Terevalis' The Confirmation (Inactive)



Map 2




I am going to try my hand at DMing a PFS for the first time here on the boards, well ever. I would like to know how many people might be interested in playing. What I would ask, since this is my first time that I do this, is first a little patience as I would need to make maps and other things and secondly that we start off with new characters.

Interest first, if we can get 4 or I would be happy, and then a recruitment thread from there.

What I am thinking is getting the Confirmation out of the way and then perhaps a module?

A standard game, non- Core.

Awesome! Always great to have someone new step up and try GM'ing! :D

I would love to play. I will start working on a new character concept.

I'd like to build a new character to play :)

We can have to to 6 players correct? Would it be uncommon to start off with a scenario and then an AP?

I would be interested. I have room in my life for one more game, and I love drafting up new level 1 characters.

You can count me in!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm interested! My current games are going slow and I want to try out a new character. Count me in!

Dark Archive

I have to put on some finishing touches, but I'm ready to become a confirmed Pathfinder!

The outpouring of support is great!

If this is our six, any ideas as to the roles we care to play? I'm partial to skill guys, but I can throw down just about anything!

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
We can have to to 6 players correct? Would it be uncommon to start off with a scenario and then an AP?

I think that would be cool but I am reletively new to PFS and don't know what the norm is. What AP did you have in mind?

TriShadow wrote:

If this is our six, any ideas as to the roles we care to play? I'm partial to skill guys, but I can throw down just about anything!

I love playing different classes the only one I would say I don't want to play is cleric as I just put one together. Also as I quoted above if we do go the AP route it might be cool to know which one to help build the party. I don't know that was just what I thought of when I saw those two posts.

If I am reading this right an AP in PFS is only a few encounters?

As far as I know, you can play the whole book, but only the sanctioned portion is the part that counts for PFS credit.

Modules and scenarios it see sRemsen would be better.

I think I will work up a martial divine caster. Like a shaman or a druid that focuses more on melee. I know I said I didn't want to go cleric but I put it back on the table for myself. I'll have him up later tonight or early tomorrow.

One piece of advice I would give about the maps is to use slides as opposed to google docs. I've found that as a player its easier to use on the go. But it's just as easy to tell another player to move my piece so maybe it doesn't matter.

I'll have to experiment with it.

Dark Archive

I am going to be using the brave Enrique Karpadi, a grippli fiend keeper. As a medium he is flexible and can fill in any empty niche, but I'm currently making him a weapon finesse build.

Is he a brand new character?

Dark Archive

Yup, his only chronicle sheet thus far is the GM boon allowing him to be a Grippli.

Silver Crusade

This is Tundran's new character. Not quite finished with her yet.

Nagaji draconic sorceress // blaster

With the AP's you can play through the whole thing in "campaign mode" where you don't have to use PFS legal characters to get the chronicles. Or you can use PFS legal characters to play only the sanctioned parts to get the chronicles.

So they really end up functioning more like a series of modules if you want to use our actual PFS characters to play.

edit- if this is our group can you open the Discussion and Gameplay threads for dotting?

Discussion thread is opened. I will open the game thread as we get closer to starting.

Would you like to use the Faction cards for this?

Sovereign Court

Dot. Just to see if there's space. :P

I think that right now we have 5 people nightdeath so you can submit a character.

Hey, I've not ever played PFS before and have been reading up on the rules and it looks as though character building is mostly the same. If you're a Human Fighter you'd get three feats at level 1 like normal etc. If I'm wrong, please say.

I'd like to play as it'll be a new experience for me. I can post multiple times daily and the only game I'm currently in is my Berserk game I'm GM'ing.

I'd like to submit my Human Cleric to your game.

His name's Brik Wahl and although he won't have the gear he had in my Rise of the Runelords campaign (his trademark was Golden Fullplate, a Golden Tower Shield and Koruvus' Longsword), I'm viewing it as several years before that campaign, so there won't be any issues having him start as a commoner (so to speak).

He follows Cayden Cailean, was primarily a Cleric with a few levels Fighter and had the Strength (Ferocity) Domain/Subdomain. I'll likely start him as a Cleric. He was a lumberjack so that's what he'll be until becoming a full adventurer in the world of PFS.

Is this of any interest to you and would you allow me to join your game at all?

Let me see the build please.

Liberty's Edge

Here you go. :)

Started as a Fighter, but only dipping three levels.

As a Cleric (starting next level), he'll be a Separatist with the Strength (Ferocity) and Healing domains. Cayden gave him his Strength and the gift of healing, even though it's not one of Cayden's domains. Brik's goal is to find a way to revive his dead Wife, who he has currently sealed within a glass casket, with a permanent Gentle Repose cast to keep her exactly the way he remembered her, under the tree and amongst the flowers.

He's also an alcoholic as a result of what caused his Wife's death.

Her name is Syanna Wahl.

Let me take a look at it tomorrow morning/early afternoon. I have been teaching all day and am getting a headache.

No problem. Everything should be legal. I've read a fair amount about PFS now and it isn't too different to normal character creation. I've used the APG, UM and Core, so I think that counts as Standard, not core creation. Separatist is in UM, while the Fighter Archetype (Weapon Master) and Ferocity Subdomain are both in the APG. I used Focused Study and Heart of the Wilderness from the ARG and everything else is from the Core Rulebook.

I put the stats through herolab and am showing 2 pts over?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I put the stats through herolab and am showing 2 pts over?

Shouldn't be.

Str: 14 - 5pts
Dex: 8 - -2pts
Con: 12 - 2pts
Int: 10 - 0pts
Wis: 16 - 10pts
Cha: 16 - 5pts (14 before +2 for being human)


Dex and Con cancel each other out to 0pts. The rest adds up to 20. :)

If I read it correctly you have to add the +2 first and the add from there. I think that is how Herolab does it.

I'm certain the modifiers always come last, but I can check it out.

Edit: Yep.


Generating Ability Scores

There are a number of different methods used to generate ability scores. Each of these methods gives a different level of flexibility and randomness to character generation.

Racial modifiers (adjustments made to your ability scores due to your character's race—see Races) are applied after the scores are generated.


That is interesting. Every time I build a character with Herolab it will ask which ability I want to modify or will automatically modify the stats depending on the race and then will take the points for that point on.

Does anyone else have any idea as to which is the correct way?

Brikon, go ahead and check in, if we need to make adjustments we will.

It looks like you already have 6. Please put me on the waitlist in case someone drops out. PM me if a spot opens up. Thanks.

What kind of character do you have?

Silver Crusade

I don't use herolab so I have no idea how that works but the general rule is that you do your point buy first and then the racial adjustments are applied, as Dinaeri quoted above.

This is from the PFS guide:

Roleplaying Guild characters purchase their ability scores as detailed on page 15 of the Core Rulebook. Pathfinder Roleplaying Guild is a high-fantasy roleplaying campaign, so you have 20 points to spend on your character’s ability scores. The costs for ability scores are given in Table 1–1 on page 16 of the Core Rulebook. You may not buy a score lower than 7 or higher than 18. Racial modifiers are applied after spending points; as a result of applying such modifiers, you could begin play with ability scores as low as 5 or as high as 20.

Emphasis mine.

If Herolab is making you do it a different way, maybe you need to change some options or get a software update or something?

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
What kind of character do you have?

I currently have a reach weapon Bloodrager and an Unchained Monk, both 0 XP. Beyond that, I could easily make something else that the party would need (e.g. arcane or divine caster).

I went about it another way, it seems to work now. Let me try it on a character that I made.

It looks like I have been doing it wrong this whole time. I add the race before attributes instead of after.

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