Helrun Thek |

.....Helrun had been in the middle of a small investigation when he found out the ship that had brought him to the orphanage was docked. After breaking into the ship he found the navigation droid spoke a most strange dialect of binary, however it pointed him to the Muun homeworld and the Thek holdings. Helrun became aware that this lead might lead to his parents or other family, and the word holdings meant a possible inheritance.
Helrun discovered that the droid spoke Muun, the um and eh sounds and tonations being so close to binary. It did give him a strange sense of the Muun themselves.
By the time Helrun stepped off the ship this morning he was ready to find out everything...as he listened to the Muun as they talked. His boots hit the ground and he started walking.

mdt |

Making an alias now. I'm thinking Thi'Wik could have just arrived? Having bummed a ride on a merchant freighter to overhaul their weapons systems in exchange for a free ride?

Caz Voidsong |

Caz most recently worked on the freighter ship "Postelle", which encountered a small group of space pirates along its last route. They took a few ion cannon hits, degrading shields and their hyperdrive. Still, they managed to escape. The Muun homeworld was the nearest port, so the ship staggered in to make repairs. Unfortunately, the damage was even more extensive than originally thought, and a good portion of the electrical system needed replacement... repairs that will take several weeks. Caz has been relieved until further notice.

Thi'Wik |

Thi'Wik reporting for duty. For those curious what a Mrlissi looks like, the link in my alias post above (Mrlissi on race) has a link to pictures. Thi'Wik is the one on the right (the male).
Thi'Wik arrived on an armed merchant freighter, if anyone wants to have arrived on same freighter (note, this one would not have been heavily damaged, not with Thi'Wik on board to safely overload the weapons on it to drive off pirates), feel free, just let me know.

Thi'Wik |

My assumption is that on Binary, there's no difference between speak and R/W? Given it's the same. :)

Viera Horn |

The best reason to be going there is, like most Jedi, she'd be searching for potential survivors of Order 66. And both Skywalker and Kenobi have history on the planet.
She wouldn't be advertising her Jedi past - so she'll be wearing the blaster in plain view and keeping the saber hidden.
Makes sense to have travelled with any/all of the above...

Reeb |

Reeb just drifted to this planet, trying to keep one step ahead of the slave catchers. Also on a planet that is the centre of trade...well he is sure someone could use his talents to good use!
Also, he could be on any of the above ships, having forged electronic papers and passes for himself.

Taska Vrei |

Taska was hunting a space pirate with a bounty on his head. She got involved in a scrum around the freighter "Postelle" and had to ditch- actually crashing her ship into a pirate vessel attempting to board the freighter and blowing it off the hull. Now shipless and virtually penniless without her bounty in hand and all her personal gear blown up, she managed to convince the freighter captain to take her on board since she'd helped to drive the scum off.

Thi'Wik |

Sounds like Reeb and Thi'Wik could have met on the same ship. Possibly Helrun as well? That would get 3 of the six with a bit of background. If Viera is either on the Postelle or the Dawn Flower (Thi'Wik's latest ship), then they'd all know someone else. Two groups (4/2 or 3/3 depending on Viera's preference).

Thi'Wik |

Could we get the game thread created so we can all 'dot' it so it shows up in our campaign tabs? Makes it easier to check for new discussion posts.

Thi'Wik |

So, Muuninlisti is still being rebuilt, but problably close to rebuilt after the clone wars? Or is it still under heavy construction/reclamation?

Thi'Wik |

For certain definitions of 'See the map'. :) I can log in and see a big blank white grid.

Helrun Thek |

I logged on but didn't find anything....
The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Helrun had hopped on the Dawn Flower at it's last port of call, the man is a young human with a mix of primitive and technology. He looks like a normal human, boots, pants, shirt, and cloak. He carries a spear and a net, as well as some tribal looking necklace. You notice a medical kit and some tools on his belt, also he appears to have no blaster nor slugthrower.
"Names Thek, Helrun Thek....I'm an investigator, you are?"

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Thi'Wik is a Mrlissi, a short reptillian/birdlike race with a beaked mouth, and in Thi'Wik's case, a head of brilliant blue, green, red and gold plumage. The small non-human is dressed in heavy duty work clothes that have dozens of pockets on them, each apparently stuffed to bursting with something, and dozens of bits of electronics and tools hanging off the harness on the outside. There's also a fairly lethal and custom looking blaster on it's hip.
The Mrlissi looks up, and blinks at the human. "I am Mrlissi, male, designation Thi'Wik." He looks the human up and down. "Human, male, designation Helrun'Thek. I am not an investigator." The Mrlissi's galactic standard is oddly accented, and his sentences seem to have small 'pops' where a sentence occurs, as his beak closes sharply to indicate the end of a sentence.

Reeb |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Crouched down between a set of seats, Reeb watches the Human and Bird-thing talk. He keeps looking at the various tools the bird-thing is carrying, and slowly moves forward in an attempt to liberate some of the more interesting bits.
Move Silent: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Slight of Hand: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
He quietly retreats to his spot between the seats with his treasure to study it (if he is not caught, that is!)

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Spot: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
"Pardon me one moment, Helrun'Thek." The Mrlissi says politely, and pulls the rather lethal looking blaster off it's harness and points it at the thief, without doing much more than turning it's head an inch or so, the large eyes having excellent peripheral vision. "I must remove the head from a thief with my blaster, then I may continue our conversation." It says lightly, with a rather lethal sounding hum beginning to emerge from the blaster.
It is extremely hard to hide anything from a Mrlissi, they gain a +8 to Spot checks from Species.

Reeb |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
The young human gives and audible gulp and slowly hands the part back to the bird creature.
"umm..here you go..sir?? Sorry, I was just curious is all. Is that not a NX-113-a controller from a hydro-condenser? You don't see many of those outside a desert planet."

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
The blaster remains pointed at the human's head. "That is not a part from a hydro-condenser. It is a durellium coil used to focus particles from a blast chamber in a starfighter blaster subsystem. It is rarely found on desert planets, except inside of starfighters that have crashed or landed on the surface, or perhaps in spare parts depots. It is capable of channeling up to 2.4378 gigawatts of blast energy into a coherent blast pulse with less than 0.1238 percent energy loss." The birdlike creature says, it's voice moderately firm, like a professor correcting a hung-over student in front of class. "After my lunch break, I am installing it in the ship's forward blaster battery to increase the efficiency of the number 2 pulse blaster in the port blaster array." The bird whistles slightly. "Stealing it would annoy the captain and owner of the ship to no end, and he would, almost certainly, ask the security officer to deal with you for annoying him. As the security officer, Ms. Kundarra, is a wookie, this would no doubt involve a great deal of blood and removal of limbs."

Helrun Thek |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
.....Reeb's bird-brained scheme goes awry
"Wait. I used to be a bit of an orphan myself and think this guy is just thirsty."
Helrun quickly hands over a condensing canteen, the slow trickle from the battery pack takes water from the air and fills the canteen slowly over time....
This canteen is currently full...
Impossible to price these things as they are only listed in the field kit, but I have two....

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
The Mrlissi tilts it's head at angle that is impossible for a human to do without being paralyzed by it. "It is my understanding humans prefer quick painless deaths? Would not a blaster bolt to the head be less painful than having one's arms and legs ripped off by an angry wookie?"

Taska Vrei |

Taska has never heard of Order 66- I always thought it was a secret thing and even the Jedi didn't know the name or what really happened- and would probably feel bad for the Jedi who were killed. But if the word on the Holonet is that the Jedi were traitors who had to be put down she probably would have believed it.
My sense is that the Jedi were kind of a black box to everyone outside it, and there were few enough of them that their absence probably isn't noticed all that much by non-Jedi. Especially if the war ended right afterward and the Emperor made the galaxy safe and secure for humans, which is my understanding, Taska probably wouldn't give the Jedi a second thought.
That said, if she learns that the Matukai being hunted down and slaughtered was related to the Jedi being killed or that Order 66 was the reason they were killed, she would feel a kinship with the Jedi and develop an intense mistrust and hatred for the Empire.

Thi'Wik |

Once Thi'Wik figured out that he was force sensitive, he spent a lot of time avoiding Jedi like the plague (since he didn't want to be 'recruited', and it seemed like that was forced, at least from the outside).
Assuming it was advertised that the Jedi were traitors, he'd have believed it, given his already paranoid outlook toward them.

Helrun Thek |

Approximately 10 years ago Helrun had lost his parents and had been moved from the forested world of fedge to the cesspool of the universe called Borgo Prime. He had been too young, too caught up in his parents disappearance and change of living arrangments to have followed the events that unfolded.
He recalls his parents tales of jedi painted a very different picture than the one reality that the empire promotes.

Reeb |

Reeb barely even knows what a jedi is, let alone that they are being hunted. These events are so removed from a slave that he has no real feelings about them at all. He does remember hearing about some slaves that were freed on the Hutt world of Tatooine, but beyond that has no real knowledge about them.

Thi'Wik |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Thi'Wek clicks his beak a couple of times, and then puts the blaster away. "Well, we shall see. Attempting to steal from me would, I believe, be a request for assistance with a quick death." The Mrlissi clicks his beak rapidly, perhaps in it's species equivalent of laughter.

Reeb |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
Reeb backs away from the bird creature, looking at the other human for some support. He breaths a sigh of relief as the other human talks the bird into lowering its weapon.
"Many thanks kind sir! I really just wanted a closer look was all...I would have given it back! So, umm..who are you? I'm Reeb."

Helrun Thek |

The Dawn Flower:
Passengers...... Reeb, Thi'Wick, Helrun
During the voyage
"Thek, Helrun Thek, I think what you need is some honest work."
"Most assuredly! I think generally you are correct, but this one will find a quick death all on his own I bet."