Tales from the Great Bazaar

Game Master Patrick Curtin

An attempt to build a canonical Planescape campaign from the ground up. Starting as young teens living in the streets of Sigil and ending....?

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Bribes always welcome

The group follows Congruence and turns down a road marked Alchemy Way. Down a pace, the party sees a small shop with a sign reading Wooly Cupgrass Potions.

The Red-armband team suddenly boils out the door laughing and running towards the Festhall

“Later berks!”

female fey catfolk | HP 62/62; THP 0| AC 24, FF 16, TAC 20 | F +5, R +10, W +6 | CMB +6, CMD 24 | Lowlight, Per +11
Def Abil:
DR 5/cold iron, resist cold/elec 10, cat’s luck, +4 saves vs mind-affecting effects, evasion
Arc Res 7/12 | MP 1/1 | Spells 1st 6/6day, 2nd 6/6day, 3rd 6/6day, 4th 5/5
Acr +18. Bluff +18, Diplo +19, Disg +15, Fly +18, Know Arc +23 Loc/Nat/Plan/Relig +19, Spllcrft +19, SM 14, Stea+15, UMD +16, Ling +19

Myriana noticed the red armband kid and thought to follow him but accepted instead Congruence's suggestion and followed them towards Wooly Cupgrass Potions. When they saw the red team take off from the place she realized that they were going in the right direction.

Female Asura-spawn Thiefling Inquisitor of Shelyn | HP 27/27 | AC 18, T 13 FF 14 | Fort +5 | Ref +4 | Wis +6 | Percept +8 | Darkvision | Init +4

"Quick! They are ahead of us!"

Sara picks up the pace, nearly colliding with the shops doorframe as she rushes inside.

Female Dusk Elf Magus (Mindblade) 2

Calita races into the shop behind Sara and does a quick recce of the place.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

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