The Dangers of Civilization

Game Master sunshadow21

The Western Trade Route runs through the Midrealms to the city of Cliffsgate and the Haven of Belauth. Being a settled region, This region should be perfectly safe for a group of up and coming stars, right?

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Have fun. Don't worry, we'll just treat you like Mark the Red.

Sorry if this campaign seems a bit clunky, but I'm doing my best to get you guys to the a higher level so you have a wider range of options for adventures. In hindsight, this region seems better suited for higher level, better known adventurers who can tackle the aspects of being sandwiched between two strong neighbors a bit more. It's a bit of a challenge to come up with scenarios for this low of a level; the locals are simply too spread out, and not likely to share their adventure worthy stories with strangers. There's a lot of potential adventure, but none of it is on the surface where it can be easily found.


No problem, I've found the same issue with my homebrew campaigns. Just when you think you've thought of all the angles, a new appears.

Halfling(Jinx) Cobbler 3, HP: 21, AC: 19, Tch: 14, FF: 16, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2, Init: +3, Per: +9

I am quite happy with the Campaign, I have had issues with my home campaign as well and I am running an Adventure Path.

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (HP: 11, AC: 17, TAC: 14, FFAC: 13, F: 4, R: 6, W: 0, Init: 4, Per: 4)

Its all good Mr DM sir. I've run a home brew myself and balance is tough.

Getting settled into a new job, so going to shorten the running battle portion of this a bit so we can get to the interesting stuff. Your thoughts on how well it's handled are as always welcome. This game is rapidly turning into a running experiment of how to best run an ongoing pbp game while life revolves chaotically around me.

Male Nagaji Hospitalier (Paladin) 2 HP: 22, AC: 20, Tch: 12, FF: 17, F: +9, R: +6, W: +8, Init: +2, Per: +7

What's a lil entropy now and then?

Male Kitsune Sor2 Rog1/ / HP=12 AC=18 TT=14 FF=14/ /F=0 R=4 W=3/ /INI=4

I honestly don't mind the minor battles being quickened, Makes for greater focus on RP.

In this particular case, you're basically in a running battle with spiders, not the most tactically interesting of foes, in a fairly standard battle location that most people can visualize to at least some degree. I'm generally looking to speed those kinds of battle up, just like I did with the pirates in the cave by not using a map. I don't want to get rid of them, as they still play an important role, but I really don't want them to end up become something the campaign gets bogged down on. I have no intention of treating the important combats in this manner, but for quick bouts with grunts and generally chaotic scenes, it's really not worth going to all the setup.

Male Kitsune Sor2 Rog1/ / HP=12 AC=18 TT=14 FF=14/ /F=0 R=4 W=3/ /INI=4

Which is exactly what I meant and like.

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (HP: 11, AC: 17, TAC: 14, FFAC: 13, F: 4, R: 6, W: 0, Init: 4, Per: 4)

We seem to be fizzling out a bit.

It's summer. That isn't helping. I had a bad month last month between my car, my computer and life in general. That really didn't help. Hopefully I can get this back on an even keel here in the next week or so.

The DM is frustrated with low level adventure planning. Everyone gains a level.

As the other game just lost a player, and both games seem to be struggling, I am thinking about combining the two games, and basically rebooting at level 3 starting fresh with all of you being relatively experienced agents of the ATA. That way, we can keep all of the old material, but hopefully be better setup for a steadier game. What are your thoughts on this? I can keep this game going if enough people are interested, but it needs a shot in the arm to keep it alive.

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (HP: 11, AC: 17, TAC: 14, FFAC: 13, F: 4, R: 6, W: 0, Init: 4, Per: 4)

I believe I must respectfully bow out of this campaign. Good luck to you all and see you on the boards I am sure.


Given the lack of response, I think I am going to shelve both games for now, and rethink how I want to approach this. Hopefully, I can get something else up soon.

I'm thinking I may run a Rise of the Runelords campaign while I refine my world a bit. Keep an eye out for the recruitment post later this week.

Halfling(Jinx) Cobbler 3, HP: 21, AC: 19, Tch: 14, FF: 16, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2, Init: +3, Per: +9

Sorry to see the game shelved for now, liked the world and the characters. If you restart it let me know would like to play Crispin in this setting again.

It's not an if as much as a when. I just need to flesh out a few more regions first.

Halfling(Jinx) Cobbler 3, HP: 21, AC: 19, Tch: 14, FF: 16, F: +2, R: +6, W: +2, Init: +3, Per: +9

Excellent, I look forward to it Starting back up.

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (HP: 11, AC: 17, TAC: 14, FFAC: 13, F: 4, R: 6, W: 0, Init: 4, Per: 4)

DM please consider me if you are planning to start up a RoTRL campaign. I've started but never finished that one ... actually we never made it past the first adventure.

Just need to figure out how to handle the maps for RotRL before I post anything on it.

Male Kitsune Sor2 Rog1/ / HP=12 AC=18 TT=14 FF=14/ /F=0 R=4 W=3/ /INI=4

Wow, I am sorry for not checking this, I checked the gameplay but my campaign page never said this thread was updated so I didn't look.

I would like to game with you more, I like your GM style. I might try out for your game, not sure though, 8 games is a bit much, and I am tired of level 1-3 games.

Yeah, when I restart this game, it will be starting at level 3. There are only so many bandits and goblins once can throw at a party before it gets old for the DM. Still, for a long term campaign like RotRL, it actually makes pretty good sense, and they did a good job keeping the lower levels interesting.

Male Kitsune Sor2 Rog1/ / HP=12 AC=18 TT=14 FF=14/ /F=0 R=4 W=3/ /INI=4

Well there have been posts about how to make "proper" use of goblins in a very scary way. If I find it I will link it here for ya, you might enjoy it, though your players might hate me for suggesting it.

Male Elf Alchemist 2 (HP: 11, AC: 17, TAC: 14, FFAC: 13, F: 4, R: 6, W: 0, Init: 4, Per: 4)

I've more than one DM make liberal use of goblins in the past 30 odd years of gaming. In my opinion, the challenge to a DM isn't so much what to fight as it is why you are fighting it. The story is everything in a campaign. Don't get me wrong, my favorite part is the actual battle tactics, but that only holds so much attention if there isn't a story behind it. Why are we here? Why am I fighting this critter?

That being said, the DM holds all the tactical cards. If you don't think your players are being challenged, set up the next battle such that the bad guys get the advantage; use water, tables, high places, darkness, difficult terrain, and so on to make the fight more challenging.

Put it this way, 6-8 goblins equipped with bows raining arrows down on PCs that need to ford a fast moving river (difficult terrain and a chance of slip) with 3 or 4 war dogs to unleash once they cross the water makes a basic CR 1 encounter WAY tougher. I'd put that one at closer to CR 3 or 4.

Even better, make that water an ice shelf and POW! CR 5 encounter.

I'm kind of an evil bastage when it comes to stuff like that.

Oh, I can make goblins work, but after a while, I want to be able to use other monsters as well. Goblins get dull after a while when you have an entire book of critters to potentially work with.

Link to the new discussion thread for a combined game. I had an inspiration of how to proceed that should be interesting to both groups. If you are still interested, check in there, and we will proceed once I have seen who all checks in.

Bumping to make sure people see this after I played with the inactive setting trying to figure out how it worked.

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