About Saturday DaudMale Paladin (Tortured Crusader) 1
Though tortured crusaders may be beaten and battered, body, mind, and soul, they still somehow continue through torment and hardship. Despite setbacks and impossible odds, they shine like candles even in the darrkest times. Somewhere in their minds, they realize that they can’t win in the end, but this only strengthens their resolve to fight for what is right, rather than giving in to hopelessness.
HP: 13
Fortitude +5
Reflex +1
Will +5
RAB +2
CMD 14
SKILLS Perception +10(12)
Stealth +5(7)
Survival +7
Knowledge (Planes) +4
Sense Motive +7
Handle Animal +7
Lore (Ustalav) +4
1 FCB: +1 Skill Point
Special Abilities:
CLASS Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Aura of Good (Ex)
This ability alters the paladin’s spellcasting, smite evil, and lay on hands. Self-Sufficient
This ability alters the paladin’s class skills and skill ranks per level. All Is Darkness
This ability replaces detect evil and divine grace and alters smite evil. Smite Evil (Su)
The smite evil effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains her uses of this ability. At 4th level, and at every three levels thereafter, the paladin may smite evil one additional time per day, as indicated on Table: Paladin, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level. Alone in the Dark
This ability alters lay on hands, channel energy, divine bond, aura of courage, aura of resolve, aura of faith, and aura of righteousness. FEATS & TRAITS Pugnacious
Broken, Not Beaten
Guiding Spirit
Foul Brand You have the symbol of an evil deity burned into your flesh. If the symbol is on your hand, you take a –1 penalty on Disable Device, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks. If the symbol is on your face, you take a –2 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Disguise checks.
Skill Focus - Perception
Power Attack (Combat)
RACIAL +2 to One Ability Score: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Ealdeez Tattoo 20g Serrated Greatsword 55g Hide Armor 15g Silver Holy Symbol of Iomedae 25g Sacred Text of Iomedae 10g Silver Bell 5g Daud Signet Ring 5g Tabard 5g Appearance & Personality:
Tall and gaunt while possessing sharp, almost feral features and piercing red eyes indicative of the Daud family and preternaturally grey hair Saturday still carries a softness and calm about him, even as he bears the weight of a person's hate a hundredfold. Dark circles accentuate his red eyes, as many thoughts weigh on his mind, or lack thereof, or perhaps he enjoys dreaming more than the waking world (can you blame him?). Whatever the case the young man's favorite pastime is without a doubt napping, and listening to bells and music boxes when he can find them. Going about he wears layers of dark and dull colors reminiscent of his homeland, in no so part accentuated by his right arm being almost completely covered in tattooed black smoky flames, or is that supposed to be fur, all save for the tips of his fingers, tattooed red. He has a wild mane of unnaturally early graying hair, he keeps it long but he has shaved the sides, leaving him with a feral messy stripe. Beyond the morbid art on his arm he wears the lower jawbone of a bear like a necklace, and his family's signet ring depicting a slumbering wolf with one eye open. Calm, almost half-asleep unless roused to violence, Saturday possesses a dry response to most verbal situations, though he strives to follow Iomedae's presentability. Despite his appearance his voice is soft, and, like his mood, half-asleep, or half dreaming. Unsettling rather than intimidating he's obviously not the best around people like he is with beasts, yet he still wishes for human interaction. Flavor:
"He who makes a beast of himself removes himself from the pain of being human."
Saturday sits in a pew in an ivory temple to the Inheritor, empty, all save the priestess giving a sermon. He tries his best to take it in, to grasp at what she is saying, but only bits and pieces can get through. He know he can do better, so he stays, even though there are other things he rather be doing, long after she has stopped, waiting for her to start again. The dark woods just outside the doors call and whisper to him. The wolves howl and birds and bats chirp, the woods and the sermon soothing and enraging at the same time. A calming darkness. An inspiring brightness. Hungry fangs. A stern stare. So he sits, as he called forward and back, admonished and ridiculed, welcomed and Invited. But he knows he can do better. So he stays. For GM:
The tattoo is also the unholy symbol (and the Brand drawback) for the Daemonic Harbinger of savage regression Ealdeez, The Beast Behind the Dream.
The family signet ring for the Dauds has multiple meanings, as basically a family of Renfields and devoted servants to the Whispering Tyrant they act as guards to those unliving, while also remaining out of sight while awaiting their master's awakening. For Saturday there's the added play of inbetween man and beast, dreaming and living. |