Thrugg |
A dwarf, who is currently kicked back in the chair, "oi...your a bit late. The whole damn lodge is out fighting some nasty she devil and her army at this time." He then smirks, "Don worry lad, once they get back, the venture captains will put some more missions on the board"
He then walks up to the bar and throws a few copper pieces down, "in the meantime, have a drink on me."
Gahlethea the Arcanely Blonde |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Oooh! This place looks different!" squeals a noblewoman wearing a bright pink gown adorned with ruffles aplenty. Having just entered through the door following a white rabbit, she looks up for a moment to take in her surroundings.
Moved from Recruitment forum, but yes. Would be up for an all-Harsk game, though would prefer to play it at maximum table capacity. I prefer such adventures to be as Grimm as possible.
Hallimir Duskrin |
A dwarf, who is currently kicked back in the chair, "oi...your a bit late. The whole damn lodge is out fighting some nasty she devil and her army at this time." He then smirks, "Don worry lad, once they get back, the venture captains will put some more missions on the board"
He then walks up to the bar and throws a few copper pieces down, "in the meantime, have a drink on me."
"Why thank you my dear fellow, I believe I will", Hallimir takes the copper.
"One ale plese barkeep, and a drink for this young lady" he continues as he swivels around on his stooland gestures to the newcommer.Harsk... |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
The red-haired dwarf marches into the Lodge wearing a soiled cloak, muddy boots, and a pained expression on his bearded face. The soiled cloak and muddy boots are easily explained by the condition of Absalom's streets after a day of driving rain; the pained expression is probably due to the small gray short-haired cat huddled under a bit of cloak and clinging to the dwarf's shoulder by its claws, which may have located a weak spot at a seam in his studded leather jerkin.
The dwarf stomps his feet to clear the worst of the mud from his boots, then clomps over to the bar and drops a silver coin onto the surface in front of the barkeep.
"Tea, my good man," he commands in stentorian tones. "Earl Grey. Hot." He pauses, then sighs, points at the cat, and adds, "And a dish of water for Scratcher here, please."
Scratcher, Minion of Harsk... |
The little gray cat tosses in its two cents. "Miaow!"
"Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!"
It turns out the little gray cat is a Siamese.
Pai Shecks |
Shoving the door with all her little might, a bright peach colored female gnome heaves her way into the Lodge. The door bangs open, causing her to jump with a start. "Oops! Sorry! Forgot that door isn't as heavy as it looks." She closes it with appropriate force as her coloration darkens briefly with embarrassment. Seconds later, she has bounded to the job board, all chagrin forgotten. She peruses the job openings, vibrating first one leg, then the other, and working her fingers as if she is trying to shake off that pins and needles feeling. With a shrug, she skitters over to the bar and addresses the bartender: "Gosh, remember when Luurg was here? Last time I was here, he made me the best fruity cocktail I've ever had. I just can't remember its name. For the life of me! I was hoping I could run into him again so I could find out what it's called. Anyhoo, just give me the fruitiest drink you've got. I'm sure it'll be ab-so-lute-ly delicious!"
"Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow! Miaow!"
In a high-pitched baby-talk voice, she exclaims: "Oh my gooosh! What a cute kittyyy! Can I pet iiit? Is it a boy or a giiirl? What's its naaame? Oooooh! So CUUUTE!"
Mathos Crus |
A 6 foot tall figure saunters into the lodge. His hair is impeccably styled into the most fashionable pompadour and his clothes are brushed, his buttons gleaming. In his hand he carries an iron-bound tome with the seven-pointed star of Asmodeus embossed on its cover.
He moves to the job board, looking through the postings to find a mission.
One finds oneself slightly financially embarrassed. Are there any expeditions heading out soon?
Lady Alya De Qill |
Just behind him comes an even taller elf, waring a well made but simple Uniform. Black with silver insignia on her collar. Simple silver stars, On her belt a utilitarian looking knife, simple cold iron. Her boots polished her peeked hat well kept, her uniform coat looking as good as new.
She too heads to the work postings.
Looking at the gent in his fine suit. She smiles
"Is true, I find myself in same situation comrade, Skill rich, cash poor. I vunder if job will change this. Hard work is good for soul, Do you not agree?"
Her words a clipped with a thick assent.
Mathos Crus |
Mathos seems a little taken aback. I would much rather stay indoors and practice my profession, but so few of you here in Absalom need to services of a good contract lawyer.
Lady Alya De Qill |
"Arr man of law your are, is good job for big city, but here blade know how is better. My wet nus Babushka use to say, Pen is grater than sword, but I find is fight, always best to have pen AND sword"
And she chuckles.
Baijiu, The Drunk |
She comes back from a long night mission, escorting a sleepwalker and heads straight to her favorite place... the BAR!!! She plops down onto a stool and says, "Anyone have any good drink around? Something strong enough to get me drunk?" If anyone would to look at her, she had the golden skin of the angelic race, but all the signs of a monk, along with a flask in the shape of a tankard on her neck.
GM Rinaldo |
The Great Rinaldo, famed Wolfrider of the Flying Flutterfoot Family Circus, and co-Venture Captain of the Flutterfoot Traveling Pathfinder Lodge, enters the room with all the swagger you expect from a halfling circus performer.
"Pathfinders! I have news that Sheila Heidmarch is in need of recruits to assist with a mission near Magnimar! Come see me if you are available!"
Recruiting for a CORE run of #4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes. Recruitment thread and sign up sheet. First two slots are reserved for the people who requested it, the others are up for grabs.
Baijiu, The Drunk |
She laughs and drinks deep from her gourd and says, "Just got back, beautiful time of the year to go visit. Good luck and drink deep everyone that goes!!"
Hallimir Duskrin |
"Is that man still wandering about, he should really have that seen to."
Hallimir finishes off his drink and turns to Baijiu.
"Unfortunatly you have just missed Lurg. He makes a mean fruity drink that has knocked plenty around...Perhaps he will return soon."
Baijiu, The Drunk |
She grins and hops off her stool and goes to look at the mission board as she said, "I hope. Hard to find something that can put me down for the count... Since I drink all day ya know?"
She began to look at different missions, looking for anything in the low to middle tiers of difficulty.
GM Rinaldo |
After speaking with several young Pathfinders and sending them off, Venture-Captain Rinaldo sits down for a well-deserved drink ... hopefully purchased for him by one of his many adoring fans.
GM Rinaldo |
A bird flies in through an open window and lands on Rinaldo's shoulder. It chirps in his ear briefly, then flies away.
He stands and announces, "Apparently this is a very important mission, and Lady Heidmarch could use a few more pathfinders!"
I have overflow, so if two more people are interested in the Core Night March, come let me know! Recruitment thread and sign up sheet
Yangrit Foehammer |
In stumps a homely dwarven woman, dressed in drab monk's clothing. Utterly remarkable in many ways, the only notable aspect of her is the prodigious scowl seemingly permanently planted on her face. She tromps to the bar, orders an ale, and, after tossing a coin onto the bar, takes her drink over to the job board to peruse the listings. "Hmph. I missed the caravan. Go figure. I knew we took too long getting back from Daggermark."
With a lip curled in frustrated disappointment, she hooks a chair with her foot and plops down at an empty table in a dim corner to drink her ale and watch the goings on from the sidelines.
Any chance of another low level core game opening up soon? I've played Night March of Kalkamedes with a standard character. That was a fun one!
My PFS Lavode De'Morcaine |
Hey folks, want to run a few ideas past y'all and see what you think.
I really do like the way PFS scenarios on PbP usually don't lose momentum and nearly always finish in a reasonable length of time. I also like how PbP allows some players the time to get more in-tune with the roleplay aspects of the game. I can't talk with a lisp or scotish accent, but some of my PC's do. I also have the time to think about whether Ragathiel would approve of such-and-such action or attempting to make nice with some of the locals (and not have the worry of making the session not finish in the scheduled 4 hours).
However, there are a few at least semi-annoying things about it that I don't always appreciate.
So that leads to my idea proposal. A group of 5-7 that plays through PFS scenario's in almost a campaign mode. Picking scenarios that match up to the abilities of the players, follow a particular storyline, a given type of mission, fighting the Aspis, or even just hard mode for the challenge. It would also allow the players to plan their PC's as a group to have friends/relatives, teamwork feats, complimentary capabilities, cover all the roles, same religion, similar backgrounds, all tengu, working for the intelligent magic items, whatever... If we also rotate GM's, I think that would help it keep seeming new-ish and not lose momentum like most of the PbP campaigns seem to do.
Thoughts, comments, questions, concerns?
Pete H. |
Well, those groups definitely exist and very often address some of the issues you have pointed out, though some do not. There are also campaign modes of AP's that can address those issues as the group is able to build together.
There are definitely ways to go about getting something going and advertising your interest in doing a GM rotation is a good start. However, doing just a general recruitment will get a ton of interest so make sure to carefully figure out how you are going to pick the applicants before and explain the process during the recruitment. Even then, it can be difficult to put together the kind of group you are looking for.
Sometimes groups fall together from like minded players just saying hey that was really good who wants to keep us together? So you could wait until you had a good session and propose it then too, or go back to a good session and ask if anyone is interested in your idea.
I've fallen into several groups via several different methods, so any can work but all take effort from all the players.
Ēoswulf Gērmwynson |
I was going through Season 5 that way with this character. We ran out of steam after... 7 or 8 sessions or so?
It's fun while it lasts. I think I've seen other groups make it further.
GM Crunch |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I've been through a few attempts at something like that and seen a fair bit more. The fun and good ideas are there, certainly. I haven't been in one with a common theme yet, but I've thought about it, that'd be interesting. I'd be up for a try if others were.
We might want to move this to Discussion, tho.
Fillia Bloodstone |
I was going through Season 5 that way with this character. We ran out of steam after... 7 or 8 sessions or so?
It's fun while it lasts. I think I've seen other groups make it further.
Yes it was fun while it lasted and we did do GM rotation until we lost a player and the momentum sort of died from there.
A good 8 sessions which is pretty decent. Whoops Should have posted this in Discussion.Visuris |
A sharp rapping of knuckles on the wood of the bar suddenly requests the attention of the patrons around it, accompanied by a smiling man in a red suit. "Hello there! I presume I've found my way to the famed Flaxseed Lodge of the Pathfinders?" He doesn't wait for an answer as he begins withdrawing papers from inside the red folds of his robe, a dry scrape of metal on metal betraying the presence of armor underneath.
"My name is Visuris, I am a barrister from Mivon." An off white journal bound in black leather emerges from within his garb, followed by a quill. Hanging from his robes and adorning his gear are crimson pentagrams, the symbol of Asmodeus displayed defiantly for all to see. With a smile he begins scanning the lodge for a mission board, giving small nods to patrons when his eyes pass over them. "My blade arm isn't anything the bards will tell tales of, but my strengths lie in something much greater. The art of the word." He doesn't seem to address anyone in particular as he speaks, seemingly still looking for someone in charge. "And if a man wanted to become a Pathfinder... where would he begin?"
"Bash" Steeltoe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
An old, bedraggled Dwarven woman opens the door with a cross look on her face and looks the man up and down. Her eyes settling on the Asmodean symbols and barely hearing the word 'barrister' before slamming the door in his face. "Wrong Lodge, yer kind gather down in the sewers." She hollers through the door before hiking her skirt back up and sitting down to finish her beer.
Chels breed them guys like cockroaches! GAH!
Sorry, but I couldn't resist that appropriate response. Welcome!
Zephyr the White |
A half-elf with wayang-bleached skin wearing brilliantly bright robes and a band around his eyes looks in the dwarf's direction. Once her gaze has left the door, he waves his hand and it opens again, quietly. He beckons Visuris in and tries to mask a conversation with him behind the general hubbub.
"Well met! I am Zephyr, a reasonably accomplished mage and Kalistocrat. I admire your skilled speech, though I'll admit you'll likely need to hone your blade arm. Many here might denigrate your beliefs, as shouldn't surprise you." Zephyr tilts his head a little, an eyebrow peeking out. "As a follower of the Prophecies, I don't find it tasteful, but the choice is yours. And there are many worse picks.
"As for becoming a Pathfinder...have you already signed up? You can do so at the Grand Lodge. Following that, there's an optional period of training, up to a few years. Either way, any time is a good one to sign up for a mission. If you feel able. There haven't been as many of late. Likely a sign of something brewing."
Visuris |
Visuris offers a small nod of appreciation to the kind half-elf as he steps into the lodge. "It's quite alright, it's nothing I haven't dealt with in the past." He gives Zephyr a wink and a wry chuckle. "That's what they call contempt of court."
He returns his journal to the inside of his robe and offers a hand to his pale companion. "No one wants to need an Asmodean barrister, but that need arises often regardless. I believe my particular perspective will be of use to the Pathfinders. The art of killing is a talent in great supply," Visuris's eyes flicker across the sea of faces inside the lodge, "But smart is the man who makes allies, not corpses. Thank you for the warm welcome friend."
Zephyr the White |
Zephyr points from one gloved hand to the other and smiles a little. Instead of taking Visuris' hand, he moves his in the air and confers a feeling...handshake-adjacent to the man. "You'll forgive me this small slight, I hope. But I think you have the potential to go far here in the Society. Go forth and exercise it, my friend."
Acel Odair |
A dour gnome enters the lodge and pins a poster to one of the boards.
"Lousy Heidmarch. Sending me all the way out here... AHEM! Heidmarch is looking for Pathfinders who stick to CORE techniques! She needs your help in Magnimar to help with curses or somethin'! Plan to be there for twice as long as a normal mission would take!" Satisfied, she hops off the stool and grabs her dusty hat on the way out.
Hello there, CORE players between levels 3-7!
Would you like to play the Mysteries Under Moonlight duology with GM Chadius as your GM?
CLICK HERE and sign up. I'll roll a lottery if a few days, or sooner if the table fills up quickly.
Sayuki the Duplicitous |
A Tien-Min woman with long, dark hair and a slim figure sits at one end of the bar, nibbling on some tofu. A bow rests beside her, alongside... many quivers, each with different fletching.
”The job market these days is as dry as my glass, unless you’re one of those classically-trained sorts... and they hardly accept anyone with fur or scales,” she titters. ”At this point, I would be happy to scout for a whole battalion of Asmodean scribes.”
She favors Visuris with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
William Grimm |
A half-orc with well-combed jet-black hair walks in, and a terrifying phantasm in a cloak walks behind him. As he walks, he uses a scythe as if it were a cane, less for aid, but simply for show. He walks up to the bar, and, with a grin, says, "Two mocha lattes, sir, if you have them, for me and my friend here."
1st-lvl Spiritualist looking for work.
Don Tasque |
Following the half-orc, the phantom, a robed figure covered in chains, bleeding from his empty eyes, makes not a sound, save for a sustained SCREEEEEEECH!
Frank Seamoor |
Frank strides into the lodge, a bright smile across his face as he raises his hands, saying loudly to all that might listen, "Hello my fellow Pathfinders! I am Frank Seamoor, Merchant Extrodinare, and I have just returned after hunting down and bringing to justice that vile traitor, Phlegos Dulm, to justice!!!"
By the end of his speech, he goes to the bar and sits down, spinning around so he was leaning against the bar, his eyes very much betraying the raw anger of his last adventure.
William Grimm |
The Half-orc checks the job board and then starts pulling the spirit away from the bar. "Come, Don! There's a ship departing soon that we can get a job on!" He then moves to the door, dragging the phantasm, and stops before leaving to say, "Good luck on your missions, friends!" He pauses for a second, before grinning widely and unnaturally, and says, "I do hope none of you die. That would be awful." He then walks out, laughing to himself.
Cassius Briar |
The doors to the bar swing open to allow a young man, somewhat effeminate in his appearance, into the bar. His black hair is pulled back into a long ponytail that runs down the back of his heavy armor, and across his back rests a massive hammer. With a confident smile he nods at the crowd of Pathfinders and takes a seat at the bar. "The Grand Lodge is an appropriate nam, isn't it? This place is a beauty! My name is Cassius, Cassius Briar." He reaches a hand out to the nearest patron paying attention. "Future legend and Pathfinder extraordinaire! I've come to take my initiation trial, this 'Confirmation.' Will there be any testing soon?"
Before his conversational partner can respond he slaps two coins onto the counter and proclaims with a boisterous smile, "Barkeep, an ale for me and my new friend here!"
This is Visuris's other character.
Frank Seamoor |
Frank grins as he sees Cassius walk into the Lodge before slapping him onto the back once Cassius approaches the counter, "Welcome!!! I am Frank Seamoor, Merchant Extraordinaire, and I am glad to see new Pathfinders come in with such excitement!"
He will go ahead and make sure to keep the ale flowing, hoping that he can keep up with the new crowd of Pathfinders. He will keep an eye on anyone in and out of the Lodge, but will settle and talk to the new Pathfinder here.
Cassius Briar |
The young man's eyes light up at his new companion's equally ebullient attitude. "And I'm glad to see the Pathfinders welcoming fresh meat with such open arms!" With a belly laugh he slings his hammer off of his shoulder and rests it against the bar. "Had any impressive adventures of late? Slay any beasts? Rescue any damsels?" Cassius's eyes glow with excitement as he speaks. "I hail from Numeria, you'd not believe some of the bizarre things I've seen... or lived!"
Frank Seamoor |
Frank thinks and then grins as he begins to account the tale of him going into the Plane of Water... "... And there I was, right in front of a floating globe of water, almost as large as this lodge is, speaking to these Whale Sharks. And after we healed them, this huge sea giant came up behind me and almost broke my back in his embrace... Ahh, what a wonderful day that was." He wipes away a tear from his eye, thinking about it.
Frank looked back at Cassius and said to the new Pathfinder, "You will go many places, but always remember to put your best foot forward, and always walk in with confidence." He gives Cassius another pat on the shoulder before reaching back and pulling out two mugs, and moves over to fill them from one of the barrels, "I don't think they will mind if we help ourselves as long as we pay for it."
GM Erich |
A middle-aged man with a week of stubble leans his head in the window. "Calling Waykand Day! The Throaty Mermaid is about to depart port and this is the last call for boarding!"
Cassius Briar |
Cassius listens to Frank's retelling of his tale with the incredulous wonder of a youth, his attention hanging on every word. "A sea giant? Talking whale sharks? Amazing!" He slams down what remains of his his ale and scoops the empty cup back into the barrel for thirds. "Aye, I'm still using my hammer to solve my problems but it's my dream to learn magic." He shuffles through his bag before withdrawing a worn and beaten Pathfinder Chronicle, the pages inside already scrawled with notes. Cassius flips through the pages until his fingers fall onto a figure wielding a sword and spell simultaneously. "An Eldritch Knight. That's my dream."
Cassius jumps slightly when he hears The Throaty Mermaid's call to arms, so engrossed in his thoughts he was. "There go some lucky Pathfinders now." He watches with envy as the assigned adventurers shuffle out of the bar before noticing the frothy moustache he's now sporting. With a snort he wipes his face clean.
"My chance will come soon enough, I'll complete this Confirmation and become a true Pathfinder before long. Thank you for the kind words and good company friend!" He hits his mug to Frank's (spilling only a little on the floor), and returns his eyes to the bounty board. I'm gonna have to be quick once it does come up...
Niva Ray |
Niva casually strolls in and takes a seat. Her strong frame seems relaxed and carefree, only her ever-shifting eyes belying this at-ease demeanor. Don't mess this up! Surely someone will be looking for someone with your talents of observation soon enough!
I also have a dwarf druid just finishing up his first society excursion
Cassius Briar |
Dexterity Check to slide mug: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
A mug of ale comes sliding down the bar towards Niva, the liquid inside sloshing around but making little in the way of mess. Should she look to where this drink came from, she'll see Cassius grinning from the other end of the counter.
Fortitude Save to avoid drunkenness: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
"Not a bad shot eh?" There's a slight slur to the young man's words that betrays his inebriation, but he seems to be holding together well enough. Cassius lumbers over to a barstool next to the sylph, his armor stomping heavily along the way. "You new here too?" He claps a heavy hand to her shoulder in a gesture of camaraderie and laughs joyfully. "Aye, birds of a feather we are! I'll welcome any ally, and that glint in your eye says you're sharper than you let on. I'll count myself lucky should we be assigned as a team."
He takes a more relaxed posture and rests his head lazily in his hand, propped up by the bar. "Seems that folk from every walk of life blow through these doors. It's a fascinating place."
These rolls are purely for amusement and don't reflect any rules, I'm just having some in-character fun.
Sayuki the Duplicitous |
Fort Save vs Drinky Drunky: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Sayuki, well into her cups, smiles at the other patrons. ”Donnit... d-don’t worry,” she giggles, ”[i]our shhhhlip will be coming soo-hoo-hooon!”
She slumps against the table, and a small cup toppled and spills sake in a small arc as it rolls off the side.
Sulana |
A young woman walks into the lodge, glancing around a little nervously at the variety of patrons within. One mission down, mostly successfully. Time to start looking for another.
She wanders over to the jobs board to see if there's anything posted that might be a good fit.