
Ellal's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 221 posts (368 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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Sorry, apparently I gotta dot from my main

Oof. Any situation in which you lose that divine focus is not one that sounds fun.

If you go over to the bar that says "characters" on the right, five of us are listed. As seen here.

Only those people seem to be able to post in the gameplay thread. Moon even gave me her password to try and I had no luck. I think this may be a situation where you need to give an approval?

Moon is ready to go, though. Once she's approved for the gameplay thread we're all ready to start.

Pete, could you lessen your headline info to not include your stats on every post?

I think we can consider ourselves ready to get underway.

The Darkest DM wrote:

So we're still waiting on one person, right? Or did the potential new player decide on joining as well?

No problem either way, just wondering on a general timeline when we can get this evil party started! >:D

Barry is not the potential fifth player. He was one of the originals. The potential fifth is Moonster/Helena. Barry knows to check in but has been busy moving this week. Although the move was expected, the timing wasn't. He said his character is all set up above, though. He just asked where to post it.

Everyone else's characters are posted. We could probably get started once you've made sure everyone's characters are on the up and up.

Pete: That was my bad with the feats. Thanks for the heads up. Fixed it.

Mun's, mine, and Persea are all complete except for written backstory. You have the links for Mun and I.

For initiatives: makes sense. And cool, pete. I guess that means diplo will primarily come from Mun, Barry, and Mercer. I've got bluff covered. But, again, that's only for when we game mechanically.

I'm almost done with my sheet (I need to update it to include the unchained stuff and some racial traits.) I'm almost done working with Mun on her sheet (she has to choose her spells and choose 3 more class skills) and then I have to throw together her animal companion (I'm almost done) then we have to write up our character backstories, which we both have generally fleshed out in our heads, anyway.

I don't know what day 1 for us will be by I should be done by tomorrow but perhaps Friday.

Alice: Sweeeet. All: Moon is changing from rogue to hunter, fwiw. Merc: haha word. Alice: Are we going to utilize party initiatives? You know, we all roll, one team goes first, the other goes next? It would change the combats oddly but it would let us post at leisure a bit more and keep you from needing to log in 18 times to reply to everyone.

Something to be mindful of, all: literally all of us are high-charisma characters (unless the warpriest doesn't call for it and you have foregone that stat, pKleck. I'm basing my understanding on the cleric's need in turning undead) so everyone try to share some spotlight when the time comes. It's not necessary for every conversation that everyone get a word in, but I find it unlikely any single person will become the face in most circumstances.

We have a party composition and it goes a little something like this, when considering the sneak, divine, arcane, warrior archetypes.

Rogue A: 100% sneak
Rogue B: 100% sneak
Warpriest: 50% divine, 50% warrior
Sorceress: 100% arcane
Bard: 25% sneak, 25% divine, 25% warrior, 25% arcane

Total ratio:
2.25 sneak, 0.75 divine, 1.00 arcane, 0.75 warrior

For combat capabilities?
Rogue A: Melee
Rogue B: Ranged
Warpriest: Melee
Sorceress: I don't know the build yet. Usually ranged and/or support.
Bard: I don't know. Usually support, though.

We're a little weak in the divine and the warrior. Be careful out there, folks. Especially since both of those things are mostly concentrated in one person haha

That's what I meant for roll20: Just a map. Google it is!

Can I use the unchained rogue instead of the standard? I just discovered them 60 seconds ago so I may be confused but they seem to be just reworked, not superpowered. If I have to go standard, I'm fine, but if I may look, I would consider based on what I'm seeing there.

I do. Finding time for the initial push of building a character is the only obstacle but we're working on finding that time.

Are we going to have a persistent roll20 board for combats?

The Darkest DM wrote:
So that's 3 out of 4 PCs! Have any of you managed to contact the last one?

Working on it. I may also have a fifth but it depends if a newbie is alright. I would take on teaching her the ropes behind the scenes, for the most part.

pKleck, I use myth-weavers sheets.

I'm going to tweak with the build and try it with a halfling and see what falls out.

I'm poking at the team to get them up and running. It's the weekend, though, but if they aren't in by Monday I'll call em up. Everyone has very recently expressed their excitement so it's just a matter of getting in gear.

Alright, I've constructed the bones of the character. More to come soon. I have a background I'm shuffling around in my head. I don't want to reveal too much. ATM I don't have the character uploaded (I will when I've put finishing touches on) but I took a picture of the character sheet to send over to you in a private message.

Alright...if that's the case with the races, would being a fetchling/kayal be fine? If yes, could I use the Bound to Here and Subtle Manipulator alternate traits?

I won't be disappointed if I can't go kayal, it's a 17 RP race, which feels silly. I just like the premise, the stat mods, and the darkvision.

Lastly, I'm torn on this stat of 8. If I go with an 8 int or wis, how would that need to be played? I'm reading this: and I don't mind my character receiving penalties in game but I don't want to have to stay silent or not utilize good ideas. If I would need to tailor my game play I would probably focus on a different build. I may yet do so anyway.


rknop wrote:

What can you tell us about the group? Who are the players? What is the play style? What sorts of things do they like?

Interesting questions, all. At the moment we are a group of four friends. Three of us know each other and one of us only knows me. We all have a variety of pathfinder experience and at least decades of RPG experience. I know two of us are most into the role play aspect. I, myself, enjoy the role play but equally I'm a huge fan of the system's function and numbers. I am not sure about the fourth but I do know he has about two decades of D&D experience, although I'm not sure how much he's played in that time. Everyone is approximately 30 years old. Three of us are on the East coast of the USA and one of us is on the West Coast.

We want to keep the group relatively small and familiar so we're hoping to add no more than one more player.

Awenydd83 wrote:
I could, perhaps be convinced if no one else has taken you up on your offer. I have been interested in Way of the Wicked since it came out. I would second rknop's questions, though, about the players and group..

See above.

Deevor wrote:
Went over to the game, the old GM is back so this is a dead thread.

This is not a dead thread. You may be referring to a former attempt from 2014. In the first few days of that campaign I had decided to bow out as I was less than keen on the aggressive nature of another player out of character and a few days of attempted resolution were proving time-consuming. That experience is why I am taking my time with this search. I was unaware my account still linked me to that campaign.

Nobody wrote:
This is just separating from the above quotes

Sorry about the delay in response. I stayed on top of it for a little while with no response and I focused my search in reddit's /r/lfg. I'm glad to see we have some interest here and I plan to keep an eye out over here looking forward to your replies!

Deevor: Thank you for looking into this but I think the time difference could be too problematic.


As said in the title, the PDFs can be provided for the use of the GM.

In short, I and four others are hoping to go for the long-haul of Way of the Wicked, the evil campaign from Fire Mountain Games. However, we lack a GM. Please, if interested and prepared for the commitment, let me know!

We are a part of five looking to post once or (optionally to each individual) twice a day on weekdays. The first post is due by 7 pm EST and the second by 10 pm, if a second is to be posted. Slow and steady wins the race.

If you are a GM of skill with dedication and familiarity to the format, please inquire for more details but, frankly, few more details are needed.

I look forward to hearing from you all!

I'd be interested. I could sorcerer this.

Malick: I sent you a PM but I need your PFS number and then I'll send it off.

Everyone: Ughhh my itch is back to play again but I know my long-term commitment is circumspect so I'm not signing back up but I hope for all your sakes that this kicks back up!

Oh wow. That's perfect for the build! It may forego the need to go as far as panther parry, whose main draw was taking the AoO first.

This build spends so much to do what it does (albeit amazingly) I haven't found the right mix where the cost balances with the benefit, yet.

That's awesome, though. making a note on the sheet to tweak some more with that in mind. Thanks!

I'll have to take a look at that build but part of my enjoyment of this build was in getting 4 AoOs for the price of provoking! (When he attacks, when he falls, when he lands, when he stands)

Still, I'll take a look! Thanks!

I've got an insane trip build I'm working on.

Lvls 1+2: Monk
Lvls 3-11: Fighter (Unarmed is the way to go!)

Lvl 1: Dodge
Lvl 1: Mobility
Lvl 2: Combat Reflexes
Lvl 3: Panther Style
Lvl 3: Combat Expertise
Lvl 4: Improved Trip
Lvl 5: Panther Claw
Lvl 6: Panther Parry
Lvl 7: Greater Trip
Lvl 8: Fury's Fall
Lvl 9: Viscious Stomp
Lvl 10: Elemental Fists
Lvl 11: Monastic Legacy

I haven't worked out the entire results of this but the basics are as follows: I will be able to run through a battlefield pulling AoOs but being able to take retaliatory ones before they hit me. When they are tripped, they will invoke an AoO (greater trip). When they fall prone they ground, they will invoke an AoO (viscious stomp). My retaliatory AoOs will be trips at CMB+6 or so

Panther style grants me as many retaliatory AoOs (pulled by invoking AoO) as my wisdom bonus.
Combat reflexes grants me as many AoOs as my Dex bonus.

I'm working with a Dex and Wis of 14 each (without magical boosters, so far)I figure it will go something like this:

I can get two AoOs. But if I'm sing panther style, I can get two retaliatory AoOs. Is that stuck at two or is it a total of four, where two must be retaliatory?

Most important: HOW DO I GET MORE. As it stands, lets say I'm surrounded by five squares. I decide to move 10 feet out. I invoke five AoOs. GREAT. Because I have a high chance to trip them all! And from there, I invoke 2 more AoOs. Heck, when they try to stand up, I can take another trip attempt during the AoO!

My biggest limitation is my number of AoOs! WHAT DO I DO!?

Speaking of PFS: Malick, We did the temple of the flame (or similar title), do you want that sheet? I'm hitting the post office tomorrow shoot me your address if you do. It's in your paizo already.


I accidentally attributed two different characters the same character number.

I changed two characters' names during a level 1 rebuild.

Who do I need to contact to get this all sorted?

Secret Wizard wrote:
The answer is right in Page 151 of the CRB. It lists Armor, and in that list, lie Shields. Shields are armor, things that affect armor affect shields. End of discussion.

Except it isn't. I just asked James Jacobs and he directed me here because he wasn't comfortable answering an official rules question. If it was so open and shut, he'd have answered a different way, perhaps with the information you did. You're being unnecessarily aggressive. Please be respectful to others.

The Tower Shield Specialist archetype has a "Tower Shield Training" that, when using a tower shield, boosts armor training. An aspect of this is the following:

When equipped with a tower shield you increase the max dex bonus of your armor by the following:
Level 3: +2
Level 7: +3
Level 11: +4

There is no mention made of the max dex bonus of the tower shield (+3) being raised as well. This would mean imply that, unless you're wearing full plate, this effect would have no use when "boosted" by the tower shield.

The other possibility is that the sentence is incomplete. perhaps you increase the max dex bonus of your armor *and* tower shield? That's the answer I'm hoping for. If that isn't the case, what is the intention of a rule that invalidates itself?

I need a definitive answer for PFS. Were this a home game, I would just house rule a tower shield max dex bonus increase.

Hi James,

You missed my question regarding tower shields. It's possible you just went out of order but I'm bringing it up only because you've answered questions asked both before and after mine. I'll reiterate so you don't have to go back.

The Tower Shield Specialist archetype has a "Tower Shield Training" that, when using a tower shield, boosts armor training. An aspect of this is the following:

When equipped with a tower shield you increase the max dex bonus of your armor by the following:
Level 3: +2
Level 7: +3
Level 11: +4

There is no mention made of the max dex bonus of the tower shield (+3) being raised as well. This would mean imply that, unless you're wearing full plate, this effect would have no use when "boosted" by the tower shield.

The other possibility is that the sentence is incomplete. perhaps you increase the max dex bonus of your armor *and* tower shield? That's the answer I'm hoping for. If that isn't the case, what is the intention of a rule that invalidates itself?

Hi, James! Any chance you'll be at pax East this year?

Do you have any allergies you wouldn't mind mentioning?

How do you feel about those damn kids on your lawn?

OK, I have a real rules question, too. Here we go. It has a few moving parts.

Tower Shield Training (Ex): At 3rd level, a tower shield specialist gains armor training as normal, but while he employs a tower shield, the armor penalty is reduced by 3 and the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor increases by 2. The benefit increases every four levels thereafter as per standard armor training; if the tower shield specialist is not employing a tower shield, the benefits to armor training revert to the normal bonuses.

I see a huge hole.

Let's say I'm wearing full plate, I'm carrying a light load, I'm level 7, and I'm carrying a tower shield.

My armors max dex bonus raised. My tower shield, stuck at +3, did not.

It seems nonsensical to me that they would grant an ability that does nothing. If, in the worst armor for dex bonuses, this benefit invalidates itself (for extra bonus, you have to carry a limiting factor?

Does this bonus extend to my shield? Help me make sense of it, please!

Kororinda Menutswene wrote:

Fellow Skullians, we have two GM's who are interested in GMing. Come over thisaway and introduce yourselves!

Serpent's Skull Re-re-recruitment

Ellal, if you can come back let us know!

I definitely will. Safe travels. Kill, live, proliferate. Take island wives. Find treasure. Save the princess.

I kind of burnt out for a bit. I went total Red October status. I am not able to promise full commitment at this time. I just started a new semester and it's going to be a doozy. I miss the game but I can't do it.
It was uncool to just go dark. Sorry, all.

Tim disappeared, too?!

I'm back! I'm back! I tried to post yesterday but paizo was being difficult and then I forgot to come back. For what it's worth: Organic Chemistry is no longer a bleak and dismal field of sorrow and woe. It is not just woe.

I mean to say that I did well on my last test.

Wayfinder is *apparently* cool except that it leaves an immersion-destroying "Submitted by wayfinder" tag. I bought it then got a refund last month. The formatting with bolds and dice etc is the real obstacle.

"You see anything of note while us gone?"
I'm liking the voice I'm finding for Nagl haha. This "linguist half orc raised among orcs" thing is kind of fun. A few pronouns missed. A few smart phrases collected. Fun times haha.


Part of my quietness is due to a recent transition to smartphone. I find myself with a keyboard less these days.

As you've undoubtedly noticed I'm posting light right now. Given that this campaign should take a few year a this will fluctuate. I'm easy going. Sometimes maybe I'll care. Right now I'm OK sitting back a little.

No worries. Good luck!

I'm pulling this "strike at night" thing from something and for the life of me I can't remember what. Was this in A Song of Ice and Fire somewhere?

I'm also feeling more orcish with Nagl's speech finally. That's good. The guy's a linguist so I expect some pronouns will still be present. Thanks for, you know, suffering through the trial and error process.

Nagl shakes his head. "We don't want them to know it's here. Some may escape."

Huzzah! Welcome back!

Ya man, I'm A-OK with you having some spotlight time. I'm left without much to do but I'm not dissatisfied. We'll all have a turn and it's our job as a party to support each of those turns. Don't feel rushed.

I totally would have conversed all over this dude so hard. Heck, he and I speak the same language, too. Just, you know, that language usually ends up with somebody dead. (I'm talking about "violence," folks.)

DireMerc wrote:
Hmm wasn't going to say anything about it but technically Seras should have died to that trap before. The trap is a large scythe that swings down and hits for like 2d6+6 however when I rolled the attack it was a natural 20 wich crit for X4 damage and would have actually killed Seras. I pretended it didn't happen cause I didn't want to kill someone so soon.

Haha wammmmmmmmp. I'm actually kind of glad for that. I believe in old-testament GMing in which PCs die when they die. And seriously, don't sweat it about the maps. You do a really good job with pacing here, usually, too. It's also a great group but through it I learned that 5 players in a PBP is beyond my preference.

Best of luck with everything guys!

Sorry I've been gone. The two weeks for two rounds of combat in which I wasn't able to reach the enemy kind of had me not... you know... engaged.

Two weeks for two rounds is silly. What happened?

I've spoken with GM but to Malick and Belor: My bad on the delayed post. Tim had to post before work last night and my earliest available (and still not convenient) time was about a half hour after that so I put it off til today. Heading over to post now.

Whoa. Decent rolls.

Malick is down. Hit me back on that PM I sent you!

Jiggy wrote:
Dr Grecko wrote:
I would imagine something similar to something like butter or even lamp oil. It's flamability suffers once it's out in a more open aired environment.

Hm, now that's an interesting point. (You too, Gordon!)

With everything that's been said, I might start randomly deciding whether or not to treat grease as flammable. Or maybe give it a % chance at igniting when you try to light it up? Or maybe have it just barely burn, dealing 1 fire damage/round for 1d4 rounds....

I'm super late to this party but I feel as though the spell doesn't recreate the material component. The greasiness of the material is representative of what the spell does, is all.

Arcane Eye uses a bit of bat fur, for example.

Regarding initiative, it's group initiative, although its rather interesting since we're all casting on each other haha

Secondly we were posting past midnight and I knew Koro had vacation (and kids). Glad he got one in!

Thirdly, Lavi is a powerhouse. You guys probably could take us all out. The threat is real haha