Strange Aeons

Game Master YoLlama

"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."

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*nibbles on cookie*

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles on cookie as well*

... what? I made them.

*grabs an inordinate amount of spices for a bake-off*

Silver Crusade

Malevanidorian Ellemenirias wrote:
*grabs an inordinate amount of spices for a bake-off*

... might need ingredients and food for that as well.

Silver Crusade

I guess I'll go back to looking for songs for Saturday.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The weekend is over and I've finally come to a decision. Thank you all for your patience. I sincerely apologize for taking so long with this. I've literally scoured over your submissions for hours on end. I looked at team, build, party composition, personalities, and that oomph factor. There are far too many excellent characters here and you all put me in a very difficult position. I don't want anyone to leave disappointed but for some that's the nature of these things. It Honestly came down to the thinnest of wires for some of these character and a few were really painful to let go.Thank you for your time, energy, and creativity. Your efforts did not go unnoticed.

All that being said, can I please have follwing people join the discussion portion of the campaign to begin the search for sanity.

Beatrix the Lost


Saturday Daud


Era Naucht

Jacqueline Artorias

Lady Quinn

Thanks again to everyone and I hope I get the opportunity to play with the rest of you in the future. Beware that when someone drops out this will be the first place we go to recruit more people.

Nope! Cause it's not up yet! :O (I may have read this too soon. :P)

Silver Crusade


Best of luck to all those who didn't get in in all your future gaming endeavors :3

Congratulations to you all, have a great game and don't forget, the pelvic thrust causes Sanity damage! See you around!

Sovereign Court

@Hotatu of the Society

You were just a tad early, but then so was I. I expected to have at least a couple minutes for people saw the previous post. XD The discussion thread as up now!

Thanks for accepting me! I've wanted to play Jacqueline for a while now. I hope the people who didn't make it in can find their own games for Strange Aeons!

Aww... well good luck everyone and I hope you have a good game :)

Congratulations all of you! Wish you all an excellent and longlasting game.

Congratulations to the Chosen Ones!

Well, good luck to all of you and I hope you guys have fun!

Congrats to everyone, don't go too insane, it would be a shame.

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