The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Hey Kryz, Hellboy is on Syfy. :)

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

LOL seen it :P

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I am so making a Mastermind NPC baddie.

Thankfully, I already sorta have something in mind/place, which is perfect.

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MG's Villain

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger


Easy there Vader. Too punny for you? ;)

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

I cringed in fear at all the evil pegs.

Bwhahaha. Fear the coming of the pegs!!

Posts coming soon!

P.S: Link. <--- Feels.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Ok, first cast Animated Objects on the Mastermind, and then see if Lyn, in true Rules Light fashion, will allow me to cast Awaken on it. Normally, its only trees or animals, but maybe she'll allow the Rule of Cool to apply to a peggy board game??

Gonna try bang out an Anahita post in-between tasks here at work, FCD.

Male Half fiend/half giant 16 Gunslinger (pistolero)/16 Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist)

Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Lyn, sent ya a PM the other day, but its nothing that can't wait, just want to make sure ya got it.

I was referencing this with that Vai post Lyn.

Austin Powers references are still topical, right?! The movie's only 17 years old!



Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
Casseus Rex wrote:
Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.

It's cool. And amusingly ironic that Jeran of all people is faulting him for having trouble getting along with people. :)

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
FireclawDrake wrote:

I was referencing this with that Vai post Lyn.

Austin Powers references are still topical, right?! The movie's only 17 years old!



Lol. I would never have gotten that.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
Monkeygod wrote:
Lyn, sent ya a PM the other day, but its nothing that can't wait, just want to make sure ya got it.

Yep, sorry, lost track of that one. Response sent.

Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger
lynora wrote:
Casseus Rex wrote:
Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.
It's cool. And amusingly ironic that Jeran of all people is faulting him for having trouble getting along with people. :)

LOL yup I noticed that.

Casseus: CN and CHA of 8. Hilarity ensues!

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lynora wrote:
Casseus Rex wrote:
Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.
It's cool. And amusingly ironic that Jeran of all people is faulting him for having trouble getting along with people. :)

Vai would totally be down to rescue Tryko'S-- OH WAIT SHE'S DEAD.

Thanks Alton. ;P

FireclawDrake wrote:
lynora wrote:
Casseus Rex wrote:
Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.
It's cool. And amusingly ironic that Jeran of all people is faulting him for having trouble getting along with people. :)

Vai would totally be down to rescue Tryko'S-- OH WAIT SHE'S DEAD.

Thanks Alton. ;P

Denied life Murdered AND denied a chance at heroics!

What a school.

FireclawDrake wrote:
lynora wrote:
Casseus Rex wrote:
Casseus is an ass. He's a deep CN atm. It doesn't feel right just hand waving his acclimation to having to get along with people.
It's cool. And amusingly ironic that Jeran of all people is faulting him for having trouble getting along with people. :)

Vai would totally be down to rescue Tryko'S-- OH WAIT SHE'S DEAD.

Thanks Alton. ;P

You're welcome. Just, you know, doing my part to save reality. ;-)

Dark Archive

Male Human (half forged) 11 invincable iron man/11 generator

Hey, that could be your slogan!

Male I am a meat Popsicle

I am pretty sure it is

I like how without even knowing if it made it into pathfinder or not, I describe the bracelet of friends perfectly. :)

We had our second band comp today.
1st color guard, 1st drumline, 1st Drum Major, 2nd Band in our class.

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The Book of Life was so freaking good!

You have to see it. Especially you, Lyn. :)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I definitely plan to see that Magic, love all those types of movies :)

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
♣♠Magic♦♥ wrote:

The Book of Life was so freaking good!

You have to see it. Especially you, Lyn. :)

I was kinda planning to wait on video for this one...

Which is surprising considering that it seems like it should really be my cup of tea. But for whatever reason the preview just didn't grab me. I was kinda thinking about seeing Dracula Untold even though it will probably suck. The kidlet and I share a love of monster movies. But he'd never go for it if I suggested going to see The Book of Life. I would get the inevitable comparison to one of my favorite movies, The Corpse Bride. He's not sure what's grosser about that, the dead part or the mushy romantic part. :)

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

I must say I'm amused by jerran's reaction to goo boy (as Dave thinks of him)
I'm trying to decide if Dave should notice...

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
David.De'Foul wrote:

I must say I'm amused by jerran's reaction to goo boy (as Dave thinks of him)

I'm trying to decide if Dave should notice...

It would be a pretty high sense motive. He's good at hiding his real feelings. I mean, he even outright lied to Mithros (albeit with a grain of truth hidden in there) because he was too scared that he might lose one of his only friends if he told him the truth. But Dave has seen Jeran's gruff act before, and that same I'm not looking at you right now reaction towards Oneiro, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could pick up on it. :)

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

He does have low level empathy level mind reading too, but he's trying to suppress it now
(He was not last time though, just saying)
And without that turned on his sense motive isn't very high, espically with skeets absent
So I'm going to say he notices something like
huh, he's doing that thing again where he doesn't look at anybody, and his neck gets all tense, huh, must be his reaction to going into hostile territory
Eg: he sees the signs, can't put two and two together, because he's basically asking himself "ok what would be going on that would result in a similar senario for me... Wewe were fighting monsters last time too, that's probably it"

Female Timelady Nerd 3/Geek 2/Whovian 13/Writer 2

I iz back.


Trying to think of ways to make a high school character...



Tarka wrote:

"I'm British. Wait... No, I'm tarka. What's British?"

If Madness placed this thought in Tarka's head, does that mean that Madness is... British.

And Lyn, I will appreciate it if you run with that :)

Whelp.... *I* certainly didn't pick up on Jeran's preferences. That was a bit of a shock for me just then. Hah.

Nice work Lyn. Now I have to go and reread anything with Jeran involved for the subtext I missed.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

I didn't either FCD,

However, I like that he seems to "only" like cute guys in trouble or in need of rescuing.

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I wonder how Tryko'Sam is gonna react to that notion. I mean, he's pretty open minded, but he's definitely... erm... 'macho' in one sense of the word. Not sure how well he'll deal with being Jeran's proverbial 'damsel in distress'.

Should be fun! *evil grin*

Male Half-fiend gestalt alchemist 16/ eldrich Godling 16
short description:
right arm red demon skin, left arm green scales, left eye red, right eye green, long, tentacle-like tail, forked tounge, small fangs and claws, wears shackles, has talons

Heh. I can tell easily how awkward he feels.
Mostly becuase I'm eating it right now...

Though, I also don't really care...

Kev does like guys. The funny thing is that, at first, I hadn't intended for what Kevin said to be flirting. I didn't put two and two together that Jeran was hot and Kev was gay until Lyn said that Jeran thought he was flirting. XD
So at this point I'm running with that and Kev is flirting and doesn't know it. XD

The Doomkitten wrote:

I iz back.


Trying to think of ways to make a high school character...


Well.. given that we're in highschool, common themes are things like self-doubt, confused about sexuality, lack of control over one's life or powers, etc.

Just remember that while originality and creativity are great, their importance can also be overstated. Don't let the idea that "oh, that's not original" hold you back.

After all, we all have our influences.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

If you're having problems thinking of ideas, I've got tons kiking around that I'm Probobly never gonna use.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Put enough different concepts in the blender that is character creation and it'll com out not tasting of any one thing
On the other hand put too many concepts and you get some weird mush (Dave is borderline this,)

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Male Drow (noble) 14 Ranger

Jeran is a Captain Save-a-bro?

Female Timelady Nerd 3/Geek 2/Whovian 13/Writer 2

Arrrrgh, the deal is, I have an idea for character traits...

I just don't know what powers I can attach to the traits to give him a reason to be at Avalon.



I have an idea...

Ice, Lyn, PMs incoming.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
Kryzbyn wrote:
Jeran is a Captain Save-a-bro?

Lol. Well, now we know what Jeran's superhero name is. XD

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Female awww, but that would be telling unknown
Monkeygod wrote:

I didn't either FCD,

However, I like that he seems to "only" like cute guys in trouble or in need of rescuing.

In many ways he is the stereotypical hero type...he just prefers dudes to damsels. :)

And I'm a little surprised that more people didn't pick up on Jeran's orientation earlier. A couple people guessed as soon as I mentioned that I had a character who was still in the closet. The scene where he had a total non reaction to carrying a mostly naked attractive girl to the infirmary was a dead giveaway apparently.
I think the fact that more people didn't spot it is kind of a product of writing what you know. I come from a very conservative religious background, and this meant I spent a lot of years in the closet. Like postmark in Narnia kind of in the closet. I know exactly what it's like trying to pass as straight when you're not. The wondering what's wrong with you, the desperate wish for someone, anyone to catch you in all the little lies so you can stop being scared of being caught, the constant fear of rejection....and so on... So I used all of that when I was writing for Jeran. And now you know why he has such a hard time making connections with other people.

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

I'm curious as to why everyone's acting like this is a remarkable thing.

Though, I am rather surprised you never commented on Settro.

icehawk333 wrote:

I'm curious as to why everyone's acting like this is a remarkable thing.

Though, I am rather surprised you never commented on Settro.

*shrug* Jeran's been in the game for a long time and it never really occurred to me.

Not so much remarkable as it was a surprising. Or at least for me. Of course, I'm notoriously bad at noticing this stuff.

Commented on Settro doing what?

M Extrodinaraly Contrary Meatbag Fourm pyromancer 1

Nothing in preticular.

He just has the overwhelming beauty aura about him.

Immune to mind effecting. :/
I kinda wanted to do that too.

I get what you're saying about Settro but there's also the idea that things can be beautiful without being sexual. Rena's a bad example, but Jeran could easily think Settro is really beautiful without considering him in a sexual (or romantic) light.

Real posts are gonna have to wait for later. Phone typing sucks. :(

Phone works just fine for me. :P

*posted from my Android*

I sliced open my thumb at work, so I gotta type with one thumb. It's painfully slow. :(

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