Star Wars: The Birth of Hope (Inactive)

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Looking to see what the interest level is for Star Wars Rebellion era pbp game is.

I'd be interested.

I have the WotC D20 book, Saga Edition, if that's what you're playing.

Tsiron Ragmar wrote:
I have the WotC D20 book, Saga Edition, if that's what you're playing.

Yes, me too. I quite like this game.

I don't think I have Saga edition, I believe I have the Revised Edition instead.

Im interested! I have a guy that was in a pbp game here until recently but could play just about anything.

Dark Archive

interested. have saga edition too.

just call me darth nasty lol

I was thinking of using the revised edition not the saga. That may change the interest level.

Like someone else already noted, we had a game, so color me interested...

I have the SW d20 revised edition and would be interested in playing.

Dotting for extreme interest. I have both editions...

I like the extended universe better, the old republic, darth bane, new jedi order, etc.


Yes, I'm interested with the provision that I have applied to another pbp. The recruitment for that takes place, supposedly, tomorrow. If that falls through I would be greatly interested in this campaign.

I'd be interested for sure

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes and yes!!

PS... Yes!

I'll put it out there now: Jedi. I know rebellion era means less force users, though so I don't *have* to be but I'd prefer it.

Ok after seeing enough interest here is what I am looking for. I am looking for good role players and people to game with. I am not about the crunch but about the story. I will take 4-5 people for this adventure.
Character Generation
25 Point buy in. See page 18 of the revised core rulebook.
No Jedi Guardian at 1st level. You must be something else first.
You can have max credits based on your starting class
Need backstory this will be start of the Rebellion era, it will be the 10 years after the events of Episode 3.
No absolute evil guys Ie the next Darth Maul etc...This will be about heroes if your character arc ends in evil then something else.
House Rules
Action Points and Dice will be used if I feel it useful.
Combat will be a mix of theater of the mind and maps on
Text I will accept “this is speaking sometimes” if your on iphone or tablet. I get the coding can be a pain.
Posting requirements
Every two days is the min I understand if real life gets in the way.
Books for use
Revised Core rulebook
Rebellion Era
May allow other books as we go. Ie Ship and equipment later on down the road.

Would you be ok with the following books?

Ultimate Alien Anthology (to make more diversity)
Hero's Guide (for options)
Power of the Jedi Sourcebook (for those playing force users)?

Alien is ok Hero Guide is ok no Jedi.

I don't think this is the campaign I'm looking for but good luck!

Liberty's Edge

I am interested, but have only played the most recent version for Star Wars. Willing to learn, and, if possible, I am looking to make a Bothian or Droid slicer (Computer hacker). Will look over books and see what I can come up with.

Thinking Jedi Consular. Will have a character up within 24 hours (I tend to start with the fluff and then do the crunch).

Starting Wealth check: 1d4 ⇒ 1

Well that sucks. One blaster, one cloak, done.


Class : Urban Adept Archetype
Vitality : 8
Species : Mrlssi

Str : 06 (10 - 6 (Racial))
Dex : 13
Con : 10 (12 - 2 (Racial))
Int : 18 (14 + 4 (Racial))
Wis : 16 (14 + 2 (Racial))
Cha : 12 (10 + 2 (Racial))

Speed : 6 meters
Natural Weapons (Claw) : 1d4-2
BAB : 0
Fort/Ref/Will : +1/+2/+5

Skills : (10 x 4) = 40
Battlemind (Con) +3 : 3 (Ranks)
Climb (Str)
Computer Use (Int) +7 : 3 (Ranks) + 4 (Int)
Craft (Blaster Pistols/Rifles) (Int) +7 : 3 (Ranks) + 4 (Int)
Craft (Starship Weapons) (Int) +7 : 3 (Ranks) + 4 (Int)
Craft (Starfighters) (Int) +7 : 3 (Ranks) + 4 (Int)
Empathy (Wis) +4 : 1 (Ranks) + 3 (Wis)
Enhance Ability (Con) +5 : 3 (Ranks) +2 (Attuned)
Force Defense (Cha) +2 : 1 (Ranks) +1 (Cha)
Force Stealth (Cha) +3 : 2 (Ranks) +1 (Cha)
Friendship (Cha) +3 : 2 (Ranks) +1 (Cha)
Gather Information (Cha)
Heal Self (Cha) +6 : 3 (Ranks) + 1 (Cha) + 2 (Attuned)
Hide (Dex) +4 : 2 (Ranks) + 2 (Dex)
Jump (Str)
Knowledge (Engineering) (Int) +5 : 1 (Rank) + 4 (Int)
Knowledge (Physics) (Int) +5 : 1 (Rank) + 4 (Int)
Knowledge (Technology) (Int) +5 : 1 (Rank) + 4 (Int)
Knowledge (World Lore) (Int) +5 : 1 (Rank) + 4 (Int)
Listen (Wis) +4 : 1 (Rank) + 3 (Wis)
Profession (Weaponsmith) (Wis) +4 : 1 (Rank) + 3 (Wis)
Sense Motive (Wis) +4 : 1 (Rank) + 3 (Wis)
Spot (Wis) +14 : 3 (Ranks) + 3 (Wis) + 8 (Species)
Swim (Str)
Treat Injury (Wis) +4 : 1 (Rank) + 3 (Wis)

Feats :
Force Sensitive
Weapon Group (Blaster Pistol)
Weapon Group (Simple)

Blaster Pistol (Sporting)
Environment Cloak


Thi'Wik slipped through the cracks when it came to the Jedi recruitment web that was put together on his home planet. His parents traveled too much, and everyone assumed he'd been checked by someone else. His father was an expert in starship computer design, always in demand in one quadrant or another. His mother was equally in demand as an engine design specialist. Since they only worked as a team, the family was very wealthy, and one of the nobility in their culture.

Thi'Wik was an odd child, to say the least. Always exploring the bits of the ship that were the most dangerous, he would often show up with unexplained scrapes, sprains, and broken bones from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His parents had despaired, until he began to quit coming home with injuries, at which point they relaxed, assuming his wild explorations were done. What they didn't realize is that Thi'Wik had figured out a 'trick' to heal his body when he damaged it. After that, his explorations were even more unrestrained. He finally developed a fascination with weapons, which his parents found mildly disturbing, so they tried to focus him on starship weapons and starfighters, which was just fine with Thi'Wik.

He learned all he could, then slipped aboard a tramp freighter and took off, leaving nobility and wealth behind for the adventure of finding new things to blow into tiny pieces on the starways! His skills were in high demand, what with the Jedi being destroyed and the galaxy falling into war. He's spent the last 5 years bumming around the spaceways, picking up new 'tricks' and new knowledge. His background and self training have resulted in an absolutely scattershot approach to skills and training, but they suit his outlook. Recently, he's considered reaching back out to his parents, if for no other reason than he's a bit tired of never having the right tool when he needs it. Currently, he's recently departed from his latest job (an overhaul of an old Corellian YT-1300 freighter for a hutt lord to boost it's weapons systems). Now he's looking for a new and interesting berth.

He does drop a line to his parents, anonymously, so they know he's still alive and whistling.

mdt wrote:

[dice=Starting Wealth check]1d4

Well that sucks. One blaster, one cloak, done.

DM Ashman wrote:

You can have max credits based on your starting class


Good catch Birch33!

I'll probably recrunch this guy back to first level. Scoundrel/Pilot on deck. If the Hero guide is available I'll stick with the Shipjacker archtype.

Argg...Can't find books. How long is this recruitment open?

Zelit wrote:
Argg...Can't find books. How long is this recruitment open?

The recruitment will be open till Saturday or so.

Kloh Ryn Pul wrote:

Good catch Birch33!

I'll probably recrunch this guy back to first level. Scoundrel/Pilot on deck. If the Hero guide is available I'll stick with the Shipjacker archtype.

DM said Hero Guide is available. Same with Ultimate Alien. No Jedi Power.

Thanks Birch, I missed that one. I'll look over the equipment later. Wish the equipment guide was available for creation, LOL. :)


Viera is tall, slim and elegant. She dresses not to emphasise her looks but to downplay them. So she’s typically dressed in dark shades of green, typically layers topped with a hooded cloak that she wears up most of the time to cover her long blonde hair.


Corellia is famous for alcohol, starships and agricultural goods. One day it will be most famous for one of its sons – the true archetype of a scoundrel – but that is some ten years away.

Viera’s family were cousins of the more famous Horns but their farming interests kept them rich enough to afford the finer things in life. As a little girl, Viera abhorred the mass produced aspect of farming and spent as much time as possible tending her own little herb garden – in a spot dominated by the nearby snow-covered mountains.

Corellian Jedi (or Green Jedi as they were sometimes know), were a reclusive sect of the Jedi Order serving the Corellian sector. Known for their distinctive customs and practices, the Corellian Jedi were highly independent from the Order's central governing body, the Jedi High Council. Holding the well-being of Corellia over that of the Galactic Republic, the Corellian Jedi often butted heads with their superiors within the Order over how certain situations should be handled and where their duty lay.

So when Viera was identified as force sensitive (she had Halcyon blood in her veins after all), her family faced a dilemma. Send her to the Jedi temple where, they knew, she would achieve her maximum potential – or keep her here. Well…family is family. There was, as there always is, a Corellian saying on the matter. "A Corellian Jedi who leaves the system does so at his own peril."

So she donned the green padawan robes and apprenticed to Master Jareck.


Viera is as typical a Corellian as you can get – considered intrepid and maverick even by her own family. They say you should never tell a Corellian the odds for success; as for a Corellian, beating the odds is always a reward in itself. And like many Corellians she was brought up to value courage – and to recognise it when she saw it.

Viera was always a home-bird and whenever she was away from home she would quite literally get sentimental at the sight of a sweet ryshcate pastry or a bottle of the woody, potable Whyren's Reserve.

As she has travelled the galaxy, Viera has tried to hide many of her personality traits but at the first sign of excitement or provocation, you can see the independent mind-set; the daring (almost reckless) yet pragmatic course of action.

Viera’s Story:

The interesting fact for Jedi about Corellia is that it has many deep underwater caverns with orange lightsaber crystals. And finding one was always a task set for any promising padawan.

And so, by either good fortune or blind luck, when the Jedi failed to deal with Darth Sidious and he in turn instigated The Great Jedi Purge, Viera was in one of those caves. Her master and the rest of her order succumbed to Order 66.

Knowing Sidious, now Emperor of the Galactic Empire, and Darth Vader would hunt down and kill the remaining Jedi, Viera hid her identity. She heard stories of some Jedi that fought the Empire until their deaths, like those at the Conclave on Kessel, but she suspected many more hid - just like her.

In the ten years that followed Order 66, she heard of so many Jedi that fell to Vader, Inquisitors, Emperor's Hands, and even bounty hunters.

But denying her force training and Jedi code was impossible for the young girl that was growing into a young woman. And despite her love for her home world, she knew she’d have to move on if she was to make her mark against the Empire.

Of course the Corellians are known for their prowess with ships. Because piracy and smuggling are well-known occupations of a strong number of Corellians, getting off-world was not a problem. Even pirates have a heart when it comes to one of their own.

And so Viera became something of a Jedi Wanderer – a drifter, travelling from system to system upholding the Jedi Code as she saw fit. She still followed the rules and regulations set down by the Council but sometimes has to take the Code for what it is and apply it to her situation. Sometimes that has meant making rather unorthodox actions to achieve her goal.

Which is how she ended up in…

Plot Hooks:

Viera carries with her an old lightsaber - her master's. And an ornage lightsaber crystal she found that fateful day. One day she plans to create her own lightsaber from the parts she already has - and add the orange crystal.

Basic Crunch:

Female Human Jedi Consular 1
Init +0
Fort: +2
Reflex: +1
Will: +4

Defense: +13 (+3 class, +0 Dex)
Deflect: Defence +1
Vitality: 8
Wounds: 10

Speed: 10 m
BAB +0
Ranged: +0
Melee: +0
Lightsaber +0 (2d8/19-20,
Blaster Pistol Model 44 +0 (3d6/20 or DC 15 stun) - range 10 m

Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14

Bluff +8, Computer Use +4, Craft (lightsaber) +4, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Jedi lore) +4, Knowledge (cultures) +4, Sense Motive +8, Treat Injury +4

Force Skills:
Empathy +6, Friendship +6
Alter, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Force Sensitive, Persuasive, Sharp-Eyed, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons)

Force Feats:

Basic, + tbc

2000 credits

Ideal High Complexity Tools (1500) (+2 to Craft Checks)
Blaster Pistol (167) (Self Crafted)
All temperature Cloak (100)
Commlink (200)
Credit Chip (100)
Medical Kit (25)
8 Creds left

Question for the GM : It's not spelled out, but my assumption is you can make Craft checks to repair items you can build from scratch. :)

I don't have my books to reference here at work, but I can do fluff.

Taska Vrei, human Force sensitive bounty hunter

Taska Vrei was born on board a freighter bound from Corellia to Milagro, part of the tiny flotilla of ships carrying the Matukai collective. Her father was a ship pilot and engineer, not sensitive to the Force, and her mother was a respected Matukai master. Their ship, an aging BFF-1 bulk freighter whose cargo pods had been converted into living spaces, carried several families, from grandmothers to infants, and also served as her mother's dojo, housing students and hosting visiting masters from other ships.

Taska was the third child three, all daughters and all of whom turned out to be Force sensitive. The sisters trained under their mother, traveled with their extended family, and lived a generally happy, quiet life. That unfortunately ended a few years after the elimination of the Jedi Order.

The Matukai order was known to the Jedi and accepted as a separate, unaffiliated group of Force adepts. This knowledge made them one of the very first targets after the Emperor eliminated the Jedi. It was on another fateful trip to Milagro that Taska's family was located and virtually wiped out, leaving only Taska and her sisters alive. They escaped in a shuttle, taking an almost random jump off the Corellian Run in an effort to elude tracking.

The three sisters ended up in Hutt Space, on Nar Shaddaa, selling their shuttle for a third of what it was worth, with no friends and no income. Three young girls- they had one of two choices for how to make credits. Luckily they had skills that allowed them to do something other than the obvious.

Taska's oldest sister found her way into a fighting ring, where she quickly became a sensation after beating with her bare hands Trandoshans, Barabels, Gammoreans and even a Wookie. Eventually the three of them became a team, the amazing human girls who could take any comers.

Their notoriety caught the attention of a Jedi hunter, unfortunately, and in time Taska was on the run again, this time without her sisters. Her oldest sister had stood off the bounty hunters who came for them, and her middle sister died from blaster bolts in the back. Taska ran and hid, eluding most of her pursuers playing hide and seek in the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa.

Eventually Taska was cornered by the bounty hunter who'd killed her sister and she killed him. She took all of his gear, disguised herself as him to get past the bounty hunters watching the landing pads, and left Nar Shaddaa in his ship. She dedicated herself to hunting down the bounty hunters who had killed her other sister and taking revenge on the troopers who destroyed her family. But she has to eat, so she learned the bounty hunting trade, which seemed like the only job she can do and still pursue the people responsible for the destruction of her family.

Liberty's Edge

Ok, here is my character for consideration....thanks


Reb was a gangly teen that never seemed to grow out of that awkward stage. While not particularly tall, Reb has long thin legs and arms that just make him look..well..gangly! With a shock of brick red hair that seems to have a mind of its own, Reb stands out slightly from the regular human found on a Hutt world. When need, however, Reb can blend into a crowd and escape unwanted attention.


Born into poverty and not even knowing who his parents were, Reb, the name given to him by his Hutt owner, was your typical house slave.
Reb learned early in his life that he had a special connection with computers. Whenever he needed to access a computer, he found it very easy and, many time, could do much more than most. Soon he was able to slice into the main household system and rearrange his work schedule, get better food for his friends, and once even rewrote an order for punishment from the house-guard for a friend. He was able to hide his electronic tracks for many years, but soon his Hutt owner becam suspicious and hired an expert droid to track down the 'ghost' in his system. Knowing he had to escape, Reb hid in a cargo container, reprogrammed the inventory system to list him as livestock and shipped himself off planet. He has been running from the Hutt ever since.

Basic Crunch:

Reb: Male Human Scoundrel 1; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Defense +14 (+2 class, +2 Dex); Spd 10 m; VP/WP 6/10; Atk+2 ranged (3d6/20 or DC 15 stun, Blaster pistol, range 10 m) or -2/-2 ranged (3d6/20, Blaster pistol with Multifire, range 10 m); SQ Illicit barter; SV Fort ±0, Ref +4, Will ±0; SZ M; Rep 0; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 11, Challenge Code A.

Skills: Appraise+5, Computer Use+10, Diplomacy+2, Disable Device+7, Gamble+2, Gather Information+4, Hide+6, Knowledge (streetwise)+7, Knowledge (technology)+9, Listen+2, Move Silently+6, Repair+9, Search+5, Sleight of Hand+4, Spot+2.

Feats: Skill Emphasis, Technical Wizard, Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols), Weapon Group Proficiency (simple weapons).

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Putting together a soldier-type, ex-Imperial pilot... maybe even a defected clone who got an identity change. Looking over the books now (and trying to re-wrap my brain around 3.5 era rules)...

Viera Horn wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Viera you can't start out as a Jedi..

Quick question can we start out with the force sensitive feat?

Well, to be fair DM, you said can't start out as Jedi Guardian. There's a Jedi Guardian, and a Jedi Consular. So it's an easy mistake to make.

My understanding is you can be force sensitive, or an urban adept, or a force adept, but not a Jedi.

Here you go... =D Soldier leaning towards Elite Trooper or Starship Ace, depending on how the campaign plays out. I'm not entire sold on the avatar, but its about as close as I could find at the moment. Let me know what you think!

Caz is a strongly-built human male. He is not exceptionally tall, standing just over 1.85 meters, but his physique is muscular and athletic. He has naturally black hair, which he keeps cut short. Although Caz is only twelve years old, he appears about thirty years of age, with distinct frown lines and the start of fine crow's feet at the edge of his eyes.

Caz is a clone. He was bred and trained for space combat, but was 'born' at the end of the Clone Wars and never saw any real combat. Through the rise of the Empire and constant fleet movements and re-deployments, a flaw in his genetic programming steadily grew into an independent streak. Caz knew well enough that the slightest disobedience would mean punishment or death, so he planned an escape in solitary silence.

While on patrol through an asteroid cluster, Caz broke his fighter out of formation and feigned a catastrophic malfunction. He timed his ejection to just a moment before the ship impacted a large asteroid, and then used augmented space jets to fly to a hidden cave in the field. A few hours after his patrol declared him lost and moved on, Caz was picked up by a discrete smuggler, pre-arranged and paid for.

Caz immediately went to ground amid the Outer Rim, using what remained of his savings to effect a cosmetic makeover and new identity. In the years since, he has sold his skills as a contractor, providing defense to freighters moving through the galaxy.

Caz Voidsong
Male Human Soldier 1
Reputation +0
Init +2; Senses Spot +0

Defense 15 (+3 class, +2 Dex)
VP/WP 12/14 (1d10); DR 2
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Weakness -

Speed 10m
Ranged blaster carbine +3 (3d8/19-20) 20m
Melee vibroblade +2 (2d6)

Str 13, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; Grapple +2
Feats Armor Proficiency (light), Point Blank Shot, Starship Operation (spacefighter), Weapon Group Proficiency (blaster pistols, blaster rifles, heavy weapons, simple weapons, vibro weapons)
Skills Astrogate +5 [4], Computer Use +5 [4], Pilot +6 [4], Repair +5 [4], Treat Injury +4, Tumble +4 [2.0] [4]
Languages Basic, Mando'a
SQ -
Other Gear comlink, credit chip (140 cr), energy cell, fusion lantern, medical kit, padded flight suit, power pack (4), targeting scope rank 3

EDIT: I should ask... if you have no expectation of any real spaceship action, I'll change the operation feat and focus on combat stuff.

Grand Lodge

IS recruitment still open for this? If so, I have an idea that I would like to try out, I understand that there are no jedi which is cool at first but what about a force sensitive Ewok?

DM Ashman wrote:
Viera Horn wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

Viera you can't start out as a Jedi..

Apologies - as suggested above, I read your "No Jedi Guardian" post and presumed that meant other force users were OK e.g. Force Adept and Jedi Consular.

Before I re-write anything, are Force Adept, Spirit Adept and Urban Adept OK? Or should I choose a class and have the Force Sesnsitive feat? And will the Jedi class be available later? I ask as (for me) to play Star Wars and not be a Jedi would defeat the purpose. I am happy to be 'discovered' as a Jedi somewhere down the track.

Finally, where will we start as the one thing I couldn't write into my story was where my character would be when the action happens.

Many thanks...

The main problem comes when the play-by-post dies before anyone reaches the goal of entry into the jedi class.

It would be nice to see when (some approximation) from the DM that entry into the class maybe possible. At level 2? Level 9?

I played a game up to 6th level and still zero jedi, zero opportunities to learn any use of the force.......

I was going to write Taska up as a force adept, so I'll hold off on crunch until Ashman responds.

I re-read this thread and determined that the main confusion is the DM said no Jedi guardian and later said no to the power of the jedi sourcebook.

The DM has yet to clarify if jedi consular, force adept or even having the force sensitive feat are allowed in character creation crunch.

* tap, tap *

"Is this thing on?"


Sorry for the confusion, no Jedi Guardian. Everything is fine, I am not allowing the power of jedi source book just yet. Hope this clarifies this issue.

So, just to confirm.

Adepts ok.

Jedi not ok.

Jedi guardian No CRB page 60

Jedi Consular yes CRB page 58
Force adept yes CRB page 54

Birch had made a consular, it was shot down. That's fine, just need to confirm adepts are ok, would prefer a 'Adept ok' rather than 'no jedi guardian' restatement. Not trying to be a jerk, just want to make sure the submission is good as is and doesn't need changes.

Actually viera was "shot down" by the DM specifically for the jedi counsular

[edit, it was hidden under spoiler tags}

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