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Saturday wakes with a start, as clouds of yellow fog blank out his sight beyond a few feet. The sounds are blanketed by the mists, an eerie silence surrounds the paladin.
Regina wakes with a start, as clouds of yellow fog blank out her sight beyond a few feet. The sounds are blanketed by the mists, an eerie silence surrounds the ethermancer.
Lady Quinn wakes with a start, as clouds of yellow fog blank out her sight beyond a few feet. The sounds are blanketed by the mists, an eerie silence surrounds the woman.
Era wakes with a start, as clouds of yellow fog blank out her sight beyond a few feet. The sounds are blanketed by the mists, an eerie silence surrounds the mage.
Jacq wakes with a start, as clouds of yellow fog blank out her sight beyond a few feet. The sounds are blanketed by the mists, an eerie silence surrounds the woman.

Jacqueline Artorias |

Jacqueline yawns and stretches as the mist billows around her, before slowly getting up. "Dream? Yes, most likely, but due to nature of place may cause existential crisis upon waking. Oh well, must carry on, I suppose." Offhandedly, the young woman summons her blade to her hand and subconsciously reaches for a cup of tea with the other as she meanders deeper into the fog.

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Regina, the Ethermancer |

Alteration: Ultraviolet Shift.

Lady Quinn |

If she couldn't find them in the immediate area she would draw her weapon and try to find a defend able position within the room.

Era Naucht |

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As the mist dissipates you find yourself in a built up sandstone town, standing in the middle of the grey gravel town square, which is all but deserted. From a yellow stone large church in front, you catch the glint of armoured men hurrying inside, as though late for some occasion. Their glinting armour is covered with fine linen coloured fabric, patterns of heraldic symbols of eagles and swords flap in the draft of their run.
Saturday follows into the church, where the pews are full of towns people and the warriors who sit at the front, lines of soldiers of the faiths singing an anthem of the triumph of Iomedae over the daemons from the Worldwound. The banners of the soldiers line the sides of the church, hanging colours of white and red crosses, of green and black dragons, yellow snakes on a black background, a burst of colour in the grey world that Saturday inhabits. From behind the preacher, a woman wearing simple white robes covered with a golden swords motif, leads the singing, standing behind a lectern on which a grand gold and leather bound book sits. The choir behind, their voices singing with the tones of angels praise the gods, giving glory to Iomedae for the victories over evil.
Saturday stows his weapons away and following directions from the ushers, is given a place on the front row. He looks and sees an almost perfect face of the woman preacher, her golden hair framing her pale face, her sparkling blue eyes shining out love and her rosey cheeks and red lips speak of compassion. Saturday sits entranced, joining the joy of the service, until he and the congregation sit and give their full attention to the preacher as she speaks the words from the golden book.
It is minutes into the sermon, when Saturday first notices that the lectern is in the shape of a talon, a large birds claw, holding the book. It is the first indication that not all is as it seems. Saturday blinks as his attention is transferred to the silver and golden claw, it seems to move, almost as though the claw is tightening on the tome. The preacher, her voice clear and serene, doesn't seem to notice the imperceptible changes. Even as the gold and silver seem to flake off from the claw, revealing a strong black talon underneath. Still the cleric continues on unconcerned. Saturday feels a mild panic welling in his body, he looks around the rest of the church, the banners still hang, though their colours seem to have darkened, the brightness and liveliness of the different hues look lacklustre and dead. Maybe it is just the passing of the sun behind a cloud, that could be it. The warriors of the faith that sit alongside Saturday carry on their attentive listening to the woman, entranced by her words not seeing the changes.
Saturday looks forward once again, he sees the glitter from the lectern is gone. As the panic takes hold, no longer is the talon inanimate, but now it seems to pulse with life, sharp, sharp claw like points at the end of the talon drip red, red blood as the holy book is being crushed by the powerful pincer. The book, its title showing, The 11 Miricles of Iomedae, bleeds, as though it too is a living text. Saturday stands, his throat dry, wanting to call out and warn the young preacher of the changing lectern, but still she carries on, as though nothing has changed. Saturday feels the words strangled in his throat, he looks around, surely someone must see what he sees. Yet the warriors and the congregation notice nothing untoward, their attention given fully to the woman standing at the lectern and projecting her sermon to those who can hear.
Returning his gaze to the young woman, she continues her holy homily, but despite her words and demeanour, a red stain appears in the centre of her white robe, spherical and growing. Behind her, Saturday catches sight of movement, a black hairy head, not human, an ape. Its size growing, exuding evil, fear. Saturday, his lips dry and parched move as he shouts a warning, but no sound is heard. Instead the ape just gets larger, in its hand a club as the preacher in white falls forward on her knees, a look of agony now in her eyes, she clutches her stomach the centre of the growing bloody mark. Saturday looks around the church for help, but the army of warriors is gone, the congregation and banners vanished. Saturday is alone in the darkening church. Unable to protect her, Saturday watches in horror as the ape grows in stature, the book is squeezed to a bloody pulp and the pleading eyes of Iomedae's maiden cannot be saved from the giant club that even now is raised to end her life.
And in Saturday's head all that he hears is "Revenge is mine."
Saturday wakes with a start, his body sweating, in the dark he can make out the shadows of his friends and the boilers.

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"Wha... what the f&@@?!?" Saturday lets out, shivering and fearful as he starts to get up.

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As the yellow mist dissipates, you find yourself alone in the boiler room. Regina looks around for her companions, not wanting to leave the safety of the room. Finding her friends blankets and bed places, Regina finds it difficult to understand what has happened to those she came here with. Saturday was gone, with his greatsword, Lady Quinn and her weapons flown the safe haven of the boiler room. All except Regina have left, disappeared into this strange and dangerous place. Regina's heartbeat increases as the realisation sets in that she really is alone, there is no-one able to protect her. It is only Regina and her connection to the ether that can sustain her here, that can keep her alive.
As Regina establishes a connection to the magic of the ether, she sees a strand of magic leading out of the room. It is almost as if its a shadow of the magic powers of Era, a trace to follow, if Regina is that brave. To stay here alone or find her companions, or any that live.Maybe it's not such a difficult choice. With her new resolve Regina packs her bags with all she might need and gingerly leaves the safety of the boiler room. Outside, it is as it was yesterday, footsteps that echo down the corridor, a barricade at one end, behind which men who would kill her as much as look at her. She thinks back, There's no way I could take my way in, they are so afraid of infiltrators, of the shapeshifters that killing a stranger is a given defence. Down the corridor again.
Regina starts down the corridor, looking into the storage rooms she finds nothing, not even the body of the shapeshifter they killed yesterday. He heart races at the implications and the increased danger she now finds herself in, Can I trust any of those I see, even my companions. As she looks around the storage rooms, she notices the mists once more cling to the floor and walls, giving all a yellowish tinge, and making the edges of shapes obscure and blurry. Still the purple cord that hangs in the ether, remains outside, leading her further into the building. She stops as she reenters the corridor, her ears listening for any sounds, but the deathly still remains, except maybe she heard something move, the sound of something rolling over the floor. She keeps still, the blood pulsing through her body, can she hear her own heartbeat? Everything is still, she tries to relax, taking a few deep breaths, but then there is the sound of something being dragged into place. Her heart races, is Regina brave enough for this, or does she run, but there is nowhere to run.
Slowly and carefully, her back to the wall, she edges up along the corridor. The yellow mists, clammy and wet, lap around her body, yet still the purple ether strand leads the way. She brings her hands up ready to manipulate the ether and use it to defend herself, but her hands are like the mists, wet and clammy. But she must press on, one step at a time, left foot forward, right foot forward, her back still pressed against the wall. And wall ends up ahead, just 5 more steps and she will see round the corner, it is where the ether leads her.
Just one more step now, to see where the magic of the ether leads. She stops, her breast rising and falling with each breath, shallow though they are, a feeling of panic welling up inside her, as she remembers the nurse, the one from yesterday that nearly took Era's life. It would not happen again, of that she is sure. Regina calls on the magics of the ether, her hands glowing with her power ready to unleash against her enemies.
Regina, takes the step to look around the corner, as the light from a flickering candle illuminates another pile of bodies. Another revolting sight, yet even as she looks at the putrid pink corpses, the pile moves, a dirty hand is raised to up, two pin pricks of eyes glint towards her. Regina knows what she must do, she lets loose all the power of the ether, sending shards of glittering glass daggers, with the speed to kill all within their path and bury themselves deep in the pile of flesh before her. To rid herself of the fear, the panic, the shapeshifters. Even as the deadly shards travel towards the pile of bodies, as if in slow motion, Regina, Era, Lady Quinn and Saturday rise from the pile, and as one say, "Help us Regina, save us from the ....." Their words are abruptly ended as the Regina's shards tear though their bodies, cutting them down where they stand. From out of the darkness, Regina hears a laughter, as she turns to run ....
Regina raises her head from the pillow in the boiler room, her hair matted and sticky with sweat, her pulse racing. She blinks, open mouthed as she sees the forms of her companions with her ...

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Everyone is OK .... You'll all be waking together ... in the morning ... just gotta write some more stories ...

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As you all wake in the morning, it is Jaqueline that seems most distressed, her normally pragmatic self having been shaken by whatever befell her in the night. She looks as though she didn't sleep much at all during the night, her eyes like black holes in her otherwise pale skin.
Era feels that the sweats and pain of the dream, have not quite left her. As she tries to get up, her joints feel on fire and her brow burns with fever.
With that you are up and ready, able to prepare some food from the rations you have found. The boiler room, seems so much better in the dim light of the morning, once Saturday has opened the door to the corridor. It is another day to face the dangers in this madhouse....
All but Jaqueline have slept well and recovered HPs ability damage as per core rules... Jaq
Era can I have a fortitude save please DC=12, irrespective of the result she takes 1d3 ⇒ 3 Dex damage and 1d3 ⇒ 2 Con damage.

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As Jac responds to the yellow mists, using her rational thoughts to push back the dream, the yellow mists increases in density. Soon Jac can no longer see her hand in front of her face, the mists close in, touching her skin. A slimy damp feeling, making the hair on her arms and hands bristle. Yet despite this, Jac's brain remains concentrated on the logical premise that this is a dream and her body and soul remain unaffected by its journey. Even as these thoughts travel across her mind, she begins to cough, her lips begin to feel hot, as though drinking a burning liquid. Her eyes widen and she tries to speak in alarm, but the mists eat up any sounds coming from her mouth.
Jac's lips begin to blister and her lungs start to burn, the mist appears to be poisonous, to attack her body. She gasps for breath, yet doesn't want breath in the viscous air. Jac starts to run, anywhere, just away from the destructive mists. Stumbling through, the mists become thinner and she is able to breath again, yet still the blisters on her lips and down her throat mean she cannot speak, cannot shout out a warning or call for help. Jac gets control of her mind again, deciding to find a way out of this dream.
Jac wanders in an endless cloud of yellow vapor. Other shapes form and vanish in the mist, fleeting, unsettling things that refuse to be focused upon. After what seems like a lifetime, an exhausted-looking man with a ponytail of straight, white hair stumbles through the fog. He’s insane with desperation. He looks behind him, as though there is something chasing him. He inadvertently bumps into Jac, as she appears out of the mist. He gapes and shouts, “We’re all lost here! We’ll never escape!” and rushes away. Even as he goes, disappearing into the mysterious fog. Even as his body is enveloped, his ranting continues, “What have I done? What have I done?” Jac is alone again, she tries to call back but the pain in her throat and mouth stop the words and sounds from leaving her lips.
Jac wonders about the man with the white hair, was he related to her or is this just a coincidence.
The mists lift, Jac finds herself laying down in the boiler room in the company of her new found friends, her throat sore and lips sensitive to touch.
Pre nights rest, so need to update
Era 1/9 has filth fever . day 1 onset 2 days
Jacq 9/10 Dex Damage 6 so -3 to dex abilities and checks. (Jac dreams DC +1)
Lady Q 11/13
Reg 3/6
Sat 13/13

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Correction: Era, you do not need to make the Fort save or take the Dex and Con damage
Let me know what you want to do next ...

Regina, the Ethermancer |

Regina felt a little better in the morning, although not quite as good as she wanted to feel. Her injuries weren't totally healed up, but they were a little bit better - so there was that, at least. "...I don't think I like this place." she muttered. She looked up at the others a moment later. "Is everyone all right, still?"
Regina has recovered 1 HP after resting overnight, and is currently at 4/6 hit points.

Jacqueline Artorias |

Jacqueline still looks pallid as she awakes, and instinctively coughs. "Nightmare. I don't think I'm fine. Appeared..." the young woman wheezes slightly. "...appeared to arrest natural tissue regeneration. Probably, probably some sort of magical element." She struggles to her feet, bags under eyes. "We need, we need to get this done rather quickly. I believe I need advanced medical treatment."

Era Naucht |

Era awakens, frustrated, and not quite remembering her dream. She takes a moment to check her wound... before diving into her spellbook. The process takes very little time, ultimately.
Preparing Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Mage Armor, and Color Spray. She has one empty slot for Divination Only

Regina, the Ethermancer |

"I don't think I want to get close to anything nasty, but... yeah, I guess I'm as good as I'm gonna get." Regina noted, letting out a few tiny puffs of flame from her fingertips. (She wasn't a pyromaniac or anything, but given how unclean this place felt, the idea of cleansing it with flame did have its appeal...)

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As the mists retreat, Lady Quinn finds herself in a hot, boiling hot town square. Buildings made of stone or clay surround the dusty, sand and boulder strewn her parched square in which she stands. The fierce heat from a ball of yellow sun shines down from high up in the blue cloudless sky. The one and two storey white buildings reflect the strong rays into the open, leaving dark and shadowy alleys between the walls, a respite from the heat. Lady Quinn, wipes the sweat that starts to appear on her brow with the back of her dainty hand, as she scans the deserted scene. As she looks to her right, she sees a shadow in one of the alleys, its darkened hand materializes and indicates for Lady Quinn to follow.
Despite her reservations, she strides across to the humanoid in long dark flowing robes, with a hood covering the head and pulled down obscuring the face. A deep throated human male voice speaks from within the black shadow of the hood. "Glad you could make it..."
... to be continued ...

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After recovering as much as possible from the nights dreaming, or nightmares, the group prepares itself for another day in the purgatory. Looking at the barricade, you see the eyes of the guards are on you, as you approach they raise their crossbows and speak, "Back off, unless you can prove your humanity." It is apparent that until you have cleared the area of the shapeshifter threat, or at least a few more, you won't be allowed behind the barricade and the what ever safety is found there.
You poke you head in the storage rooms, there is a strange scurrying noise and small creatures head into the shadows. Unsurprisingly the body of the shapeshifter is there, lying dead and now slightly nibbled around the edges. After a little discussion about what to do with the course you decide to continue up the corridor, that somehow doesn't seem to pose so many threats in the early morning light. At least overcoming the horrors of yesterday have given you a little more confidence in your abilities.
The walk through the darkened corridor, with light flitting through the cracks in the walls, reminds you of the dangers. You arrive at the opening to the right, where you encountered the shapeshifter in a short and sharp combat. A shiver runs up Era's spine as she looks round half expecting to see another creature on the pile of bodies. To the left is the door, half buried in the debris, straight on the corridor looks like it might continue, although to the left the debris is piled high, its too dark to make out if the corridor continues or is blocked off.
Currently in very dim light ..
Door or corridor?

Regina, the Ethermancer |

Regina remained carefully behind Saturday, one hand raised and her ether at the ready. She may have looked a little silly, but it was better to be ready to respond to threats than to blunder forward in the hope that no such problems would be forthcoming.

Era Naucht |

"Who wants to hold something glowy?" Era asks, before they move any further into the darkness. "And are we sure we want me to drink this..?" she asks, holding up the healing potion that they'd found.

Era Naucht |

Era hasn't used the other sunrod, unless it was used in her dream and that counted. She prepared light today, so she can make something someone is carrying glow.

Lady Quinn |

Quinn keeps her weapon drawn as they are once again denied access to the others and must go hunting again.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
"Need both hands free but I can strap it to me my armor if no one else can carry it." She offered.

Era Naucht |

With no objections from the others, Era quaffs the potion.
Healing: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 9/9 HP
She immediately feels significantly better as her wounds all heal over simultaneously. "Well... that was particularly well-crafted."
She then shrugs as Quinn suggests she didn't mind being their beacon, before reaching forward to press a two fingers to the flat of her falchion, intoning "Lumină"
The resulting effect is a pale, purple-blue light glowing along the edges and brightening their way forward.

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Smiling as Era's wounds disappear Saturday didn't look away in time when the wizard cast her spell, causing him to blink multiple times as eyes tries to adjust to the new brightness.

Regina, the Ethermancer |
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Regina, as was her wont, stayed behind Lady Quinn in order to be that much further from enemies. As they moved, she focused a bit, and a barrier shimmered into existence around her body. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.
She'll be casting and refreshing her Alteration: Cosmic Wards ability regularly, for +2 AC. XD Squishy caster is squishy, especially at first level.

Jacqueline Artorias |

Jacqueline stays in the middle of the pack, still unsteady from the poison taking a toll on her body, but her mind is working as quickly as ever. "Fascinating! Some kind of phosphoric evocation. Perhaps you could outline your techniques for me? Seems useful."