defense - 19 (10 + 5 dex + 2 Scoundrel + 2 Scout)
Vitality - 36
Wounds - 12
Reputation - 0
Force Points - 3
Fort + 2 (2 base + 0 con)
Ref + 10 (5 base + 5 dex)
Will + 4 (2 base + 2 wis)
Spd 10 m
BAB - +2
Ranged - +7
Melee - +2
Heavy Blaster - +7 Att - 3d8 Dam - 20 Crit - 8 m range - Multifire - Stun/Fort DC 18
Heavy Blaster
4 each Power pack
4 each Frag grenades
Mastecraft Security kit - +3 Repair checks vs Security Systems
Tools - +2 Repair checks
Droid Diagnostic - +2 Repair and Disable Device
Credit Chip .1kg - 6460 c balance
Carry Capacity
16.5 kg - Light Load
33 kg - Medium Load
50 kg - Heavy Load
50 kg - Lift over head
100 kg - Lift off ground
250 kg - Push/Drag
Kloh is a true spacer. He was born during hyperspeed travel in a hastily water filled storage container. His mother a deep space, long haul freighter pilot and his father a mechanic; Kloh's destiny was set. He spent his childhood bouncing from space stations like Mynock 7 to Dunari's Rest to Port Nowhere; just to name a few. he learned the ins and outs of several types of transports. Nautolan parents were not known for their attentiveness but they did teach him the rudiments of piloting the far reaches and how to do repairs. But during downtimes at the space stations while they were lining up work Kloh was left with no adult supervision and plenty of freedom. The Nautolan fell under the influence of many a scoundrel who one and all loved to corrupt the youth with tales of illicit exploits and tricks of the trade.
An impressionable youth, these tales filled the young nautolan's head with dreams of true freedom. He learned to resent the fact that his parents were just charter employees and didnt own their own vessel or have any plans to do so. So he vowed that he wouldnt entirely walk in their footsteps and that he would own his own ship by whatever means it took.
When he came of an age that he was too big and too onery to be following his parents around. They gave his some seed money and left him at a port on Ylesia in Hutt Space. It didnt long for young Kloh to fall in with the wrong croud. His skills as a pilot were somewhat in demand despite hothsots being a dime a dozen. He hooked up with a gang that had a crazy but potentially lucrative plan.
The Rebellion had just one a decisive victory over the Empire and Jabba the Hutt had been killed with his forces also dead or scattered. With little to no prevalent peace keeping entity now was the time to strike. they set their sights on the crime lord Nym who was preoccupied trying to seize all of Jabba's assets. They promptly booked passage to Tatooine.
The job went pretty good considering that two of their number were killed. Kloh and the other three made it offworld with a pristine YT-2400 loaded with loot. The esacped to Dunar's Rest, a space station near Endor that Kloh was familiar with. They sold off the loot and lived like kings for a while. Then one day while prepping their ship for a voyage a thing of nightmares came out of the smoke as he lay dazed on the cockpit floor. It was Bossk!
Before he knew it he was sitting in a cell back on Tatooine in Jabba's old palace. He couldnt believe they hadnt killed him yet. He figured it inevitable unless he could find a way out of here.
Female Zeltron. Age: 28 height: 169 weight: 54 Figure – excellent
She has deep blue hair fashioned in a bowl cut and fine chiseled features. Her skin is soft and formed and a light pink hue.
Skills: Appraise, Diplomacy, Swim, Comp use, Gather Info, Repair, Pilot, Astrogate, several knowledges, first aid, acrobatics, repair, perform dance, perform sing speak and write Nautolan
Abilities: Zeltron abilities. Highly knowledgeable, contacts, combat abilities (Can act as a bodyguard) Leadership, weapon proficient. Starship proficient, fighter proficient.
Class; Noble lvl 4
Past Profession: Former star pilot, former flight commander
Qualifications: Skill and class alignment with close physical traits – Profession and abilities seem excessive.
Female Zetron Age:21 height: 178 Weight: 57 Figure: very good
She has her red curly hair pulled back into a ponytain and her skin is a soft medium pink. Aside from the height and weight, she fits most of your physical requirments.
Skills: Diplomacy, sleight of hand, disable device, Appraise, bluff, entertain, gather information, stealth
Abilities: improvements on sleight of hand, disable device and stealth.
Class: Scoundrel lvl 4
Past Professions: Burglar, thief, and prostitute
Qualifications: This one is the strongest on your physical criteria and has a good few of the skills you required as well.