The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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Wouldn't Mingary Bend be the / a bend in the river Mingary?

If not (English is not my native language) then I am fine with it.

And while we are at the topic of languages:
Do Aldorans speak the same "common" as we locals do? Or are there two separate human languages: "Aldoran" and "Urandoman"?


"Common" in this setting is the local language spoken by the Urandomans (including Maetaur and Gymnaga, though the Gymnaga have an older language that they do not use). Alodoans have their own language (including a seperate language for the Elves and Halflings), but they learn to speak common more frequently than the locals learn the Aladoan language (but it is one you can learn).

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Just a quick note that i will be unavailable for posting nearly all day tomorrow and possibly into the next day. Will pick up ASAP thereafter, thanks!

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

gonna be out of town camping august 15-18/19. no cell service


Summertime slow down, no worries. Going to update Dieredon and Calex today.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

back, ready when you are


I have found out that I had seriously overspend when buying equipment. I have made adjustments.

Now I have one problem: I am left with 32 gold, which is way over the money I feel Alomar should own. Would you be okay if I purchase a healers kit with just 6 charges left?


That sounds good to me. We had some discussions at the beginning of this campaign about how the ecconmy was supposed to work. We were trying to reflect a kind of "limited" currency ecconomy (there are coins in the Woodbridge community, but the gross number of coins doesn't change and the money sort of just changes hands). Anyway, yes that would be fine.


About, Mingary Bend - I think in this usage it would mean, "The bend in the river at Mingary" , given that the locals who use this name have no confusion about what river is being talked about. If there were two or more rivers in close proximity, then the name might be expanded to be, Mingary Bend Upon the Lorisaine”

Mingary Bend,

So far as I can see, this little community to the Northwest of Woodbridge has a small population of Maetaur.

The Meataur (forty three, from seven Maetaur families).

We have named these individuals:

Cicily Fautinbino
Henri Fautinbino (one of Cicily’s children)
Dominic Tabrello (Cicily’s current mate, and the official leader of the community)
Fiona McKecknee (A young girl)
Paulinna McKecknee (Fiona’s younger sister)
Michelin McCarthy (a strong young man)
Alomar “Bright-eye” (no family name yet)

So that is 4 (or possibly 5) of the families so far "named"


I've put up a few posts in the game thread addressing Alomar, Poseus and Phineas, and I want to get them through day 5 (no rush, just want to keep it going)

Dieredon and Calex will set out on the morning of the 6th day for Castletown. Just to be sure I understand what they want to do. They are going straight to the castle, is that correct?

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

That is our first stop - correct.

PS: I really like the direction this is taking. The slow unfolding of the mystery makes it more interesting rather than "BAM" combat, BAM BBEG etc.

Howdy folks! I will be taking on the part of the lyph character and as such Terquem asked me to flesh them out and make them more balanced according to the race builder rules. All of the following races are a +1 race. Also keep in mind this was the quick and dirty revamp of just their core abilities. I will polish and finalize them later. Please critique.

Altilyph: Altilyph are nine to fourteen inches in height. They have dark tan skin and tend to be thick but not obese. They are found in high mountain/plateau regions. They are farmers and herders of long haired rodents (similar to the guinea pig). They are shy and aloof. Their wings resemble beetle wings (some with hard shells). They resemble Dwarves in many ways.

Tiny Fey
+2 Fly skill, always class skill
-2 str, +2 con, +2 wis
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 30 feet (poor)
Climb: Altilyph's can climb with ease at their speed and do not take a negative to their armor class when climbing. They also receive a +4 to their climb skill.
enlarge person 1/day
speak with animals 1/day
stone shape 1/week
Darkvision 60 ft
Lowlight vision
DR 5/Cold iron
Carapace: An Altilyph has a thick carapace on his back that shields his wings went not in use. This carapace acts as a natural shield at all times except against their vulnerability to fire. It provides them DR 5/fire
Fire Vulnerability: Altilyph are susceptible to damage from fire. They suffer a -2 on all saves vs. fire.

Nuonalyph are eleven to nineteen inches in height. They are often described as gangly, and tend to have slender arms and legs. Their skin color is ruddy and can sometimes be as dark as an Altilyph. They have very fine hair, and also tend to have pronounced receding hairlines. They are the most gregarious of the fairy folk. Their wings resemble dragonfly wings. They resemble Alodoan Elves. Nuanolyphs are found in forests and grasslands near fresh, clear running water.

Tiny fey
-2 str, +4 dex, +2 cha
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day
control water 1/day
charm person 1/day
DR 5/Cold iron
Lowlight Vision
Gregarious: When a Nuonalyph successfully use Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for the next 24 hours. They also receive a +2 to diplomacy.
Speed: 20 ft (ground), 50 ft (good)

Dakalyph are ten to eighteen inches in height. They have fair to tawny skin color and among the winged fey folk they have the widest variety of wing shape/size/color. Dakalyphs are haughty and proud and tend to segregate themselves by wing size with those with the largest wings acting morally and intellectually superior to all other fairy folk. They are often the most seductive and alluring of the winged fairies, with only the Sakalyphs being markedly more attractive. Their wings resemble butterfly wings. There is a strong animosity between Sakalyphs and Dakalyphs. They resemble Fair, somewhat “Elven” humans. Dakalyph can be found in nearly any location in Urandoma.

Tiny fey
-4 str, +2 dex, +2 int, +2 wis, +2 cha
+2 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day
detect magic at will
hypnotism 1/day
silent image 1/day
DR 5/Cold iron
Lowlight Vision
speed: 20 ft (ground), 40 ft fly (average)

Sahilyph are seven to twelve inches in height and are the rarest of the winged fey folk. They are fair skinned and have very light colored hair (They are the only fey known to have naturally platinum blonde colored hair). Sahilyphs tend to be nocturnal and are rarely seen in the full light of day. It has been said that they are the most perfectly proportioned of the winged fairy folk. They are extremely suspicious of strangers, but not easily provoked to anger. Their wings resemble hummingbird wings. They resemble Aladoan Halflings. Sahilyphs can be found in deep forests or hilltop glades.

Tiny fey
-2 str, +4 dex, +2 cha
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
Darkvision 60 ft
Lowlight vision
enlarge person 1/day
expeditious retreat 1/day
Speed: 20 ft (ground), 60 ft (perfect)
Move action to hover, no fly check, double move action to hover and change altitude 5 ft
DR 5/Cold iron

Sakalyph (hawk) are twelve to twenty inches in height. Rare Sakalyphs have been known to grow to almost thirty inches in height (along the far southern coast of Urandoma). They have tan to dark chocolate brown skin and dark hair. They are among the most beautiful of the humanoid creatures known. They are a curious and an easily agitated people and have even been described as barbaric by other fey folk. They can be very dangerous opponents when angered as the wingspan/strength of an Enlarged Sakalyph is formidable indeed. They are strong flyers and are adept at spear fishing from great heights. They are usually found along the southwestern and southern coast of Urandoma.

Small fey
lowlight vision
+4 perception
+2 str, +2 dex, -2 int, +2 cha
speed: 20 ft (ground), 40 ft fly (average)
Aerial Dive (Ex): A Sakalyph specializes in fighting in the air and can dive at foes at incredible speeds. When diving a sakalyph moves at quadruple his fly speed with no penalties to his fly skill.
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day
DR 5/Cold iron
Easily Provoked: Sakalyph are among the most temperamental and savage of the fey races. When angered a sakalyph can enter a rage that is identical to a 1st level barbarian's rage ability. They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to their constitution modifier. After exiting a rage state a sakalyph is fatigued for 2x the number of rounds spent in rage. They cannot enter a rage state while fatigued.

Edit the last fey, can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to con modifier, not number of times per day.


Okay here are some of my questions –

Some of the entries have both Darkvision and Low light Vision. I would prefer that all of them only have Low Light Vision

It should be made clear that the Enlarge Person ability can only ever be used on the caster

I’m not sure that it makes sense that the Dakalyph (based on Elves) (on average) has a lower strength than the Nuonalyph (based on Humans/Half-Elves)

I would like to see the DR changed back to a factor of their being in the air (and they only have DR when flying, and that it scales to their Hit Die, that is +1 point/hit die) of DR to all physical attacks when in the air. Even though these are Fey creatures, they have strong connections to the natural/material world and so should probably not have an across the board DR versus cold iron.

The reason why the Sahalyph was originally modeled on the great Herons instead of the Eagles (or hawks) is primarily to add a sense of continuity to the natural world in that Herons, many species, are communal creatures, whereas Eagles and Hawks are solitary mated pairs. The Sahalyphs are a communal people, and thus more closely related to herons than eagles (also as a factor of physical size to wing size the heron has larger wings for its body size and is a stronger long distance flyer).

Give me a little time to run the race builder numbers on these and see how they point out, Thank you for all the work.

If one of these types appeals to you, let me know which one, and I will work those into the up coming story as soon as I can

Dieredon and Calex – I will try to put up a short post that gets you to the castle today
Alomar, Phineas, and Poseus, I will also get a post up that gets you back in front of Patricia, but remember, you are still a day behind Dieredon and Calex.
Marcus, if I have a productive day, I will get up a post for you as well.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

no worries, all good :)

For the couple that have darkvision I based on factors given in their description. Altilyph are based on dwarves and live in the mountains and therefore to escape the high winds that often tear through mountain ranges as well as the other dangers inherent to living on exposed mountain slopes it would be logical that they built villages underground. That is also why they have the worst flying ability but compensate with a good climbing ability. The other fey with darkvision is the Sahilyph. This was simply because you stated that they are normally nocturnal creatures.

The issue with the DR as you designed it is it would jack up their + as a race. It doesn't matter that it only works when they are flying, the fact that they have it all means that they would start out with DR 2/- (which even though it's only 2, nothing overcomes it. Thats a big deal.) They don't have flat damage reduction in the race builder so I looked at all of the various types of damage reduction to try and gauge what it would be.

Fey Damage Resistance (3 RP): Prerequisite: Fey type; Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/cold iron.

Moon-Touched Damage Resistance (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/silver.

Skeletal Damage Reduction (2 RP): Prerequisite: Undead type; Benefit: Members of this race gain DR 5/bludgeoning.

The first two are 3 points because they are overcome by uncommon weapon materials. Skeletal is only 2 because they are overcome by a common weapon type. So DR that can't be overcome would most likely start at DR 1/- for 3 RP. Following the rules for increasing DR it would be another 3 RP to increase it by another point plus another 1 rp every time you take the trait beyond the first. So the rp addition would look like this.

DR 1/-: 3 rp
DR 2/-: 4 rp
DR 3/-: 5 rp
DR 4/-: 6 rp
DR 5/-: 7 rp

Grand total for DR 5/- = 25 rp. A race with DR 5/-, standard atributes, medium size, no special qualities would be a +1 race just for the DR at 4th level. You can see how the race points began to skyrocket very quickly. Add on top of that tiny size (4 rp), flight ( 4 rp for a flight speed of 30 ft with poor manueverability), static bonus feat (dodge, 2 rp), fey (grants lowlight vision, 2 rp), minimum of +2 skill bonus on flight (2 rp), lesser spell like ability 1/day (enlarge person, 1 rp).

For example a fighter can take feats to allow him to ignore damage reduction with a specific weapon. At 12th level he can take Penetrating Strike to ignore 5 points of typed DR (DR 10/magic). He cannot use this feat on creatures with untyped DR. At 16th level he can take Greater Penetrating strike to ignore 10 points of typed DR and 5 points of untyped DR. That means any of these fey at 4th level have DR that would take a 16th level fighter to overcome.

Very quickly the race would become +2 and then +3 and so on. Monsters with untyped DR (meaning DR #/-) are very rare for a reason. And most often times a CR 15+ encounter.


I think we can drop the damage reduction and just not deal with it.

I've had a rough couple of days, I'll be back on top of things as soon as I can.

Okiedokie capitain. Feel better soon.


I will try to get updated in the next 24 hours.

Shady - do you have a selection in mind for your character? Let's keep what you've worked out, but drop the Darkvision from all of them and also drop the Damage reduction.

Here are the stats reposted minus DR and Darkvision

Tiny Fey
+2 Fly skill, always class skill
-2 str, +2 con, +2 wis
Speed: 20 ft, Fly 30 feet (poor)
Climb: Altilyph's can climb with ease at their speed and do not take a negative to their armor class when climbing. They also receive a +4 to their climb skill.
enlarge person 1/day - Can only be cast on self
speak with animals 1/day
stone shape 1/week
Lowlight vision
Carapace: An Altilyph has a thick carapace on his back that shields his wings went not in use. This carapace acts as a natural shield at all times except against their vulnerability to fire. It provides them DR 5/fire
Fire Vulnerability: Altilyph are susceptible to damage from fire. They suffer a -2 on all saves vs. fire.

Nuonalyph are eleven to nineteen inches in height. They are often described as gangly, and tend to have slender arms and legs. Their skin color is ruddy and can sometimes be as dark as an Altilyph. They have very fine hair, and also tend to have pronounced receding hairlines. They are the most gregarious of the fairy folk. Their wings resemble dragonfly wings. They resemble Alodoan Elves. Nuanolyphs are found in forests and grasslands near fresh, clear running water.

Tiny fey
-2 str, +4 dex, +2 cha
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day - Can only be cast on self
control water 1/day
charm person 1/day
Lowlight Vision
Gregarious: When a Nuonalyph successfully use Diplomacy to win over an individual, that creature takes a –2 penalty on attempts to resist any of the member’s Charisma-based skills for the next 24 hours. They also receive a +2 to diplomacy.
Speed: 20 ft (ground), 50 ft (good)

Dakalyph are ten to eighteen inches in height. They have fair to tawny skin color and among the winged fey folk they have the widest variety of wing shape/size/color. Dakalyphs are haughty and proud and tend to segregate themselves by wing size with those with the largest wings acting morally and intellectually superior to all other fairy folk. They are often the most seductive and alluring of the winged fairies, with only the Sakalyphs being markedly more attractive. Their wings resemble butterfly wings. There is a strong animosity between Sakalyphs and Dakalyphs. They resemble Fair, somewhat “Elven” humans. Dakalyph can be found in nearly any location in Urandoma.

Tiny fey
-4 str, +2 dex, +2 int, +2 wis, +2 cha
+2 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day - Can only be cast on self
detect magic at will
hypnotism 1/day
silent image 1/day
Lowlight Vision
speed: 20 ft (ground), 40 ft fly (average)

Sahilyph are seven to twelve inches in height and are the rarest of the winged fey folk. They are fair skinned and have very light colored hair (They are the only fey known to have naturally platinum blonde colored hair). Sahilyphs tend to be nocturnal and are rarely seen in the full light of day. It has been said that they are the most perfectly proportioned of the winged fairy folk. They are extremely suspicious of strangers, but not easily provoked to anger. Their wings resemble hummingbird wings. They resemble Aladoan Halflings. Sahilyphs can be found in deep forests or hilltop glades.

Tiny fey
-2 str, +4 dex, +2 cha
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
Lowlight vision
enlarge person 1/day - Can only be cast on self
expeditious retreat 1/day
Speed: 20 ft (ground), 60 ft (perfect)
Move action to hover, no fly check, double move action to hover and change altitude 5 ft

Sakalyph (hawk) are twelve to twenty inches in height. Rare Sakalyphs have been known to grow to almost thirty inches in height (along the far southern coast of Urandoma). They have tan to dark chocolate brown skin and dark hair. They are among the most beautiful of the humanoid creatures known. They are a curious and an easily agitated people and have even been described as barbaric by other fey folk. They can be very dangerous opponents when angered as the wingspan/strength of an Enlarged Sakalyph is formidable indeed. They are strong flyers and are adept at spear fishing from great heights. They are usually found along the southwestern and southern coast of Urandoma.

Small fey
lowlight vision
+4 perception
+2 str, +2 dex, -2 int, +2 cha
speed: 20 ft (ground), 40 ft fly (average)
Aerial Dive (Ex): A Sakalyph specializes in fighting in the air and can dive at foes at incredible speeds. When diving a sakalyph moves at quadruple his fly speed with no penalties to his fly skill.
+4 Fly skill, always class skill
enlarge person 1/day - Can only be cast on self
Easily Provoked: Sakalyph are among the most temperamental and savage of the fey races. When angered a sakalyph can enter a rage that is identical to a 1st level barbarian's rage ability. They can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to their constitution modifier. After exiting a rage state a sakalyph is fatigued for 2x the number of rounds spent in rage. They cannot enter a rage state while fatigued.

I think I'll roll up a Dakalyph sorcerer (Fey blood).

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Regarding the Survival check to not get lost, I'd say Alomar should roll it, he has a modifier of +11.
I'll try to aid.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

I think Alomar missed the meeting and got elected. I will also aid.


I'm sending a PM to Alomar toady

There will updates


There is a link to a map for the Castletown Stable encounter now fixed at the top of each page for this game (in the short description area). I will identify everyone on the map in a game post soon.


My apologies, I was certain I announced my holiday, which I apparently did not. I will post something in the game thread later today.


Initiative of men fighting Haselton: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Initiative of man attacking the Elven Woman: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Captain Haselton’s initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Elven woman’s initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

My apologies as well, family emergency made me unavailable for the past two weeks. Emergency is resolved and I'm back full time.


Hello all, I'll be going out of town for the weekend, starting late tonight or earlier tomorrow, and will not be back till Monday. So things will be slow for a few days. Sorry

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

have a good trip


I'm back, and having a little trouble with my brain, but I will update soon.


Initiative, Fox Wood Encounter: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Fair warning, I will be in the car a fair portion of the day tomorrow and may not be able to post much over the holiday weekend in US. I'm sure I'll squeeze a little in, but perhaps just a little slower than usual.


That's fine I really need to get Dieredon and Calex updated anyway.

Terquem, do not forget that Alomar is also known to heal other Maetaur, although he normally defers to Cecily ;-)


Yes I remember, and there are other healers among the Maetaur as well, I'm just suggesting that this wound is beyond the skill of those, and probably your, skill.

It is one of the "broken" things, from a story telling perspective, when magic healing is available. A small community with just two or three low level clerics could keep, in game theory terms, everyone from suffering serious injuries, so I usually introduce a "tweak: now and then that suggest that a wound, injury or illness is beyond magical healing (usually because the Divine source of the magic is blocking the flow of healing energy for a reason unknown to the people of the world). It is one of the things behind Auria the One-Handed's condition.

Also, today is opening day of the East Idaho State Fair, and I always go, I love the fair. so I;ll be away today, but might be back tonight with updates.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3

I was so torn by indecision about this combat-now that I had stunned 2 of the attackers, should I grab them and tie'em up or help Dieredon while we outnumbered them for a couple of rounds? Fortunately, Die didn't need my help, and we got our prisoners-this scene played out exactly like I pictured it- That's AWESOME! I love it when you can get so deep into a scene that you can close your eyes and clearly imagine what it looks in your mind. That immersion is what I enjoy the most in this hobby. I will say that the map really helped, Terq. Thanks for putting that up.

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3
Terquem wrote:

Yes I remember, and there are other healers among the Maetaur as well, I'm just suggesting that this wound is beyond the skill of those, and probably your, skill.

It is one of the "broken" things, from a story telling perspective, when magic healing is available. A small community with just two or three low level clerics could keep, in game theory terms, everyone from suffering serious injuries, so I usually introduce a "tweak: now and then that suggest that a wound, injury or illness is beyond magical healing (usually because the Divine source of the magic is blocking the flow of healing energy for a reason unknown to the people of the world). It is one of the things behind Auria the One-Handed's condition.

Also, today is opening day of the East Idaho State Fair, and I always go, I love the fair. so I;ll be away today, but might be back tonight with updates.

If you are going with that tweak, then I don't think the divine are blocking the power so much as they are BEING blocked. We are dealing with a pantheon of deities and good vs. evil are always in contention, never mind gods of the same or similar alignments who simply don't get along. Blocking their access to the mortal world, even if only temporarily, might be the divine equivalent of tossing garbage over the fence of a neighbor you don't like.


Been having computer issues and trying to post from my touchpad, sorry for the delays


The home computer died today so it might be a while before I am back up to speed

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

i had that happen to me, no worries. Good luck with getting it fixed or getting a new one :)


Before we get into the gameplay discussion regarding leadership, please know that I have no issues with Phineas being the leader.

Just being sure that it is clear that Alomar's vision does not necessarily reflect my own.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Well it didn't seem a good idea for Poseus to rush into three archers completely uncovered, so he asked Phineas when he came close for a plan. Luckily he has magic, while I'm still a commoner in padded armour.

Poseus Murandae wrote:
Well it didn't seem a good idea for Poseus to rush into three archers completely uncovered, so he asked Phineas when he came close for a plan. Luckily he has magic, while I'm still a commoner in padded armour.

I can completely understand Poseus reaction (and do not mind it a bit).

Because Alomar is very fresh in the group I think it is logical that he tries to figure out what his position is.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

No worries fellas. Phineas doesn't really want to be the leader, but when the chips are down, it comes out of him. A grudging leadership role at best. He may not be right either, so speak up if you have a mind to.


Good News - I've got a new computer, it's up and running and I'm back on the site

BAD NEWS - I've lost all my Maptools campaigns, maps and tokens, so I'll be rebuilding this weekend. I'll try to update but if you are needing a map you'll have to rely on the one that is current as I won't be updating maps till Monday at the earliest.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Not sure if any of you are PFS players, but if so you should be aware of this event which is a huge effort to build interest in PbP PFS. I am running a game (Silent Tide 00-01) and playing in a few others. Many tiers and scenarios are represented, but you must join up at Warhorn site to officially sign up. Here is the link for the events.

Note, they all won;t be on the same day via PbP format, but will kick off at about the same time. Go and sign up for your favorite game or DM.


I'm here, but a bit swamped. I need to update Calex and Dieredon, and get Marcus updated, and then get the three of the rest up to round 8. Sorry for the delay

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

No problem Yerquem, just keep us in the loop.

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