The Cleansing of Nexorus

Game Master thegreenteagamer

Monsters in a human-supremacist nation look to break free of their captivity, and possibly turn the world against their captors.

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Preparing a Dire Corby as we speak. I should have him ready until the end of the week - loving the fact he's something very different than I played before.

Green Smashomancer wrote:
So, can we have a third trait with a drawback? I want to have diplomacy or bluff in case I can't work with intimidate, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to scare dudes away by laughing madly.

You have the skills to be a face, too?

EDIT: to be clear, that could be handy. Let me know if you figure it out.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
So, can we have a third trait with a drawback? I want to have diplomacy or bluff in case I can't work with intimidate, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to scare dudes away by laughing madly.

You have the skills to be a face, too?

EDIT: to be clear, that could be handy. Let me know if you figure it out.

Well, I need to know if I can pick up a third trait before I can say yes to that. But my idea for Gehuil involves him presenting a different face to "the enemy" than others. Intimidate is for them, but diplomacy or bluff would be for those few people who prove him right, and potential allies. He's nearly convinced himself Nexorus can't possibly be that bad. But diplomacy is on my list if things line up. I wouldn't count on it though.

I have settled on the Healing Patron though. I'm still tempted by Elements, because it seems like we're missing an early magic damage source. But, I figured less dying would be more helpful overall.

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Green Smashomancer wrote:
So, can we have a third trait with a drawback? I want to have diplomacy or bluff in case I can't work with intimidate, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to scare dudes away by laughing madly.

No. Someone made that assumption...tsk tsk.

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Tacticslion wrote:
EDIT: I mean, I have 24 skill points, and I'm thinking about where to spend them...

Great. Here I am agonizing over the "3" skill points I get to spend... And trying to make a -4 stat modifier not look so pathetic with a 20pb XD And a 45lb HEAVY load...

The problems of picking one of the weakest races in the land of giants :) Still, what I (severely)lack in the physical, intellectual and damage dealing departments, I should make up in the magical department. hopefully...

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
So, can we have a third trait with a drawback? I want to have diplomacy or bluff in case I can't work with intimidate, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to scare dudes away by laughing madly.
No. Someone made that assumption...tsk tsk.

Would I be able to take the Power Hungry drawback for no benefit on principle of being a greedy little dragon?

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Gobo Horde wrote:
Would I be able to take the Power Hungry drawback for no benefit on principle of being a greedy little dragon?

Sure...but you know, you don't need a drawback to just roleplay a certain way, right?

The Exchange

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I'm not sure what to expect of E6. I prefer casters(divine or arcane doesn't matter) but are they majorly screwed under the E6 system? I rather not roll a character that is a load to the party.

thegreenteagamer wrote:
Green Smashomancer wrote:
So, can we have a third trait with a drawback? I want to have diplomacy or bluff in case I can't work with intimidate, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to scare dudes away by laughing madly.
No. Someone made that assumption...tsk tsk.

H-hey, now! I just copied someone else! It wasn't meeeeeeee~!

It was me.

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Just a Mort wrote:
I'm not sure what to expect of E6. I prefer casters, but are they majorly screwed under the E6 system? I rather not rolo a character that is a load to the party.

It's been my experience in Pathfinder that around 1st-4th level casters are outshined by martials, and then they balance out around 5th-9th level, and by 10th martials are...less than ideal.

Considering this caps off at 6th level, it's pretty much an even split. 3rd level spells are pretty nice, and useful. You just have to really think outside of the box for bigger challenges, because you can't just go brute squad on something like, say, a dragon.

The Exchange

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Suggestion for everyone to take 1 point of linguistics for common. Else it's really hard to communicate within the party. And I'll need to head to the drawing board. Forgive my inability to optimise, this is the first time I'm dealing with E6 system.

As Trishadow has Nightcrawler an vanara unchained monk
your not going to want two vanara in the party.
His build is good and works to the races straights
Mine would be to see what the race could do with another class type.

Looking at the other races, all the workable ones have gone and have nice submitted builds

So there is really not much left to play with. Starting at level 3 would help. I know some will disagree with this, always is BUT, lets be real here, your going to be very lucky to see this game all the way to level 6. Just the way RL and PbP is, sorry. So planing on anything above Level 3 is kind hard.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Suggestion for everyone to take 1 point of linguistics for common. Else it's really hard to communicate within the party. And I'll need to head to the drawing board. Forgive my inability to optimise, this is the first time I'm dealing with E6 system.

The benefits of an Int caster. Although, I got stuck for my other 2 languages, so I stuck with Orc because I like Orcs and Halfling because I bet they have the best jokes.

If you look at it the way I did, the low level cap should help out in other ways for a caster. For example, Shocking Grasp stays usable most of your career, since the damage doesn't get outpaced by HP as much.

GM_Panic wrote:

As Trishadow has Nightcrawler an vanara unchained monk

your not going to want two vanara in the party.
His build is good and works to the races straights
Mine would be to see what the race could do with another class type.

Looking at the other races, all the workable ones have gone and have nice submitted builds

So there is really not much left to play with. Starting at level 3 would help. I know some will disagree with this, always is BUT, lets be real here, your going to be very lucky to see this game all the way to level 6. Just the way RL and PbP is, sorry. So planing on anything above Level 3 is kind hard.

I wouldn't worry much about it. You may note mine is one of, like four Gnolls submitted. Just try and be creative with it to separate yourself. besides, I count a couple good options (IMO) left untaken:

  • Goblin,

  • Tengu

  • Lizardfolk. (Was proposed, but not submitted)

  • Ratfolk

  • The Exchange

    The problem with E6 are will we be at level 6 all the time while the monsters increase in CR? If so, shocking grasp still won't do anything. Besides, I've never been a go for maximum DPR kind of person. I prefer to be sitting at the back.

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    Did someone say something about no source of magic damage? I mean, it's probably not exactly what you meant, but kinetic blasts count as magic for overcoming DR and all that, and they're about the most consistent option out there for it. If we're more worried on AoE, I can switch my build a bit to pick up fire as my element for easy, breezy burning hands about as often as needed. But earth provides a lot more defensive options and utility, especially at low levels, so it's kind of a crapshoot.

    Air might be the best bet since I can pick up flying at level 6, but earth is a little cooler in my opinion. I dunno. Maybe I'll switch the build a little after all. I'm not sure yet.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    The problem with E6 are will we be at level 6 all the time while the monsters increase in CR? If so, shocking grasp still won't do anything. Besides, I've never been a go for maximum DPR kind of person. I prefer to be sitting at the back.

    Shocking grasp was just an example.

    From the way the game was pitched it sounds to me that most of our opposition is going to be humans who are level-locked like we are (I would guess). So damage dealing is something I would hope isn't going to become entirely irrelevant. Other options:

  • Healing/utility. Invisibility sounds pretty good without Permanency giving enemy humanoids true seeing/see invisibility up constantly.

  • Debuff. I feel like the witch gives some good options here. The hit die cap on things like sleep is a lot less restrictive.

    Loup Blanc wrote:

    Did someone say something about no source of magic damage? I mean, it's probably not exactly what you meant, but kinetic blasts count as magic for overcoming DR and all that, and they're about the most consistent option out there for it. If we're more worried on AoE, I can switch my build a bit to pick up fire as my element for easy, breezy burning hands about as often as needed. But earth provides a lot more defensive options and utility, especially at low levels, so it's kind of a crapshoot.

    Air might be the best bet since I can pick up flying at level 6, but earth is a little cooler in my opinion. I dunno. Maybe I'll switch the build a little after all. I'm not sure yet.

    Now one character is helpful for that, but if all the creatures in an encounter have DR, it would be valuable to have more than one guy who can hurt them, no? Granted, I did pick up Ear Piercing Scream for a reason, but only one of those may not be super duper helpful.

  • The Exchange

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    Lizard Folk Cleric (Ragathiel – Nobility and Destruction)
    LN Humanoid
    Init +3;
    AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13
    hp 10 (1d8+2)
    Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
    Speed 30 ft, Swim 30 ft
    Melee Bite +3(1d6+3), Claw +3(1d4+3), Claw +3(1d4+3)
    Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1th; concentration +4)
    . . 1st — Divine Favor, Cause Fear, Bless(Domain)
    . . 0 (at will)—Guidance, Light, Create Water,
    Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
    Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
    Feats Selective Channels
    Skills Diplomacy +6, Linguistics +4, Knowledge Religion +4
    Languages Draconic, Common
    Traits: Birthmark, Paragon of speed

    Special Abilities
    Inspiring Command (Su): As a standard action, you can issue an inspiring command to your allies. The inspiring command affects one ally plus one additional ally for every three cleric levels you possess, who must all be within 30 feet of you. Affected allies gain a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, AC, combat maneuver defense, and skill checks for 1 round. This is a language-dependent mind-affecting effect.

    Destructive Smite (SU): You gain the destructive smite power: The supernatural ability to make a single melee attack with morale bonus on damage rolls equal to ½ your cleric level (minimum 1) You must declare the destructive smite before making the attack. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

    Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. (5 uses per day - DC 12 - Positive energy selected)

    Working on backstory. Starting without gear, right?

    The Exchange

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    Sithiliss backstory:

    Sithiliss was born of the Razor Claw tribe. They had the swamp, which they gathered herbs and hunted animals. And Sithiliss was just another happy little lizard, with a birthmark of a red wing on the back of his right hand. A simple and austere life, sure, but one that everyone was contented and happy. That is, until the humans came. The humans invaded the swamp, intending to convert it into fish farms. The captured lizards, including Sithiliss were shipped to concentration camps, where they were forced into hard labour. Some of his brethren languished from being away from their beloved swamps and wasted away. Under the slave drivers torments and whips, many more of his brethren died. Sithiliss watched as they split his family apart, taking his father and mother to the mines. He never saw them again. A cold hard rage formed in his heart. He vowed vengeance on his tormenters for their deeds, and vowed one day, he would bring the human empire of Nexorus down. The humans were the real monsters, to treat everyone different from them this way. And then somewhere out there, someone listened to his vow, and approved…

    Hp, I took as max for 1st level. Please correct me if I am wrong to make such an assumption.

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    Hey GM! Chess here, finally!, with my submission: Lettu Kan is a Dire Corby, probably going towards Brawler or something like that later on. Sincerely, he might even go Unchained Rogue or something else, depending of how the game goes.

    I apologize for the very long story, but I felt compelled to tell a cool story because I feel very connected to the character and his concept. I hope that's okay... I can summarize if needed.

    Thanks in advance for the consideration! Crossing my fingers here :)

    P.S. I'm using an old alias from other games that ended prematurely.

    Question: if I have something that gives me a bonus to <X> (such as Diplomacy), but I can instead use <Y> (such as Linguistics) to make Diplomacy checks, do I transfer that bonus to <Y>, or does it only apply to the original skill.

    (This also applies to things like the versatile performance of a bard, or investigators' class features, though I'm asking about it as a way to consolidate skills and possibly focus my ability scores a bit more without heavy dumping.)

    EDIT: More specifically, I'm looking at the orator feat, and wondering if my affable social trait needs to be changed out for something else yet again. :)

    EDIT 2: I'm basically in a quantum flux of final build, depending on the final outcome of the decision making process. :)

    But! I can do pretty well, over-all, at present - stealth is still a bit on the low side at present (a -4 penalty for size! Wat!), but there are ways to make it work a bit better, later, maybe.

    EDIT 3: Also, does a troll gain extra languages for having a high intelligence bonus?

    "Oh, and I suppose I should make it known that I am, in fact, myself." he adds, slyly - well, as slyly as he can manage, anyway.

    A terrifying expression spreads across his face, as his lips curl back, and keeps spreading with his teeth becoming displayed in ever-greater numbers.

    I-... it's a sheepish grin?

    "So, yeah, anyway, this is me, checking in, for inspection. It seems my records are a bit confused, at present. Sorry, I'll be glad to work however long we need to in order to straighten things out." He nods and continues his horrifyingly large "smile" at the inspector.

    "How's it going? You doing okay? Anything I can get you? I mean, I know I'm a prisoner, and you're a guard, but maybe I can help! It never hurts to help, you know?"


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    Gehehe, I submitted my character and -then- asked about the third trait. I'm setting the bar high, but I will drop the Blessings of the Feast trait from Virr. Like I stated, so it shall be done!

    The Exchange

    Adsapiens - I don't know how you're getting the stats you are when the bestiary only has them as this.

    I'm finding it odd that a medium creature can start with 22 str and dex, while a large troll only has 17 str.

    I'm in another Legendary Worlds AP, and we don't speak the same version of common. I found that not having the same language makes RP between the party difficult as you have to wait for translator, which is dependent on the other players activity. Or the other player may miss out your post/find that your post is too trivial to translate, and therefore your measage never gets to the party.

    Just a Mort wrote:
    I'm finding it odd that a medium creature can start with 22 str and dex, while a large troll only has 17 str.

    A standard troll has much higher strength - I'm dumping mine from 21 in order to push up my INT and CHA.

    Lio isn't exactly the most well-fed creature, and he's spent his life being purposefully gentle in a set of sewers that were not meant to support a creature of his size and needs, consuming highly questionable alchemical and magical runoff.

    Negative levels and a comparatively low strength really shouldn't be a surprise, so much as the question becomes, "Where are his weirdness templates?" :D

    EDIT: it's worth noting that, although the damage he deals is still deadly, Lio's basically taking a -1 to any strength check, due to negative levels.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    That's fine, but I suspect his calculations are a little off somewhere. 22 str for a medium creature with no stat enhancements with the bestiary showing 13 str, 12 dex, 15 con, 7 int, 10 wis 8 cha, how did he end up with 22 str, 22 dex, 20 con, 14 int, 11 wis, 15 cha.

    I smell bad maths.

    Also, tacticslion, what you choose to dump is really up to you =) I'm only looking out for things that don't really make in game sense (I.e rule violations).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    A couple burning questions left unanswered:

  • Max HP at first level? Roll? Or 1/2+1? I ask because I remember you mentioning enjoying the third option when we were playing together, but you haven't specified yet for this game.

  • What sort of tone to the game world should we expect? I'm pretty flexible in this regard, but I don't want to prep for Bloodborne when we're headed for Whimsyshire.

  • Just a Mort wrote:
    I smell bad maths.

    "Not as much as I do~! Let me tell you, living in the sewers with the scent special..."

    Just a Mort wrote:
    Also, tacticslion, what you choose to dump is really up to you

    "Hey! I may be a sewer troll, but that doesn't mean I'll sully peoples' good names by talking to them about their business! That seems like a private matter! I don't think he wants to discuss such uncivilized-"

    Tacticslion wrote:
    I'm dumping

    "... oh, well if you're cool with the topic, I guess it doesn't matter. So, talking about dumps, let me tell you about this enorm-"

    Green Smashomancer wrote:
    A couple burning questions left unanswered:


    Green Smashomancer wrote:
    couple burning questions left


    Green Smashomancer wrote:
    burning ... left


    Green Smashomancer wrote:



    "Agh~!" he screams, panic clear in his large, expressive eyes, "Kill it! Kill it with acid~!" His eyes widen further, then, "No, wai-!"

    ... but alas, it is too late.

    The Exchange

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    Fine, I admit to a cha dump in RL. Happy? =)

    *creates water on the sewer troll before the fire gets out of hand*

    Just a Mort wrote:
    Fine, I admit to a cha dump in RL. Happy? =)

    I'm often very happy, and now is no exception!

    But I find it unlikely that your CHA is all that low!

    Just a Mort wrote:
    *creates water on the sewer troll before the fire gets out of hand*

    That'll make him happy!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Green Smashomancer wrote:

    A couple burning questions left unanswered:

  • Max HP at first level? Roll? Or 1/2+1? I ask because I remember you mentioning enjoying the third option when we were playing together, but you haven't specified yet for this game.

  • What sort of tone to the game world should we expect? I'm pretty flexible in this regard, but I don't want to prep for Bloodborne when we're headed for Whimsyshire.
  • Max HP for 1st, 1/2+1 for each level after.

    I have played neither Bloodborne nor Whimshire!

    I was hoping to start with a tone of, say...dark and gritty, hunted while doing some hunting kind of thing, but with maybe some pulp action to keep you from falling asleep. Sort of like Tarrantino's Inglorious Basterds, if it were less Nazi monologue. We'll see how it evolves, depending on the party.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Bloodborne's pretty fantastic, but maybe Wolfenstein would have been a better comparison. Whimsyshire is just a place in Diablo that looks the way it sounds. HP updated.

    I can dig dark themes. But also...

    Green Smashomancer wrote:

    What? Things getting warm in here? I just like to add adjectives to my sentences to keep the hot streak going in descriptive land. Maybe you're just not on fire like I am, but rest assured, you too can climb pyre and higher by asking the right questions. Are you reading this? Don't just lava me hanging, I think our conversations could be a magma opus.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    Max HP for 1st, 1/2+1 for each level after.

    I have played neither Bloodborne nor Whimshire!

    I was hoping to start with a tone of, say...dark and gritty, hunted while doing some hunting kind of thing, but with maybe some pulp action to keep you from falling asleep. Sort of like Tarrantino's Inglorious Basterds, if it were less Nazi monologue. We'll see how it evolves, depending on the party.

    Probably a silly question, but does Max HP at 1st also apply to racial hit dice for people who have them? Those are usually rarely maxed.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Burnscar wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    Max HP for 1st, 1/2+1 for each level after.

    I have played neither Bloodborne nor Whimshire!

    I was hoping to start with a tone of, say...dark and gritty, hunted while doing some hunting kind of thing, but with maybe some pulp action to keep you from falling asleep. Sort of like Tarrantino's Inglorious Basterds, if it were less Nazi monologue. We'll see how it evolves, depending on the party.

    Probably a silly question, but does Max HP at 1st also apply to racial hit dice for people who have them? Those are usually rarely maxed.

    Yes, cause you're special, but it will mean no max for first class level gained later.

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    Burning? Where?! I can help!
    Casts a Mini Flame Breath (burning hands)

    Hia! This is the crunch for my Kobold Dragon wannabe (fluff coming soon). Crunch wise he is not very strong, and indeed he might be too weak.
    On that note;

    Crayfish Hora wrote:
    Gehehe, I submitted my character and -then- asked about the third trait. I'm setting the bar high, but I will drop the Blessings of the Feast trait from Virr. Like I stated, so it shall be done!

    I humbly ask that any of you guys who are building large, multi-hit die monsters to not be too efficent at it or else any base race with a base class may have a difficult time keeping up.

    My biggest worry is not E6 but rather that the sheer # of hps a creature would need to survive 1 or 2 hits from a Troll power attacking them would completely invaladate any kind of blasting damage a lvl 1 or 2 spellcaster (or rogue, or [fill-in-the-blank-here]) could hope to do.
    Then to compound this is the increased saves or special defenses such a durable creature would/could have that then make other forms of combat similarly uneffective.
    OR you go the other way with all enemies being lvl 1-2 warriors and the troll drops nukes from the high skies.
    Well, thats my worry with working around large monsters but I am sure greenteagamer is well aware of them and has planned for that :) I have faith!
    And this thinking is also why I am focusing on being an enchanter who can debuff opponets to make our big heavies hit harder >:)

    Lio the sewer troll wrote:

    1,550 copper (~15 gold 5 silver value)

    Based on my understanding of the first post. Trolls are noted as CR 5, and "standard" treasure values; this states that a typical CR 5 should have 1,550 gold; taking the first post to mean that you just remove the word "gold" and replace it with "copper" I'm under the impression that I have a lot of copper. My “plan” (such as it is) is to nab a “haramaki” (basically a cast iron stove door attached to hard leather straps and heavy-duty buckles) and keep the rest towards helping equip my fellows, later. If this doesn't hold true, I have no way of having starting wealth - trolls simply don't have a "starting wealth" value.

    Ya, having large size, lots of str and +4 BAB is enough, you dont need 20x the wealth of a first level character too :)

    greenteagamer wrote:
    The Chess wrote:
    @GreenTea: What's the start "copper" wealth for creatures without class levels?
    The same as monks.

    do we roll for starting wealth or take average?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You're all mistaking starting copper. You're in a PRISON. If the class starts 40gp you don't get 40gp in get 40 copper. You're dirt poor and only have what you smuggled in a concentration camp.

    All races without class levels start with a monk's wealth converted down to copper. Not your CR. Just...a first level monk's wealth downgraded to copper.

    You. Are. Poor.

    ...and take average.

    Yes this means anything you have will be in shambles. This is why I included broken and rusty gear. The odds are severely against you.

    Tac, I think you're misunderstanding a lot of the tone, my friend.

    Silver Crusade

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    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Gah, just saw this! Want to put together either a minotaur Phalanx Soldier or a hobgoblin Slayer, will be back when I've put something together.

    Do you have a quick-and-dirty primer about your world? didnt' see one in the initial post. I like to get pretty involved in my character backgrounds but don't want to step on any toes.

    thegreenteagamer wrote:
    You're all mistaking starting copper. You're in a PRISON. If the class starts 40gp you don't get 40gp in get 40 copper. You're dirt poor and only have what you smuggled in a concentration camp.

    Believe it or not, that's how I got my copper amounts. That's why I left that large explanation there - so someone (that's you) could correct me, if I'm wrong.


    EDIT: to be clear, I was considering how I might have smuggled that much: I'd opted for some oiled sack that I'd pr seed into an open wound of mine and let my regeneration heal around it and/or as a relative abstraction of equipment (as Inalso found it unlikely that large size stuff was available). This makes such a question easier, however.

    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    All races without class levels start with a monk's wealth converted down to copper. Not your CR. Just...a first level monk's wealth downgraded to copper.

    You. Are. Poor.

    ...and take average.

    This is what I needed! Thanks!

    (If you mentioned this, somehow I missed it several times through.)

    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    Yes this means anything you have will be in shambles. This is why I included broken and rusty gear. The odds are severely against you.

    Tac, I think you're misunderstanding a lot of the tone, my friend.

    If you mean wealth, that's why I left the large note and haven't actually incorporated anything that I could purchase from that into my statistics.

    EDIT 1&2: if there are other questions about statistics, I've striven for clarity, transparency, and openness. Please ask, so we can discuss stuff!
    (That said, if you'll notice what my wealth was headed toward, I find it funny that a fellow player was concerned about it!) ;D

    If you're referring to my in-character posts - eh, we're here in the recruitment. I figured it'd work out once we actually started playing the game. Clarifications ensuing are useful to better play the tone as-presented!

    EDIT: now that I'm not literally about to walk out the door, adding some things that should hopefully clarify stuff. It's by phone, though, so, true or not, I'll blame glaring errors on an aggressive autocorrect and thick thumbs. :D

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    It's been a couple of days, so here's a new summary of applicants and interest.

    reserved spots:
    tacticslion - Lio, the troll face

    submitted characters:

    Crayfish Hora - Virr Dustmouth, gnoll unchained monk (Numbers, Backstory)

    Burnscar - female sahaugin (Numbers, needs background, planning to do Eldritch Scoundrel Unchained Rogue 4/Ranger, Fighter or Slayer 1)

    Green Smashomancer - Gehuil Sandstream, the gnoll witch

    angryscrub - Volnar, the nagaji archaeologist

    Trishadow - Nightcrawler, vanara unchained monk

    Loup Blanc - Maqli, the hobgoblin geokineticist (needs background)

    Just a Mort - Sithiliss, the lizard folk cleric

    The Chess - Lettu, the dire corby (possibly looking towards brawler or rogue)

    Gobo Horde - Nico, the kobold sorcerer (needs background)

    expressed interest:
    Paranoid Oldman - ratfolk investigator?
    GM_Panic - vanara druid?
    nenkota moon - gnoll brawler?
    crusaderwolf - minotaur Phalanx Soldier or a hobgoblin Slayer?

    Sweet! Thanks!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    You're all mistaking starting copper. You're in a PRISON. If the class starts 40gp you don't get 40gp in get 40 copper. You're dirt poor and only have what you smuggled in a concentration camp.

    You. Are. Poor.

    Yup. And this is why Nico is in rag pants and why he has his treasured Seven. Silver. Pieces. It is the start of his secret hoard >:D

    Probably hidden in a secret pocket sewn into the inside of his breeches.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    (That said, if you'll notice what my wealth was headed toward, I find it funny that a fellow player was concerned about it!) ;D

    XD I figured that it was such a gross overcalculation that I would point it out for you earlier rather then later in-game or something, even if I lost out for it!

    That said, one of the first things I am going to build is some sort of shoulder strap/platform thingy and ride around on your shoulder :)
    Do something like This minus the mushy part :P

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Alas, with E6 instead of E7 a minotaur wouldn't be able to get the 3rd level of Phalanx Soldier--which in turn means no one-handing a Large Lucerne hammer :( With the Lunge feat it would have given him a 20ft reach, that's a lot of threatened space...

    Oh well, hobgoblin Slayer it is then!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Crusaderwolf... Look for Mammoth Lance.

    Gobo Horde wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    You're all mistaking starting copper. You're in a PRISON. If the class starts 40gp you don't get 40gp in get 40 copper. You're dirt poor and only have what you smuggled in a concentration camp.

    You. Are. Poor.

    Yup. And this is why Nico is in rag pants and why he has his treasured Seven. Silver. Pieces. It is the start of his secret hoard >:D

    Probably hidden in a secret pocket sewn into the inside of his breeches.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    (That said, if you'll notice what my wealth was headed toward, I find it funny that a fellow player was concerned about it!) ;D

    XD I figured that it was such a gross overcalculation that I would point it out for you earlier rather then later in-game or something, even if I lost out for it!

    That said, one of the first things I am going to build is some sort of shoulder strap/platform thingy and ride around on your shoulder :)
    Do something like This minus the mushy part :P

    AWESOME! I'm a mobile self-repairing battle platform! Of stealth and diplomacy!

    I'll need someone to spot me a continuous ant haul, though...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Oh, also This! XD

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    Maybe pick up some Muleback Cords?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    Gobo Horde wrote:
    thegreenteagamer wrote:

    You're all mistaking starting copper. You're in a PRISON. If the class starts 40gp you don't get 40gp in get 40 copper. You're dirt poor and only have what you smuggled in a concentration camp.

    You. Are. Poor.

    Yup. And this is why Nico is in rag pants and why he has his treasured Seven. Silver. Pieces. It is the start of his secret hoard >:D

    Probably hidden in a secret pocket sewn into the inside of his breeches.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    (That said, if you'll notice what my wealth was headed toward, I find it funny that a fellow player was concerned about it!) ;D

    XD I figured that it was such a gross overcalculation that I would point it out for you earlier rather then later in-game or something, even if I lost out for it!

    That said, one of the first things I am going to build is some sort of shoulder strap/platform thingy and ride around on your shoulder :)
    Do something like This minus the mushy part :P

    AWESOME! I'm a mobile self-repairing battle platform! Of stealth and diplomacy!

    I'll need someone to spot me a continuous ant haul, though...

    Oh come on! I weigh like 30lb and 2 short pieces of wood and a few leather straps XD that will hardly break your back!

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    I take it back, I saw Greenteagamer's post about reducing the negative levels by 1, so I'll be playing a Minotaur after all.

    Gobo Horde wrote:

    Oh come on! I weigh like 30lb and 2 short pieces of wood and a few leather straps XD that will hardly break your back!

    I'm a sensitive soul! ... for a troll! I "only" have a strength of 17! That's a 7 in troll terms!

    ... besides you know you're not going to be the only one asking for piggy back rides...

    (Lio will be thrilled because he totally made a friend and definitly not someone just using him for the free ride... *cough*)


    CrusaderWolf wrote:
    I take it back, I saw Greenteagamer's post about reducing the negative levels by 1, so I'll be playing a Minotaur after all.


    Green Smashomancer wrote:


    Green Smashomancer wrote:
    What? Things getting warm in here? I just like to add adjectives to my sentences to keep the hot streak going in descriptive land. Maybe you're just not on fire like I am, but rest assured, you too can climb pyre and higher by asking the right questions. Are you reading this? Don't just lava me hanging, I think our conversations could be a magma opus.

    D-dang it. On a phone with bad internet at the house... trying to avoid irritating GM by in-character banter...

    Will: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

    Made it! Barely! I will submit to your superior word expertise... for now... !

    And now: haircut!

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