, "Well, we don't have to...", before being shushed by everyone in unison then speaking more quietly, "...fight them, do we? Would it not be prudent to avoid deadly engagement?".

Jask thinks for a moment before agreeing with Sasha, "They mean to kill us or worse, my friend", turning his eyes to Gelik. "These men have chosen their path, to be murderers and devils".

Gelik pauses his plucking at the mention of Gruk, turning to the others bewildered, "A gorilla is it? It.. it speaks to you and tells you these things?". He hops off his stump and lays down his lute, "I, uh, don't know about following a talking gorilla into the heart of a jungle". He wrings his hands plaintively but Jask steadies him with a firm hand upon his shoulder.

"We should trust our friends here", Jask opens a hand toward your party. "It certainly sounds odd but they have each proven to be strong of body and mind". Gelik nods nervously, reassuring himself more than agreeing with Jask. "Truthfully, I'm just happy to have a horizon to point our sails at, it is maddening to be so doomed with so little sway over our fates", Jask confesses. "Perhaps this shaman will have magical methods of sending messages or transportation!", Jask says to Gelik in an attempt to bolster his resolve.

Sasha's arrival comes shortly after your own, bounding into camp with the enthusiasm of a child. Tentatively, Gruk comes forward to meet the others. He is clearly self conscience about the condition of his body, cradling his stump closely and keeping his eyes down. Taking great care to express clearly who he was and his intent, everyone is touched by his mental influence. The awestruck trio seemed to empathize with Gruk more than distrust him, letting loose a few curses at the sadistic cannibals. Sasha in particular is enamored with Gruk, rarely taking her eyes off of him and staying only an arm's width from him.

Jask looks sickened after the shaman concludes, "I worry for the lives of Ishirou and Aerys if these are the monsters we share residence with. I am not usually a man of violence but I fear these men would have our throats in the night and thus we cannot hold our hands against them". Sasha agrees with exuberance though its possible she'd delight in the chance to kill anything with permission.

With the talk of an attack looming everyone agrees to pack up and move elsewhere. It takes 1 hour to rig the camp with a burning fire and fake campers and be ready to move out, about 1:30 PM.

Gelik to Belor:

"It just so happens that both of our resident Elvish speakers have taken to walking the wilderness. What are ya' asking for, exactly?".

Gelik to Malick:

His face visibly brightens and his mouth comes agape, "OH! I almost forgot my lute! Thank you, thank you, sir! Though, really you are only helping yourself for you would have missed out on my greatest piece yet!". He scurries to gather up the pitiful instrument, "Your poetry isn't dreadful you know. Not quite to my pedigree but for a man of the sea, not dreadful". He gives you a sly grin, his usual rude banter slightly more playful.

Jask to Malick:

"I agree with you, brother, having the irons lifted was a key act in my turn-around. I was a broken man but I am once again bold and bright, alive to carry the light of life and goodness". He frowns when you joke about acquiring wealth. "I am not one to put such faith in wealth and I hadn't painted you as one who would, either.".

Sasha to Malick:

She matches your demeanor when talk of fighting begins and blushes when you compliment her technical prowess. "This whole mess hasn't really put a damper on you, I like that. It's sort of inspiring ya' know?", she takes off with a twirl and cute wink that she probably does to anyone remotely interesting. Her trot takes her right back to Gruk's side looking as if she would hold his good hand if she could.

If you're travelling to the cave it will take 1 hour, make a survival check.

Yeah, I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out a good, clean method of pushing the party forward or doing votes but it is a very tentative thing. I don't want to squash roleplay points but I'm not always sure when those times are over and if I should portray a change in scenery or if I should let it happen more naturally through the players. This is just as much a learning experience as every other time we participate in the game. I am always open to suggestions and even preferences on how you like the interaction and format to be displayed.

The gorilla keeps a stern face, "Gruk not be among friends for very long time", looking down to examine his massive black hand, front and back. (Malick Diplomacy: 26) "Also been like this for very long time", his eyes lock with Malick's, "I trust you, friend Malick, I go with you for now". He looks around as if he had things to gather up before the journey and lets out a content snort when he's ready. Everyone in like mind, the hour-long trek to the beach begins.

Survival Checks:

Kororinda: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Lavi: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Nagl: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Malick: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Belor: 17

The trip back takes the party past familiar territory and a few new places , as well. Using an old, partially overgrown game trail takes the group down a large hill horizontal to the ground, until the trail spills into a small gully. Looking up the tallest trees stand a hundred feet above you with ease, though there are no trees in this natural valley. Beneath your boots is a tough mossy canvas that lends itself to being walked on. The way is easy through here and is a welcome relief to blindly trampling over thorny plants and stinging insects. Slowly a gradient of light green specks the air in the valley, like twinkling crystals suspended by the lightest breeze. With no vision of the trail that brought you here, the green padding underfoot now spreads up the thirty foot embankments on either side of the party, displaying patches of other colors; lime greens, radiant purples, and most stunningly, sapphire blues. Rather mesmerizing and beautiful the display of natural growth ends abruptly as the hills flanking you drop low and become level with the forest floor. The sound of the ocean lapping at the beach echoes through the trees and the salty smell of the ocean blows in your faces. It isn't long before you find the shore and then your makeshift camp.

Walking close to the treeline Nagl nearly steps into a snare trap that'd been positioned just at the edge of the foliage. Powered by a large, flexible palm nearby it would surely have sent the heavy orc feet up. Sasha, the fiery redheaded assassin or associate of assassins, had mentioned that she would work on trapping the area for food and enemies. When approaching the small gathering of sacks and logs the sound of a poorly played lute can be heard. Shortly after Gelik's voice joins the strings in their off-key strumming, "Tomorrow will take us away far from home - No one will ever know our names - but the bards' songs will remain", followed by a cluster of plucking strings that could be heard as either a lute solo or the beating of a feline with a lute. Having Gruk wait behind a short distance, hidden away, you approach the camp and hail the others. When Gelik comes into sight he is sitting on a small upturned log, indeed holding a lute of questionable condition. "Look what washed up! As soon as I shake the dust off these fingers you will be in for a real treat!", he continues to waggle his fingers but you aren't convinced those movements are actually correct.

Jask approaches from toward the water with a smile as big as his outstretched arms. He welcomes everyone back and seems to maintain good disposition along with Gelik. "Master Gelik plans to give us a grandiose display of talent and culture to rally our spirits!", Jask explains with a joking wink and nod behind the halfling's back. "Sasha is setting a few more snares in the jungles where we agreed were best, the woman has true determination or maybe she just likes traps", Jask shrugs and changes the subject, "I apologize for being blunt but what is the plan?", his face hardens but more to give the question its deserved weight than to penetrate for answers. "It's unfortunate that two potential allies have fled into the wilderness but we've been talking here, the three of us, and we agree that we aren't going to find a way off this rock by camping on the beach. There are obviously people living here and that likely means boats or outside communication by trade or even magical means. None of us are sick or injured and the longer we wait to trek elsewhere the higher chance one of us will be, or worse".

Technical issues

I think I'm glad I don't know what you're talking about, Koro

There still needs to be a decision made as to where the party is heading; back to the beach, inland with Gruk, journeying to the natives' camp, or staying put.

It's unfortunate that the new homestead was scene to a bloody fight before its first night but thus is life on the island. It starts to become uncomfortably warm in the jungle, causing sweat to well up beneath the folds of armor. Taking what could possibly be useful, three damaged scimitars and three matching red pendant necklaces, the bodies are unceremoniously placed in shallow graves a respectable walk from the cave. Belor uses the time away from the cave to forage for a couple handfuls of bright red, plump berries. The gore is able to be covered by kicking some dirt over top of it leaving the stone entrance just as unremarkable as when you arrived. When Gruk speaks next he unintentionally exudes mental waves of satisfaction. "Great thing you have done. With my hunters dead I am free to travel. I must find my tribe". Seeing the confusion brought on by mentioning his tribe, presumably wiped out by the serpent worshipers, Gruk elaborates. "Apprentice and family escape. He may help me take true form". The sizable primate moves about the cave, eating from the walls and giving details and directions about where he thinks his apprentice has taken shelter."More ally for coming battle", Gruk reasons, sounding more like a request than a statement. He also gives mention of a gigantic swath of berries growing from sizable, thorny bushes near the fork of the river, four miles south. When talk arises of travelling to the cultists camp Gruk interjects, "Evil tribe called Thrunefang number in thirties, maybe more with snake beasts. Rough land between us, take a full sun to arrive".

I will try to respond to posts today so we can continue moving. You are faced now with what to do with Gruk, as he has an inclination to seek out his apprentice regardless if you help him. It is past midday now and those back at the camp should probably be warned about the war band coming their way. The damp cave is unknown to the locals and the only witnesses have been killed but you may want to continue further into the island. Please check Roll20 for the island map thus far. I have revealed the locations of Gruk's apprentice (Center) and the overtaken lighthouse (Southwest). It will take your party 1 hour to travel 2 miles at a steady pace with a successful DC 10 Survival check. The map on Roll20 is to scale so if you use the ruler tool (hold down Alt to stop it from auto-aligning to the grid) to accurately measure distances between places.

Sorry guys, yestarday I had to take a small hiatus to figure out some things with my job situation but I'll be back at it today.

Not sure I have time to post but the enemies are all dead or dying. You now have a bloody mess and three corpses in your midst.


In the blink of an eye everyone bursts into motion. The druid rotates fast to bring himself up on the wild man's flank. He exchanges glances with his feline companion and throws a sidelong strike with his quarterstaff (Belor Attack: 9), meeting with only air. Giving Belor a smirk he neglects his back. In an instant Lavi is upon him and he is saved from the first massive bite by sheer luck. Spinning to meet the lion (Lavi Full Attack: 8, 22, 9) he dodges a couple powerful swipes but one hits home scoring deep the man's belly (Lavi Damage to Tribal (2): 7).

Juggling his equipment, Malick draws his short sword with great agility and gives an apologetic salute to the betrayed looking man. Turning to regard this new threat the poor native left outside the cave looked badly outmatched. Deftly striking out like a coiled viper (Malick Attack: 7) Malick makes the man heave from side to side to avoid the plunging blade. The native shows his rite as a warrior, though, keeping steady resolve and readying his own weapon in retaliation.

Inside the humid cave Nagl and Kororinda storm toward the front to trap and end the hunters. The first native inside probes ahead for signs of an advantageous arena but was only met with the toothy roar of a half-orc. Eyes dancing with lightning, Koro lights the hall from behind Nagl with a bolt of crackling energy (Koro Jolt: 16 - 4 = 12). Thrusting it forward the bolt bounces between the stone at a dizzying speed and collides with the lead warrior's chest (Koro Jolt Damage to Tribal (1): 5). In a single motion the man reels from the shock and rebounds to strike past the orc toward the darkness further behind him.

Tribal (3) short spear AoO vs Koro AC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14 vs 12
⇒ Tribal (3) damage to Koro: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Nagl closes the ground between them quickly, letting loose a savage roar that echos through the cavern. He matches the savagery in his roar with his overhand chop (Nagl Attack + Damage: 25, 13). The stitched leather rags around the native's body stood no chance of weathering the blow, leaving him a crumpled, lifeless heap against the wall.

The other man inside the cave steps out to assist his surrounded comrade, that man shifting around himself. (Each Tribal takes a 5 ft step) Seeking revenge for the sword strikes, Malick finds himself juking from side to side, his cohort mimicking his strikes but aiming for the top of Lavi's head.

Tribal (2) short spear vs Malick AC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 vs 18
Tribal (1) short spear vs Lavi AC: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 vs 14
⇒ Tribal (1) damage to Lavi: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Malick is light enough on his feet to evade but he winces when he sees a crimson line drawn across the lion's back. The poacher squeals with delight and kicks out to land a solid boot across the stumbling lion's jaw before retreating to a defensive hold. The two remaining men entirely unaware of their battered friend in the cave and the certain death that stalked outward toward them.

Eyes go wide when Malick comes tearing out of the cave, pulling aside the hiding vines and nearly bowling over the leading man. They take the defensive immediately, not sure what to make of the dark-skinned maniac.

Tribal's Sense Motive to call Malick's lie:

Tribal (1): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 vs 18
Tribal (2): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 vs 18
Tribal (3): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 vs 18
Fooled them!

Standing stupidly for a moment the savages exchange glances, the aggressive man loosing his grip on the joker's throat. One tribesman asks, "Gorilla?", with more than a little quiver to his voice. Malick nods slowly, giving an exaggerated quake of fear. They each shake off the tension and move together toward the open crevice.

Tribal's Perception to detect Belor and Lavi:

Tribal (1) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 vs 19
Tribal (2) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 vs 19
Tribal (3) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 vs 19

Tribal (1) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 vs 22
Tribal (2) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 vs 22
Tribal (3) Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 vs 22

Both were spotted!

Waiting for the sign from Malick, the massive cat, Lavi, and Belor creep out the twin passage with an intent to attack from behind. The men turn at precisely the right time to leave the druid exposed, menacing feline standing by defensively. One hunter points a gnarled finger at Malick, declaring him a liar!


Nagl Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Malick Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Kororinda Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Belor Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Tribal (1) Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Tribal (2) Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Tribal (3) Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Going to try doing average initiative. If you are wanting to be a direct odds with another PC make a note of it before we roll.

Players: 11, Tribals: 8

These fighters are wearing very basic clothing, armed with short spears and rusty and broken scimitars strapped to their belts. They hoot and holler bloodying their knuckles by wrapping them against the stone wall several times, dragging their tongue across the wounds. "A fine trophy!", one savage hisses while eyeing Lavi.

Ah damn, Belor missed me by about 5 minutes when he posted. I will likely start combat and throw up the map on Roll20 when I get home from work.

After a few minutes of discussing tactics a fourth, even further, hoot sounds but carrying a distinctly different tone. Gruk furrows his brow at this, "They break off. Give safe signal to home.", Gruk remarks. Seeing that he has your attention he continues, "Maybe warriors, maybe scouts, or hunters. They alone now, though", he strikes the stone again with his knuckles, "We should kill, make safer". It is pretty obvious to you that Gruk has his own agenda that your arrival just made possible.

Just as Gruk proposes an attack you can hear steps outside the cave, echoing through the corridors. Several sets, pacing back and forth around the entrance until they come together and cease. Everyone in the cave is silent as can be save for Gruk who snorts every few seconds uncontrollably. You hear at least three voices begin talking to one another in what could be identified as the common tongue but possessing a bizarre dialect of flicking vowels and drawling "S's". Ready for the tribals to pull aside the vines across the entrance at any moment, everyone in the cave listens intently to the dialogue outside.

Nagl Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Kororinda Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 4
Belor Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Malick Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Gruk Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Belor and Malick relay what they hear, missing some parts here and there. At first they discuss the prey they were hunting and where it might have gone. There isn't a mention of what exactly they're after. Then comes talk of the other roaming band of tribals and their mission; to pay the new arrivals on the island a visit at the beach in three days. Everyone can understand the laughs that come when discussing the fates of those poor souls. Finally, they speak in more hushed tones, making it difficult to hear. Belor explains the best he can; the savages discuss a man, one of their own, who was let into the "Cave of the Mother" by "Klorak". This seems to be a taboo topic amongst the tribe and highly unusual. Making light of the dark talk, one of the men mocks Klorak, making a joke about his lack of testicles, just to be tackled sidelong by another tribal. They collide right next to the entrance, reaching and punching at one another. The struggle only lasts a moment, ending with the attacker pinning the fool by the neck against the wall and demanding him to repent for his mockery. There is still a struggle happening when the third man, watching the fight unfold, spies one of the cave's openings and points it out to the other two who pay him little mind for now.

Gruk nods grimly, his expressions coming a bit more clearly, "Gifts from Snakes. They hunt me for days".

I'm working on getting together a complete map to reference.

When Malick speaks to him the gorilla makes what could be called a smile. This bare amount of interaction really seems to have brought life back to the primate, Malick tries to not dwell on how lonely and tortured of an existence this fellow has had. When asked if the shaman understands the common tongue he gives a curt nod. It's possible his captors spoke common or a closely related language. Upon proposing to help one another the gorilla finally stands to his full height, slightly taller than the largest among you, and looks you each in the eye successively. The words you hear come strained as if the shaman is desperately trying to assemble his thoughts in the common tongue. "I. am. weak.", you mentally hear, with a pause between each word. "But. I. Try. Help. Please. Stay.", he finishes by waving his remaining arm in an arc above his head, signifying the cave. The gorilla takes a long finger and scrapes a portion of the soft, damp mold from the cave wall and places it directly in his mouth. "Food. Health.". There is a visible amount of discomfort on your faces now but Nagl speaks to the other two (Survival: 21), "It's true, the coloration of a lot of this fungus indicates penicillin growth, a very beneficial survival tool that can be nourishing. It is typically grown on cheese and other perishables, though. This form of consumption may not sit well with everyone's stomach.".

The sun is high in the sky now, the wild sounds of the jungle echoing through the cave entrances. The natural cadence is broken by a shout in the distance, followed by a replying shout in another direction. Everyone in the cave senses danger and quiets immediately, the shaman snorting and pounding a fist on the cold floor. "Tribe. Hunters.", you feel flashing in the front of your skull. Listening closer with hearts racing you catch the shout of a third, much further voice.

What's the plan?

The shaman takes the waterskin with reluctance and holds it up to his mouth. It's clear that he isn't used to using such things by the awkwardness in which he handles it, sloshing water around his mouth. He does manage to get some down his throat though and he lets out a refreshing sigh of relief, answering Belor's question with a nod and handing back the waterskin half empty. His powers seem to be strengthened as the gorilla now sends images of a rough path leading to the tribal camp at which he was held hostage but he does so without making physical contact with the druid. This is when it becomes clear who the bloodied corpse belongs to, one of the tribesmen, and judging by the flare of anger when thoughts turn to the body, likely his handler. Scenes of a daring escape during a storm unfold, during which the dead man tried to stop the near-dead shaman but he was not to be deterred.

Nagl and Malick each get flashes of these images, startling both of them for a moment as if their minds were being invaded. They don't understand right away but attribute it to whatever Belor has been doing to speak to such an animal. Motioning that it's alright to reveal themselves, Nagl and Malick step just barely into the chamber, eyes resting on the hulking, scarred mass of ape. Belor explains to the couple what has happened and the shaman's tragic tale as well as the rough location of the violent tribe on the island, roughly 20 miles south on the southern tip of the island, underneath the watch of a lighthouse that has been all but dysfunctional for years.

As they are speaking to one another, an unknown voice is heard in all their heads saying, "Gruk". They each turn to face the gorilla, silent. Pointing at himself the sound repeats. "Gruk, Gruk". He looks content to just sit there on his makeshift bed and abstain from physical motion but he also seems as if he appreciates your presence and compassion. The trio takes a second to look around the interior of the cave now that they don't feel endangered. It's quite humid and damp, with thick moss and some questionable black fungus sticking to several sections of the walls and ceiling. It does block out the sun, wind, and rain, though, and as a whole it seems to have a solid construction. Outside the cave is simply jungle. It takes several minutes to get to the nearest game trail from the cave and only a couple hours from the beach.

Violence: the language of love

I had fully prepared for him to be killed, truthfully. I agree, this is a better alternative and when you have a class who thematically can shine they should get the chance.

Weapons clenched in hand, Malick and Nagl watch for any sign of violence to arise but it never comes. Healing energies flow from Belor's palm spreading over the gorilla's battered body. A visible gleam of change comes over the animal as its very life essence is jump-started. The communications come more clearly now to the druid, still maintaining his mental connection with the gorilla. A clear form comes to mind, that of a man in the garb of a native shaman, ruling over a peaceful tribe on the island. These thoughts are happy and warming but they don't last. The next images are of snakes; those that slither on the ground but also wicked serpent-headed humanoids wielding dark magic. Scenes of the serpentfolk violent takeover of tribes unfolds to your mind's eye. Those that revered the snakemen were put in places of power where they mercilessly killed other peaceful tribes. Finally, the time at which this shaman's fate was sealed is shown to you, the struggle to stop a serpent witch from slaughtering his kinsmen when he was cursed while in the form of a gorilla, sapping his magical power and trapping him inside this form. He is left with only a very basic ability to communicate via magic. Belor deduces that the shaman had been captive of one of the worshipping tribes, where they may or may not have known what he truly was.

The gorilla rises to an imposing height revealing its terribly scarred body and its missing limb. Belor removes his hand and takes a step back, ready to defend himself. It doesn't move off its pile of foliage, though, instead it sits upright and makes a fist with its remaining hand, places it against his chest, and bows his head toward Belor, humbling itself.

The foursome treads carefully, staggered across both entrances, into the beast's nest. Pale light spills from the western tunnel from Malick standing just out of sight of the ape, holding a low burning torch to provide light for Belor. Ordering Lavi to stay back as to not frighten the animal, he steps into the chamber. Dead asleep, the mass of muscle and black hair breathes steadily still. Belor swallows hard then touches the top of the gorilla's head with the palm of his hand. Just as the druid is closing his eyes the gorilla's snap open, looking like bloodshot pearls. It does not rise, though, or even change its breathing. Entranced in a sort of psychedelic state, Belor feels emotions and memories rush over him like a stream of blood. So very much pain and abuse suffered; bearing witness to the slaughter of kin, being forced to fight and kill weak men and cheating women, the mutilation of its own body. Vague images fill Belor's mind of a tribal man owning and torturing the animal and eventually cutting off a large portion of its right arm, from above the elbow.

It has been a couple minutes since the others witnessed the ape open its eyes and still the couple stay motionless, as if engaged in some sort of mental dance. The lion begins getting antsy, pawing at the ground and growling just low enough that Belor can't hear her.

The same soulless echo comes from the other entrance, albeit more concealed by the dense foliage. This passage seems more straight than the other, having only 1 bend, creating a small foyer.

Observing the groups of barely visible tracks, Nagl comes to a conclusion (Knowledge, Nature: 16). He makes his best ape gestures toward the others while pointing at the marks on the ground. It's possible that a primate moved in or had already been staying here before Kororinda found this place. It doesn't explain the blood, though, perhaps the animal was injured seeing as how most primates are herbivores and wouldn't be dragging around dead prey. Deciding to take the first step forward, Nagl keeps his back to the wall and slowly creeps inward (Stealth: 16). Rounding the corner and passing the glowing stone, the bloody streaks continue down this way rounding the corner toward the right side of the chamber. Peering around the corner Nagl's eyes adjust (Darkvision), revealing the cave. On the far side of the chamber lies a hulking mass of sleeping gorilla atop a pile of straw. Just a stride away from Nagl to his right lies a bloody pulp of a human corpse, beaten and partially eaten far beyond recognition. The half-orc steps lightly backwards and tells the others that they'll need more light to see inside but that they may not like what they see...

Roll20 updated

Giving off a respectable light, the stone bounces off one wall and rolls where it's barely visible from the mouth of the cave. There is no response from inside and the new lighting doesn't reveal any more than the film of green and grey fungus and molds that placate the cave. Kneeling to examine the dirt beneath their feet, with the massive lion lending a nose, what Belor finds is unsettling. Before he can even relay the information to the others Lavi is perched low with ears flat and teeth bared. A treble growl spills from the lion as it eyes the darkness beyond the light-emitting stone. Just to be safe, Belor doesn't speak but instead motions to the ground where bipedal tracks can just barely be made out. The tracks themselves bare resemblance to an unclothed human foot with the addition of an impressively large opposable appendage. Malick, also using hand gestures, then points out patches of dried blood around the edge of the cave's entrance creating a streaked pattern moving inward.

Roll20 is updated with the enchanted stone and player positions

It takes you slightly longer than expected to make the march back to the damp cave Koro and Ishirou found. This is Nagl and Malick’s first real excursion into the depths of the jungle and the trip spares no sights. The land is not forgiving, with steep hills of immense foliage blocking many paths and all number of stalking insects and animals. Fortunately you are able to use a few game trails to alleviate some of the rough geography. Once at the cave you stand about fifty feet back, observing the entrances.

There are actually two entrances that look like the picture above. The map is up on Roll20 so move only your speed and then post.

I imagine you may have to travel after a while to find more bushes but you probably couldn't deplete the island's supply in a lifetime given only 1 berry is needed per person per day. We are just waiting on Nagl to make sure he's all good before leaving camp then I'll probably post first thing tomorrow morning when I get off work. I'm going to keep Koro out of combat unless the camp is attacked or its otherwise required.

Aerys watches Ishirou disappear in the distance holding a near grimace. When she turns back to the others she says, "This whole mess is my fault. I put too many fool ideas in that man's head about betrayal and death. I was just frightened that I may die here and was rambling at the lips to the old man; he really must have taken it to heart. I won't ask anyone to join me but I must find him and set his mind right.".

The gnome steps forward to add, "That old man had his blade run across the whetstone one too many times, if you catch my meaning. He acted as if he wanted to die and that's the behavior of an ill man, not the product of a few talks with an elf-lady". Jask nods in agreement, "On board the Jenivere I had heard him talk of terrible war stories to the crew, lament bathing every word he spoke, as if he longed for it once more. I had my doubts about him from the start but I did not want to introduce a wedge in our group. I wish you would not go, Aerys, but I understand your feeling of duty". He looks to Koro, "You did a good thing, sorcerer, it is not often magic is seen stopping fights and without your actions there may well had been blood spilled this day".

Sasha had been remaining quiet during the whole ordeal, shaping spikes from a log with knife in hand. She waits for an opening and adds, "All the luck to him, I say. It may be that he walks around the corner to find a caravel docked all proper, just waiting to ferry us home, and we just never spotted it", she laughs at the absurdity. "Regardless, hopefully this marks the end of the violence between us", she finishes, eyeing some of the traps she'd already made to guard the camp, "...and marks the start of violence against those wicked toothed beasts calling this place home", she finishes with a wicked grin.

With a sigh of relief and wanting to be onto other business, Koro produces the captain's log, holding it aloft, "Do you really think he went mad? Is he dead in the wreck, or did he escape with Ieana to a life of sin and pleasure somewhere on this savage island? Were they in cahoots? Did she poison him? So much intrigue". He extends his best smile to the Red Mantis assassin. "Sasha, as you are well versed in these matters, do you have an opinion? A snake, used as a murder weapon? A captain possibly going insane? We would benefit from your considerable expertise, with the understanding that your trade secrets remain sacrosanct". Sasha takes on a sour face when reference to the Red Mantis comes up but she answers anyway, "I've seen vipers milked of their venom to later be applied to weapons but using the serpent as a weapon...that is a whole different level. There's a lot of appeal to murder by venom; it's natural, it's fast, it's accessible, but maybe it was more symbolic to the killer, otherwise why use an actual snake? Though, perhaps the cook was planning to make some surprise snake stew and dinner got the best of him". She laughs heartily at the idea.

Aerys begins packing her things in a small knapsack, about to leave after Ishirou and hopefully keep the man from walking to his own death. She promises to return with information she uncovers about the island when Ishirou is safe. She says she will not bring him back to the camp but that he "...can't just go walking off like a fool to his death in the jungle".

With talk of exploring the cave that was found, Sasha agrees to stay at the camp and fortify the area just in case the new location is not suitable. Meanwhile, Gelik works tidying up the beach and organizing equipment to be transported easily in quickly by the group of seven all the while recounting humorous stories to Sasha and Jask. The cleric also remains at camp with an intention to find some useful herbs nearby to begin creating some basic salves. Fearing the lack of powerful magic defending their supplies, Koro agrees to remain at the beach and keep watch.

No need to roll again to relocate the cave. Do what needs done or said to prepare to trek the jungle for now and then we'll set out. It will take about an hour to reach the aforementioned cave by Koro's account.

Ishirou barely keeps his composure, legs slipping about underneath of him. "Blast ya devils and yer magic! I hadn't the thought to fight the lot of you, If it's going to be like that I'll be seein' myself to another part o' this damned island". He sheathes his weapon symbolically, trying to get off the grease. He exchanges glances with Aerys with hope in his eyes but the emotion isn't repaid as she takes on a dour expression and just shakes her head. A moment of panic and sadness cross over Ishirou's face but he steels it and composes himself the best he can. "Let us be done with this mess, aye?", he turns to leave the opposite direction of the Jenivere.

I suppose we're waiting on Belor to see if he decides to go full-tribal and begin a war on the beach.


Previously sitting atop an overturned log, Ishirou kicks off a roll to the side dodging the incoming axe. The lumber beneath him is turned to splinters by the half-orc's ferocious attack. Ishirou counteracts with a flurry of horizontal slices across Nagl's flank. At this point everyone is in shock of how quickly mere words escalated to violence, the other castaways stand back.

Ishirou masterwork katana vs Nagl AC: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 vs 14
⇒ Ishirou damage to Nagl: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Mallick Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Kororinda Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Nagl Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Belor Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Ishirou Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Nagl wrote:
How do you take away that snake bites mean he was murdered?

Aerys: "As far as I know the Jenivere held no serpents on her decks aside from one that may've been stowed away or conjured by a passenger. It's only a hunch, I suppose, but the amount of bites coupled with the corpse being in a closet and not the infirmary defers the possibility of an accident, in my opinion"

Nagl wrote:
You two are always together, are you not? Would you let others provide for you and not offer your help? We have much work to do and every bit of help brings us closer to safety. (Diplomacy: 7)

Ishirou glances at Aerys across the fire pit and says, "What are you implying, greenskin? Is it not our own business who we're around, eh!?". Drawing his katana from its sheath he brandishes it threateningly toward Nagl and continues, "I am already tired of that toothy maw of yours; what do you know of safety being a deadly beast yourself? Draw your weapon, monster, and let us be done with you!". Aerys stands nearby with a hand on the hilt of her rapier but not moving or speaking.

Sorry I skipped so much in my last post, I was unjustly in a hurry to progress the game and stepped past your RP opportunities. I will try to have better pacing in the future.

Can do, Koro. We'll do our best to not get you killed, haha.

My latest post is kind of a doozey so sorry if you're in a hurry. I would like to get a skype conversation going between everyone so that we can talk in real time if needed. Nagl, Malick, and I have been doing this for a while and it has improved our posts I think and I'll like to get our last two players in on it. If you're not keen on that no problem but you probably won't like my next idea. I'd like to try to play a live session using Roll20 and Skype maybe once a month. I think it'd be super fun to play a real game with you guys and get to know each other in a different way. Let me know what you think.

Double-checking everything to make sure it's tied securely, Nagl and Belor climb the rope to the top of the ledge. It is much easier going up than it was down due to the direction of the weathering on the cliff face. When they crest the lip, Sasha informs them of their approaching visitors; Koro and Malick. Figuring that they'd not need the extra help, those at the ridge decide to pull up the tied supplies post-haste. It's an exhaustive amount of work that leaves all three of you sticky with sweat and panting. Everything seems to be intact in the bundle and it's time to head back to camp, dragging this massive knapsack.

A series of whistles fills the night air drawing attention to the couple walking the beach. Looking around them, those leaving the boat don't see any immediate dangers but are on alert nonetheless. Seeing the group approaching, Koro and Malick trot just a short distance more to meet up with the salvage crew. Malick tells them what he had saw in the trees causing an uneasy silence to take hold.

When everyone arrives back at the camp, lit by a low-burning fire, they're questioned about the whistling. Telling them the same, Malick recounts what he saw. "So we have neighbors and they know we're here", Aerys says with disdain. Trying to tend to stains in his out-of-place fancy clothing, Gelik adds, "I would typically say diplomacy is our prime avenue but a man with sharpened teeth probably won't be quick to sign a treaty. It's bad enough every brainless beast on this rock wants to make us a meal and now we've been cursed to deal with those who've half a brain!". Ishirou interjects, "Easy there, little one", which draws a cold glare from Gelik, "We know not who these people are or what they want from us. Is it not possible we could help one another or at least feign our cooperation until we learn what they know about this island and how to get off of it?". "We don't even know where to find them", Sasha reminds them, "And by the time we do it may be too late, they may already have a warband marching at us right now". Aerys stands tall, "There is nothing we can do about them right now. They have seen us and they probably know that we've seen them. They will not risk attacking when we're on our guard. It's true we don't know who or what they are but we should assume all groups are hostile until our situation improves", she says matter-of-factly, not waiting to hear any retorts.

Aerys steps toward the large canvas wrap of supplies, "What were you able to find on the ship?". Nagl and Belor tell the others about the large sea scorpion that they killed as well as they murdered crew that was on board. Gelik looks remorseful, "Here I was secretly hoping the cook would wash up alive; by the gods could that man make some succulent food!", he looks woefully at his crunchy, charred centipede steak, "But alas, it looks to be but bugs in my future". Ignoring the gnome, Aerys asks, "You say he died from snake bites? That is highly unusual, it looks as if it was a murder but why use a snake and not a knife or traditional poison?". The duo continue, showing those present what they had taken. When she sees her book, Aerys almost sequels with excitement, an odd emotion for the typically all-business half elf. "Oh, my word, thank you from the depths of my heart for finding this tome. It is a memoir of all the things I've learned while at sea and it is nearly complete. When I finish it you will get the grand privilege of being the first ones to read it". Upon spying his possessions a grin finds Jask's face. He shows those around him the label with his name on it and explains that it was taken from him when he boarded. He reacquires his things seeming to be much more at ease.

The supplies are stashed away with what had already been found and the group sits down to examine the captain's logbook, looking for answers about what happened. An examination of this log reveals that the Jenivere’s captain seemed to be suffering from some sort of madness that grew over the course of the ship’s final voyage. Earlier entries from previous voyages are precise in recording progress and events along the way, as are entries from the first two-thirds of this last trip. Yet as one reads further, the more recent the entries get, the less common they become—in some cases, several days are missing entries. What entries do appear are strangely short, focusing more and more on one of the passengers — the Varisian scholar Ieana, with whom the captain seems to have become obsessed. Severa entries are nothing more than poorly written love poems to Ieana, while others bemoan Captain Kovack’s inability to please her or catch her attention. Near the end, the entries begin to take on a more ominous tone with the captain starting to complain that other members of the crew are eyeing “his Ieana”. In particular, he suspects his first mate is in love with her, and writes several times about how he wishes Alton would just “have an accident”. The final entry is perhaps the most disturbing, for in it the captain writes of how he’s changed course for Smuggler’s Shiv at Ieana’s request. He hopes that the two of them can make a home on the remote island, but also notes that the crew are growing increasingly agitated at the ship’s new course. The captain muses that “something may need to be done about the crew” if their suspicions get any worse.

With night upon them and a small amount of food in their bellies, sleep comes over the camp once the fire is extinguished. Sasha tells the camp that she will set some makeshift traps around the edges of the forest near the camp and keep watch for the darkest hours of the night. The dawn comes without any incidents; the camp is slow to get moving in the morning. Those awake discuss what course of action they will take today. Jask says he will act as a medic, collecting what useful herbs he can and diagnosing anyone feeling ill as disease is a serious concern. Sasha feels like she has a good lay of the immediate area and chooses to act as a defender, scouting out tactical locations. Without anyone asking for him to, Gelik begins to tell jokes, simply saying, "Someone has to remind us of our humanity and I don't think anyone else has the wit to do so". However, Ishirou and Aerys keep to themselves and don't volunteer to help with anything right away.

It is 6:00AM. The sun is very low but the heat is already becoming uncomfortable. A PC can choose to dedicate his whole day to either hunting, defending, entertaining, or acting as a medic; these things provide a more passive bonus to your group. Alternatively you can spend a smaller portion of your day foraging or looking for and establishing a more secure camp with actual shelter; each of these two require a survival check. You don't have enough water to sustain everyone, you need to find 6 gallons of fresh water to sustain.

Supplies: 26 Food, -6 H20, 12x Water Breathing Potions, sea scorpion corpse, masterwork shortsword, masterwork studded leather armor, shaving utensils, building tools, lumber, 5x shovels, block and tackle, three large canvas sheets, 2x fishing nets, grappling hook, 2x bullseye lanterns, 12x flasks of lantern oil, 150ft hemp rope,

On the Jenivere:
Surprisingly, the door to the captain's office isn't locked and opens with ease. The door swings a few feet inward before catching on some flotsam, enough for you to fit through. Peering inside its hard to miss the large hole in the outer wall, allowing 2 inch deep water to cover three-quarters of the room. Broken planks and various ruined documents float out the hole, littering the bay. A cursory search reveals some useful supplies, most of which are found in an overturned desk (fortunately, the desk was too large to fit through the hole in the wall). One upper drawer contains several keys on an oversized keyring. Another drawer contains several sea charts and maps, along with the captain’s log. The maps include one of the west coast of Garund that plots the Jenivere’s route to and from Sargava — the island of Smuggler’s Shiv is not marked on this map, but it is marked on a second map of Desperation Bay, though the map provides no details on the island apart from its general outline and a note warning of danger. Another drawer lower on the desk appears to be locked. Your first thought is to try the keys but none of them fit. A large footlocker leaning against the desk contains confiscated gear with a label reaching "Jask Derindi" , including a masterwork dagger, a suit of leather armor, two potions of cure light wounds, a holy symbol of Nethys, and a spell component pouch.

Satisfied that they'd collected everything they'd need from the captain's office save from the locked drawer, Nagl and Belor (Acrobatics: 21 & 27) clamber over the 5 foot high pile of broken boards. A gaping hole in the deck above reveals the stars that now twinkle overhead, accentuating their need to hurry. Trying the doors just south of the stairs, they find that each is locked but can be unlocked with a corresponding key on the keyring. The first room looks to be a larder, having food stores set upon the walls. Also inside, however, is a plump sailor's corpse, tossed haphazardly inside, who you recognize as the ship's cook.

Nagl Heal to examine the cook: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Belor Heal to examine the cook: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

All around the cook's head and neck are sores or small wounds. Upon closer inspection the injuries seem to have been caused by fangs, likely a serpentine judging by the curve of the wound, and a big one at that. The cook's face has similar discoloration and veining as Alton's, leading you to believe that both of these men suffered greatly from poisons before their deaths. Being done with that grom business you gather what food you can; about twenty four days worth for a single man, you reckon. Inside the next room are a few beds, likely for more privileged staff. You quickly tear through the room finding two clean outfits, shaving utensils, and a finely bound tome with the imprinted title, "Abendego Cantos" across its cover. Finally, you work together to move the blocking trash and access the last door. Opening the door inward Belor nearly falls into the open expanse in the floor inside. Only about 20% of the floor is left in this room with the rest broken away into the dark waters below. You can see what would have been the majority of the food floating about below with little chance of it being salvageable. Deciding that they've spent as long here as they can, Nagl and Belor (Acrobatics: 21 & 5) make their way back over the debris with their new found items. Belor has trouble at the top of the heap and twists an ankle on the way down, certainly not a scavenger friendly area.

Damage to Belor: 1d2 ⇒ 2

On the Beach:

Talking quietly among yourselves, Kororinda and Malick, you see Sasha's form from atop a high peak overlooking the bay. She's waving her arms above her head, trying to get your attention. You also spy a massive animal form near her but it doesn't seem to be hostile.

Kororinda Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Malick Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Malick stops abruptly, eyeing the treeline about 50 feet from them. He scans it all about before locking eyes for just a moment with a deeply tan figure in the shadows. Wild eyes, unlike that of a sound minded man, and a mouth agape with filed teeth like that of a deep ocean fish. Malick can't tell where the man escapes to but he is gone in the blink of an eye, before Kororinda has even a chance of turning his head.

Stepping through the double doors facing the way you came in you see a door to your left with a conspicuous "Captain" placard and three doors directly across from you, one being blocked off by fallen debris. You can see the sky through cracks in the upper deck and night has fallen without your consent.

Updated Roll20 map.

On the Jenivere ,the double doors don't seem to be locked as the handle spins freely but they do appear to be jammed up. Belor's Bashing at the door makes little progress but there is definitely some give to the frame. The waves seem to have calmed for a moment but there's no telling how long it will last. Without a word, Nagl heaves his axe overhand, driving it into the weakest looking parts of the door.

With only a couple swings of the heavy greataxe the door shatter to splinters, showering the storeroom it closed off. It is clear what the beast was after, standing in a pool of blood. The grizzled first mate, Alton Devors, sits propped against a barrel, bled dry with several wounds. A bandage around his chest covers an old injury while several more were left unchecked.

Nagl Heal to examine Alton: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Belor Heal to examine Alton: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Without disturbing the body too much, each Belor and Nagl give the man a once over, examining his condition. They each conclude that the patched wound looks to be from a thin, stabbing sword, probably some struggle on board before everything went to hell. The untended wounds are obviously lacerated stings from the scorpion outside the door. The discoloration of the face is clear signs that the poison finished him off. Given the tied off life boat outside it looks as if Alton had returned to the Jenivere, possibly to save those on board, and was attacked by the monster, finally barricading himself in the storeroom with little hope of escape. This could explain the neat pile of equipment on the beach and the fact that you woke up so near to one another.

Alton still clamps his mastwerwork shortsword and is wearing masterwork studded leather armor. A quick search of the rest of the supply room turns up several tools and lumber that could come in handy in building a secure campsite: a block and tackle, three large canvas sheets, two fishing nets, a grappling hook, two bullseye lanterns, 12 flasks of lantern oil, 150 feet of hemp rope, and five shovels.

Meanwhile, at the beach, Jask tells Kororinda that he unfortunately does not have the type of magic to create food or water and that his abilities were better suited for defense and healing. No one at the camp seems to comfortable at the thought of Kororinda and Malick leaving to check on those at the ship, but Malick's token to Ishirou reassures as least old-hearted warrior. The couple takes foot down the sands toward the others, a brilliant banner flipping in the warm ocean breeze as they parted from the camp.

The double doors don't seem to be locked as the handle spins freely but they do appear to be jammed up. Belor's Bashing at the door makes little progress but there is definitely some give to the frame. The waves seem to have calmed for a moment but there's no telling how long it will last.

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