The Beginning of All Things (Inactive)

Game Master Terquem

How big is your world?

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M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

Alomar - I didn't take your reminder to include the Bless as cranky at all, but a good way to help it stick...Airports make me grumbly too!

Having a PFS bard, I am always chasing my teammates to remember the bardic performance bonus, so I know the feeling. Perhaps, Phineas should also cast that spell, and we could be doubly blessed!


First, thank each and every one of you for being patient with me


Read if you don't mind hearing me complain a little, otherwise you can ignore this it will not change the way I am running the game:

This is a bit of a complaint and I want to be clear that it isn’t pointed at any of you in particular.

I hate perception checks, intuition checks and knowledge checks.
My experience with these games goes back a long time and I miss, more than anything, the interactions I once had with players. I miss the questions and the discussions that we had as players asked questions and I told them things that made them think of more questions and this was how the players learned about the world around them and this was what I enjoyed more than anything, the interaction.

But now that is gone. Players want to post a roll and be told everything they need to know. It seems that no one wants to try and think about what they could ask to get the information they need by dialoging with the DM, they just expect it to be told to them because they rolled well. I hate it.

But I understand why it has become part of the game. No one likes to feel as if they were beat up upon by an encounter because the DM played a trick on them and didn’t give them at least a few clues that might have helped, I get that. But I was never that kind of DM. If you ask enough questions, a s a player, I will tell you everything your character could possible know, and hopefully with that information you can figure out the way to success without feeling like you were blindsided.

I prefer questions like, “Do these plants look familiar to me?”
“Has anyone ever told me about this kind of building? Have I seen this kind of Door before? Are the hinges made of metal?”

If you ask a question like this, you are going to get an answer that I think you will think is fair.

I prefer direct stated actions such as, “I listen at the door,” or “I approach the wall carefully keeping an eye on the floor, but looking to the sides when I can.”

I realize this is a long grumpfest on my part, but I had to get it off my chest.

M Human Cleric 1/Ranger 2 | HP 11/22 | Channels 3/7 used | AC = 16 | F+5|R+6|W+5 | Per +9 |Init +3

As a GM, I agree. If a player rolls a "perception" check and and says exactly what they are trying to perceive, I will usually grant them the clue, regardless of the roll amount.

Perception is the probably the most over-used skill in PF.

As a player, I will usually say, I am looking for at the dead Saughain and then roll, expecting the roll is my ability to percieve not the ability just to look. (if that makes sense). By saying I'm looking doesn't mean I look closely (or well) enough to see the clue.

But, yes, I feel you.


In case it was mentioned before and lost in the depths of the thread, we are using the fast track (we should be moving a bit faster from here on out).

For hit points, let's try using max hp for each level

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Point well taken. I fall into that Perception trap sometimes, but as you say, I am much more comfortable with the old-style approach. I have been at this for so long that I can agree it has indeed gone the way of the do-do bird.

As an aside, I have just finished reading the Core Rulebook for Numenera, and my table-top group is going to give it a go. Monty Cook has done a fabulous job with a variable game system that allows for more player interaction, originality and storytelling than mechanical dice rolling. You would like it, Terquem.

In my opinion this is an issue with play by forum, in tabletop RPF I usually wait until the GM says to roll a check. That is also something I tell my players when I GM. With PBF I want to keep things moving, so roll the checks when I think a roll could be in order.

That said, I am perfectly fine with just describing my actions and letting the GM roll any applicable dice.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Did we gain a level? Did I miss something lol?

Not yet Marcus, see this post

And for you this part should be interesting:

Terquem wrote:
When Marcus returns to Woodbridge, he will have some interaction with the Maetaur, and find his skills as a craftsman and as a merchant have improved and he too will be at 1350 experience points.

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Thanks, somehow I missed that *facepalm*

Will level up over the next day, got work soon


Poseus - Yes you can take Ranger - 1, as your level at second level

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Ok Poseus is updated now, Ranger (Skirmisher Archetype) 1 added. How proud would Dieredon be on him now lol

Just a question Terquem and the others, I have to choose my favored enemy now, basically Poseus is a hunter and fisher and choosing animals as first favored type would suit him. Though with recent events I might switch to Humanoids (Snakefolk?) because they are his mortal enemies.

Which should I choose?


Sashi-Anhain are Monstrous Humanoids

Animals would follow your post experience, Sashi-Anhain would be a bit of foreshadowing I guess.

I think that Poseus' feelings towards Sashi-Anhain are a lot stronger than towards animal. With the latter it is much more based on intellect, with the former it is about feelings. Up to you decide, I can see the reasoning behind either one.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

So proud, indeed! Atta-boy, Poseus. There is no harm in a little foreshadowing. I suggest the Monstrous Humanoids.


A Quick Note:

The wife and I are going out of town this weekend to celebrate our 31st anniversary. I'll be away from my computers until Monday, but i will try to get something up before I leave.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Poseus - check my aliases for Conner Hawthorne - he is an advanced Skirmisher build that may interest you for what to look forward to. I am currently playing him in another PbP game.

Have fun this weekend Terquem!

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Enjoy the weekend Terquem!

I picked the Monstrous Humanoids as my favored enemy. Our last battle was a good way to show me getting that ability.


Where were we?

Marcus needs to find Cicily and Rosilindea

Poseus, Phineas and Alomar are wondering what to do next (I'll check for outstanding questions I haven't answered yet)

Dieredon and Calex are addressing the man attacking Lord Anticus (this will be my first priority)

Dealing with a head cold, just about over it now, and I am working on updates

We were hoping you had a great anniversary with your wife ;-)

Outstanding question from Alomar: I did not prepare all spells in the morning, can I prepare my lvl2 slots when I pray for the open slots or do I need to wait until he has rested for the night?


I think for a luch break, Alomar can prepare his new spell slots

OK, spells in profile adjusted for lunch praying.

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

I am out of town on business the next two days. Please feel free to DMPC me.

Poseus, are your HP correct at 3 out of 15?

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

I was at 3/7 before level-up, so if I'm at 11/15 instead that's fine with me. It actually never came up with my other games.


it is sort of supposed to be that if you level while injured you gain HP to bring you up, but I kind of like the way you are role playing the delicate nature of having just survived a near fatal stab wound.

I like that too, it's just that Alomar has prepared a CLW and he would have used it on Poseus. I can imagine that Phoneas would have done the same. So HP-wise you are probably ok, while there is nothing stopping you from role playing :-)

Cure: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Guess it would be best to take that extra hp now, else I'd be wasting perfectly good cures from my allies.

Won't slow down my roleplaying his wounds and scars though.

Poseus Murandae wrote:

Poseus moves around the hillside to look for any clues about the Lyphs as well as keeping vigilance for any signs of more Sashi-Anhain.

Survival tracking: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

And we are so trying to describe our actions and implying the dice rolls. Did you really have to mess that up? ;-)


I sort of picture Poseus, the young enthusiastic fledgling ranger, circling around the hill, finding suspicious "tracks", getting right down on them and following them until he bumps into Alomar, hehehehe

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Yes that's mostly what I am probably doing haha.

And then I'll say I found tracks leading the way I was going.

Sorry Alomar ;) it's hard for an old fox to lose it's tricks

Tssk, I expected more of you, hiding behind your age is a lame excuse ;)

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

Dieredon is now Level 2.

HP: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

I was not sure if we rolled for HP, or not?


Let's go ahead and do max HP for each level

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

Updated it with the extra HP then.

Is this more foreshadowing Terquem? :)

Male Moon Elf Fighter (Arcane Archer of Kyonin) 3; HP: 28/28; AC:14; Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 12; Second Wind 0/1 (SR or LR); Action Surge 0/1 (SR or L); Arcane Arrow 1/2 (SR or L)

HP updated accordingly. I agree Poseus. I do not like the sounds of that.


Received my Furlough notification today, going to complicate my life in some ways, but I will try to keep on schedule here. I apologize for a brief delay while I get things in order.

Terquem, I really like where this is going, one question: what would Alomar know of this Tafganor race?


The very first post of this thread is a brief description of the Maetaur people, and this one passage,

The history of the local populations contains stories of a time before the Great Kings when Human and Maetaur tribes fought but it was through the unification of many indigenous peoples under King Adennore of the human people, called the Banyan DePoir (People of the Valley of Ban) and the Chief of the Maetaur people (in the human legends he is called, Wiliman Cloudrunner, whereas in the Maetaur versions of the same story it is a female chief and High Druid called Wilmorra Greyskies) in a war against a race known as the Tafganor (Orcs) which, according to legend, drove the Tafganor out of the land, that the Human and Maetaur peoples came to be one population

Is the first, and I believe only, reference to the Tafganor.

I had imagined them to be Orcs, and that they would play a significant role as Monsters encountered later in the adventure (being driven to live underground, they have not been seen for generations).

The nature, culture, and other details can be expanded upon by any player, and we can discuss it here.

What Alomar would know - The Maetaur of wood bridge will probably not have any "real" information about these monsters. Parents will tell stories about them in the sense that they are a sort of "bogey man" and use the threat of them coming back to remind children to stay diligent and true to their beliefs. It is probable that everything Alomar knows about them is purely speculative. There are no written records, among the Maetaur of Woodbridge, that would be helpful to a young Maetaur curious about these creatures, but it is known that some Maetaur tribes are in possession of ancient books and scrolls, very carefully protected, that do have details about these creatures. Alomar would know of these texts (he can create names for these texts such as “The Song Of *blank*” or “*Blank’s* Wanderings” or other names, take a look at old records such as the Poetic or Prose Eddas of Scandinavia, The Song of Rowland, and other ancient European texts.)


I'd like to point out, in contrast to the Maetaur People, that I have imagined that the Gymnaga people have a much stronger Oral Tradition, and do not have any knowledge of ancient books, or scrolls, that are reveared or held somewhere. The Gymnaga are private about the history of their people. Prior to their current state, as a kind of free/nomadic people (Gymnaga have no "Lands" that they know of that are known to be "homeland" in their oral traditions)there is only the knowledge that they were slaves to the Sashi-Anhain, and nothing about their past prior to this is known. It is not understood how long this period of slavery actually lasted (it is believed that there must have been a time in the very distant, dark, past when the Gymnaga where not slaves, but no Gymnaga knows anything about this period).


I'm having internet access issues, please stand by *cue the elevator music*


I am staying up late tonight to update this game and give some players more information about what is going on around them

Dieredon and Calex, thanks for letting me try to slow you guys down a bit, I appreciate it.

Poseus, Phineas, and Alomar, I am so impressed by the effort you guys are putting into a setting up camp scene, thanks. Phineas, there will be some response to your Detect Magic Spell, sorry for the delay

Marcus – I’m not sure what we should do next. It’s kind of your call here. Do you want to follow up on the injured Maetaur, or head home and work on the armor?

Male Human Expert 3...HP 18/27 | AC 16 | TCH 13 | FLT 13 | F/R/W 2/4/3

Terq, just don't burn yourself out is all, and thank you for the detail and immersion you give to both the games I am in :) Keep up the good work.

As far as which direction Marcus would take, he is torn. I view him as a compassionate guy, who would want to continue on to make sure the Maetuar boy is okay, but focused on getting the armors finished as well..............

I think Marcus would finish with the Maetuar first, then try his best to finish the armors, hoping his new friends would understand the chaos that slowed him down upon their return.

Maetuar first :)

HP: 24/24; AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14; CMD: 16; Fort: +3, Ref: +4, Will: +4; Init +3; Perception +7
Human male Wizard/3
Terquem wrote:
Dieredon and Calex, thanks for letting me try to slow you guys down a bit, I appreciate it.

Wait...we were slowing down? o.O I was so involved in the game I didn't notice!'re welcome? ;3


I got my but kicked by Halloween, I'm way behind, but I will be catching up soon, sorry


Okay, here's the situation.

Was trying to bring in a player to play a Lyph character, who was very excited to join, and then suddenly stoped responding to my messages, and so i will move forward with an encounter for Alomar, Poseus and Phineas (but I don't expect the actual combat rounds to launch until Saturday).

I am going to build a few posts to deal with Dieredon and Calex at Court, those should be interesting, and they will take half of Day 7, the rest of Day 7 for these two should be spent getting the rmedy for the man in Woodbridge.

Marcus - I will be dealing with a twon meeting for you to attend

My apologies, I was sure I posted my absence in discussion...

Terquem: take it easy, you won't get a reaction from me before Saturday.

HP: 25/25; AC: 16, T: 13, FF: 13; CMD: 19; Fort: 5, Ref: 6, Will: 1; Init +3; Perception +7
Gymnaga Commoner 1/Ranger (Skirmisher) 2

You did Alomar, I saw the post myself.


I wanted to get a spoiler put up today for Alomar, a few details about the monsters from his childhood memories, but got bogged down. I'll try again later tonight.


Boggard perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Boggard Initiative: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

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