Star Wars: The Birth of Hope
Game Master
Here is the map Link
Viera = Birch (alias of same)
So you see why the confusion is still there?
Ahh RCR, good times. Played a full Old Republic style RCR campaign several years ago as a Human Jedi Guardian 5/Jedi Weapon Master 5/Jedi Investigator 3/Jedi Master 7, it was a blast. How would you feel about a Shi'ido Scoundrel force user who uses the shapechanging prestige class from UAA?
I can dig up my book... switched to Saga Edition years ago, but I still have the Revised edition rulebook around.
Plain old human soldier... combat medic.
Would this work? I'll flesh him out more, if so.
Taska Vrei's in-progress sheet is here.
A work in progress, but feel free to take a look.
Hey sorry for the confusion. Jedi Guardian level 1 as your only class at the start is not allowed. Say you take fringer for now then you level then you can take Jedi Guardian level 1. I am sorry for not being clear about that Jedi Counslers and Force Adepts at starting level is ok. I will look at the submissions and review them.
looks like I am one of the few people who is not interested in a Jedi
Oh, I have no intention of being a Jedi.
Force user, sure. Jedi? No way. They're way too stuffy and full of themselves. :)
Daniel, indeed.
when does recruitment close? I need to recrunch.
Since there was issue I will close recruitment Sat at 2100 Central time. I will post on Sunday who will be in.
After the 1st level we will delve into the Jedi stuff as appropriate. So there will be opportunity to use the Jedi soucebook at some.
Actually I'm scratching the Shi'ido Scoundrel, instead I would like to submit a good natured yet ferocious Anx Force Adept martial artist, who is aiming for the Force Warrior prestige class. He comes from a large family and is fiercely devoted to those he considers friends. He likes to see the beauty in small things. He has been troubled by the galactic going ons as of late, and wants to do his part to help restore some measure peace and serenity to the galaxy in these dark times. He is not a pacifist though and has no problem taking the fight to those who cause injustice.
mdt wrote: Oh, I have no intention of being a Jedi.
Force user, sure. Jedi? No way. They're way too stuffy and full of themselves. :)
Only a Sith deals in absolutes!
So here is the list so far..
These submissions have crunch and background
Viera Horn Jedi Consular
Thi'Wik Urban Adept
Taska Vrei, Urban Adept
Reb Scoundrel
Caz Voidsong Soldier
Helrun Thek Force Adept
Please let me know if I missed anyone..I dont think I did but I am only human.
I will take more submissions today. I will chose tomorrow who is in. Sorry for all the confusion about the Jedi stuff.
No problem. The main thing for success in play by post is the same as in person: willingness to work together to figure things out.
Well now I have six characters wanting to play. I said I would take four to five, since I have six. Then I will take six this should work out well. Everyone report for the discussion part.
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