The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

ignore the above post. Settro just goes through the portal.

Oh, sure, Dami calls for initiative and it's ok. I call for initiative against remorhaz and everyone says we never use it. XD

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

::OK, I'm out of options. Last week I would have tried to freeze or overcome its mind to buy you guys the crucial seconds needed, but yesterday I sealed that off. Anything else I got would be too risky. Anybody else got any ideas?::

male human monk 16

Lang sat on the edge of the Gazebo meditating. lost in his own subconscious. reflecting on the events of the day and the events that are yet to come.

His mind drifts, his spirit finds itself back at Avalon, He sees Ignace, along with the rest of the students. he hovers at the ceiling invisible to all, only semi real.

watching over her seeing she is alright. lang smiles and drifts back to his own body.

unknown to Lang master Hito has come to the Gazebo as well. He stands beside lang patiently awaiting lang to return.

a few minutes pass and slowly lang opens his eyes. Looking to his teacher. sifu Hito, I am sorry for making you wait.

it is alright young avatar. tell me, what was it that you saw? He asks of the Avatar.

Lang hops off the railing and takes a seat on a bench. i was back at the school, I was looking for someone, someone that is special...No...someone that I ...It is hard to explain.

Hito holds up his hand to stop Lang, I understand, a Love, that is not returned. It is difficult to hold such devotion in your heart, and not feel the devotion in return. You must learn to let go of that yet still remember it. Hito takes a seat beside lang.

Young avatar, today you become a master airbender, yet there is so much more to be learned. much of your power is blocked, your energy is trapped within you, you must unlock this energy by freeing your mind. this will take time. He pulls a sn ancient scroll from a pouch he was carrying.

Master lang, take this scroll, study it, and practice the meditation within. in time you will learn to harness your true potential.

lang takes the scroll and stands to bow to master Hito. but Master, there is one more thing. I met with the spirit of Avatar Voltair, He showed me there are 5 worlds that he created, I need to find these worlds and bring them together to restore balance. I am the bring a message of peace... he pauses here afraid slightly to continue.

I must bring a message of peace, to prepare for war. but I don't know how to find these worlds, I mean, I can probably find them if I had a map, and if I could even read a map..

Ok that's enough inter dialogue in case others want to come in.

female Dragonborn Gestalt duskblade 16/wizard 16

Kiara headed out of the school to find somewhere quiet to focus on her spells and where she planned to go after her schooling was finished. "Perhaps somewhere warm, or maybe I shall go where Io needs me most," she said to herself as she walked.

Djalos Tyon wrote:
Djalos nods. "I would appreciate it if your friend would guide me to my room, yes."

Something warm and covered in fur lands on Djalos's shoulder and sits there with perfect balance.

"This is Ruji, a tressym, or winged cat. He's been the family guardian for about three hundred years. He can talk, of course, so you'll be able to communicate. He's quite nice. When he thinks he's been fed enough." Rio adds wryly.

"Welcome to the school." The feline purrs. "The cafeteria is my domain, by the way, so if you have a pet be sure to let them know."

Agarthian Storyteller wrote:
Oh, sure, Dami calls for initiative and it's ok. I call for initiative against remorhaz and everyone says we never use it. XD

What can I say? We were apparently all posting while distracted. :P


Okay, so IIRC Jeran is standing right next to SkellySam who is grappling the girl, since Jeran was standing next to the girl trying to protect her...just from the wrong angle of attack apparently. So since he doesn't need to move to engage, he is going to use his move action to switch styles from the speedy/dex heightened one to the 'bone breaker' seemed appropriate.

All of Jeran's styles come from the comic he was inspired by and therefore have absolutely zero to do with any monk styles written about elsewhere. In case anyone was curious.

Jeran growls and his eyes flash. "I knew we couldn't trust that guy. Just because something looks like an angel doesn't mean it still is one. Especially not in the Abyss."
Jeran's arm lashes out at SkellySam almost before he has time to think about what has happened. He attempt to grab and hold the creature's arm, preventing it from breaking the girl's neck.

In game terms, he is attempting to join the grapple.
CMB: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (10) + 27 = 37
If that is sucessful, SkellySam will be hit with harmonic vibrations that will affect his bones like a shatter spell affects a crystalline creature (this works against any creature with bones or carapace that can be broken) and will need to make a DC 26 Fort save for half damage.
Full damage: 10d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 1, 4, 4, 5) = 34

David.De'Foul wrote:

::OK, I'm out of options. Last week I would have tried to freeze or overcome its mind to buy you guys the crucial seconds needed, but yesterday I sealed that off. Anything else I got would be too risky. Anybody else got any ideas?::

Dave only:
He hears a little voice inside his mind. 'But think of the glory if you succeed....isn't that worth a little risk?'

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Lang Fei wrote:

lang takes the scroll and stands to bow to master Hito. but Master, there is one more thing. I met with the spirit of Avatar Voltair, He showed me there are 5 worlds that he created, I need to find these worlds and bring them together to restore balance. I am the bring a message of peace... he pauses here afraid slightly to continue.

I must bring a message of peace, to prepare for war. but I don't know how to find these worlds, I mean, I can probably find them if I had a map, and if I could even read a map..

"Hey, that's a change. I get to bring someone good news today. I know who has the map. It's not even hard to find. He's in my class too, but he didn't come on this field trip," she said, leaning against the post of the gazebo where she had paused to listen to the end of the conversation she had inadvertantly interrupted.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

hmm glory, yes, and in front of a pair of powerful celestials,.... Idea forming... Or at least an opener.... Yesssss Dave casts a familiar spell faster than can be seen targeting the creature's legs to trip it up Quickened, toppling magic missile damage: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 3, 1) + 5 = 15 trip attempt 1 VS CMD: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36
When Jeran tackles the creature Dave frowns well that opens up like a third of my other options he pauses and thinks, step one, prevent him from harming her: option one, physically separate the two, Jerran is already working on that, but he could use help, option two, remove the threat by destroying the threat, it would help if I knew what he was know religion to identify: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25 option three, render her impervious or resistant to harm, ok, plan step two decided on,
Dave moves to the other side of the skeletal creature from Jerran
the next part depends on whether or not he has a CMD of above 36, if he does he casts another quickened toppling magic missile if not then he casts dismissed because like all of us he's an extra planar being Will save DC 43- your HD
5d4 + 5 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 4, 2) + 5 = 20 trip attempt two: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (19) + 26 = 45

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

Settro, against his better judgment, decides to stay, if only for a moment. He moves to the horrid creature, and casts by the blood to curse it.
touch attack: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36
if it hits, DC 30 will save or be cursed with the war domain, reducing all damage the creature deals by 80%

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Tarka the kobold wrote:
"I've worked with madness for a while. Get powerful enough, and you need very little of either of those things."

Midori fidgeted nervously, unsure exactly what Tarka was talking about. "I think you would need even more if you were that strong. Power shouldn't be taken lightly." she said back, sounding uncomfortable at Tarka's strange attitudes, but sticking by her convictions.

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

"You probably know better then I do. You're way older then me anyway, almost certainly."

male human monk 16
Ephebe wrote:
Lang Fei wrote:

lang takes the scroll and stands to bow to master Hito. but Master, there is one more thing. I met with the spirit of Avatar Voltair, He showed me there are 5 worlds that he created, I need to find these worlds and bring them together to restore balance. I am the bring a message of peace... he pauses here afraid slightly to continue.

I must bring a message of peace, to prepare for war. but I don't know how to find these worlds, I mean, I can probably find them if I had a map, and if I could even read a map..

"Hey, that's a change. I get to bring someone good news today. I know who has the map. It's not even hard to find. He's in my class too, but he didn't come on this field trip," she said, leaning against the post of the gazebo where she had paused to listen to the end of the conversation she had inadvertently interrupted.

Lang was a little surprised at Master Blackscales appearance. He turn to face her and bos, giving his teacher proper respect.

Sifu Blackscales, I did not know you were there. He bows to her and continues, it is true? there is one at the school with a map? Please, when we return will you introduce me?

Master Hito smiles, not wanting to interrupt but he eventually must, I am sorry, but it is time for lunch. would you be so kind and gather everyone in the courtyard where you arrived, I will meet you there.

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

Sara tries to sneak up on Lang, circling around from behind Ephebe.
1d20 + 2 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 2 + 3 + 4 = 13

Imagefemale weredragon (amethyst) gestalt Soulknife17/oracle10/divine gunslinger7
Lang Fei wrote:
Ephebe wrote:
Lang Fei wrote:

lang takes the scroll and stands to bow to master Hito. but Master, there is one more thing. I met with the spirit of Avatar Voltair, He showed me there are 5 worlds that he created, I need to find these worlds and bring them together to restore balance. I am the bring a message of peace... he pauses here afraid slightly to continue.

I must bring a message of peace, to prepare for war. but I don't know how to find these worlds, I mean, I can probably find them if I had a map, and if I could even read a map..

"Hey, that's a change. I get to bring someone good news today. I know who has the map. It's not even hard to find. He's in my class too, but he didn't come on this field trip," she said, leaning against the post of the gazebo where she had paused to listen to the end of the conversation she had inadvertently interrupted.

Lang was a little surprised at Master Blackscales appearance. He turn to face her and bos, giving his teacher proper respect.

Sifu Blackscales, I did not know you were there. He bows to her and continues, it is true? there is one at the school with a map? Please, when we return will you introduce me?

Master Hito smiles, not wanting to interrupt but he eventually must, I am sorry, but it is time for lunch. would you be so kind and gather everyone in the courtyard where you arrived, I will meet you there.

"Of course it's true. I've seen the book myself. But I didn't know how to decipher the information. It's in a kind of code. But it sounds like you might have the key, and you and Gareth working together might be able to finally unlock it," she said with a smile.

"But in the meantime, it seems we have other obligations for today. You'll have to lead the way, Lang. I think the only way I could find the courtyard is via teleportation," she joked.

Ardiente wrote:
Sorchan del Sol wrote:

"There's more than one way to push yourself. If you always push the limits you ignore the possibilities of simpler techniques that, used effectively, could be more deadly in battle than flashier choices," he admonished and sent a series of (apparent)fireballs at Ardiente.

These are sonic fireballs, so it's gonna be loud in here if Ardiente can't stop them. :P

Whelp, going out on a limb here Lyn, let me know if this works. I'll toss in an opposed-level check for some fun.

Ardiente's mind raced as he considered Sorchan's words, already dipping into a firebending form as his instincts took over. Simpler technique? Which simpler te... oh!!

One of the simplest techniques a Firebender has... dousing fire!

Ardiente moves sinuously into another form and attempts to exert his control over Sorchan's magical fire, to force it to simple douse itself before it exploded.

Opposed Bending (caster) Check: 1d20+16

The attempt feels like it's working at first and then slides out of his control at the last minute as he realizes too late that the problem is that these aren't actually fireballs just as they detonate around him. The room shakes with the noise of the sonic explosion and Ardiente is knocked prone.

::Did I also mention that it's important not to make assumptions?:: Sorchan asked dryly, choosing to rely on telepathy while he waited for the ringing in his ears to cease.

Lucas Svarog wrote:

Lucas claps softly appriciating his new friend's level of skill, and, he thinks with a mental grin apparent need to prove himself oh yes, this is one to get close to indead

He turns to his companions, "so who wishes to go first, and with which element, I'm going to assume fire, but I'm perfectly capable of using and counterin any of them, well except force, or sonic, don't have the hang of them yet,"

"Let's stick with fire for now. Alev can do a little bit of sonic, but not much, and Etain and I don't have the knack for it," she said, moving into position as Alev and Etain faced off with each other.

Just as she prepares to send a fire attack at Lucas the room shakes with sound as Ardiente misses his counter against the sonic attack and her flame shoots over Lucas's head.

::Sorry. I lost my focus there for a moment. Won't happen again.::

Male Firebird Monk (Master of Many Styles, Martial Artist) 16 // Firebender 8/Earthbender 8
Sorchan del Sol wrote:

The attempt feels like it's working at first and then slides out of his control at the last minute as he realizes too late that the problem is that these aren't actually fireballs just as they detonate around him. The room shakes with the noise of the sonic explosion and Ardiente is knocked prone.

::Did I also mention that it's important not to make assumptions?:: Sorchan asked dryly, choosing to rely on telepathy while he waited for the ringing in his ears to cease.

Ardiente chooses to just lay there for a moment, stunned by the sonic blast. He was pretty sure that Sorchan pulled his punches just there or he'd have a few broken bones from that. He just felt rattled. He could feel the reverberations from the blast in the stone under his body, attuned to it as he was.

After a few seconds, he pushed the air out of his lungs in a huff and drew fresh breath, then kipped back up to his feet in one swift motion. ::I think I need to learn more about magic in that case. That's one field where I am very lacking. I couldn't tell those sonic attacks from fire.:: He smirked. ::Which was probably your intention, if I had to guess?::

Female Idyllkin Ninja 3/Marksman (Shroud) 3
Tarka the kobold wrote:
"You probably know better then I do. You're way older then me anyway, almost certainly."

"Maybe, Tarka-san." Midori replied uneasily, her eyes going out to the gazebo. "I think they're ready for us now." she said, and couldn't help but smile as she watched the very un-sneaky Sara try to sneak up on Lang.

Female Kobold with a mushroom hat |Dragonrider 3// undecided

"Well, alright then."
Tarka twists about of reality, only to appear sitting on the edge of the roof of the gazebo, looking down.

Sovereign Court

Male Firebird (looks like this but with blood red hair) Blight Druid (fey follower) 13/warlock 13

spellcrafting her misfire: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (1) + 21 = 22 ::not a problem, it happens to the best of us:: he projects, despite his not flinching at the attack, woo four sonic resistance ::I suppose it's my turn then?:: he projects drawing a wand, and fireing off a focused blast of fire touch attack to hit: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (8) + 19 = 27 Fire damage: 8d8 + 9 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5) + 9 = 40

Male Human-Reaper/obitu Death Mage 11/oracle 1/grim reaper 10

Grim sees circles down on the group from the air, and stumbles as he lands apparently quite tired, he waves goodby to his new playmates before turning to the others gathered at the gazebo "so tired, so fun... What.. What're you guys doing"

Team Hot Guys
Planes of Heaven

Motions happen in a blur of sorts ...

Jeran Darkclaw wrote:

Okay, so IIRC Jeran is standing right next to SkellySam who is grappling the girl, since Jeran was standing next to the girl trying to protect her...just from the wrong angle of attack apparently. So since he doesn't need to move to engage, he is going to use his move action to switch styles from the speedy/dex heightened one to the 'bone breaker' seemed appropriate.** spoiler omitted **

Jeran growls and his eyes flash. "I knew we couldn't trust that guy. Just because something looks like an angel doesn't mean it still is one. Especially not in the Abyss."

Jeran's arm lashes out at SkellySam almost before he has time to think about what has happened. He attempt to grab and hold the creature's arm, preventing it from breaking the girl's neck.

In game terms, he is attempting to join the grapple.
CMB: 1d20+27
If that is sucessful, SkellySam will be hit with harmonic vibrations that will affect his bones like a shatter spell affects a crystalline creature (this works against any creature with bones or carapace that can be broken) and will need to make a DC 26 Fort save for half damage.
Full damage: 10d6

Nearly immediately, and Quickened, after that, tripping occurs due to the Magic Missiles, and blood streaming out of, and quickly losing focus, of the handsome Tryko'Sam's eyes from the internal damages and such, not to mention bone shattering results. His whole body seemingly reacting as a normal human body would to the move would-- complete collapse of the physical structure, gravity starts to affect the muscle driven only form.

The Chosen One screams bloody murder as blood spews slightly onto her white outfit...

Settro moves in to act on this new found situation, planting his hand upon Tryko'Sam, who's fairly flanked at this point, and curses him, the spell apparently ...

1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26

... resisting the Curse with a growl as it seems to be quickly recuperating from the 'shattering' effects, stunned in a fashion merely for a moment.

Then David reaches to finish his spell, but before that, Tryko'Sam's body makes that regrowing from within result, which to anyone looking with a sense of anatomy, radical 'repair' of the bones, and or replacement-- only adding to the internal trauma briefly. It's clear that the 'possessor' isn't accustomed to the chassis that it is in, still delaying it's reaction.

David's best estimations is that this is some demonic, or worse, Abyssal entity that can physically 'possess' another being, typically mere mortals, and animate them from within. Or it could be much worse, something he's not familiar with so only his imagination can help answer. Dark Tapestry or worse things, maybe.

With a touch by David...

1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41

... the repaired form of Tryko'Sam simply whisks away as a snarl comes forth from his throat. It's disturbing, because his eyes are his own, but it's clearly not him at the helm.

... a moment of silence or such more, and the two Angelic beings step in, one intoning a word of 'Sleep' onto the Chosen One, who promptly passes out while the other stops her from slumping to the floor.

Kevin delays his action, so technically the portal still stays wide open.

The Herald says, "The Evil has been routed, you have our thanks." with a nod to David.

Settro starts to take Holy damage, currently 3 hit points per round, as a 'burning sensation' which displays as sizzling skin and smoke/steam.

The other Angel frowns with concern and adds, "Our suggestion remains, Demon Lord, go before this place consumes you by the will of our Appointed General. We can do nothing to aid you-- per our orders."

It doesn't help that Settro can FEEL their worry and such, for his well being, in a fashion. Regardless, it does show they are Loving and Compassionate beings, to an extent, and perhaps his digestive disgust.

To be clear, the Chosen One is now in the hands of one of the Angels, and via that contact, an aura of Good extends to her now, similar to a Protection from Evil, effect. The Herald is effectively a Paladin one might suppose, while the other is a Clerical sort. Not your normal Angels either, higher tier.

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

"You know what. I'm done. Bye."
Settro leaves through the portal, having no intention of returning to help further.

Male Shaman(Nature) 6/Green Faith Acolyte 10/Ranger(Spell-Less) 16(Gestalt)

Silinrul growls in frustration "I'm going to guess you two aren't going to just hand over the 'chosen one', huh?"

Team Hot Guys
Plane of Heaven

Silinrul wrote:
Silinrul growls in frustration "I'm going to guess you two aren't going to just hand over the 'chosen one', huh?"

The Herald looks at the growling voice and says, "We have no desire to force a decision upon a lamb that knowns no better-- yet, we have not, officially, laid claim to her, here nor now. To do so, would imply that she has been fully claimed due to our allegiances. Your anger is misplaced. A reflection, perhaps, of your savage inner self. Know where you are, and with what you speak too-- we represent Order and Good. This is not a place of slavery, nor domination. It never will be."

It would be apparent after looking further, they aren't holding onto the unconscious Chosen One with any measure of grip, merely, preventing her from falling down and slight protectiveness.

The Keeper looks as Settro departs, through the portal and says, "We are glad that his pain ends. If we did not hear his words speak of Evil, this would not have had to occur. You are all -- earlier, offered the privilege of being guests, though, I regret we will not extend that now, due to these circumstances. There is no need to duel here, in this place. If you wish to ... and had ample earlier time to make off with her, yet did not, so that too suggests you are not forceful in your manner. Our," he motions to the other Angel type, "intention and desire is to ... resolve this competition. It appears to be turning towards and alternative, which speaks volumes of those that offer it. Those we are not allowed to speak with, nor discuss. Only the Appointed Generals are given Audience."

Looking at one another, briefly at that, a sense of speaking too much is in their expressions, and they lay the Chosen One down on the grass with magnificent dew and sunlight on it. Tryko'Sam's blood and bits, gone by this point, as before. His effects leaving no trace of himself.

"What now? Simply return without resolution over all-- this clearly is not your affair, but by claiming her, officially, you may make it so."

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

wait... Dave thinks why am I listening to random voices in my head, that sound like it could be any one of dozens of potentially bad things, gah, One problem at a time, I'll have to deal with it later
"what would happen if we were to claim her, more specifically what would claiming her mean?"

Male Shaman(Nature) 6/Green Faith Acolyte 10/Ranger(Spell-Less) 16(Gestalt)

"We aren't making a claim on her, officially or otherwise. You are playing some game, with the object in play being a person's life. Think about that, for a second. Even if she was created for this express purpose, you are still toying with somebody's life. Maybe I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem like a good thing to me."

Male Elf Slayer 16
Ruji, Guardian Tressym wrote:
"Welcome to the school." The feline purrs. "The cafeteria is my domain, by the way, so if you have a pet be sure to let them know."

When the tressym first lands on Djalos' shoulder, something flashes across his face, breaking the brick wall for half a second-and then it's gone.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ruji," Djalos says neutrally. He stands up and absentmindedly starts petting the owl-cat, and turns to the door. Before Djalos leaves, however, he says one thing.

"And, Headmaster... thank you." Djalos then strides out of the office, letting Ruji guide him to his new room. If the tressym permits it, he'll even start petting the feline, almost as a long-forgotten reflex.


Jeran put up a hand towards Silinrul, a sign to wait. "Hold on, let's find out what claiming her means. If it means only that we agree to act as her guardians and protectors, then we will do so. She is a person and deserves to live like one,not as some cosmic pawn. I've been a pawn before and it's not something I would wish on my worst enemy, let alone an innocent young girl. If we can rescue her from this game by 'claiming' her then we have the responsibility to do so. The point of being strong is to stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. And I think they may be trying to help," he added, studying the angels in front of them.
"And then we have to figure out where that thing took Tryko'Sam's body, rescue him again and figure out how to get him unpossessed. We don't abandon our own. If any of you, Kevin especially, can think of a way to incapacitate him, well, start thinking. Now that he knows what Tryko'Sam's body is capable of...I don't think the same trick will work twice. And Tryko'Sam's abilities in the hands of evil....yeah, let's just say that this ends badly. We have to stop it before that," he said, fists clenched as he struggled to keep his fears at bay, his jaw clenched as he stubbornly refused to accept the possibility of failure when there was so much at stake.

male goo dragon alchemist 16(spellhammer) / synthesist 16

"And wherever he is, he's got my coat."
He offers Dave his feather in exchange for the ball of orange stuff that wrapped around Dave's wrist to stay out of the way.
He sits on the ground, pulling at the black choker collar on his neck as the orange ball climbs onto his shoulder.
"The thing is on another plane. One target. Other plane. Not his home plane. That would be Banishment, which means there's a chance he's on a random other plane, but that doesn't matter, because we have... that..."
He waves a hand towards the 'skin' that Tryko'Sam left behind.
"Now, that's a reasonable chunk of him, and because he's on another plane, if we can get someone at the school, and I'm sure there's someone who can perform a summoning with that as the focus, we can draw him from where ever he-it-whatever is. And I know summonings are procedure non grata right now, but there shouldn't be issue since we have such a powerful focus. Once he's in the circle, we should be able t exorcise it out of him pretty easily."

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Kevin espically? What's up with that? "well, we know he's sucuptable to curses, settro showed that... Before he left anyway, curses are my specialty, against a foe too strong for me to subdue directly or that I didn't want to hurt, my usual tactics would be to repeatedly fling curses at the target till it couldn't move under their weight, then we can tie the skeleton up, deal with it at our leisure, though first we still have to find the guy, preferably before he removes the curse already on him, whatever it did, it was potent, but finding folks and teleportation, I'm not any good at either of them, though Kevin's plan works as an opener, I hadn't thought of bringing him to us"

Kevin Ramos wrote:

"And wherever he is, he's got my coat."

He offers Dave his feather in exchange for the ball of orange stuff that wrapped around Dave's wrist to stay out of the way.
He sits on the ground, pulling at the black choker collar on his neck as the orange ball climbs onto his shoulder.
"The thing is on another plane. One target. Other plane. Not his home plane. That would be Banishment, which means there's a chance he's on a random other plane, but that doesn't matter, because we have... that..."
He waves a hand towards the 'skin' that Tryko'Sam left behind.
"Now, that's a reasonable chunk of him, and because he's on another plane, if we can get someone at the school, and I'm sure there's someone who can perform a summoning with that as the focus, we can draw him from where ever he-it-whatever is. And I know summonings are procedure non grata right now, but there shouldn't be issue since we have such a powerful focus. Once he's in the circle, we should be able t exorcise it out of him pretty easily."

It may have existed previously-- but as with anything thus far, coming off or out of Tryko'Sam, it does not last for long, vanishing within the same time it takes to replace.

Might explain why Tryko'Sam always has the same hair style, usually, and always looks either dirty, or super clean. No oils. No flaking skin. Just worn stuffs.

[ooc]Just so I'm clear here, nothing that falls, drops, or comes from Tryko'Sam endures more than a few scant instants. I'm fairly sure I've mentioned this (perhaps subtly) in the few posts previously.[ooc]

male human monk 16

first apologies for silence...some of you already know why...I am still not quite myself, but I should post.

Lang had his attention turned to Master Blackscales when Sara sneaked up, but whether he actually noticed her still is a mystery, but his reaction seemed to indicate it took him by surprise.

When Sara pops out, ahh! he yells, jumping back to the edge of the gazebo. goodness Sara you are a sneaky one, but I would not recommend trying that on the other monks, some of them don't like being scared to much.

Looking to his teacher, Ephebe, I will gladly show you the way, oh, please forgive me but, you two do look pretty amazing. Is Midori dressed up just as nice as well? I really can't wait to see her too.

lang lets out a little sigh, I wish Ignace could see you guys now, she really likes dresses and clothes.

about that time Grim arrives. Hey bud, how you liking the open spaces? we don't have wings like you do, but I am sure some of the more skilled air benders might have shown you a few things, I know I couldn't

anyway follow me, i take you to the dining area, and we can stop by and get Midori and Tarka as well.

Lang escorts the lovely ladies and his best bud through the area where the girls dormitory is (to get the others).

female human Witch 5 / Pack Lord Beastmaster 0.5

She giggles once when she startles Lang and again when he says how they look nice.
"She already saw them 'cause she made them. Sun is the silly one, not you."
She prods him gently with the end of the broom she has.
"Has anyone seen Sun? He left when we got here."
She looks around as if he'd be there.

male human monk 16

Lang looks to Sara I sent Sun on a special secret mission, he should be back in time for the ceremony later though

Lang does not linger on the subject of Ignace very long.

Team Hot Guys, Minus Two(-ish)
Plane of Heaven

The Herald looks to the Keeper, deferring to what would be noticed now as a superior, who maintains keeping the Chosen One standing and not slumping to the floor. Eventually, after a few prior comments, the Keeper looks to want to reply to Silinrul, but Jeran's act gives him pause enough to respond to first.

The Keeper says, "We are unable to share specifics, and thus, will not -- due to edict, speak of the conditions of claiming. It is, as in all things, a matter of your choice, Jeran Darkclaw. We advise you to again, follow your heart. That is key here. The Chosen One, is the goal of the Appointed, per the unspeakable terms, thus." The Keeper's features are firm at this, a soldier doing it's duty.

Once again, they may speak of the girl in terms of someone, but it's readily apparent they aren't overly fawning, or acting TOO protective, or claiming of having her-- held or not. More and more, it would be apparent to those with good reads of body language (i.e. Sense Motive) that neither of these two /want/ to give her too much attention, for an unspoken reason. The assumption can be that they helped in this last part, simply because no one else moved to assist the innocent right off. Pity, or empathy for the girl, most likely.

Herald sighs and looks off, seemingly biting it's tongue, maintaining a calm.

Any remaining evidence of Tryko'Sam, whether splattered, or fallen to the floor, is gone now regardless of where it is in the multiverse, save perhaps where the Dismissal took him and his possessor.

Waiting on Lynora to answer something on that topic too, just in case.

Silinrul wrote:
"We aren't making a claim on her, officially or otherwise. You are playing some game, with the object in play being a person's life. Think about that, for a second. Even if she was created for this express purpose, you are still toying with somebody's life. Maybe I'm wrong, but that doesn't seem like a good thing to me."

Looking back now to Silinrul, the Keeper says, "We never play with the lives of innocents, nor those that lack goodness in their hearts. However, while it is not something that all beings may accept in their being, we are creatures of structure and Duty. Our Duty compels that we respond to our superiors-- appointed or not, and in this case, your words do not fall on deaf ears. Our options, however, as creatures that we are, deny us a choice in this matter... or a radical change we do not consider, yet. Perhaps you may one day understand this, it is not our place to impose our will on you. We have yet to do so. We do, however, speak plainly and truthfully to you that remain."


He nodded in acknowledgement of the suggestions from Kevin and Dave, reluctantly impressed with Dave's suggestion.

He turned back towards the angels, frowning as he considered the options.
"There isn't any way to get through this without risk. And I think the girl is better off at home where she isn't going to be sacrificed to anything. If the only way to make that happen is to claim her, then that's what we do," he said firmly. Trying to do the right thing in this situation was like wading through a field of brambles, and it felt like no matter what he did it wasn't going to come out right, but outwardly he looked confident.

Jeran Darkclaw wrote:

He nodded in acknowledgement of the suggestions from Kevin and Dave, reluctantly impressed with Dave's suggestion.

He turned back towards the angels, frowning as he considered the options.
"There isn't any way to get through this without risk. And I think the girl is better off at home where she isn't going to be sacrificed to anything. If the only way to make that happen is to claim her, then that's what we do," he said firmly. Trying to do the right thing in this situation was like wading through a field of brambles, and it felt like no matter what he did it wasn't going to come out right, but outwardly he looked confident.

Neither Angel reacts to the statement by Jeran, and it's fairly clear with both entities they reacted to previously gone, their defensive manner faded as well. Weapons vanished and the aura of warrior state a dimming memory.

If there's any action on the part of the Team Hot Guys, they appear calm and patient to see it.


" are we supposed to claim her officially?" he asked, feeling awkward with this whole situation.

Ardiente wrote:
Sorchan del Sol wrote:

The attempt feels like it's working at first and then slides out of his control at the last minute as he realizes too late that the problem is that these aren't actually fireballs just as they detonate around him. The room shakes with the noise of the sonic explosion and Ardiente is knocked prone.

::Did I also mention that it's important not to make assumptions?:: Sorchan asked dryly, choosing to rely on telepathy while he waited for the ringing in his ears to cease.

Ardiente chooses to just lay there for a moment, stunned by the sonic blast. He was pretty sure that Sorchan pulled his punches just there or he'd have a few broken bones from that. He just felt rattled. He could feel the reverberations from the blast in the stone under his body, attuned to it as he was.

After a few seconds, he pushed the air out of his lungs in a huff and drew fresh breath, then kipped back up to his feet in one swift motion. ::I think I need to learn more about magic in that case. That's one field where I am very lacking. I couldn't tell those sonic attacks from fire.:: He smirked. ::Which was probably your intention, if I had to guess?::

::Indeed. You have the talent and abilities necessary to counter that attack, but not if you don't learn how to recognize what you're fighting. Just because you are not a magician doesn't mean you shouldn't know how to recognize magic. The study of spellcraft would have been part of the next part of your training,:: he added in a somewhat pained tone. He was far from unaffected by the massive changes that had taken place recently even if he had been responsible for setting many of them in motion. ::So we take care of that here....which is going to mean more homework for my class. For all of you benders. You're woefully behind your classmates when it comes to understanding magic.::

"Whenever you're ready," he said aloud, preparing to counter Ardiente's next attack.
We don't have to continue to play through every attack as there would be quite a few volleys left before the end of the class period.

Lucas Svarog wrote:
::not a problem, it happens to the best of us:: he projects, despite his not flinching at the attack, woo four sonic resistance ::I suppose it's my turn then?:: he projects drawing a wand, and fireing off a focused blast of fire

Firebending check: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

Elektra easily defects his blast with fire. She breathed a sigh of relief. That would have been very embarrassing if she'd missed.

male goo dragon alchemist 16(spellhammer) / synthesist 16

"Or it could not be there because nothing can just be easy."
He pulls his hand down his face.
"Hey, at least my jacket's here."
He picks it up and puts it on.
As he's walking to do so, the time for his alter self runs out and shifts back into the sleek blue liquid dragon.
He looks at his now blue hand.
"And now that's out too."
At least she's unconscious so she won't start screaming again. At least guys aren't so shrill...
He thinks to himself.
"Now we don't have that... stuff, so bringing him back to us is going to range from very difficult to impossible. Findin him is the same as it was, because Ryo is here for us, but now he's probably on a more hostile plane."
He shifts his gaze to the angel patrol.
"Is there a place we can find out the rules or whatever for this game-conflict-rivalry whatever it is that you guys have going on? Like, a book or... a pamphlet or anything at all other than 'it's complicated.' I understand if you're not at liberty to say, you're military obviously, and I'm sure you're great guys outside of this, but I think I speak for all of us when I say we have reached the point at which we are involved enough that we at least need to know the rules of the game we're in now."
He explains, calm-ish-ly what everyone is likely thinking.

Team Hot Guys
Plane of Heaven

Glancing at one another, the Keeper says, "Follow through with act and intent. If you desire matches your methods, and what you say, I believe you will learn quickly the rules-- or be Appointed."

The Herald adds, "We wish to end conflict, but at anytime, could have done as you seek to do, yet... Are not playing any game. Especially not with innocents."

They continue to casually stand there while nearly effortlessly,


Jeran frowns again and nods before changing back into his wolf form.

::Girl, will you please come here? We would like to take you back to Avalon with us. We will do our very best to make sure that you stay safe. And are not sacrificed, eaten, or anything else. You can learn things, get a name of your own....basically have a normal life. But in order for that to happen you need to come here,:: he said in a gentle tone of voice, trying to be reassuring to the semi hysterical girl who kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

Djalos Tyon wrote:

When the tressym first lands on Djalos' shoulder, something flashes across his face, breaking the brick wall for half a second-and then it's gone.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ruji," Djalos says neutrally. He stands up and absentmindedly starts petting the owl-cat, and turns to the door. Before Djalos leaves, however, he says one thing.

"And, Headmaster... thank you." Djalos then strides out of the office, letting Ruji guide him to his new room. If the tressym permits it, he'll even start petting the feline, almost as a long-forgotten reflex.

The headmaster smiles as Djalos leaves. It was a good feeling, knowing he was helping his students.

Ruji let Djalos pet him and purred all the louder for it.

"You're room is just ahead, on your left. Classes are in session so this hall is empty. I'll tell you when to turn."

Male Elf Slayer 16

Djalos nods, and turns into his room. Before Ruji leaves, however, he gives a respectful bow to the cat, and says, "Thank you for guiding me, Ruji. I will remember to set aside a few morsels for you at lunch."

The young elf then sets to work-as in, practicing his bladework on an automatic dummy that's rigged to fight back.

Djalos' side of the room is in black, grey, and white-as he can't feel color. There are three robots the rough size and shape of a human (think Cybermen)-one of them clutching two handaxes, one using a greatsword, and one using a ranseur. There's a weapon rack, a 3 yard by 3 yard circular depression, a closet, a necklace that casts a simple illusion spell that gives Djalos' armor the appearance of the school uniform, and a simple bunk. A black curtain separates his side of the room from Marcell's.

Hope I didn't say anything violating any lore.

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