About Dinaeri, Keeper of PeaceMedium Humanoid (Eladrin), Fighter 1, Neutral Good Proficiency Bonus: +2
STR 14(+2) | DEX 14(+2) | CON 14(+2) | INT 12(+1) | WIS 10(+0) | CHA 12(+1) Saving Throws: Strength +4, Con +4 (Advantage on both) Skills
Senses: Passive Perception 12, Darkvision 60ft
Appearance: Tall for his kind, Gauldrin stands proud at 6'2. He dresses to suit his Noble standing, favouring clothes coloured of midnight blue with crimson red trim, intricately patterned detailing and golden, orb like buttons. His hair, a misty jet black, overshadows the thin Golden streaks that are weaved across his crown. His eyes, blue with violet speckles, appear welcoming and yet pulse a mixture of the two colours, piercing the very soul of his enemies when angered. His Fey bloodline is the cause for many of his uncommon features. His skin, soft to the touch, is pale to an almost white hue, with the faintest and most subtle hints of blue highlighting his flesh in such a way that it emanates a dazzlingly radiant glow. Personality: Gauldrin is a peacekeeper. He's calm, charismatic and diplomatic. He prefers to communicate verbally, using honesty and his status to seek out information, over the sly and under-handed tactics that others may use. If he feels threatened he will draw arms and knows fully well in many cases negotiation isn't an option. In these instances however, he's an able fighter. In his spare time he also likes gathering knowledge, expanding upon what he already knows to gain a broader understanding of the way the world works and how others think. He's very friendly, caring and hospitable. Position or Privilege: Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to. Racial Abilities:
Trance - You only need 4 hours rest in a semi-conscious, trance-like state to be considered well rested.
Fey Ancestry - You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep. Fey Step - You may cast Misty Step once as a bonus action after a short or long rest. Harrowing event, personality, ideals, bonds and flaws:
Harrowing Event: A monster that slaughtered Gauldrin’s people spared his life. He’s trying to determine why.
Personality Traits: Gauldrin refuses to become a victim once more and will look out for those good of heart, but once his favour is lost, it’s lost forever. He’s loyal to those he forms bonds with and is a good judge of character. Ideals: Gauldrin will try to help those in need, and through his Noble obligation sees it as his duty to protect and care for those who need him the most. Bonds: A terrible guilt consumes Gauldrin. He hopes to find redemption through his actions by protecting those who cannot protect themselves. Flaws: Since the death of his people, Gauldrin’s homestead has become a quiet, desolate place to live. Blinded and magically held in place, all he could do was listen as his family, loved ones and people were massacred around him. For this, he deeply blames himself and struggles to overcome his own dark thoughts, believing he should have been able to do something. He should have been stronger, both for himself and his people. As a result, he’s lost a lot of confidence and faith in his own abilities, seeing himself as a failure to those he cared for most. Sadly, he now finds it hard to trust and no longer believes he can guide and aid others as a Ruler or as a friend. Fighter Abilities:
Fighting Style (Dueling): When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Second Wind: You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Actions Melee
A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a scroll of pedigree and a purse containing his remaining wealth. Plus, a finely crafted Longsword (1d8 slashing, versatile 1d10, 3lb's), Chain Shirt (13AC plus Dex, 20lb's), Longbow w/20 arrows (1d8 piercing, heavy, two-handed, ammunition range 150/600, 2lb's, 1lb ammunition), an Explorer's Pack containing a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, 10 days of rations, a waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope (10lb's), A Quiver that holds 20 arrows (1gp, 1lb), A one ounce bottle of ink (10gp), an ink pen (2cp), Paper (5 sheets) (1gp), Hooded Lantern (5gp, 2lb's), 3 flasks of Lantern Oil (3sp, 3lb's), a Blanket (5sp, 3lb's), a Silver Mirror (5gp, 1/2lb), an unusual drinking container (2cp, 1lb) and some Sealing Wax (5sp).
Remaining Wealth: 12gp, 2sp, 6cp Trinket: An old key (dropped presumably by whatever murdered Gauldrin's people) Backstory:
Home: Domain of Dinaeri, Keeper of Peace, located deep within The Feywild
Located deep within the mystical realm of the Feywild is the Domain of Dinaeri, Keeper of Peace. As Lord and Ruler of this domain, Gauldrin-Linaara Dinaeri was a strong keeper of peace. He'd welcome those wishing to take up residence within his Kingdom, provided they came with a good heart and favoured peace over warfare. As a high ranking Eladrin Noble, Gauldrin took care of his people and they in turn acted with his best interests at heart, seeing him more as a friend than a ruler, respecting and admiring the way he saw and dealt with things. He had a very good following of people and would regularly hold banquets for all to attend. He wished not to see hungry men, women or children and only wanted the best for his people. He enjoyed watching over those who took up residence within the Domain of Dinaeri and was a strong advocate for equality. He was fair in his judgment and always saw bloodshed as a last resort option, favouring diplomatic reasoning over all else. He ruled for many years but never once ventured through the veil and into Faerun. Well, not until recently at least. On one night that he'll never forget, he held a Royal Ball within his palace. It was an opportunity for those under his rule to socialise with those they may not normally come in contact with, make romantic bonds and ultimately have fun, allowing them to forget their own troubles for the night. Gauldrin's palace was white, lit only by pale blue flame as candles and chandaliers hung from the place like grapes in a grove. The ceiling had decorative paintings depicting Eladrin, Elves, Half-Elves and Gods regularly worshipped by the elven community in a number of graceful poses. The atmosphere was serence, friendly and welcoming. Regardless of the trust Gauldrin held for his people, his Elven protectors always kept a close eye on him for only he seemed charismatic and loved enough to successfully guide and encourage all those below him. They cared for him like he was a member of their own family. They all did. Not a single member of the Domain held a grudge or wished to see harm come to the Noble, for it was his domain and he provided for his people as he would provide for himself. Many of the women there knew Gauldrin had never been intimate. Gauldrin never outright admitted anything of the sort, but people came to know him so well, they could tell. As a result, many of the women asked for his hand at the Ball, to which he happily went along with. He danced with many throughout the night, dismissing his right hand man (Deyla Rien) for the night while he lost himself to the finest of Wine he had in stock at the time. Deyla was a lot older than Gauldrin and often grew tired early due to his age. He was also a simple man, loyal to a fault. Roughly 20 minutes after his dismissal, there was a scream at the front of the Ballroom. Most in attendance were drunk, but soon the screams got louder as more and more people took in what had just happened. A strong breeze blew across from the marble arched doorway. A swell of darkness enveloped the entire room and there, standing menacingly above the mutilated corpse of three Elven children was a dark figure, tall of stature, not quite human and not quite elven. It was hard to work out what this figure was, what its intentions were or why it was even here. The guards still on duty, even though somewhat intoxicated themselves gathered their weapons and ran towards the figure. An archer struck true with one of her arrows and yet the arrow passed through the shadowy figure, seemingly causing little or no harm. A few men skilled enough to close in were immediately knocked unconscious and the female archer was lifted high into the air, then slammed over and over into the marble floor until there was little more than a bloody mess on the ground. Gauldrin, somehow able to function, immediately grabbed his sword and using his unique ability gifted to him through his Fey bloodline, disappeared from sight, instantly re-appearing behind the shadowed creature. Having a deeper understand of the Fey, Gauldrin felt a sudden sinking feeling that no other shared. "The barrier to Faerun has fallen...", he immediately thought as he stabbed the unknown entity through the back. It was at this moment half of the people occupying the room were magically lifted into the air where they began to convulse. Their limbs cracked and bent in the opposite direction, seemingly through no will of their own. Their own bones pierced their flesh in a number of different, horrifying ways. Some had their limbs literally torn off by this strange, shadowy force that spread like wild fire, while others coughed up their own insides. Everyone else left unaffected suffered blindness, Gauldrin included, but swinging wildly, Gauldrin tried his hardest to damage the entity before him, only to be held in place seemingly without the aid of a physical being. "There, there child. Your time will soon come. For now though, listen as those you love most are torn asunder before you, within the walls of your very own sacred palace." Gauldrin tried and tried but couldn't move a muscle. The screams around him were terrifying. Many of his people screamed out for his name, even as they drowned on their own blood. The poor Eladrin Noble couldn't even speak as his whole body was locked in place. All he could do was listen through the shockingly unexpected massacre. "Do you feel high and mighty now? No? What a pity. You have this great domain.....this glorious Palace and you have nothing to say to me?" The creature teased the man over and over again. "Your people call your name. They seek your aid. Why do you just stand there, ignoring their calls for help in their most dire time of need?" "HAHAHAAAAA" the creature chuckled, sounding otherworldly in nature, with a dark and deep rumbling groan. "I dub you UNFIT to lead these people" laughed the creature, lifting Gauldrin high up into the air. "For your revolting cowardice I have no choice but to deal with you myself" the creature continued, slamming the Noble into his own insignia high above the stone Archway of the Ballroom entrance. *Chink, chink* The sound of armour being pierced echoed across the Ballroom chamber, as the creature pinned Gauldrin to the wall with two small blades, unknown of origin, through his abdomen and shoulder. Those who hadn't died already of blood loss and blunt-force trauma already, soon did, but not before seeing and hearing their own leader fall to this unknown beings will. As Gauldrin's consciousness faded, he heard one statement that would change the way he felt forever. "Power isn't all it's cracked up to be. I came to realise this and now you too understand this." With a long pause, the entity perked up again; "Well, I'll be seeing you!" When the Noble came to, his vision returned along with his movement. Still pinned high up to the wall, Gauldrin couldn't believe his eyes. Not one of the members in that Ballroom survived. Blood was everywhere. The walls were covered with bloody pulp. The floors puddled with crimson claret. The lights were out. The room was destroyed. Mostly all Gauldrin cared for and came to know well were now unrecognisable. In shock, he just didn't know what to do. He was about 60ft up in the air, pinned to a wall with no way of freeing himself and with seemingly nobody to help him down, he was forced to look on as death surrounded him. "Why? Just why? WHY?!" He closed his eyes, the images still freshly seared into his mind. There was no escaping this. What had just happened was real, with no discernable reason behind it. Gauldrin passed out again. About an hour passed, when another voice could be heard. "Master Dinaeri? Gauldrin! Are you alive?" It would seem Gauldrin was clinging onto life well. He'd lost a lot of blood, his vision blurred to a point he could barely differentiate between colours and all he felt was a head on his chest. "De....Deyla....i-is that y-you?" "Ah thank Corellon!" replied the man. "I was trying to rest but couldn't due to the obnoxiously loud noise coming from the room. I heard screams and all sorts of strange tones. I figured you were all having a good time and didn't want to disturb your evening." Deyla frowned with tears in his eyes. "I wish I came out sooner. The one time you needed me....I wasn't able to do a thing." Gauldrin let out a quiet mumble. "I-it wasn't your fault. If....IF you'd have come out here, you would have perished too." Mustering all of his strength he looked over to Deyla. "I'm just glad you were left alive. I truly....don't believe I could have dealt with this alone." Passing out from exhaustion and blood loss once more, Deyla helped Gauldrin down. At first, Deyla didn't know where the Noble was, but the sound of Gauldrins blood dripping to the ground forced him to look up, where he saw Gauldrin pinned to the wall. Grabbing a nearby painters ladder (one that was previously used to paint the grand depiction of Gods and Elves on the ceiling), Deyla climbed up to free his master. He'd already checked outside and it would seem that he and Gauldrin were the only two people to survive the attack. Everyone else had either managed to flee or met their untimely end. Since the horrifying events, a week had passed with Gauldrin spending the whole of this period in bed and under Deyla's care. When Gauldrin came to, Deyla filled him in. Gauldrin now had no Kingdom to govern, for he had no people. He had no idea what could have caused the attack or the intent behind it. He was in utter despair, filled with hopelessness and self-pity, believing he should have been able to prevent the deaths of all he loved. His people were his family. Now the only two people remaining are Deyla and himself. "What must I do? What now? What is there to do but solve the mystery of this attack? No. That's exactly what I must do. Then, all those I've come to care for can finally be at peace." Deyla held out his hand. "I found this. It was in the Ballroom, though I'm unsure to whom it belongs." Gauldrin looked up and saw an old key in Deyla's hand. "Thankyou" said Gauldrin, seeing it as a clue before swiftly pocketing the key. Deyla was a little concerned, seeing Gauldrin acting so much out of character and talking to himself. "Master, it would be dangerous to pursue this. How do you intend to survive when you've never left the Feywild, or even seen Faerun before?" Gauldrin hurriedly adorned his clothes, gathered his gear and asked for 10 minutes of privacy. "As you wish, sir" replied Deyla. Giving his master a little longer, Deyla returned 15 minutes later, only to find a note on Gauldrin's bed addressed to him. Upon opening it, it read: "Deyla, I entrust you to seek help from our neighbouring kin on this matter. I will be gone for some time. As I am unsure when I'll be back, the Palace and my domain are under your watch. Please do all that you can to protect yourself and our homestead and please be careful in who you trust to aid us on this matter. I advise you to contact the Elven Council immediately. It wasn't just our homestead that got breached, but the Feywild itself. I sensed an issue with the barrier between our world and the human realm and can only assume that whatever attacked us came from Faerun. For what reason though, I am unknowing. In my absence I give you full power to make any decisions on my behalf that you feel are necessary to further our Domain and the whole of the Feywild. I know not of the circumstances, but it's better to take every precaution necessary and once I've reached the bottom of this, we will hopefully meet again. Your friend, Gauldrin." With that, Gauldrin crossed over into the material plane, in search of an adventuring party to aid him on his quest. Would he find anyone? Would people be foolish enough to aid him on this matter, or would he be dragged into something else entirely, as he struggles to survive in a world unknown to him? Now in Faerun, Gauldrin had no idea what was in store for him. |