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Thank you for the chronicle sheet, everything is in order.
I will definitely go Marshal, excellent suggestion for a bard! Thank you for that. I will do my updates on my character with the tier-3 soon.
This next adventure sounds exciting!

GM Fez |

Sorry I've been quiet guys, my wife gave birth to our first child last Thursday and I'm still trying to figure out the whole parenting thing. I'll be jumping online to move things along as I have time, but I'm not sure when or where that time will appear. I will try to maintain my post per day minimum.
I'll get the next scenario started tonight sometime.

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Baby Fez! I love it. Congratulations. I'm also okay taking a week or two off until you settle into your new routine. No rush. Sleep when you can. My kids are in their teens now. You will eventually get to sleep again, but they find new ways to challenge you.
Just remember that you have enough love.

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Congrats on the new one! I'd take some time if you need it. My oldest is now 21 but my wife and I got a little crazy two years ago and have a two year old now.

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James, you missed changing diapers and thought you were sleeping too much?
I kid. I totally get it. And toddlers are so much fun.
I have a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. The 1-year-old has just the purest joy when he is happy (which is most of the time). The 4-year-old is starting to ask really thoughtful questions and it is so great watching him learn. It's pretty amazing.

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Oh wow, that's so awesome! Congratulations!
...also, so I don't actualy have Mythic Adventures. So I guess I will only take what is on the chronicle... :)

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James should be good to go. Went Champion. Took: Fleet Charge, Impossible Speed, Burst Through, Titan's Rage. Feats: Power Attack and Improved Initiative.
He's now fast and you don't want him critting while power attacking.

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Hey squad! I apologise in advance, but I have an extremely busy October coming up...
10th-14th October! I will be attending our local PAX, where I will be registered as a GM for our local community. We are running quests, and some PF2 games, so I will have my hands pretty tied.
23rd-29th October! I will be in Fiji for a friend's wedding, and will have very limited time to post/keep up with games. Limited internet and time to post.
I promise I will do my best to keep up with games during those periods, but yes. Thanks for understanding!

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Notice of Leave!
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that I will not be actively posting between the 23rd - 29th of October because I will be away with very limited internet availability. I plan on coming back and catching up very quickly, however, I appreciate if you would bot me while I am away.
Do not worry, I am not going to be gone for long! When I come back, I will resume posting at my current rate! Thank you all for your patience and understanding!

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"I AM DONE, I QUIT......" Kelris walks down the hallway throwing his halberd on the ground, the heavy Adamantine weapon doesn't bounce but instead leave a sizable hole in the ground as Kelris continues moving away......

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Maybe not I am not 100% sure, I will check my hero lab when I get home. GM can we Delay what happens to Kelris? I may save vs the Electricty if the +2 isn't on there.

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[dice=Fort Save]1d20+7Kelris tries to dive away fromt he Lightning but as the pustules blow up it all hits him at the same time, coughing and sputtering Kelris moves down to attack the Behir.
[dice=Mythic Smash]1d20+14;1d10+10
Since I don't need to go home to check I can do simple math. My Reflex save is +1 Base + 1 Cloak + 1 Dex = 3. There fore I would have the +2 from Heroism and have passed the lightning check but not the Fort save off by 1.

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but how low is Fethril on spells?
Level 1 ~ Protection from Evil, Comprehend LanguagesLevel 2 ~ Aid
Level 1 ~ Grease
Wand of Magic Missile CL 1
However, I have only spent three mythic points. So, I can burn one of those to cast any spell I know. I think I started with seven, meaning I have four of those remaining.

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Notice of Leave!
Hey team, I just wanted to let everyone know that i will be offline between 13th - 15th of January. During this time i will not be able to post or keep up with the game at all. I will be back on the 16th to my normal posting rate.

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Okay, so I think that is enough of a hint that we do not stay stuck here. It was several years ago and I don't remember what the Ancient Osiriani voice is saying, but I am pretty sure those elements I highlighted are part of the solution.

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So, for the next adventure, I have a Core PC who is a Dwarven Eldritch Knight, level 7, with 20.5 XP.
The EK is pretty tough and could be an asset to a party of level 5's trying the Technic Siege.
Alternatively, I could play Merisiel again, using the level 7 pregen version.
My plan is to start a Core module run soon, to get my pregen-credit-blob up to par with all of you guys. Probably make him a multiclassed rogue of some kind, but could do anything.

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Yeah, go with what your 'big fun' gut tells you. I mean, Fethril will be sourly disappointed at the addition of a ...dwarf. Even an EK will not be seen as an equal trade for Merisiel (or any elf really). However, Fethril will have no qualms hiding commanding from the read as the EK soaks up damage.
By the by, I played with Kavor about a year ago at this time in Chaosorbit's run of #8-00: The Cosmic Captive during PFC PbP Retrocon. I was playing Wraith, my CORE ninja build (ftr/rogue/monk).

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Kavor Doan's Exchange Faction boons:
SLUSH FUND (2+ goals): You can attempt a Day Job check untrained. When you roll a Day Job check, you always receive at least 25 gp for every two goals you’ve completed. If you expended gold on tolls, bribes, living expenses, or other non-permanent costs during an adventure, your faction reimburses you for the gold spent, to a maximum of the amount you earned on your Day Job check.
He has 4 goals checked. So of the 200 he spent on bribes, the Exchanges reimburses him for 50 (in addition to him earning 50 on his Day Job).
SHOWMANSHIP (4+ goals): Once per adventure, you can use your bonus for any Craft or Profession skill in place of your bonus for a Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), or Use Magic Device check as if you were trained in that skill.
He could go back and take a look at Thread of Silver using his +9 Profession (Merchant) to try to hit the DC 25. But I think it better to save the boon for use on a Disable Device check.

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I've got one spot left in the Core run of Godsmouth Heresy I am running for Outpost III.
Trying to get through a module rather than just a scenario, it will require a fairly fast pace of posting.
If any of you are comfortable with that, you can sign up here.
Good way to get a new Core character leveled up quickly if you wish. I'll be applying the credit to my Core pregen blob, so he can start catching up to this party (and will then do another module after that).

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Kelris, I think you might be either double-counting the PA damage or still using the Mythic modifiers.

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+6 Str (2-handed), +1 Enhancement, +2 Weapon Spec, +1 Weapon Training = +10.
So base 1d10+10, I think. Then +6 Power Attack and +2 Inspire Courage makes +18.
1d10+18 is still really good.
I can give you a Bull's Strength in a boss fight for another +3 damage.