The Cleansing of Nexorus

Game Master thegreenteagamer

Monsters in a human-supremacist nation look to break free of their captivity, and possibly turn the world against their captors.

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TriShadow wrote:
Now, if you add syrup and bacon...well, what can't those two things make better?

My arteries. Turns out preserving them isn't that great while I still need them.

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Honestly, it's been a rough week - I'll be going over the characters probably right after submissions close and not before then. Just got out of the hospital (I'm fine), and stress is just...sucking.

Thanks for putting up with me being a lot less interactive here than I could be.

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That's quite alright by me. Thanks for letting us know.

Yeah, stress is a big deal this time of year. I hope everything works out.

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You're cool, dude.

We're all cool, here! XD

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Yeah, for sure de-stress before worrying about us. I'm sure if you don't make a decision right away we'll all just drown our sorrows in ice cream and beer. Potentially might do that even if you do make a decision right away.

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You know what? Forget the ice cream.

Dark Archive

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Yea, I just don't have time sadly.

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I'll take his icecream, let him have my beer, and I'll do all the driving. :)

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That'd be a first, I'm in.

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Alright folks - the time for recruitment has come to an end. I'm going to sift through the entries deeper now, and I should have a list up by tomorrow ASAP.

I'd like to thank everyone for your interest, and apologize in advance if you don't make it. It's been a rough week for me, which is why I haven't been as active as when I first started.

Now, the real work begins...

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Actually, this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Why?

Because you knew the cutoff time, and dang near half of you decided you didn't want to finish your submissions on time.

I have a feeling those kinds of people won't stick to a 1/day minimum post rate, and that kind of puts you on the very back of the line for priority.

So, we already knew Lio "the sewer troll"/Tacticslion was in, so who's joining him?

Lettu "Wings" Kan/The Chess
Gehuil Sandstream/Green Smashomancer
Sithiliss/Just a Mort

and I'm breaking my earlier promise of 3-4 players besides Tac and squeezing in an extra spot for Vuram Kalloth/CrusaderWolf.

Not going to lie, I liked a lot of the other ideas, but you can't give me a character sheet with no story, no personality, no background and expect to make it in. Sorry to those of you who didn't make it - six players is stretching my limit as it is.

I'll have the gameplay thread ready as soon as I can, tomorrow morning at the latest, (though I hope I'll squeeze it out before the) - for now feel free to chat it up at the discussion page I'm about to make.

The Exchange

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Thanks greentea gamer. I know first hand how hard it is being a GM and to keep up with a fast paced game. This will probably be the last PBP I'm signing on for a long while because I'm going to embark on AP running myself.

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Have fun all! This should be fun to watch.

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My apologies for not finishing my character. I just didn't finish making a good background for the character, and honestly that probably would have led to subpar playing and posting. I hope the game goes well and I get a chance to play with you again in the future!

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Ah well, I tried. Have fun y'all!

Had to make some decisions based off of a couple of lingering questions. That done, so is a copy/paste from my home document: mission-readiness complete!

Congratulations everyone that made it!

Sorry to those that didn't, but wanted to!

I look forward to hanging with you guys later!

"Hm... I wonder if I'll find any friends this time." he ponders, seeking answers within himself. He feels a little hungry, and a bit light-headed. "Maybe I'll go for a snack." He wondered if the guards would give him something this time. He liked them.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I appreciate you fitting me as well! Will have a complete alias up by tomorrow evening.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Not going to lie, I liked a lot of the other ideas, but you can't give me a character sheet with no story, no personality, no background and expect to make it in. Sorry to those of you who didn't make it - six players is stretching my limit as it is.

Hey no problem! (coming from one of the people that this was directly and rightfully aimed at)

I already knew that when I had gotten to my backstory part and had decided not to finish it (instead doing other things) that I was basically saying "I like this character Idea but I seem to be having difficulties creating a Person out of the data, and if I cant do that then I wont put more effort into further developing him, knowing that I wont get selected as a result (and then being committed to playing a "Flat" character).

thegreenteagamer wrote:
I have a feeling those kinds of people won't stick to a 1/day minimum post rate, and that kind of puts you on the very back of the line for priority.


I am sad that you view it that way, and so I hope to sway your opinion.
I hope that you would realize that it is not indicative of my posting rate or my post quality or even my commitment to a game.
It is simply a passive way of choosing Not to commit to This Particular game in a similar way to giving a "I am withdrawing" post and is a technique used by many on these boards.
However in reflection on this thread I may have to reconsider my personal use of this technique in the future.

In Nico's case I basically had: 1 Is dragon. 2 Hoards gold. 3 does Dragonish things.
And then struggled beyond that :)

So hopefully I changed your opinion of my posting quality or commitment based off of that misunderstanding of intent :)

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I'd like to play, I have over 4 years of pathfinder gm and player experience and I'll fill what ever needs to be filled.

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / thegreenteagamer presents "The Cleansing of Nexorus", a Homebrew Pathfider game with Monstrous PCs All Messageboards

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