Caz Voidsong |

Being a clone, Caz recieved Order 66 directly and very personally. At the time, he was not in any position to direclty engage any jedi, and did not face any in the subsequent years. As his independent streak developed, he grew more aware of the order and its relation to his psychological programming. Caz is filled with a programmed hatred for jedi and impulse to kill them on sight. At the same time, he is aware of the programmed response and fights it.

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
"Designation, Thi'Wik." The Mrlissi responds, eyeing Reeb suspiciously. "Suggestion, request permission to examine things first. Avoidance, death by blaster." The Mrlissi responds to Reeb's question.
Turning to Thek, the avian nods. "Agreement, 10 years at hard labor seems honest enough."

Helrun Thek |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Helrun laughs quite a bit watching the youth squirm in the cross-hairs...
"Perhaps you could enlighten me to the proper use of a blaster?....aside from dealing with thieves that is."
Asks Helrun as he indicates his weapons, a spear and net.

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Thi'Wik nods. "Agreement. Caution, such lessons take more than 15 minutes while waiting for lunch.' The Mrlissi digs into one of the many pockets on his uniform, and pulls out several pieces, then several more pieces from another pocket. In less than a minute, he's assembled a bright orange blaster pistol. "Reassurance, this is analysis blaster, used to determine how client hold blaster when firing." The Mrlissi points it at Reeb and pulls the trigger, a green pulse of energy slams into Reeb's chest, feeling about like a pinch when it hits. "Instruction, take blaster in dominant hand, point barrel at Reeb, and pull trigger..." The Mrlissi points to the trigger, and makes a trigger pulling motion with it's middle finger.

Reeb |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
"Hey! Ow! Cut it out!" The boy squirms this way and that, but seems unable to get out of the way. When Thi'Wik hands the blaster to Helrun, Reeb points a quivering finger at the man.
"Now see here! I'm not a targeting drone to be used for your amusement! I was wrong, ok! I apologize. Sheesh I did not think you would get so work up about it!"

Helrun Thek |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Helrun seeing the game for what it is points the blaster at Reeb and does his best to use the strange weapon....
1d20 - 2 ⇒ (7) - 2 = 5 +2 dex, -4 non-prof
"Blast it! Hold still!"

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
"Negation. Do not put two fingers on the trigger, human. Just because I have 3 fingers, does not mean you need to pretend to have 3. Use your pointing finger to pull the trigger."

Thi'Wik |

the OOC command won't last past a hard return. So to do two different paragraphs OOC, you have to put the OOC on each paragraph. Like below...
{ooc}This is my first OOC paragraph, but with curlie cues instead of brackets, to show the formating.{/ooc}
And this is the second one, which also requires the tags, or it will show up as normal. This one used the actual codes.
And a third, to show the OOC working on a second paragraph.

Thi'Wik |

Assuming the current slack in posting is due to finals? :)

Viera Horn |

As a complete aside, I was looking at Star Wars games online and came across this.
If anyone is interested - it's not role-playing as we do it here but it's a lot of fun - please let me know. If you decide to join and want some beginner's help (I wish I had when I joined) then I'm the one to ask (especially when it comes to allocating character creation points and joining Factions).
Anyway, back to business as we have a fugitive to rescue and a galaxy to save...

Caz Voidsong |

Caz if you want to run separately let me know.
I don't really wish to, and it appeared at least one or two others were in agreement with Caz. We didn't get much chance to discuss it before getting pushed into the cantina. Caz is doing his best to separate himself from the murderers and evil of his past. He would be very hesitant to join them after the wookie's act and the others' casual disregard of it. =/

mdt |

I get to the airport at 4:30 Wednesday for my 6:30 flight.
United tries to get by cheap and puts just enough gas in the jet to make it to destination. They screw up, have to turn around once they make it to the strip, and then take 2.5 hours to fuel up again and take off.
The plane lands at 8:30 (this is the plane coming to where I am). They swear they will have us out of there in 10 minutes.
At 9:15 we take off. We land at 10:45. My connecting flight is at 10:55, and is in another terminal. I run to the train that connects terminals. I get to the gate at 10:58. They didn't hold my plane, it's against policy.
It takes me 45 minutes of arguing with them but they won't give me a hotel, because it was the weather, not them putting too little fuel or refusing ot hold my flight for 3 minutes. BS.
I get to the hotel about 1:30 (actually in the hotel room that is). I'm so afraid I'll sleep through the alarm at this point, that I can't sleep. So I spend 4 hours resting on the bed watching tv before going back to the airport for a 7:25 flight.
The 7:25 flight leaves the gate at 7:45. We take off at 8:30. I get to my airport at 9:20. It then takes me another hour to get my luggage (they got it on the plane that took off without me the night before!), and finally get my car and head off home. I run into traffic, and it's 11:30 by the time I actually get into my house.
I then promptly fall asleep in front of the computer trying to work after having had no sleep for 36 hours.
So yeah, sorry for not posting yesterday. I'll get posts up today sometime.

Thi'Wik |

Posting this in all my games, both run and played in.
As you all know, I've been rather busy and traveling a lot lately. This is going to continue for awhile. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up the posts. It's now confirmed I'll be going on an overseas job for 6 weeks at the end of August, coming back early October. I will hopefully be able to continue posting, but wanted to give advance warning.
I'll be 11 or 12 hours off my normal schedule, as I'm going literally to the other side of the planet. :) First trip to this area, so I'm not sure what the internet will be like, or even if I can get to Paizo. So if, after I leave, I vanish for a month, please don't give up on me, it just means I couldn't connect due to country filters or something.

Thi'Wik |

Thi'Wik pokes the corpse of the game with a stick.

Thi'Wik |

Been waiting on the GM from my end.

Viera Horn |

If anyone has interest in SWRP and is comfortable operating without dice, I'd recommend this site.
PM me if you're interested and want more information. It doesn't replace dice-based games like this one - but it's very active.

Thi'Wik |

Straight man butt of jokes perhaps instead, now that he's alone? :)

Helrun Thek |

Sorry to throw the EMP out there all of a sudden. But seriously I always thought the Star Wars universe should have something that takes out groups of unshielded droids.
I made/invented one based off of the size/pricing and name of the thermal detonator.
I creatively named it a "droid detonator".
If it doesn't exist, the question becomes why not?
Might be a fun bluff though........wonder what a fake thermal detonator would cost?

mdt |

To everyone in my games, if I get snippy or upset, please say something to me. Between work, lack of sleep, and tinnitus coming on sunday, I feel like a bear who's been woken up in mid january. I'm trying hard not to get snippy with people, but I'm not perfect. I feel like I've got a dog whistle going off in my eardrum all the time.