Star Wars: The Birth of Hope (Inactive)

Game Master Trailjava

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Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Posting to all my games :

As you should know by now, I'm going to Kuwait for two weeks and leaving today. This week has been very hectic between work, preparing for the trip, and having my work laptop bricked by our IT folks yesterday afternoon (and spending 6 hours getting data off the drive and resetting the OS).

I will try to get a post up on all games today before I go, but it will likely be this weekend before I can post, assuming I can do so from the hotel in Kuwait. I'll also be on Kuwait time, so likely I will only get a post or two up a day due to time differences.

I'll be back to US time in two weeks.

I am back and will post later.

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

Not too sure how much some of the tings will cost (Sorry I do not have all the books), but Reed would like to get the best electronics and computer work bench he can afford, as well as a datapad that is much better than the one he has now. Will look up what I can from the main book unless someone has the info at their fingertips??

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Sorry for not responding everyone, my last week :

Thursday, 2AM Kuwait time : Emergency in Calgary, we need you there Monday.
Thursday : 9 hours of work
Friday, 1AM Kuwait time : Plane delayed, wait 2 hours, take off
Friday, 2PM Central Time, US : Land
Friday, 3:30PM Central Time : Get home
Friday, 4PM : Collapse in bed
Saturday : Run around doing everything I thought I had 4 days off to do.
Sunday : Repeat running around, collapse, sick and coughing. Take nyquil
Monday : 2:30AM, get up and get ready for 5AM flight.
Monday : 4:15AM, realize I left laptop at house, no computer, call wife, arrange to have it overnighted.
Monday : 7AM, Get on connecting flight to Calgary, wait 90 minutes on tarmack
Monday : Noon Calgary time : Land Calgary
Tuesday : Noon, laptop arrives
Tuesday : 3:15PM : Post this message

I'll try to get something up tonight, but no promises. I'll be back in the states again Thursday Night, so if not tonight, Friday. Sorry again.

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

hey Thi'wik are you from Calgary? I am just down in Pincher Creek!!

Hey I wanted to let everyone know I will be understanding if anyone is going to leave the game. I have noticed I am able to post about 5 times a week. I want to know as a group if you guys are ok with that.


Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

I'm ok with it, I have games that are slower than that.

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

not a problem for me either...having fun!


Let's keep going... :)

Female Human Urban Adept/Jedi Guardian 2/2 [Vit: 36|36 - Wou: 14|14 - DEF: 17 - For:+7 | Ref:+7 | Wil:+5 - Spot: +4 - Init:+2]

5 times a week is fine with me. That's about my usual pace, anyway.

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

pace is fine.

Just to say I've had a close bereavement in the family. As you might expect, my focus is not on the game. As it may be a few weeks before I'm in a position to move forward, I must regrettably withdraw to allow you to fill the spot with someone who can be active. Thanks again...

Viera I will keep you in the game. I am sorry to hear about your family member. Please come back when your ready.


Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Much as I hate to point it out, the gunman threatened a critical success.

What are your goals for your hero?
1.Are you out for profit ?
2. Are you out to stick it to the Empire?
3. There are new events coming to the galaxy how do you see yourself apart of it?

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sorry I haven't responded this weekend, been busy, and I forgot to update my character. :( I'll get it done tonight.

no issues brother

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4


Thi spent most of his funds modifying the R2 unit we bought for him earlier. It's now a C2-R2 (Custom R2), and he bought MW blast helmet and blast vest, with the MW improving the ACP, not the DR.

Also, you said to let you know what Thi wanted to take from Jedi Sourcebook. They still don't have much in the way of ranged attack powers (which sucks! And not much tech, I know there were powers for that, but I can't find the book they are in). So he took Alter (for 3rd level force training) and Battle Mediation (fits in with his existing Battle skill) and Inspire to inspire those around him, if that's ok. If not, I'll take something else.

Looks good Thi I need your goals as well.

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Goals, In Character : Ensure any wanted posters don't have his face on them, get on with his walkabout, design new ships, new weapons, and new ship weapons. Keep his special abilities secret.

Goals, Out of Character : End up working with the rebels, as a ship designer and weapons specialist. Keep his special abilities secret.

So in Character goals. So if the Rebels asked for help you aide them? I am thinking that Thi could be one that helps the process for the Rebels getting ships and better weapons on them. What do you think?

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Yep, Thi wouldn't balk at working against the Empire. He's not exactly treated well by the empire.

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

Working on leveling
Only need to pick feat and assign skill points.

What are your goals for your hero?
1.Are you out for profit ?
2. Are you out to stick it to the Empire?
3. There are new events coming to the galaxy how do you see yourself apart of it?

Helrun is out to make a name for himself and his agency as being both reliable and neutral as a security/investigation agency.

1. Yes a for profit business
2. No, but the Empire is known to stick it to people (unilaterally altering contracts, etc)
3. A fairly powerful independent force that acts in the space between everything else that is going on.

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

Crud someone deleted the star wars book off of scribd.

I know Jedi guardian gains a bonus feat at level 2, acrobatic, athletic, attunement....
Can't remember all of them or what they do....

Female Human Urban Adept/Jedi Guardian 2/2 [Vit: 36|36 - Wou: 14|14 - DEF: 17 - For:+7 | Ref:+7 | Wil:+5 - Spot: +4 - Init:+2]

Attuned seems like the best one- +2 to Enhance Ability and Heal Self checks. Quickness is +2 to Vitality, Toughness is +3 to Wounds. Plus there's also Power Attack and Weapon Finesse. Maybe one or two other ones that I'm forgetting.

GM, I know we're not real Jedi, and I don't want Taska waving a lightsaber around (okay, maybe a little bit), but blaster-blocking could be pretty useful and all us not-Jedi get it as a class ability. So could any of us justify sitting down and building a lightsaber?

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

Attuned is the one I took.

I still need to get my skill points assigned.

don't get too excited about waving around a light saber!

Taska yes you can build a lightsaber just wait till you get your crystal.

Female Human Urban Adept/Jedi Guardian 2/2 [Vit: 36|36 - Wou: 14|14 - DEF: 17 - For:+7 | Ref:+7 | Wil:+5 - Spot: +4 - Init:+2]
DM Ashman wrote:

What are your goals for your hero?

1.Are you out for profit ?
2. Are you out to stick it to the Empire?
3. There are new events coming to the galaxy how do you see yourself apart of it?

At the moment, Taska is mostly goal-less. She has enough money for her own ship, which was her original goal. And while Cade is super shady and incredibly unreliable, he has been the source of tons of credits. So Taska is happy to follow him around as long as the money is rolling in.

Eventually she'd probably want to move up in the Guild or- if Cade actually is Black Sun, which the group has reason to doubt- join Black Sun as a hired gun.

1. Absolutely. Taska has nothing in particular against the Empire and no reason to assist the rebels.

2. No, but if she ever finds out her people were killed in actions related to Order 66 (since the Matukai were force adepts), she will hold a grudge like no one's business.

3. If you're talking about general chaos due to war and the rebellion, Taska can profit from it. Either side could need a bounty hunter to take out somebody regular forces can't get to.

If you're talking about the rebellion, I don't see Taska getting involved as a partisan. She's not interested in who controls the galaxy, since she lives in the cracks in between the civilized worlds anyway.

If you're talking about EU stuff relevant to the character, the Bounty Hunter Wars occur after RotJ, and she could get swept up in that as the Guild breaks down.

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

sorry old computer died and am trying to migrate everything to new one...will catch up soon....need to level my character as well

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

I have assigned skill points.

I always thought one thing missing from light saber combat was throwing them back and forth, while fighting....

Female Human Urban Adept/Jedi Guardian 2/2 [Vit: 36|36 - Wou: 14|14 - DEF: 17 - For:+7 | Ref:+7 | Wil:+5 - Spot: +4 - Init:+2]

@Helrun: 2 words for you. Lightsaber nunchucks.

That might even work if all your armor was made out of cortosis ore or something. :)

Our adventure here will be a turning point in the Characters lives! Hope you all enjoy it!

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

ok...updated Reeb (finally)...sorry for the wait!

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Post in all games :

Wife's surgery got moved back a day (scheduling issues in OR). Surgery was completed last night, went smoothly, doctor very pleased with himself. :) Wife awake and says even with the pain from the surgery it's a night and day difference in how she felt before, so good news on that front. I'm afraid I'll be busy again today, but hopefully will be able to get all games caught up and going again by end of week.

Female Human Urban Adept/Jedi Guardian 2/2 [Vit: 36|36 - Wou: 14|14 - DEF: 17 - For:+7 | Ref:+7 | Wil:+5 - Spot: +4 - Init:+2]

Glad to hear that.

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

Hope for continued healing and a short recovery time.

Thi glad to hear you wife is better. Take your time with this game. Goodness knows you all been patient with me.

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Back to having no way to do the character the way I want. :(

All the d20 powers are based around light sabers. Nothing involving using force with tech (despite Anakin Solo per canon being adept at using the force with technology) and no way to boost ranged combat ability with it other than battle mind. *sigh*

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

What the adept can imdue weapons with the force increasing the damage by d8's incrementally.

Maybe the DM will let you substitute those into your class progression.

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

I was considering using the crystal he got as a focusing crystal in a blaster, should have some nice effects, if the GM allows it. Alternately, could use it as a basis for a neural net in a droid...

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3
Thi'Wik wrote:
basis for a neural net in a droid...

What would that do???

Male Mrlissi Vit (20) Wound (10)
Defense 17 | Fort/Ref/Will +2/+4/+8 | Init +1
Comp Use 9, Craft (Blasters/Starship Weapons/Starfighters) 8/9/8, Heal Self 6, Inspire 4, Know (Engineering/Physics/Tech/World Lore) 6/5/6/5, Spot 15
Urban Adept 4

Faster, Smarter AI. Perhaps with a full on personality. Or perhaps a droid that can understand (if not perform) force abilities. Up to the GM...

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17

Reeb has no need or use for his crystal...except as a trophy or present...he has no force

Thi I can work with that concept. Add whatever bonuses you want to the droid then make an alias with it.

Hey guys I am back if you want to get the game going again.

M Human Force Adept / Jedi Guardian 1/3

As I recall we are on a journey somewhere and were having some time to craft, upgrade stuff, etc....

Yes we are on our way to Lothal now.

Latest Message:
Just to let you all know, I was travelling heavily 10/27 to 10/29, I'll be catching up on 10/30
Human GM

Sorry, work, then internet failure this week, new modem on order, later this week. Using emergency hot spot to connect enough to do e-mail post apology.

No issues

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