Helrun Thek |

I was going to ask the same/similar question. Helrun was built as a force adept, but trained in the jedi tradition (by his parents). He was hesitant to really go fully into it, but being on the run/wanted by the empire, would remove that hesitation.
He would take the components from his ugly jewelry and build his light saber, and fully embrace his upbringing.
In that case it is likely that the cat would be out of the bag enough for any jedi to reveal themselves and help train other PCs.

Helrun Thek |

That is very true! Perhaps I should build a sonic screw-driver instead.
Actually at our level the light saber only gives another +1 to defense, whereas total defense option is a +4, and light saber damage is only 2d8 which is lower than a heavy blaster.
No I have not been watching, been busy with other stuff. So if you hyjack that plot line I will not know,

Taska Vrei |

Taska has no reason to have a lightsaber, so no danger for her. If Viera and Helrun start waving around lightsabers I could see the other PCs sitting them down to have an intervention. :)
I don't have Disney XD or whatever channel it's on.

Taska Vrei |

What would be interesting is if all the Force users realized there are others on board who use the Force but no one wants to bring it up for fear of being labeled a Jedi. Taska does martial arts katas and tai chi-like moving meditation in public areas and seated meditation in private; it would be easy for someone to observe her and realize the Force is being concentrated/manipulated when she's doing it. But if that person wanted to talk about it they would have to admit they're Force sensitive, too.
Also, just to be clear, I'm not really proposing we write up a charter outlining the distribution of loot, but Taska would want something like that in writing. She is a bounty hunter, after all. We can handwave it.

Thi'Wik |

Thi'Wik is very order minded, he would prefer things be worked out ahead of time. Written isn't required, but agreed upon would be.
Basically, to Thi'Wik, anyone who wanted to put in their credits get's an equal share of the profits. Those who don't put their money in, but want to work on the ship, he'd say 2% of the profit per crewman. So if there's 5 crew, and 5 owners, then the 5 owners split 90% of the profits, with the other 10% going to the 5 crew. (round numbers to make things easy).
Profit being money made after upkeep and upgrades on the ship.

Thi'Wik |

Actually, we probably need more time than Friday. Just spending 900K to 1.5 million in credits to fix up the ship is going to take us awhile to work back and forth on what engine upgrades, weapon parts, etc cost. Plus making skill checks to install all that tech... Deciding on priorities...
Off hand, the things I can think of are :
Upgraded Shields
Upgraded Hyperdrive
Upgraded Weapons
Upgraded Sublight Engines
Upgraded Computer
Upgraded Sensors
Fabrication Shop
Anyone else think of anything?

GM Birch |

Just to add that a) Viera has no interests in the credits and will go along with the majority in terms of how they're shared out and b) will allow the others to decide what to do with the ship.
To echo Taska's point, I expect some sort of Star Wars Rebels moment when we're all going to have to use the Force and suddenly we'll go...really? You too?!

Taska Vrei |

I know it's out of date, but I'm looking at my Starships of the Galaxy book and this is what I think we should modify.
Upgraded Sublight Engines and Maneuvering Systems
Install a Sensor Mask (cloaking systems are either too expensive or take up too much space)
Upgraded Shields and/or Superstructure
Install a backup Hyperdrive
Upgraded Weapons systems (I'd like to see Ion Cannons to let us capture/disable other ships without blowing them up and Proton Torpedo launchers to let us blow them up. Disguised or concealed, of course, so we can get through inspections.)
Upgraded Fire Control for the weapons systems
Looking at the modifications for vehicles in the A&EG, we might also want to try to increase cargo capacity. Maybe we could put in sensor-shielded hidey holes like the Falcon had in Ep. IV.
We probably also want to scrub or change the ship's transponder signal. Were Reeb and Thi'wek already working on this?

Taska Vrei |

To echo Taska's point, I expect some sort of Star Wars Rebels moment when we're all going to have to use the Force and suddenly we'll go...really? You too?!
Well, Taska has already used Force points in front of Viera, using her Enhance Ability and Battlemind skills when she thought she was prepping for a fight with the Imps. It's not flashy, but maybe a Force user could have picked up on it.

Taska Vrei |

Since I've already got it out, there are droids in the A&EG. Helrun can get:
a Arakyd G-2RD guard droid (a floating, 3-armed guard droid with 1 blaster, 1 stun baton, and 1 hand) for 7000 creds,
a Cybot GV/3 guard droid (a 1.5 meter tall robodog with vibro-teeth) for 4000, or
a SoroSubb police droid (a 2 meter tall humanoid droid that is programmed to love the law so much it won't work for criminals) for 15000 (specialized availability, so could be up to 30000).
There are also military droids listed but I don't know if GM would make them available to us. Taska wouldn't mind a surveillance/reconnaissance droid to help with her bounty hunting, either.

Thi'Wik |

We should have a couple of astromech droids as well, R2 units or better, no R5's.
Also, unless someone is a doctor and didn't tell us, we might want a medical droid.

Taska Vrei |

For astromech droids I'd say R6 (best civilian models) or R3 (military grade) would be our best bet. They're 6000 and 10000 creds, respectively.
It's not in the A&EG, but Wookiepedia says the top of the line medical droid, the 2-1b, is 4300 creds.

Helrun Thek |

So here is what I have for a droideka....
Droideka Series: wheeled/walking destroyer droid
Thug 12; Init -1 (-2 remote Processor, +1 dex) Defense 15 (+4 class, +1 dex)
speed 4 m (walking) 25 m (wheel)
Shields DR 9
VP/WP 0/15; Attack +13/+8/+3
Melee (appendage) 1d4+1
Ranged Heavy repeating blaster (4d8)
SV fort +10, Ref +5, Will+3
Size M; face/reach 2m by 2m/2m; +3 Rep
Str 13, dex 13, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 6
Equipment light armor, (2) heavy repeating blasters, shields (DR 9), remote processor (500 kn range)
Skills listen/spot 5 ranks
Feats: Ambidexterity, armor prof, multi-shot, point blank shot, Rapid shot, two-weapon fighting, weapon group pro (blaster, heavy, simple)
Base model (21K)
Comlink 250: Diagnostics package 250
Heuristic Processor (2K): Locked access (50)
Magnetic feet (80): Rust Inhibitor (40)
Environmental compensator (100)
Internal storage (spring loaded) 200
Telescopic appendage (2, side stabilizers (out-riggers)) 50 credits
Improved Sensor Package (200); Infrared (150); 360 degree visual field (200): 360 degree vision(200)
Shield generator DR 9 (15K)
Any questions?

Thi'Wik |

Looks fine to me.
I would suggest that everyone, who is kicking in cash, keep some credits out for supplies/emergencies, from the credit sticks. I'd suggest 50K each. Then buy personal equipment from that.
We have enough money, it might be worth it to see if we can pick up a fighter, if we have a pilot, to play 'escort' for the freighter. That's not unusual, and as long as we don't pick up anything to flashy, nobody's going to think twice. A Z95 Headhunter for example. They've been in production forever, since before the Naboo war for sure. So easily 20+ years.

Helrun Thek |

Yeah you give me enough creds and I will try and buy a droideka....
Since Helrun speaks and understands binary or "Droidspeak" I am not bothering to upgrade the droid to talk beyond that.
So as strange as it may sound the thing will sound much like R2-D2.....
I should have some coin left to chip in for upgrades, and other droids, as well as a personal slush fund.
Hopefully the GM lets me have one!

Viera Horn |

GM Birch wrote:To echo Taska's point, I expect some sort of Star Wars Rebels moment when we're all going to have to use the Force and suddenly we'll go...really? You too?!Well, Taska has already used Force points in front of Viera, using her Enhance Ability and Battlemind skills when she thought she was prepping for a fight with the Imps. It's not flashy, but maybe a Force user could have picked up on it.
It was a tough call. Viera was L1 at the time and I figured that unless she was specifically looking for something, she wouldn't have seen it. Plus she was focusing on herself at the time.

Taska Vrei |

Fair enough. I figure people will figure it out. We're 80% Force sensitives here; somebody's got to realize eventually. :)
I've got 2 other things for the ship.
We probably want some swoop bikes or a land speeder (or both) for planetary or large station missions. An Aratech Arrow-23 ground speeder costs 8000 creds used and can seat 5. And/or the Razalon FC-20 speeder bike (the one Darth Maul rode in Ep. I) is the cheapest speeder option, at 1000 creds used.
I was trying to picture the ship and ran across a 2-level deckplan for a VCX-100. You have to scroll down to get to our ship. Here's the lower deck, here's the upper deck, and here's the exterior looking down from the top. I believe the bunk rooms on the upper deck are supposed to have bunk bed type dual arrangements, to allow for up to 8 people to sleep simultaneously.
Does anybody mind if we use this as our layout? It helps me to have a map to reference when I'm thinking about our home base.

Helrun Thek |

Helrun is the only one who really talks about any of it, but according to him he learned some hunting tips and tricks from native primative tribal culture on a forested world when he was about 8 to 10 years old, those old "hunting" and "survival" tricks certainly helped him become a private investigator, but he certainly doesn't see himself as a "jedi" or a "threat" to law and order......
So he has hinted around about it in front of nearly everyone, but it is a relatively happy memory....
...well up until his parents death and him becoming an orphan and shipped off world.....

Thi'Wik |

Works for me. Although it's funny that each of us can afford to buy that ship over twice right now and have money left over. :)
Thi'Wik would suggest converting one of the small cargo areas next to the engineering room over to a fabrication shop (weapon's shop, droid shop, mechanical shop, electronic's shop, combined). We also want to upgrade those weapons. Make one Ion and leave the other laser? Combine with a fighter and we're good to go. Modify one of the airlocks (port or starboard) to be a docking mount for a fighter (Z-95?). Upgrade the hyperdrive and shields. Add in a few smuggling compartments. Boost the engines.
We currently have, toward the ship, if we take just the people who donated chits, and assume they keep 50K for personal items, we have 1,000,000 credits. That's enough to buy 9 VCX-100's, I'm sure it's enough to seriously upgrade one and buy a few ship droids.
Thi'Wik's people don't have a lot of Force History, but do have some. They never bought into Jedi teachings, so they avoided them. This helped when the Empire came about (it actually fed into their beliefs that taking the child away from it's parents and isolating it from society was wrong, and a good way to ensure it lost touch with others, which is kind of what happened to the Jedi).
Thi'Wik doesn't use his abilities without a good reason, and hasn't done so so far. Most of his kind that do have force ability end up going for stealth and access to electronics with it (which he needs another sphere to do, and access to the powers of the jedi book for the force + machines abilities).

Reeb |

Reeb would also like a computer room...and would most likely make a little nest for himself in there. I will have to look at what kinds of computer tools and equipment he might want to purchase....any idea what book might be best for this?

Helrun Thek |

I will allow the droideka, Helrun. Also someone do me a favor compile one post of the "toys" I will added to the front page so we can keep track of it.
I have put the droideka information under my profile. Once everyone has everything we can compile the list.
The deck plans might be great for the campaign info box.
I am thinking that Taska might be in the market for a security droid as well.

Thi'Wik |

Ok, as near as I can tell, this is the cost of the VCX-100, and the proposed modification and cost.
Now, the sheet gives no discount for us doing any of the work. It will take 95 hours to upgrade the ship, and a shipyard. However, that's 95 man hours, so splitting the tasks would make things faster. Also, the 95,000 for the shipyard includes them doing all the work. If we are allowed to do the work, or even part of the work, we reduce that. Also, Thi'Wik could do the weapons on the ship, reducing their cost to half as well, with GM permission, which would reduce us another 10K or so.
We have 4 people donating 300,000 toward the ship, that's 1,200,000, and the modification costs totaled 1,042,750. So if we go that route, that leaves 157,250 of the donated funds. If we keep 100,000 in the ship's fund for fuel and docking fees, then each person would get back 14,312.5 credits for personal use on personal equipment.
If you want MW Blasters, Thi'Wik can make MW versions at half the price during travel, with the ship having a weapon's crafting shop (I propose we just take 10% of the 200 m/ton cargo, 20 m/tons, and call it the room next to engineering and say that's our mechanical, weapon, droid, computer shop). Our shop would provide perfect tools for any DC check, giving a +2 to any check.
Now, we put in a used Z-95 Headhunter. Alternately, Thi'Wik could build a fighter from the ground up, for about half again as much. The advantage would be we could get a souped up fighter cheaper built specifically for our ship. The down side is that it would be more easily identifiable.

Taska Vrei |

DM, here's what I've got for shared party expenditures. I added a couple of things to cover what I saw as holes in our general load-out:
2 Razalon FC-20 Speeder Bikes (2000)
Aratech Arrow-23 Land Speeder (8000)
6 Gandorthal Atmospheric Roamer-B Breath Masks (2400)
6 Fabritech PAC-S30 Secure Visual Wrist Coms (11,400) I attached the price of the Verge Corp Pocket Scrambler to the Fabritech Wrist Com to get the price here, DM. DC 30 encryption and the comms can be voice or visual. They can even pick up HoloNet broadcasts in case we get bored.
EDIT: Ha, MDT beat me to the punch! I left up a few things I thought we as a party could use.
I'll get a list of personal gear for Taska on her profile soon, DM.

Thi'Wik |

LOL, we came up with radically different costs. :)
Did you include the 'modifying ships after construction' costs? 1,000 credits per DC of the mods?

Taska Vrei |

LOL, we came up with radically different costs. :)
Did you include the 'modifying ships after construction' costs? 1,000 credits per DC of the mods?
Yeah, I missed that section and was just using CPs. Your sheet is accurate. :)

Thi'Wik |

Thi'Wik wrote:Yeah, I missed that section and was just using CPs. Your sheet is accurate. :)LOL, we came up with radically different costs. :)
Did you include the 'modifying ships after construction' costs? 1,000 credits per DC of the mods?
Maybe we can talk Thek into throwing in 250K now that he's got his droid, and become a full member. Then we could handle the upgrades, and your vehicle purchases, with everyone having donated 250K each everyone has an equal share.
Looks at Thek inquiringly.

Taska Vrei |

I think everybody threw in their chits, with Helrun reserving a certain amount for his droideka. Is everybody amenable to pooling the 1.5M credits, subtracting the 1,066,550 (modifications cost plus the group items in my post), subtracting 100,000 creds for ship reserve, and splitting the remaining 333,450 creds? That would give everyone 66,690 creds to play with to buy droidekas and whatnot.

Thi'Wik |

Oh, and I'm not sure how the GM wants to handle hyperdrives. If we upgraded the existing one, the sheet is correct. If we had to replace them, then we have a x12 and x2 hyperdrive we could sell to recoup some costs as well.

Helrun Thek |

Another 9,600 credits and I could have replaced the droideka's heavy blasters with...
Masterwork Merr-Sonn Underslung Rotary Blaster Carbine
3d8 + 3 damage, Range 30m, crit 19-20 fires in Multi or Auto
Customized +1 to hit -1 damage ....4,800 credits
Which not only has multi-fire, but has auto-fire as well...
: )

Thi'Wik |

Or, you know, you could ask Thi'Wik to build you those from parts while we're travelling in hyperspace and install them for half the price...

Helrun Thek |

I will also be looking to buy
EMS-90 Bubble Cloak -800 credits,
1 kg. a self-contained survival unit. It allowed a being to have emergency protection against the vacuum of space without having to carry a bulky EVA pod. It appeared to be a thick but fashionable cloak but upon activation it would fan out to enclose the wearer in a 1.2m diameter survival bubble.
It carried a 2-hour supply of air and would protect the occupant from the freezing cold of space.
Everyone might want......
Coolth backpack 200 credits, 1.5 kg
a personal device that incorporated coolth chemicals into a portable backpack for use on worlds with hot climates, such as Tatooine.
The coolth backpack is fitted with a cooling unit, through which was pumped cold coolth to maintain the wearer's temperature. These packs also featured a sunshield fabric which could be unrolled from the unit's lower section. This backpack was a more lightweight alternative to the coolth suit worn in Mos Espa among other areas.
and a condensing canteen,
And finally if the DM allows such cheese as this...
Dampener Aerosol - 600 credits,
.5 kg, 3 uses, Gas in a can that creates a cloud of blaster dispersing gas, gives concealment and dampens blaster fire to a painful slap instead of a full blast.