Cueta Guiding Star |
There doesn't seem to be a Hunter team. I guess they didn't expect a need for it. Possibly it is a "Craftsman" team. Archer doesn't seem right as you'd expected a Hunter to be able to survive in the wild.
Nerk's ruling for the fishersentient team was that they are a "craftsman" team, presumably with ranks in survival and/or profession (fisherman). I'd imagine hunters would be the same.
It's possible that the Scavengers have some people who have effectively become hunters over the last month.
That would be nice.
Perhaps the easiest is Laborer Teams. These wouldn't be hunters, just a Work Gang slowly doing the work we need done. Number of people would then be an issue, I guess. We could always sell them off as we reach 100% on farms. As food gets better we could convert Salvagers into new Laborers.
I think we should definitely play the upgrade game. If we need, say, a team of hunters, there's no reason not to start them off as laborers and upgrade them once we attain more capital. There's no reason why we shouldn't use laborers, or guards, or whatever, in the meantime.
I'd like to eventually raise teams of sailors, marines and wardens. Sailors exist, and marines could probably be a soldier team, but wardens seem to need a bit more. Ranks in ride, survival, and decent combat skills, at least warrior class levels.
DM Nerk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
What I would say in response to all this archer/fisher/hunter stuff, is that if you create a team dedicated to food production, they will produce food by producing gp at whatever their normal rate is, and converting at the usual rate (5sp/1food, I believe)
In our narrative, this will represent a more structured and careful sort of hunting/trapping/gathering. It will not be subject to the depletion that the regular, unskilled and unorganized foragers are facing. These people are farmers and craftsmen, not survivalists, and simply don't have the training to live off the land in an unknown country. As they are formed into teams, they are learning the skills that they need.
As for wardens and marines... to me, it seems like we can do these by reskinning. Sailors produce gp, Goods and Labor. Robbers produce gp, Goods and Labor. So we can say that Marines are robbers, and instead of jumping from expert 2 to expert 3, we can say they jump to expert 2/warrior 1.
I also was thinking at one point, and may have discussed with the group, the idea of knocking down the class levels of the higher level teams. My reasoning is that these teams were built for a 20 level campaign world, but this is a 6 level campaign with a very few (total 10 in the whole world. The 6 of you, and the 4 PCs who have dropped) individuals who have the potential to one day reach 7th level. It won't affect the income that a team generates, or the cost to build the team, but on those rare occasions when the team members stats do come into play, halving their level seems to keep their relative ability in the scope of the campaign.
Cueta Guiding Star |
What I would say in response to all this archer/fisher/hunter stuff, is that if you create a team dedicated to food production, they will produce food by producing gp at whatever their normal rate is, and converting at the usual rate (5sp/1food, I believe)
In our narrative, this will represent a more structured and careful sort of hunting/trapping/gathering. It will not be subject to the depletion that the regular, unskilled and unorganized foragers are facing. These people are farmers and craftsmen, not survivalists, and simply don't have the training to live off the land in an unknown country. As they are formed into teams, they are learning the skills that they need.
As for wardens and marines... to me, it seems like we can do these by reskinning. Sailors produce gp, Goods and Labor. Robbers produce gp, Goods and Labor. So we can say that Marines are robbers, and instead of jumping from expert 2 to expert 3, we can say they jump to expert 2/warrior 1.
I also was thinking at one point, and may have discussed with the group, the idea of knocking down the class levels of the higher level teams. My reasoning is that these teams were built for a 20 level campaign world, but this is a 6 level campaign with a very few (total 10 in the whole world. The 6 of you, and the 4 PCs who have dropped) individuals who have the potential to one day reach 7th level. It won't affect the income that a team generates, or the cost to build the team, but on those rare occasions when the team members stats do come into play, halving their level seems to keep their relative ability in the scope of the campaign.
Sounds good to me on all accounts, Nerk. I really like the idea of halving all the teams' levels. It seems a little silly that we could pay the gp/capital and then BAM! we've got some level 3 warriors at our disposal, which in this campaign would probably be a pretty highly accomplished team.
In my mind, taking soldiers as an example, your average army guy would be level one, guys with a particular set of skills level two (marines, wardens, army engineers), level three would be a very specific skill-set (airborne rangers, bison-riding calvary perhaps) and levels 4 & 5 would be the crack - navy seals, cia inflitration teams, and the like.
I assume that the only instance the level-halving could come into effect is if we have some very low-scale mass combat? I can't think of any other reason why, at any rate.
DM Nerk |
I'd slice it a little differently, Cueta, but we're definitely thinking along the same lines.
I'd say level 1 warrior is a soldier. Level 2 is an experienced warrior, probably a sergeant or part of an elite squad. Which makes sense as the Elite soldier types are lvl 3 warriors in UC, halved to 2 in our world. The serious commando units would still be level 1-2, but they'd be fighters, rangers, barbarians, rogues etc.
In my vision of the world, anyone who is level 3 or above is going to be unique. That's when fast-track casters get 2nd level spells and everyone gets a new feat.
Yes, it won't be likely to matter, but it's fun to noodle around with.
Donatello of Martel |
In my vision of the world, anyone who is level 3 or above is going to be unique. That's when fast-track casters get 2nd level spells and everyone gets a new feat.
If that's your vision then I'm fine with it.
So for my 'students' (one day...) they'd be an Apprentice (1st level) then a Mage (2nd level) and if they progress any further switch over into becoming an independent and named NPC, right?Verisimilitude-wise, so long as this vision is applied universally I've got no problem with it.
I have run a sort-of-P6 Epic Kingmaker game, and one of the things I really had trouble with was challenging higher level PCs without drowning them in an army. I ended up using Humanoids with high base CR to get around it. I see this could end up putting you in the same situation... If six level 3+ PCs raid a dwarven village (that's the dream, right?) then anyone who can really challenge them 1:1 needs to be a named-type NPC. It means you are signing up for more work (though given what you've signed up for already I can believe it ;p ).
Vallen Silverclasp |
I like it!
Gardens are cheaper and we get more food production out of them than a team of craftspeople with survival, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few of them to bolster the food and represent the specialization of some of Newspring's gatherers.
DM Nerk |
Donatello, yes. Should any of your students reach level three they would become named NPCs. The odds of them getting to level three and remaining nameless is slim, imo, but certainly could happen.
Vallen, one advantage teams have is time. Without the book handy I'm not positive, but a garden takes weeks to come online whereas a team takes days.
Now, to the gameplay thread..
Cueta Guiding Star |
I'd say level 1 warrior is a soldier. Level 2 is an experienced warrior, probably a sergeant or part of an elite squad. Which makes sense as the Elite soldier types are lvl 3 warriors in UC, halved to 2 in our world. The serious commando units would still be level 1-2, but they'd be fighters, rangers, barbarians, rogues etc.
Cool! So I could one day build a team of elite wardens that would be ranger 2s? Or navy seals that would be rogue 1/ fighter 1s (or something like that)? I'm so looking forward to being a badass!
I haven't really thought about it until now, but what is your take on the leadership feat, and if it is allowed, how would it interact with everything? I'm not so interested in it for a cohort, but the followers could be fun...
Cueta Guiding Star |
Also, I costed out how much time and money it would take to build a suitable shipyard/port, four craftsment (shipbuilder) teams and a really kickass sailing ship, and it wasn't pretty. But probably realistic for the timeline of this campaign. So, in the meantime, we should totally steal that elven ship, wherever it is. Even if we can't hold onto it for very long...
DM Nerk |
The prereq for leadership is 7th level. Which you guys would be, technically, so I'm not off the hook, am I?
Truth is, I've been thinking about that very thing, since I first conceived of the campaign. Before I introduced the 2PCs, I was thinking of giving the feat automatically.
Since you need a leadership score (level+charisma mod) of 10 to get followers and 13 to get 2nd level followers, I don't see it breaking the game too badly. When you get to LS 15 and get third level followers, they'll probably be promoted from within, and by that point, it should be pretty obvious which ones are the leaders. There's also some pretty interesting stuff about followers as far as downtime goes.
Donatello of Martel |
Vallen, one advantage teams have is time. Without the book handy I'm not positive, but a garden takes weeks to come online whereas a team takes days.
Laborers come online instantly (0 days)
They take about 18 rolls to "pay" for themselves in gp earned WITH 3:1 ratio (6 rolls otherwise)They can be upgraded (I think they can earn gp to upgrade themselves...)
Gardens come online in 12 days.
They take about 19 days to pay for themselves in gp with 3:1 ratio (10 rolls otherwise)
We could get a bunch of laborers and then use them to build the farms.
Once they've done that we could drill them as archers, or craftsmen, or lackeys or something.
Does mean deferring the food gathering though :(
DM Nerk |
So danm lazy, I'm going to use the same map as the last fight, so there :P.
All difficult terrain.
The Beige is low scrub.
The white is light undergrowth, 20% miss chance.
The green is also light undergrowth, but also contain trees: A creature standing in the same square as a tree gains partial cover, which grants a +2 bonus to Armor Class and a +1 bonus on Reflex saves. The presence of a tree doesn't otherwise affect a creature's fighting space, because it's assumed that the creature is using the tree to its advantage when it can. The trunk of a typical tree has AC 4, hardness 5, and 150 hp. A DC 15 Climb check is sufficient to climb a tree.
The @s are massive trees: These trees take up an entire square and provide cover to anyone behind them. They have AC 3, hardness 5, and 600 hp. Like their smaller counterparts, it takes a DC 15 Climb check to climb them.
The Bs are Bebop.
The Ss are the Snipers.
The Ls are guys in Loinclothes
The Cs are Casters
Vallen Silverclasp |
Gaaaaaaasp an ambush! Fack it's going to take forever for Vallen to get there.
So many questions. Why are there loincloth elves? They might have some kind of caste system. Also in favor of taking a prisoner or two.
I am going to be on the road all day but I will get a post in tonight. If I'm slowing things down Nerk, please DMPC Vallen and his terrible combat abilities for me. Crossbows and acid darts pewew!
Edit: so many typos curse you phone
Cueta Guiding Star |
I am going to be on the road all day but I will get a pay in tonight. If I'm showing things down Nerk, please DMPC Vallen and his terrible combat abilities for me. Crossbows and acid darts pewew!
Hahaha! Vallen always pulls through though.
I'm also out until this afternoon / tonight - will get something up then.
Cueta Guiding Star |
Sorry guys, looks like it was an ambush.
No worries! I've been wrong, like 50 times so far this game. Most notably, I was 90% positive that Sorala was a skin-stealing evil fey murderer. Whoops!
Vada Medeo |
Damn. I have no idea what I could do that wouldn't get Vada pincushioned/teamed up on. Wish I had a sling right about now.
Vallen Silverclasp |
I'd pick up a sling when you can- Vallen can cast Magic Stone and they're essentially Undead Exploders. If you find yourself by Vallen he can cast Magic Stone and give you something to toss.
Also Vallen has no other spells prepared due to using them all on food earlier. Probably going to have to stop doing that...
Sorala |
Don't be too sure she's not, Cueta.
Sweet! If I've got crazy claws and skin-stealing powers, now's the time to let me know ;)
Also Vallen has no other spells prepared due to using them all on food earlier. Probably going to have to stop doing that...
I think with the boar and food from the Wasp's Tail we can absorb 3 additional food lost / day for a bit now.
Vada Medeo |
I think we talked about it, but never decided on anything.
The Heavy Mace works just fine, for now, anyway. The battleaxe we were talking about replacing it is pretty much the same thing, just with a bigger crit multiplier and slashing damage instead of bludgeoning. :3
Cueta Guiding Star |
@Vada, we do have some thrown weapons that no one has claimed: stone axes (throwing axes with the fragile property) and javelins. You'd be welcome to any of them if you'd like them. Cueta has found them to be pretty useful in the first round or two of combat.
Or you can have Cueta's shortbow. Please take Cueta's shortbow...
Vada Medeo |
I honestly think the throwing axes are probably the best bet. The way he will fight, he'll end up dropping the bow somewhere and forgetting about it.
Maybe getting Vallen to weaponize some trowels and turn a wheat scythe into a warscythe? Vada IS still a farmer, after all. ;)
Cueta Guiding Star |
Well, we've got 18 axes - how many do you want?
A warscythe would be very cool. Raging farmer coming through!
Vada Medeo |
Vada's got pretty much nothing right now (the clothes on his back, his armor, and the mace!) so I'd be down with taking 5-6 of the axes.
Cueta Guiding Star |
Sweet! 6 axes sold to the red-faced farmer! I'm marking off the spreadsheet now...
Donatello of Martel |
Fantastic :)
Don's a sniper in a shooting gallery at the moment... Hopefully his shots will start hitting (dang dice), but he seems to be in a good spot for now.
That said, I recognise this tactic might be effective but it's not very exciting, and he's at the extreme edge of the map. Would people like me to move him closer to the action? It's going to take quite a few rounds...
Cueta Guiding Star |
I'd say, do what you will enjoy doing!
DM Nerk |
Sorry Ysanne, I probably could have phrased that better. None of them came within range, so none of them got evil-eyed. I was mostly commenting on the astoundingly bad rolls, not so much on their supernatural resistance to the evil eye, as they have no such resistance.
Luckily, Donatello seems to be using the same cursed dice.
Ysanne Nightweaver |
Sorry, Im still not understanding Nerk. From what Ive seen from enemy movement so far I believe I have got 2 of the large ones since all three have now been within 30 feet, especially in this most recent round. Im lost here because I think you're saying none of them were ever within 30' including the first one that started on the left side of the map. If what you say stands, then Ive wasted several actions based on my belief that Ive been successfully causing doubt to creep into their minds with evil eye. I'd like to continue contributing to the aid of the party but I feel there is a disconnect or misunderstanding somewhere.
Cueta Guiding Star |
Ysanne, are you checking the tactical map on the resource tracking spreadsheet? You were more than 30' out at the beginning of your turns the last two times. You're also 35' out now, so dependent on what your plan is for this turn, you may wish to move the tank buffalo forward a bit.
Life's a little a crazy right now. My neighborhood in south St. Louis was hit with vandalism on Monday night - 21 businesses were damaged. Luckily, it was just rock throwers breaking the windows of businesses on our commercial district - nothing like what is happening in Ferguson right now. At any rate, I'm on the board of our neighborhood association, and spent yesterday, and possibly days in the future meeting with people/organizing plans to ensure that protesters, police, businesses and citizens are safe in the upcoming days. Last night was peaceful, and I anticipate this to continue, but this post is just a way of saying that if my posting drops off, you all know why and to please bot me. Right now I don't anticipate that being the case.
Monday night, after the Brown shooting didn't result in an indictment, a few hundred protesters gathered on our commercial district. After marching up and down the main avenue, they shut down a nearby highway and then moved back to the intersection of Grand and Arsenal, where there is a coffee shop that has provided a safe haven to protesters these last several weeks. A small group of protesters, teenagers really, broke off and began breaking windows. The police response, which up to that point had been non-confrontational, turned to treating everything as an unlawful assembly, and the tear gas was brought out. When it was over, windows were broken, but the large-scale devastation happening in Ferguson was avoided. As an aside, it should also be noted that the St. Louis City police are a separate agency to the STL County police, and have in my opinion handled things a lot better in the city proper than their counterparts in the county.
Yesterday morning, businesses started putting plywood up over their broken windows, as well as a prophylactic measure over unbroken windows, and things looked pretty bleak in my stretch of the city. But, someone on FB had the idea to get artists down to paint the plywood, and someone else made a Google Doc sign-up, and before noon we had 140 people signed up to paint storefronts, volunteers started assembling, citizens dropped off paint and supplies, and by last night huge murals adorned the plywood sheeting on Grand Avenue. It was, as a day that started off with a bunch of negative emotions, one that ended, in my stretch of the city at least, with hope, positivity, and community. If you're interested, you can check out some of the artwork at the South Grand CDC Twitter account
DM Nerk |
I think there is a misunderstanding, Ysanne, and I certainly apologize if I've made a mistake. The range of the evil eye is 30' as far as I know, and you've ended each of your turns more than 30' out from the big ones the whole time. They've carefully stayed 30' away from you, because they're scared of your little friend and they've seen you throwing hexes around. It would seem that witches are not unknown in these lands.
You might be thinking that their line pivoted, so the one that started furthest west moved SE diagonally across your range? But he couldn't have moved that far through difficult terrain. In fact the line slid. He moved due east, and then south, by the time you moved north to where you are, he was in squares J&K 7&8. You've never been within 30' of any of the big elves.
You have evil eyed two of the elves, the first sniper (currently at L11) who made his save and shrugged the effect off after a round, and the one currently at M-14 who is taking -2 to attacks. To be honest, I debated about letting you evil eye him, as you were out of range after Bebop trampled the other two, and you said you were targeting surviving foes. But you started the round in range and I thought I'd let you throw the hex before Bebop moved, in your not at all misplaced confidence that he'd squash the two he squashed.
Since that round, you readied an evil eye to throw at any elf that moved within range (none did) and cackled.
If you misunderstood the map, we can retcon and put you 10' to the east of where you are and have one of the bigguns save against your hex.
Ysanne Nightweaver |
Ysanne, are you checking the tactical map on the resource tracking spreadsheet? You were more than 30' out at the beginning of your turns the last two times. You're also 35' out now...
** spoiler omitted **...
I think this might be the misunderstanding. Ysanne shares the space of her mount so she is strategically 30' away from her both large elves right now, not 35'.
Life's a little a crazy right now. My neighborhood in south St. Louis was hit with vandalism...
This has certainly been an eventful week. Take care and be safe. The power and energy sector has certainly been on alert due to wide spread vandalism and the winter weather hasnt been helpping issues.
Nerk, Im sorry if Im being a pain. Im,ok if we just stick with your version and Ill just roll with it. Being a target and drawing fire from the others is plenty useful up to now.
For my benefit is,it ok if I add the evil eye -2 attack or other debuffs to the enemies that are effected?
Vallen Silverclasp |
Hang in there Cueta- civilization has made it this far and will pull through this, too. The murals certainly attest to that. Good luck with acting on the board, I'm glad they have your input.
DM Nerk |
Following my own rules, that 21 Linguistics roll means that Sorala can speak "broken" NW elvish. I imagine it's a bit like someone who speaks Italian trying to speak Spanish. Joe Schmoe (or Giuseppe Schmoe, perhaps) is going to be able to figure out a few things, but someone who has studied the way languages evolve will be able to make some pretty big leaps, and be right a lot of the time.
It's her call whether she wants to include "surrender" in her vocabulary.
Sorala |
I'll call it a 1 in 3 chance - even = she knows it, odd means she doesn't.
surrender in Sorala's vocabulary?: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Kal'Tos |
I'll call it a 1 in 3 chance - even = she knows it, odd means she doesn't.
[dice=surrender in Sorala's vocabulary?]1d3
Could she instead say something similar? Stop fighting us or something like that?
When I was on a 6 hour a day course to learn french one of the first things the teacher told us was to not get hung up on a word we didn't know and to find another way of saying a similar thing. Better to take longer to say something in a round about way than say nothing.
Sorala |
Yeah, she'll do that, but probably not in the first 6 seconds. She'd be wrangling with a lot of complex linguistic issues, having only heard a smidge of the dialect.
If only we had Tomag here with his 87 dpr nonlethal damage!
Cueta Guiding Star |
Are we going to just let most of them run for it? If we do they may stick around and become annoying. That being said most of our best people for hunting down and killing these guys are away right now.
I'd like to get as many of them as possible, and even the ship, if that's possible. It is probably a pretty tall task though...
Vallen Silverclasp |
We're too slow to chase all of them down. At this point a prisoner would be valuable, but I have the feeling the elves may try to rescue them...