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I have my recruitment up for my campaign here You are all welcome to apply.

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So, I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I wanted to gauge everyone's thoughts:
Even though we're going through mods at a decent clip, we are, in all likelihood, not going to finish before the campaign ends.
With that in mind, I wanted to start a discussion among the group about what we're going to do.
As I see it, we have three different options:
A) we can carry on using the rules for PFS 1E even after the campaign ends.
B) we can look at converting the campaign to 2E when the system comes out.
C) we can end the game when the 1E campaign ends.
While I am certainly fine with any of them (and would completely understand anyone who wanted to go with C), I think we have a good group dynamic and I enjoy playing with all of you (including you Fez!) and so I would like to see the game through to it's conclusion (from where we started), so I would personally vote for A or B.
If we choose A, then we can just carry on as we are, with the possibility that once the 1E campaign ends, we might have a chance to add in some non-core stuff.
If we choose B, I would be more than willing to work on converting any statblocks that need converting. I've been working on doing so for the Rise of the Runelords game I'm going to be running in 2E, so I don't mind pitching in that way as well.
I know that this is kinda spontaneous, but I thought we should address the elephant in the room while we still have time.

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I think we could keep up with 1E since it make the most sense and is the least amount of work for the Might Fez.
I am throughly enjoying the group dynamics, even Fethril and his antics haha.
I vote for A

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I too am enjoying the camaraderie. I really want to see these CORE characters reach some of the later levels and abilities. I am also looking forward to seeing Fethril get to 7th and become the Mystic Thurge as it will be the first Prestige Class I will have played.
I vote "A" as well.

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Posting this to all my games, so sorry if you see it multiple times:
This week both my office and I personally are going to be moving. It's been crazy busy and I am not going to be able to post until Monday at the earliest. Please bot me if I am in your game, and if you are in a game I am running, I will get a post up as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience.

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So I am posting from work:
Apologies about not posting sooner, but I have been down internet wise for roughly a week, and will not have internet back up yet for a week or so.
This means that I haven't had internet for the last 4 days (as we had 4 days off at my work for the holiday).
It's been...an experience where I learned that I use the internet more than I thought I did.
With all of that being said, I will try to post from work as I can, but if I am in your game, please bot me as needed.
If I am running your game, please bear with me while I try to post when I can. Hopefully, sooner than better, but I want to be up front about this issue.
again, I apologize about the delay.

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I am posting this to all of my games, so apologies if you see this multiple times:
Unfortunately, I have some bad news.
A combination of work-related stuff has lead to me having to take some time off from the forums. I am, in all honesty, going to need to be gone for several months, as I am going to be travelling for extended periods of time (weeks or more) and I'll likely not have good access to the internet.
As I am not someone who would want to have you all sit and wait for me here, I am going to be withdrawing/closing all of my open forum games.
I want to thank everyone who I have had the pleasure to game with over the last couple of years here, as I have immensely enjoyed my time on the forums, and hopefully, once my work stabilizes, I will be able to rejoin the community.
Thank you again for your time and energy, and I am sorry that I won't be able to keep things moving forward in any of the games that I am running.

GM Fez |

What this means for this game: I'll be botting Aura for the remainder of the scenario, there's only one encounter left.
What this means for the campaign: There are a few options.
1) We can keep going with this group of three plus a pregen
2) After this scenario we can single target recruit someone or put up a recruitment page to get more
3) We can drop after this scenario.

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We will just be hitting level 4, which from what I have seen on the boards is a sweet spot for PFS.
I hate to say drop but getting one person to fit our odd schedule might be difficult.

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Do you guys have a preference on what I select next? My long term goal is to qualify for Mystic Thurge. I could be a cleric 3/ wizard 1 OR cleric 2/ wizard 2. The 3/1 option would mean access to Aid & Bull Strength while the 2/2 option does not change much of what I do.
I just want the team to feel supported. I am good either way, so I thought I would ask for any feedback.
He will still be tough to live with no matter what.

GM Fez |

Got a couple of bites. Another bard, though this one is one level under you guys. I don't think he'd be in tier after the next level is the big issue. The other one is a 6th level character of Aldizog. He's planning on running a pre-gen through Destiny of the Sands, then bringing in his character after and going slow until the levels are evened out. Sounds like a good idea to me. Are you guys up for this?

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Okay, here is Aldizog playing the pregen Merisiel.
Why no Trap Spotter? It's such a good talent.
Why no bow? She's an elf, she has proficiency! I guess throwing daggers is her thing.
Well, she can Disable Device, at least, and doesn't have bad HP. I will apply her chronicles to my -10 (who is Core despite being an Oread, there's a special thing). But once the party is close to my dwarf Eldritch Knight, I'll bring him in.
So I'm Aldizog, I've been playing since the Red Box days, and I am in one of Fez's Teamwork Experiment tables. I'm also in an all-fighter Ironfang Invasion with James's player, and in a couple of games with Fethril's player (Cosmic Captive, where he is playing a Merisiel pregen, and an upcoming Solstice Scar). Don't think I've done any games with Raltus/Kelris. I love Core and I am happy to be here!

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Welcome thanks for coming to join us, we are a good group, you will have to deal with Fethril and his antics but aside from that we seem to be plugging along.
I will get Kelris' stats and such updated tonight, once I buy my new Halberd I will be shaving for an enchantment to my armor.

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Welcome aboard! Happy to have another elf along. Coaching all these humans can become rather cumbersome at times, especially for a lone elf. Together, I think we will find it much more rewarding to guide and teach them. They can be rather stubborn and difficult at times. Ahh, such is our burden to carry.

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A little halfling cheerfully claps his hands and bounces up and down in his chair.
"I am ssssssoooooo-oooooo excited to go on a new adventure! Oh what a wonderful story this will make for my chronicles! I can't wait to meet all my new and wonderful friends! Name's Morka. Magnificent Morka the Master of Mischeif! Let see, who do we have here?”
Don’t worry about my level, I will be playing at level 3 for this game, and I’ll apply a module to catch up to you guys when we finish Destiny of Sands. I look forward to playing with you all. Morka is a very fun character who loves friends and adventures. He is a bard now, but will be going into Pathfinder Chronicler later on.

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The elf nods approvingly, "Well Morka, someone with some spirit! That should make for a nice change of pace. I am Fethril Support (The 'T' at the end is silent.) and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I cannot wait to hear how your people churn out little more than bards and rogues with nary a true warrior among them. It is truly fascinating your kind has gotten this far actually. Worry not. Like most humans, James and Kelris here are full of brawn. You could stand behind one of them when things turn violent."
And this is Fethril honestly trying to be nice.

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I was going through my chronicle sheets and I can't seem to find the ones for Hall of the Flesh Eaters and The Overflow Archives. When I go back thorough the discussion thread the chronicle links go to the current one, so I'm guessing you reuse them. Any way you could post those two? Thanks

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I will have to think of a voice for Merisiel... I don't think I've played a pregen in PbP before.
Probably some combination of her personality as written with the maddening sense that she has been this way a thousand times before, died a hundred times, and never learns anything.

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GM Fez, i wont be update my stats until i have finished Legacy of Stonelords. It will be wrapping up at the end of Feb. But not to worry, i don't get much at level 3 anyways. The only thing different will be +1 BAB, Precise Short feat, and an extra spell Featherfall. That's it. Let me know if you are okay with this.

GM Fez |

Grandmaster Torch (GMT) is a touchy subject in the society. You'll find people vehemently for and against him. Several people are regularly claiming their characters will kill him on sight.
Here's what the wiki has on him, but that doesn't cover nearly his full story or why people do/don't like him so much.
I personally thought his story was interesting enough, and more of his backstory is revealed through season 5, so we'll see a little about where he's coming from.