
DM Czernobog's page

97 posts. Alias of YoLlama.


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Sovereign Court

Sorry I haven't posted. My best friend of 16 years just passed. Maybe it's the season Beatrix. I'll try and post tonight. Thank you for your patience.

Sovereign Court

As the shifting creature charges Regina whilst burning alive, Jac's swing goes wide. The practiced blow was meant to anticipate a normal foes movement but the wild panicked and rage filled flailings proved difficult to prepare for. Fifeteen's punch was also an unfortunate miss due to her misunderstanding her own lethality. While Quinn's valiant attack continues the theme of the creature avoiding or ignoring glancing blows until Sad launches himself from the first stairwell, wielding his HIGHLY dangerous weapon and slams it into the creature breaking a litany of bones with a sickening crunch. The fiery monster's howls reach new heights at this onslaught of pain but are cut short by Beatrix's ethereal weapon slicing through the terror. Part of it's head, upper torso and left arm are hewn off in a spray of dark blue viscera which covers those nearby. The body and it's pieces crumple to the floor as the heap of bodies smolder in the corner of the corner of the room.

Sovereign Court

My deepest condolences. Take your time.

Sovereign Court

From the Flaming pile of carcasses, comes a terrible shriek that fills the stone room. The bodies shudder and appear to lift up of their own accord as if alive! But the illusion is shattered by the lone burning figure who screaming and wheeling their arms around wildly as they stride towards Regina in a hate filled panic. The figure seems to be shifting constantly in appearance, a grotesque amalgamation of people you all immediately recognize, Sad's arms. Era's eyes, Quinn's nose, Beatrix's body shape. and as soon as it seems to settle, it all shifts again under the forceful flicks of the flames. It's as if the fire is burning away it's looks, it's flesh bubbling a sickening grey in response.

We will start from the top of the initiative order from before. Regina and the doppleganger have already acted.

Sovereign Court

Lady Quinn, Sad, and Jac:
You all ascend the rickety steps with grace save for poor Sad, whose foot pushes through a wooden step just past the first landing, splintering it and causes your foot to become wedged in. Due to the fragile nature of the steps, it'll take a little bit to pull out without falling through from misplacing one's weight. The two ladies who make it to the top of the second landing see that doorway was collapsed from some kind of tremor, a powerful if it were to knock an archway such as this into just a large heap of rubble. All three of you also take notice that the bodies on the opposite side of the room could be piled further on top of each other to create a macabre ladder if one wanted to reach the large metal chute hanging above it , eight feet off of the ground.

Lady Quinn and Sad:

You two also see that the pile, just for a second, seemed to move

Sovereign Court

Me too. Hopefully the game just got away from her. I'll pick up pace either way and she can catch back up! Assume she got clothes ;)

Sovereign Court

Sad; you finds several broken handles to what look like knives, within the depths of thefurnace, you're sure it would easily be sharpened for a quick weapon. You also find a masterwork viol at the bottom of the clothes pile. It's missing it's bow , asked to be in fine condition.

; you hear a raspy labored breath from inside punctuated by the buzzig of flies, as you creep closer towards the slightly open door. From the few inches it's cracked you can see a pile of bodies on one side of the room that seems to have partially collapsed in a heap of stone work. The smell is noxious and incredibly distracting.

Anyone looking confine that the most readily source of weaponry lies on the metal tablet beside the now unstrapped man. Large portion of them are gardening tools and many appear to be poorly cared for or cleaned. Regardless, none of them appear ready for surgery of any kind.

The man now, having his arms free , grabs Era's shoulder with a surprisingly good deal of strength, his nowise meeting yours with the look of sheer terror. As he leaks from the large degree of lacerations across his body, he begins to beg you, " Please, If you are real and not another monstrous trick, please end this. I can't take the pain anymore. You must hurry! There's no telling how long she'll be many reinforcement she'll bring to bear. "
He weakly looks around the room to see if any are sympathetic to his requests.

Sovereign Court

Was waiting for jacqueline, but I'll go head and throw up a post.

Sovereign Court

You are okay! Jury rigging the lock using the shears and Era's aid works just fine.
The second cell door can eventually be opened with tools on the cart beside the bound man.

"Please...there's can't." he murmurs quietly, bordering on incoherence. His eyes widened as he sees you pick up any tools to help assist with the second lock, pulling away with with limited mobility he can muster.
Two cells sit alongside one wall and another opposite them. The direction that the creature ran, there is a doorway, ajar revealing a long hallway and another door.
The other side of the room possesses random storage and barrels which smells foul and appesrs ill-kept. A cold iron furnace hunkers in the corner of the basement, it's Four foot square door gaping half open. Nearby sprawls a heap of gorey clothes and other dubious flammable trash. Leaning against the enormous furnace appears to be several large burlap sacks filled to the brim with it's contents.

Sovereign Court

Though old, the bars seem sturdy and well forged. Sad's efforts seem to jerk the door in place, the metal rattling throughout the room but accomplish little more. Maybe with more effort/bodies you could eventually weaken the hinges, though this may take some time. The bound on the table murmurs as if in a feverish state and licking his lips dryly.

Sovereign Court

@Saturday: That's for you guys to figure out. ;) Combat is paused atm.

Sovereign Court

Sorry for taking little time with the reply, my wife is sick so I was tending to her. I will be able to post several times today and tomorrow with normal posting following.

Sovereign Court

Dm Screen:

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Stealth works unfortunately the roll doesnt't. :/

Arcane Mark works.

As piercing transparent spikes of energy plow into the sadistic creature, it seems to trumpet it's surprise in a painful scream as it's blood spears across the table and through the bars of the opposite prison scattering flecks onto the occupants of Cell A. While critically examining its own wounds, it's discerning eye catches notice of Fifteen's hands approaching her key belt. Leaning down hissing inhumanely at the attempted pocket picking, the motion inadverntly causes her to dodge Jacqueline's attack. Seeing that her 'patients' appear to be beyond consolable, she scolds all of you"You were all supposed to be ASLEEP!", before swiftly limping out of the room and down the stone hallway,leaving the misused shears in front of Cell B. You are all left alone save for the man on the table is nearly passed out from pain.

Sovereign Court

Cell A:Sad, Regina, Beatrix, and Lady Quinn are in one sell, While Cell B:Jacqueline, Era and Fifteen are in a parrallel cell with the man strapped to the table between the two of them with 10 feet on either side.

The torturous woman wheels on Cell A with a stern voice as if chiding children, revealing her irritation. "Quiet! All of you pipe down. You will all have your turn soon enough." Her features suddenly warp until a perfect copy of Sad stands before you.

However as she turns to place her blade back into the man's forearm, she's assaulted by Jacqueline's blade , the projection biting deep across her neck. She turns in a wild murderous fury to face cell B, rushing forward and trying to grab Jacqueline through the bars. "You've just volunteered to be my next patient!"

Grab: 1d20 + 8 - 4 ⇒ (6) + 8 - 4 = 10

Perception DC 12:

As the woman moves, you can see a ring of keys hanging from her waist.


Jacqueline: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Fifteen: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Era: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Regina: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Lady Quinn: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Beatrix: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Sad: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Nurse: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Lady Quinn
Jacqueline and the nurse have acted. Declare and followthrough with your actions
Those of you attending the stealth realize that there is only a vague shadows but Finley covers the wall as light bounces around the area due to a multitude of candles. Though you do accomplish making yourselves the less appealing target . Lady Quinn, see no significant weaknesses I could aid in your escape at this time. There's too much danger going on to take a 20.

Sovereign Court


The haunting tattered figure stalks forward until it stands right before you, the flames from Jacqueline's attack flare across its shoulder and head. The sky has become a swirling mess of colors with no name mixing with the deep mustard of the cloud. The massive behemoths outlined by the burning moon, tread past the two of you giving apparent chase to Lady Quinn, crying out in alien howls. The man raises both it's hands to her cheeks, it's hollow gaze locking with her curious one. His skin seems to pulse and crawl under your gaze but upon closer inspection reveals that it appears to be made up of tiny twitching digits. They writhe as he leans toward your face and whispers,


Your eyes fill with light as your mind is set aflame. Piercing ideas and impossibilities answer every question and questions no ones ever fathomed. Your insides begin to melt under the pressure and insane heat, tearing down your body and twisting your 'skin' like wax. As blinding light rips through your eye sockets and mouth in wide rays, your body falls away leaving your disembodied head clasped between its hands. Everything goes dark.

Lady Quinn:

The impact of the shadowy giants seems to become more frequent as its powerful limbs the size of castle towers give it an impossibly far stride. You appear to be the last one left as Fifteen succombs to the frightening shadowman. Panting and sweating, you strain your body to push for every foot but you seem to only lose progress as the immeasurable beings close in. A nearby ruined temple of some sort erupts in a shower of stone and metal as one of the tentacled claw appendages sinks into it. A mind rending trumpetig echoes across the city the entity demolishes whole blocks to reach you. Pelted with debris and knocked off your feet, a shadow blocks out all light as the towering shadowy form seems to inspect your prone form before raising a mangled titanic limb down upon you with all it's titanic weight, crushing you with a sickening crunch.


As you steel yourself to combat whatever horror emerges from the heap, your diminishing seems to increase steadily, and the world around you to expand at an alarming rate. Pebbles appear as boulders and the buildings on the street have become monoliths beyond your fathoming. Somewhere in the city, thunderous roars and destruction can be heard shaking your whole world periodically. Crawling from the refuse, a crooked rat shaped being with an animalistic grin reveals itself. Minutes ago this creature would've been disturbing but small nuisance, easily dispatched by your blade. Even moments ago when you were only a couple feet tall, it would've been more disgusting than threatening. But now, at roughly the size of a hand doll, with no signs of your shrinking slowing, the malformed rodent dwarfs you. Licking its foul mouth in a mockery of himan delight, it scampers forward to retrieve it's prey, a motion which shakes the ground beneath your feet. It's grotesque golden orbs peer down at your diminuitive form leaning in with a unbearable breath washing over you and in a swift violent motion, sweeps it's grimy claws toward you and misses swinging far over your head. At first it seems that maybe an involuntary reflexive movement to avoid it had worked, but after a few unbelieving blinks, you realize that before you is a mountain covered in a forest of thick black pillars stretching far into the sky. To your horror, the landscape before you is in fact the rat creature, so large that it cant seem to find your dust sized form. Cracks in the cobblestone are now bottmless ravines, and the yellow fog that had assaulted your company hangs an inch above the ground now look like clouds. While uneaten and alive, you're left to wander the alien landscape of the city sized cobblestone...


You all wake lying in a grimy cell, the damp stone uncomfortably chill. Your equipment, even your clothes, are gone. You are naked and alone, except for one of the people you recognize from the dream.

Sturdy bars separate you from the main room. "Wake up, damn you!" A man lies strapped to a table in the center, shouting at you and the other cells. His body is a mess of oozing lines. An unsettlingly thin figure in a bloodstained doctor's coat circles the table casually.

From a smaller table, she picks a blade that looks like it came from a pruning shear. One of a dozen makeshift implements. As you watch, she makes another shallow cut across his chest. Drawing forth a scream of frustration and pain.

Sovereign Court

Regina, the Ethermancer wrote:


(Although, more seriously, you don't want an event like this one to take too long in PbP, even if we are setting the mood. XD Otherwise people could go weeks without a chance to post, depending on how long it is. ...Probably not the case here, but my experience is that the games that keep pushing forward tend to be the most successful. ^^)

Thso cards are amazing! Holy crap! As a magic playaer, I completely approve. Very very cool.

I'll get a post up in just a minute. I was waiting on everyone to get a say in before I rushed past. I defiently get whatyou are saying about the mood but I figured we could be patient since we declared 48 hours being the post requirement. Though I get what youre saying about the scene. Its an odd one, especially for a pbp.

Sovereign Court


As the numbness reaches the rest of your body, you notice about everything from your abdomen to the tips of your fingers has become hazy, and is slowly dissipating into the mess. You lack any tactile sense of your surroundings, leaving you an effective disembodied consciousness that is pushed about by the merest gust or outside motion. Seemingly your spell continues on past the minute marker as Lady Quinm hurdlesnpst you, and no one else reacts to your presence or lack there of. With the results of your horrid transformation complete, no one appears to be able to see, hear or even feel you. Whether this was a result of your powers malfunctioning or some twisted effect caused by this nightmarish realm, desire to become hidden has been twisted so that no one will ever find you again, a ghost in the ether.

Regina,Fifteen,Lady Quinn, Jacqueline:

Spurned forward by the savage loss of your new compatriot, Jacqueline strikes at the haunting spectre once more , but stumbles in her attempt, losing footing in the dense mist. What she stumbles over reveals itself soon after her low swings hide, a corpuscular mass of writhing tentacles surging up from the cobblestones to encompass her. The yellow ragged figure watches motionless as the limbs encircle her legs, sending her toppling. Abrief moment passes where the heap of slimy pulsating appendages tighten around her midsection, and she locks eyes with the rest of the group, before being drug deeper into the oily darkness beyond,

The figure achingly raises its veiny arms toward the tentacled heavens while slowly gliding towards Fifteen. Once again, it's cacophonous, soul shattering voice trembles out a potential answer.


Sovereign Court

One for the history books.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Sad,Jacqueline,Lady Quinn, Fifteen, Regina:

As Jacqueline foolishly courageously strikes out in desperation, her blow lands squarely across its midsection setting him aflame. The flame illuminates it's visage, a skeletal humanoid constricted in torn rags of soiled yellow fabric with broken shackles hanging from its wrists. It's lipless maw reveals rows of long black gnarled thorns spread in a silent scream as it seemingly revels in its personal inferno. Sad's weathered greatsword strikes the creature with impeccable precision, splitting it from stomach to forearm, but unfortunately, your blade seems to meet only buttery resistance as the unholy being seems to twist into and fade jnto a ghostly mirage. The shadowy monstrosity turns in Fifteen's direction and answers almost past her with ecstatic agony, in a thousand voices, in hundreds of languages.


It suddenly raises a clawed hand in motion toward Sad and an enormous woosh of air follows the gesture as a titanic grey tentacle from above sweeps forth displacing the fog and piercing Sad's stomach clear through his back, snuffing the warriors life out in a horrid instant.


As you wheel around, grappling your newly formed weapon tightly, you gain a momentary resurgence of courage before running back the way you came. However, you quickly realize that the warping effect which had made everything appear larger was in fact not an illusion or feat of insane architecture, but your new reality. The path you had just not moments before traveled, now stretched and lengthened to an absurd scale. Vines that trail across the alley now appear as winding leafless tree trunks in comparison. Cracks and imperfections in the stony path at your feet become more and more apparent, details you would have never noticed that your normal height. Far off in the distance and down the alley's massive opening, you can hazily make out giant versions of your compatriots being swallowed up by the sickly yellow storm. Even your own voice sounded off when muttering curses, acquiring a pitchy quality. A quick judging of your surroundings and perspective places your size at less than a third of your original...and dwindling. A loud rustling suddenly occurs in a chest high heap of vines and debris nearby. Two yellow orbs the size of your fist, peer out at you from an opening in the heap.


As you methodically move away from the violent and terrifying scene behind you, the clouds rush past, flowing first across the ground in an animalistic fashion. Your harried breath and soft pattering of your feet against the stony path suddenly stops as all sound is promptly swallowed up. You can barely make out anything beyond a few yards when suddenly a creeping, pressure overtakes your legs. As the numbness spreads upward, a lightheaded wave courts dizziness in a wretched dance which clogs your thoughts as you suddenly realize that it's not the fog which obscures your own form, but a sickly translucent quality it seems to have taken on. Your hollow lower half intermingles with the smoke making it more and more difficult difficult to tell where you start and end. Any attempts to touch them prove fruitless as your hands simply pass right through the ghostly limbs without resistance, as inch by inch the rest of you begins to succumb to this ghostly affliction.


As coughing begins to rack your stiff body, the leaking from your eyes seems to spread to every orifice, the coppery film coating your clothes and skin until little is left uncovered. The metallic honey like substance slows any movements that weren't already hindered by their overwhelming rigidity. Eventually, you find that you can't move at all as the thick syrup seems to cement your body in place. Unfortunately, you also realize that you are far from dead and are actually fully aware of your surroundings, you just can't move in response to them. Though your position appears locked, breath caught in your lungs, heart frozen between beats, but to your unbelievable despair, you are still moving , just at an incredibly slow rate. Judging by the progress you've made over the past couple minutes, it would take you years to stand up if not decades. You might spend eons trying to escape the fog at this speed. To any observers passing by though, they would simply see a lone copper statue resembling Era Naucht doubled over in pain, eyes wide in horror.

Sovereign Court

Sad, Jacqueline, Fifteen, Lady Quinn, Regina:

A gleefull scream of anguish sounds above all other muted noises as the first trails of mist wash over your stationary group.

"Iä! Iä!"

A cloying oily scent burrows into your pores as the wisps flow past, leaving a suffocating rot aftertaste in your soul. Those waiting for the onslaught of the billowing mists hurdling toward them are overcome with hair raising dread as they begin to make out massive shapes illuminated by silent lightning strikes. Outlines of huge lumbering figures wielding inhuman church sized limbs which branch off at unfathomable angles, follow at the heels of a much smaller figure.The source of the footsteps is finally revealed to be a humanoid silhouette seemingly formed from the mists approaching your group slowly. The voice torturously cries out again, its hollow wail stabbing at your ears as the figure peers almost past each of you with alien intent.

"Iä! Iä!"

You each get a turn.


As you move down the wide path and seemingly begin to make progress, the sounds of your brief companion's conversation diminish into the fog behind you. The city before you lies in ruins, towering structures remain as skeletal frame works of what must've once been an inspiring and impossible sight. Though as you run onward, you notice almost every step seems to catch on cracks, or is snagged by dead vines stretching across your path. Obstacles that would normally never hinder you, now appear larger. A frantic glance toward the mindbending structures around you reveals that their bulk and height seem to almost grow in size as you watch. The alley you've chosen looks to be widening by the second, where once four man could walk abreast, now eight can fit. Even the cobblestones at your feet appear to be stretching larger and larger. A nearby iron lamp, similar to ones you've seen before now appear to be three times their previous height and ruined doorways dwarf you more and more with every moment.

A thunderous cry of tortured adulation breaks through the silence of the unatural night.

"Iä! Iä!"


Moving into the narrow path alone, odd doorways and bronze iron lamps that twist with an unsettling organic quality dot either side of the illuminated alley which begins to sharply slope downward. As you progress, cobblestone street becomes more and more patchwork with missing rocks creating an irritating pothole ridden alley. The alien lamps become less frequent as well, seemingly ripped out of the ground, leaving even more holes in the earth. You get the impression that something in Normas move through this area, scraping gouges in the sides of the building that remained in leaving from bold rock and twisted metal in its wake. Navigating the troublesome city artery you run onward, but your limbs suddenly seem clumsy and sluggish. An impression of rigidty assaults your joints, causing every movement to painfully ache. A deep nausea sets in as your stomach flips over and over again spurning you to gag and dampening your eyes with tears. An odd amount of tears in fact seem to wet your face, and laboriously wiping any measure of it away leaves trails of a dark coppery liquid on your sleeves and hands.

Above the sounds of your wretching, a deafening whisper desperately fills the windless night.

"Iä! Iä!"

Sovereign Court

As far as I understand it. Regina is nearby hiding, Saturday and Jacqueline are standing their ground while Beatrix is running down the wide path. Last I heard from 15, she was near the group.

Sovereign Court

Loving everything discussed here so far and the play thread is starting strong.

Beatrix the Lost

No problem with it at all! I applaud your foresight and sacrifice.

Sovereign Court

Conversations seem distant in this place, as if muffled by the encroaching cloud, hungry for whatever piece you it can acquire.Whether you stop to talk, hide, or run, the dense fog surges forward, cold and menacing. The city offers many twisted alleyways patched with cobblestone paths, but only two seem lit enough to venture down without being swallowed by darkness, one wide and one narrow. The unfeeling jaundiced moon hangs low in the sky peering down through the ruins and lighting your options as the shuffling seems to gain pace, piercing the mute of the mist.




Sovereign Court

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Gameplay thread is up!

Excited to see everyone posting so adamantly! You guys are probably has hyped as I am about this game. A small concern regarding everyone's comfort level towards violence. Comfortable is everyone with descriptions of gore? Post an example of what's to come, if necessary just to gauge everyone's stance on the matter.

And after the nearly unanimous decision to keep the new sanity and funerals out of the game, I hardly agree. As much as I would love to add them, it's a hindrance to the party but we can probably neither afford nor enjoy.

And Saturday definitely has a "harem". :) I was looking for the most part for a large female group as I think it provides an interesting theme.


How about Lily Collins? She seems to fit somewhat the character art you have provided. :3


I am not opposed to you making upgrades. We can explore it more in depth later but I was also curious if you wouldn't mind if your character was comprised internally more of clockwork then straight super cyber technology. Just wanted to pass the ideayour way.

Somehow I missed putting this in my post, I am definitely for the Cortana-Sage/style familiar. I've always been a fan of that style of A.I. I can still see that working with a clockwork theme as well, if you decide we go that route.

Sovereign Court

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~Strange Aeons~
Chapter 1 - In search of Sanity

You stand alone in the streets if a strange city. A wall of sickly yellow fog swirls about, tumbling through canyons of buildings made from crumbling, gray brick. A battered bridge arcs overhead, nearly blotting out a bruised twilight sky. From the silent swell of mist, approaching at a steady pace, echoes the sound of shuffling footsteps...

Sovereign Court

Era Naucht wrote:

Minidot before I disappear for work!

Lara Croft from the newer games fits for audio. Otherwise the picture in my mythweavers profile works. :)

For Fear/Sanity rules - it can be rough. Just glancing over them, they're very much for more veteran players willing to give up more character control (or newer ones who just don't mind adding more mechanics). If we have any of the occult psychic spellcasters, those rules are -nasty- in relation to them, though. They really don't play well together, which is a real shame and poor design, in my opinion

The emotional effect on characters with psychic abilities is definitely crippling, you were right. I don't want to leave any one in Macomb or at a specific disadvantage. Found the rules very interesting and somatic but I will wait to hear what everyone says. If we did choose to play with them, it would be a group decision and I would probably only advice picking one or the other.

Sovereign Court

@Hotatu of the Society

You were just a tad early, but then so was I. I expected to have at least a couple minutes for people saw the previous post. XD The discussion thread as up now!

Sovereign Court

Welcome to the Strange Aeons Campaign! All out of character discussions go here!

The first order of business is for everyone to post the voice actor or actor that best fits their character, if they haven't yet. It's not obligatory but just for fun. Second order of business is to discuss whether we should use fear and/sanity rukes. Anyone have any insights on their usage. Please post any questions or comments here! I'm very much looking forward to playing with all of you!

As far as your memories go, other than your powers, abilities, skills, feats, and names you do not remember many concrete details about your past, especially The past few years. Stuff for their back in your backstory is much more likely to not interfere with anything in the game. I know the concept of having a patchwork backstory is antithetical to most real playing games and it's a shame as many of you had incredible ones, but now it's difficult for your character to remember them! :) You will slowly begin to know more throughout the campaign and I plan to incorporate anything that you have done already.

Sovereign Court

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The weekend is over and I've finally come to a decision. Thank you all for your patience. I sincerely apologize for taking so long with this. I've literally scoured over your submissions for hours on end. I looked at team, build, party composition, personalities, and that oomph factor. There are far too many excellent characters here and you all put me in a very difficult position. I don't want anyone to leave disappointed but for some that's the nature of these things. It Honestly came down to the thinnest of wires for some of these character and a few were really painful to let go.Thank you for your time, energy, and creativity. Your efforts did not go unnoticed.

All that being said, can I please have follwing people join the discussion portion of the campaign to begin the search for sanity.

Beatrix the Lost


Saturday Daud


Era Naucht

Jacqueline Artorias

Lady Quinn

Thanks again to everyone and I hope I get the opportunity to play with the rest of you in the future. Beware that when someone drops out this will be the first place we go to recruit more people.

Sovereign Court

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Down to twelve. Sorry for the delay. You guys are making me sweat.

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.


I am floored by the amazing and creative submissions you guys have provided. I was warned at the beginning of this thread that there would be a plethora of incredible ones and that I should brace myself. I'm now left with the decision of carefully sifting through all of these to find a group of six.

I will spend the rest of today reviewing them and will have an answer for you tonight or tomorrow at the very latest. Want to give as much consideration to each of these as I did not look over them to heavily as you guys posted them. I like to not be biased early posters when you going in. I thank you all for your patience look forward to gaming with those of you who make it in. And know that those of you who do not have my deepest appreciation for making this stupidly difficult decision.

Good luck everybody!

Sovereign Court

Current Submissions

Martial Applications
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae [Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Ysvigg Redcloack [Female Human Unchained Barbarian]
-Annabel Hardin [Female Human Gunslinger Musketeer]
-"Mr. Clean"[Male Half-Orc Slayer]
-Fifteen (Ivy)[Android Fighter Eldritch Guardian/Two Weapon Warrior]
-Oskar Orekslag [Male Dwarf Hunter]
-Lady Quinn [Female Human Slayer / Sorcerer ( VMC )]
Manius Gallonica [Male Tiefling Inquisitor of Dispater] Need Crunch

Divine Applications
-Zadok Warren[Male Human Oracle]
-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Saturday Daud [Male Human Paladin Tortured Crusader]
-Balthazar the Wanderer Male Human Cleric of Nethys 1

Skilled Applications
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
-Grey [Male Human Alchemist Gloom Chymist]
-Jeanne Marrechal [Male Human Investigator Lamplighter]
-Felix [Male Tengu Rogue]
-Heinrich Von Stahl [Male Half-Elf Empiricist Investigator]

Arcane Applications
-Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]
-Horace Day [Male Human Spiritualist Fractured Mind]
-Regina[Female Human Ethermancer]
-Jacqueline Artorias [Female Magus Mindblade Kensai]
-Haroldin [Male Human Psychic rebirth discipline]
--Beatrix The Lost[Female Tiefling Qlippoth-Spawn Spiritualist Ectoplasmatist]
-Era Naucht [Female Human Wizard HH Pact/VMC Rogue]
-Haroldin [Mal Human Psychic, rebirth discipline ]
-Mashiki Malbourne [Human aberrant sorceress]

No worries! It won't hurt your chances. And that's a good choice.

Androids are fine. Empathy is good by me. Probably best to avoid Rage Cycling.

@Donnen Phelps
It sounds like put a lot of thought into your choice! I feel its pretty appropriate.

You should probably change it if there isn't significant reasoning in your backstory supporting it. The Changes you mentioned have been taken into consideration!

Of course that's fine! And I like the theme, very haunting .

@Jing The Bandit
I've only seen him once or twice in media, But I appreciate his acting and as well as his pretty face. Lol

I had totally forgotten about that trailer. I love cyberpunk And the music is well worn in my player. I'll address more of your points via PM.

@Saturday Daud
I listed some guides to describe your character's personality in the character creation post.

@Zahne Iwatani
Buy all of your stuff normally. The adventure path will sort it all out. And knowledge just the same as it does in any other game.

@Jacqueline Artorias
I'm not gonna lie, I have considered it. There is such a plethora of incredible characters that have been put forth for this game. I want each of them to find a home and get a chance to role-play but I am not sure if I will be able to divide my time to two separate tables with Full measure of my attention. Everyone deserves Best game I can provide. So my answer is it this time as I'm not sure. We'll have to see once the application closss.

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Current Submissions

Martial Applications
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae [Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Ysvigg Redcloack [Female Human Unchained Barbarian]
-Annabel Hardin [Female Human Gunslinger Musketeer]
-"Mr. Clean"[Male Half-Orc Slayer]
-Fifteen (Ivy)[Android Fighter Eldritch Guardian/Two Weapon Warrior]
-Oskar Orekslag [Male Dwarf Hunter ]

Divine Applications
-Zadok Warren[Male Human Oracle]
-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Saturday Daud [Male Human Paladin Tortured Crusader]
-Balthazar the Wanderer Male Human Cleric of Nethys 1

Skilled Applications
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
-Grey [Male Human Alchemist Gloom Chymist]
-Jeanne Marrechal [Male Human Investigator Lamplighter]
-Felix [Male Tengu Rogue]

Arcane Applications
-Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]
-Horace Day [Male Human Spiritualist Fractured Mind]
-Regina[Female Human Ethermancer]
-Jacqueline Artorias [Female Magus Mindblade Kensai]
-Haroldin [Male Human Psychic rebirth discipline]
--Beatrix The Lost[Female Tiefling Qlippoth-Spawn Spiritualist Ectoplasmatist]
-Era Naucht [Female Human Wizard HH Pact/VMC Rogue]

Im floored with how many great submissions you guys are putting offerinng. Lots of attention to detail and care put into the fluff and the mechanics all seem solid so far.
Switched up the way I organize them to give everybody a better idea of what's been submitted. Also, while I certainly did not intend for everyone to pick a theme, I am very happy with everyone's choices. It shows a pretty strong understanding of either the theme of the game or your character .

There is plenty of time for another submission! It depends on how rage cycle honestly. Its probably safer for me to say no.

I'm definitely open to her application. Send me a PM to discuss more!

No worries! Its all for fun. Not required at all.

Brienne has a very distinct voice. Gwendolyn Christie needs to be in more things.

Excellent choice. Need more Transistor in my life.

I can absolutely see it. Fimmel is a terrifying man.

Sovereign Court

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Since I mentioned previously how I've a fondness for casting actors/voice actors for rpg characters, then it goes without saying that I enjoy interpreting the game itself as a kind of television show. So I'll be posting mood music throughout the chapter to fit scenes, visual aids for locations or items, and maybe throw out face claims for certain NPCs. Little stuff like that. For example, here is the theme song for this game. Consider it, the shows opening.
Theme Song

Now I know this might not be everyone's bag, and that's cool. A lot of people appreciate solely using their imagination for games. Immersion is different for all of us. I will be spoilering all the 'show' stuff so you can play without being bugged by it.

Bring it on! More the merrier.

Love Investigators. You got time.

That sounds pretty out there. Looking forward to seeing put together. :3

@Beatrix the Lost
Great and unconventional choice. Not many people know Black Books.

@Mr. Clean
Nice to see the crunch behind that fun fluff. I'll add it to the list once we get a few more so I'm not posting the list multiple times a day.

Sovereign Court

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[b}Current Submissions[/b]

-Felix [Male Tengu Rogue]
-Zadok Warren[Male Human Oracle]
-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae [Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
-Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]
-Horace Day [Male Human Spiritualist Fractured Mind]
-Regina[Female Human Ethermancer]
-Jacqueline Artorias [Female Magus Mindblade Kensai]
-Saturday Daud [Male Human Paladin Tortured Crusader]
-Ysvigg Redcloack [Female Human Unchained Barbarian]
-Haroldin [Male Human Psychic rebirth discipline]
-Annabel Hardin [Female Human Gunslinger Musketeer]
--Beatrix The Lost[Female Tiefling Qlippoth-Spawn Spiritualist Ectoplasmatist]

Thank you for the new submissions! Things are starting to heat up and I'm loving what everyone is coming up with.

Sounds interesting! Go for it.

@AlmagaforSounds like you understand the necessity behind LE in a non evil party. Looking forward to see what you've come up with.

@Jacqueline Artorias
The deadline is also to help give me time to prepare. Pushing through my workload as well as setting the game up. I chose the tenth to give me a wide enough berth to accomplish this. Plus I've seen lists far larger than this but I plan on treating everyone's with the same amount of care that was put into them.

No worries/ An alias is not required. I understand how unmanageable the sheer amount can be for an avid player.

I've never seen one in game , but that sounds fun.

@Saturday Daud
I know many players who develop their character and backstory as they play and I think that approach is no less valid than writing a small novel before the game.

Sovereign Court

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Saturday Daud wrote:

Saturday is male, and a Paladin (Tortured Crusader) :3

Sorry for the confusion.

Np! Fixed :P

Sovereign Court

I approve of the cast selections so far. Definetly helps me envision your characters!

Also, I've added the character creation rules and relevant info posted previously in the thread l, in the campign section for those interested in applying.

And so you did. My apologies!

@GM Mowque
Gunslingers are more than welcome!

Current Submissions

-Felix[Male Tengu Rogue]
-Zadok Warren[Male Human Oracle]
-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae[Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
-Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]
-Horace Day[ Male Human Spiritualist Fractured Mind]
-Regina[Female Human Ethermancer]
-Jacqueline Artorias [Female Magus Mindblade Kensai]
Saturday Daud [Male Human Paladin Tortured Crusader]

Sovereign Court

@Jacqueline Artorias
I saw the game that you and Zadok were in. I'm sorry that that game petered out. You have my condolences and assurances that if you are picked for the game, barring life threatening issues, i will narrate this game all the way to the end of book six.

Current Submissions

-Zadok Warren[Male Human Oracle]
-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae[Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]
Horace Day[ Male Human Spiritualist Fractured Mind]
Regina[Female Human Ethermancer]
Jacqueline Artorias [Female Magus Mindblade Kensai]
Saturday Daud [Female Human BloodRager Id Rager]


As a side note, I tend to cast in my RPG characters in my head as actors or voice actors. If you feel so inclined, pick a face/voice claim for your character! This is by no means required and is simply a fun activity. If your character doesn't adhere to anyone in the real world, I totally understand.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
DM Czernobog wrote:
I have order, if we end up using the for your rules from whore adventures , The paladin immunity fear actually would only knock fear effects down two pegs. Which is still a big advantage.
... I don't think Paizo has put out that supplement :3

That's what I get for not spellchecking my voice to text thoroughly enough. Apologies all! XD

EDIT: @Rysky

Tortured Crusader Idea:

That is a great way to play with Tabula rasa! The Fugue concept is an interesting way to start a game and do something with the characters. I appreciate the introspective approach with a built in character arch. Plenty of fun ways to play with this idea.

Sovereign Court

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@Pathfinder Zoey
While I enjoy the ability and it is legal as per the rules I set up, it somehwat opposses the general theme of horror. Having more info about the creature that stalks you lessens its impact.

@Digger Chandler
Thats a very nice way to approach the concept. I love lesser evil teaming up to defeat the greater villainy.

@RednalAfter reading through, I believe I get the gist of it. It appears to be an effective warlock. I am okay with the class. I think the flavor lends itself to the game and is even better from the angle you proposed. My only andendum would be to add descripters to conjuration spells that would normally not prevent the Ethermancer's abilities, ie teleportation hampering normally wouldnt stop Qhantum leap. Barring that, by all means go for it.

@Rysky Decisions, Decisions. ;) Ive never seen an Id Rager in game and the Tortured Crusader fits well into theme of the game. As a point of order, if we end up using the fear rules from whore horror adventures. The paladin's immunity fear actually would only knock fear effects down two pegs. Which is still a big advantage.

@Jing the Bandit Sorry to hear about your troubles. Character sumbission still needs a personality segment, as far as I can tell.

G-UnitInvestigator's are always fun and a Knowledge monkey suits this game's research aspect.

@Lornis You have just as much chance as anybody else! Sounds like you have a good concept going. :3

Lots of great submissions so far! Im excited to see what everyone comes up. Im happy with the turn-out so far. Thank you all for your interest!
Current Submissions

-Donnen Phelps [Male Human Paladin]
-Trevor Culexis [Male Half-Orc Fighter Mutation Warrior]
-Nicolae[Male kitsune ranger beast master, infiltrator]
-Zadok Warren [Male Human Oracle]
-Malevanidorian Ellemenirias [Male Elf Alchemist Grenadier ]
Zelda Tinker [Female Changeling Psychic]

Sovereign Court

@Pathfinder Zoey
Starting gold is Average for your class.

@Digger Chandler
LE CAN work. It takes some convincing but ive seen it play just fine. In this particular case, it shouldn't put you in a position that'll oppose the party in any major way. It also shouldnt totally numb him/her to the horrors that await.

Sovereign Court

@Rysky Unfortunately, as much as I love Path of War, it invalidates the other martial classes to some degree. Barbarian, Bloodrager, and Paladin are all great options.

@Jing the Bandit I like your creativity! While I think the druid stuck as an animal would be pretty interesting and fun, I don't know if it would fit the tone that were trying to strike. I'm not sure if it would be rewarding mechanically or role-playing wise. Also put the rest of the party in an awkward position of communication. I Really enjoy the skinwalker idea though. The concept of changing on instinct and flipping out, could be pretty interesting.

@Malevanidorian Ellemenirias

Yeah backstories are meant to be kept vague with just a few details here and there you that find important. As the just got to the campaign states, you have a sense of commiting some sort of wrong deed buts its all very hazy.

Sovereign Court

@Hotaru of the Society
Nothing at all. Feel free to utilize the system.

Sovereign Court

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What you remember :

The Adventure Path opens with the PCs awakening in the basement of an asylum and witnessing a frightening and gruesome scene. Regaining their senses, the PCs feel as if they are emerging from a fog or a dream, but have trouble remembering who they are and how they got into their current situation. The only memories that remain are but vague hints and gut feelings—hardly clear recollections. A PC may recall only bits of an early childhood in a merchant family, while another might remember being born in Oppara, but nothing else. It is up to you to determine how little or much you can recall. Feel free to begin the campaign as a complete blank slate. However, this campaign assumes that the player characters can’t recall anything about the past few years. Over the course of the adventures, the characters begin to piece together what happened to them, and they regain their full memories midway through the Adventure Path.
Upon waking, your character senses the presence of the other amnesiacs, each with the same lingering doubts, occupying the same cell. Your character feels a vague kinship to these people for unknown reasons. The rst thing your character likely realizes is that they are all trapped together in a terrifying situation and that these others might make the di erence between escape and perishing in an asylum that has erupted into chaos.
A lingering sense of servitude also nags at your character’s memories upon awakening. It’s hazy, but some recollection tugs at the back of your character’s mind of having been captured, along with a sense of dread that he or she had committed some dark deeds in the past, perhaps under duress. Your character might even consider this blank slate a blessing in disguise.
Beginning a campaign on such unsteady footing requires groups to trust one another. The players need to give up some control over their character’s past in order to let this story of uncertain dread play out during the course of this Adventure Path. Players in Strange Aeons should trust the GM and know that the latter has additional information about their characters’ past and future beyond what they may have envisioned. In the hands of a good GM, this slow reveal of characters’ histories adds an exciting element to the campaign, but this kind of narrative device also has the potential to feel exclusionary or antagonistic. If at any point during this Adventure Path you feel like your character’s agency has been taken away, talk with the GM and the group about ways that the story can be amended or changed to restore a comfortable level of personal control. Remember, uncertainty can be fun, and consensually surrendering some control is a crucial element of the horror genre. As the Strange Aeons Adventure Path is steeped in
Lovecra ian themes, occult elements, and otherworldlymysteries, it might seem like a good idea to make a character familiar with those forces. However, it might prove fun to play someone completely ignorant of the Elder Mythos instead of one steeped in the occult. It’s upto you and your group to determine a preferred approach this Adventure Path, and there are few wrong ways to play through Strange Aeons. It’s more important for players to be interested in cosmic horror or the Lovecratian Mythos than it is for their characters to be aware of the things both terrible and unknown. Furthermore, players don’t need to be experts on Lovecratian lore to find 7 frightening enjoyment from this campaign.

Campaign Traits:

These campaign traits tie characters to the Strange Aeons Adventure Path, where the party wakes up in a nightmare—trapped in an asylum and confronted with a terrifying scene. Though the PCs don’t remember their past, these traits provide
a feeling of who they are or may have been. Though these just consist of vague feelings
and personality elements, they can help the character better integrate with a Strange
Aeons campaign.

Driven By Guilt
You awake after your ordeal with a lingering feeling that you have taken part in something outside the normal bounds of your morals. Whether you were corrupted at one point or compelled to perform some forgotten actions, this guilt drives you to fight against those forces in the world that prey upon the good. You see your present condition as a chance to redeem yourself and banish this unsettling emotion.You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against any spells or spell-like abilities cast by evil creatures. In addition, once per day as a swift action, you can add your Charisma bonus to your attack rolls and deal 1 additional point of damage for each class level you have against evil creatures for 1 round. You must have a good alignment to take this trait.

Enduring Stoicism
Even though your pulse is pounding in your ears when you awake in the asylum, you feel strangely nonplussed. You can recognize that the situation you find yourself in is horrific, but you refuse to let that fear control you. It doesn’t feel like it’s worth worrying over too much. You know that when you face unspeakable forces, keeping your cool will keep you alive. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against spells or effects with the fear or emotion descriptors. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks due to your intimidating presence, as
people don’t know what to expect from you.

Foe of the Strange
You awake feeling emboldened after a terrifying nightmare. Instead of being frightened
by the bizarre creatures from your nightmares, these experiences have steeled you against these startling alien beings. You know that you fell victim to strange circumstances and loathsome forces, but you refuse to give in to a creeping sense of helplessness. Instead, you vow to fight back against whoever or whatever is responsible for your current situation. The creatures of your nightmares won’t hold fear over your head. You’ll take the fight to them.You gain a +1 trait bonus on saving throws against extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities of aberrations (for example, a gibbering mouther’s gibbering or an intellect devourer’s
confusion). In addition, whenever you’re confused and roll to determine behavior
in a given round, subtract 10 from the result.

Formerly Mind-Swapped
You awake with a strange
sensation beyond the frightening experience of extensive
memory loss. Full recollections of the experience—like so many others—have been wiped from your mind, but at some point in your past your mind was swapped with
that of a yithian, an alien being from beyond time and space. You don’t remember details of your experiences wandering the yithians’ peculiar city in a foreign body —and even worry whether this might be some strange hallucination
—but every so often, a flash of insight strikes you as a result of this experience. You know that you can rely on these alien flashbacks during your
investigation into your current situation, as it gives you greater perspective into an otherwise confusing world.Once per day, you can reroll one Knowledge check
that you have just failed. In addition, you can attempt untrained Knowledge checks with DCs up to 20 instead
of 10.

Methodical Mind
: When you awake with nothing
but hazy memories, you begin carefully cataloging
your thoughts to determine the reasons for your condition and where you might be. This comforts you, and you know deep down that you have always relied on your ordered mind and pragmatic approach to face challenges. You use this focus and sensibility to your advantage as you investigate your current dire situation.Choose three Knowledge skills. You gain a +1 trait bonus
on Knowledge checks of these kinds and on concentration checks. In addition, choose one Knowledge skill. When researching, you are considered to have Skill Focus for that Knowledge skill when determining what die you roll to reduce a library’s knowledge points (kp). See Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue for more information on research rules.

You awake in the asylum with sore muscles and bloody knuckles, as if you were recently in a fight. You even have a vague feeling that you won. You
can’t explain it, but you know that you’ve always been easy to set off, and your first instinct when pressed into
a corner is to lash out. Stuck in the asylum sets you on edge, and you not only want to figure out what happened
to you, you want to free yourself and find whoever did this to you—and make them pay.You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls when threatened by two or more enemies. In addition, once per day you can gain one of the following effects as an immediate action: You can increase the reach of your melee attacks by 5 feet for 1 round, or you can treat your
weapon as one size category larger than it actually is for purposes of determining damage for 1 round.

You awake with a sense of purpose and a tingle of magical power. Though it’s unsettling that you can’t recall your past, you have a hunch that if you and your companions do everything just right—follow the correct steps and order—the answers will reveal themselves and you will be free of your condition. You get the feeling that you’ve always fallen back on careful planning and time-tested evidence in the past, but a nagging sensation also tells you that you used these skills in less-than-kind ways all too recently. Choose one 0-level spell. You can cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level. The spell-like ability’s save DC is Charisma-based.In addition, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all skill checks when performing occult rituals.

Sensitive MindYou awake in the asylum horribly aware of dangers lurking nearby. While your memories are hazy and indistinct, everything around you looks vibrant and clear. You have an inkling that you have always been perceptive and can tell a lot about a person even in a quick meeting. This sensitivity can overwhelm you at times, especially in your current situation. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Appraise, Perception, and Sense Motive checks, and one of these (your choice) is a class skill for you. In addition, once per week you can use the psychometry occult skill unlock even if you are not capable of casting psychic spells or have the Psychic Sensitivity feat. See Path nder RPG Occult Adventures for more information on psychometry and other relevant occult skill unlocks.

True Devotion: You wake from your recent ordeal with a sense of
shame, as if you had sinned
 Deeply against your morals
and beliefs. However, you feel a
bit of relief as well, as if your god
had granted you a second chance.
You not only have a drive to gure out what happened to you, but an urge to ght back against the unspeakable forces of evil. If, during the course of your investigation, you discover that you took part in unsavory activities that would normally be opposed to your faith or alignment, this event no longer has any impact with your standing in the eyes of your god due to
your renewed righteous convictions.
Once per day when casting a divine spell, you can attempt to cast the spell without losing the spell from its spell slot or using one of your allotted spells per day. There is a 20% chance that this attempt is successful. In addition, select one
domain or inquisition you have. You can use the first granted power of that domain
or inquisition one additional time per day. You must have a good alignment and be class capable of casting divine spells in order to select this trait.

Twitchy:Your first thought upon awaking in the asylum isn’t confusion over why you can’t remember anything clearly—it’s a sudden urge to find safety. You feel like everything around you, aside from your companions, might threaten you and you’re always ready to react. You have a hard time staying still, and you’re constantly surveying your surroundings. Maybe you are paranoid, or maybe it’s just an overactive imagination, but whatever it is, you know that keeping these feelings honed will help you stay alive.
You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves

You're welcome to have some sort of background or history but you will only remember
Vague details and faractured memories. You choose how much you remember though one should assume it's on the lesser end of the scale.

As long as it's clean and easy to read, I really am not concerned with people sticking to one format although the "Defense, Offense, Statistics" structure is preferable.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for your patience! Here are all the necessary guidlines! I'm looking forward to see all of the interesting character applicants! Thank you all for your interest.

Character Creation: :

• Races: Standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other paizo printed PC race SHOULD be fine as long as it adheres to campaign context and theme. Other races will be considered on a case by case basis. If you're from Ustalav, you should probably be human.
• Classes: All classes from PFRPG core rulebook plus those from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG), Advanced Class Guide (ACG), Ultimate Combat (UC), and Ultimate Magic (UM), Occult Adventures(OA), and Ultimate Intrigue (UI) will be allowed. Any Archetype and class mentioned in the campaign guide are worth considering.
• Alignment: No CE or NE. LE would take convincing.
• Abilities: (20 point) buy,
• Traits: Characters will start with two traits. One must be a campaign trait listed below. The other one should fit narratively. You may take a drawback for a third trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. After 1st level character's will roll for their hit points or take the average of their particular hit dice, whichever is greater.
• I retain the ability to ask you to change something if I find it would upset game balance a bit too much.
• For races, classes, etc. ,Third Party Pathfinder material will a considered on a case-by-case basis. Be forewarned, don't go too crazy with this. Requires a link to the material in question.
• Unchained options are allowed
•Alternate rules used:Background Skills, Stamina Pool (Free for fighter), Occult Rules and Im considering using Called Shots & horror rules.
•Keep min-maxing to minimum
•Character histories are a little odd in this campaign as the PCs will start the game with fractured memories. Check out the campaign player guide for ideas
•Provide a filled out character template of some sort. Something that gives the run down on appearance, personality, quirks, etc. More extensive templates are always appreciated. Choosing a Myers Briggs personality type is an option. I've seen people pick TV Tropes. Or utilizing this 10 Minute Background
Or this Ash's guide to Personality & Background You won't be penalized for not completing a guide but a basic character presentation is required.

Important Info :

Pretty standard stuff:
•Posting will be frequent. Every day to every other day. Unexplained long absences will be met with a checkup message and if continuous, dismissal .
•A combination of Roll20 and imagination will be utilized for combat but RP will be in thread
•High Focus on Roleplaying
•Alias creation is not necessary to apply
•Create a living breathing character, with hopes, fears, instincts with a distinct personality and it'll help you stand out.
•Please provide a standard clean character sheet
•One submission per player
•Deadline is at 11:59 on Nov 10

Sovereign Court

Exactly what is says on the tin. I've read through the first adventure and with the right group, think it could be a whole lot of fun. The nature of horror games demands a little something extra from the group to maintan the necessary atmosphere. This is sometimes hard to produce week after week in a live setting but for play by post it could be perfect. With a love for Lovecraft lore and over ten years of rpg experience, I would be proud for the opportunity to narrate a group of adventurers through the esoteric psychological depths of paizo's newest adventure! Feel free to post your interest and take a look at the campaign guide.

Edit:Due to the few responses I've recieved assuring me ample interest, I will open this up as recruitment thread!

Sovereign Court

Priscilla watches Victoria with a mirthful smirk, her eyes wide with shock. She gives a few short claps of approval before addressing her

"I can honestly say that I did not see that coming! Though I do not find it displeasing in the least. I admire a woman of action and I'm happy to have your sword added to our cause. But we do not share a common religion I hold no true ill will for Iomedae filling your heart. I will see to it personally but you attain the respect you deserve despite your faith .
You represent the true soul of Kintatgo; In its diverse and rebellious spirit. Thank you for trusting us enough with your identity Ser-Erm Lady Morningtread?. "

She nods approving at Victoria before glancing towards Braxton.

"Your assistance is most welcome Ser. You appear to be a learned man and I'm sure you skills will no doubt come in handy on the venture. I have a good sense of people and you are a man of virtue and honor. We are Lucky to have such a good hearted man amongst our ranks. We will no doubt become an asset in the coming fight."

Priscilla turns smiling towards Marcellano , but as she speaks, a pale shade across her grimacing face.

" Of course I remember you! The Florek party...a couple months ago? I heard you speaking to that Ortiz. Such a pompous git. You held your own against such a practiced politician. Not for our current circumstances I'm sure you would have made a fierce political debate her. Perhaps you will yet....And your dear father. I'm sure he is fine although if the worst HAS. Occurred then you and I will be Ken in more ways than status. My prayers are with your family and you do them a great honor by being here ."

Changing Her defeated glimpse int her defeated glance into something akin to pride she does her best to sit under her own power .
[b]" I am beyond pleased with all of your willingness to answer this rallying cry. Together we will overthrow this new Minnis and most certainly return the city we all love to its rightful order. But first I would suggest resting before you head off to the livery. See what you can find.Although you might be able to reach and investigate the building better under the cover of darkness. I'll leave the decision to you for now I believe I choir rest and copious amounts of opiates. "

She leans back down and weakly shuffles the assortment of gaudy pillows to get comfortable in the bed, apparently eager to begin her relaxation.

Marcellano and Braxton:
It was clear to you when observing the scene in the alley that the unconscious attackers had been rendered unconscious by magical means; while Priscilla is armed only with a cane, and the distribution of the bodies is consistent with a Color Spray spell. It seems likely that Rexus is a spellcaster of some sort. .

The rest of the crew that you brought along where either setting up in the basement of the shop, getting ready for bed or caring after the Young woman who was injured.

You guys are welcome to talk to any of them before resting. You guys can either choose to sleep or head out immediately. Either way you guys gain a level! ( in most instances you guys would gain full HD when you ding but in this one instance you do not. )When you guys decide to head out go ahead and read the spoilers and act accordingly.

The Livery:
With everyone resolved to explore the Livery, you all set out east to the Red Roof district.The streets are quiet, as the violence of the protests has driven most into their homes. There are Dottari patrols, of course, but those are relatively easy to evade here, as their numbers are still focused around the Opera House.

The Fair Fortune Livery is an old, abandoned stable that leans slightly to one side, its roof perched haphazardly atop its walls. A faint odor of uncleaned stables seeps out of its cracked doors.

Here is a map VAgk/edit?usp=sharing

Sovereign Court

Working on the next post as we speak! You guys don't have to wait in me to role play wine another. A pretty cool moment just occurred amount st your ranks so I figure ya'll might want to interact ?

Sovereign Court

Priscilla exhales softly, clearly relieved and bolstered by your support.

"Thank you, all of you. It has been very...difficult for me since the fires. My family is all gone now, and this is all that I have left of them." she says, pulling out a small coffer from her satchel. She Then opens the coffer and produces a short letter, which she first reads aloud, then passes to Braxton.A glimmer of recognition flits across her eyes as she focuses on her saviors more than hiding her discomfort, specifically on Marcellano.
"Forgive me, but I've seen you somewhere before...BESIDES in the town square, of course.

My dearest daughter
If you are reading this, what I have feared has
come to pass and I am dead. For many years, I have belonged to the Sacred Order of Archivists and have worked to free Kintargo from Chelish rule. I have learned much about Kintargo’s secret history, and fear the time will soon come when the city needs the return of its Silver Ravens. You have likely not heard of the Silver Ravens—few have. Mentions of them have been redacted by the agents of House Thrune, but during the civil war, the Ravens worked to ensure Kintargo’s safety. They were heroes in their day, and I fear that Kintargo needs their kind again. Do not believe the government’s claims that Lord-Mayor Bainilus abandoned us! Darker things are afoot, and I fear that all who work against Thrune may fond themselves in danger in the days ahead.

The Silver Ravens maintained numerous hideouts within Kintargo’s walls during the civil war. I have located one such site—the chambers below a building known today as the Fair Fortune Livery. If you are reading this, I was unable to seek further answers there myself. Gather heroes to your side, my dear daughter, and search below the livery. There, if my research is correct, you will find something to teach you more of the Silver Ravens and their legacy.
Do not let my death be in vain. Stand up for Kintargo. Bring the Silver Ravens back to life!

"Will you come with me to the Fair Fortune Livery, and see what we might find there? Will you help me fulfill my mother's final wish, and rebuild the Silver Ravens?"

She seems invigorated by the prospects of such a monumental moment as her masked smile begins to turn genuine. She calls out to Victor, which has been silent in his response.

"And you good sir? How answer you the call to aid freedom in its fledgling hour?"

A bit belated, but anyone who would have examined the situation in the alleyway can make a Spellcraft check

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