Star Wars d6 Black Ice

Game Master ziltmilt

Counter-intelligence agents for the Rebel Alliance are sent on a desperate mission to find information about an Imperial replenishment fleet. The Alliance has dire need for starship grade fuel, and the PCs are going to find it for them.

I got a recent hankering to haul this baby out of storage and take her for a ride once more. This is an old Star Wars adventure for the West End Games RPG, from the late 80s/early 90s. I'd like to run this as a one-shot adventure with a group of 5 or 6 players. My best guess is that the game will run around 6 months. Postings will be daily with 1 post only on weekends. I expect postings from each PC, even if you're not actively doing something.

Don't sweat the details regarding rules or character creation at this point. Each character template has a varying scattering of skills within 6 Attributes:

Dexterity - ranged weapons, melee combat
Knowledge - languages, planetary systems, culture
Mechanical - piloting, driving, beast riding
Perception - social skills, search, sneak
Strength - brawling, climb/jump
Technical - repair, programming, first aid

Here is a list of character templates that should prove to be a best fit for the challenges in this adventure.

Arrogant Noble (perception, knowledge)
Bounty Hunter (dexterity)
Brash Pilot (technical, mechanical)
Failed Jedi (Force abilities)
Outlaw (dexterity)
Protocol Droid (knowledge)
Wookie (mechanical, technical, strength)

If you can stick with PBP games and if this sounds like fun, I'd love to hear from you. Tell me which attributes you imagine this character being most skilled. And, tell me a couple of things that strike your imagination about this person - background details, a quote, whatever. Again, nothing too detailed at this point; I'm seeing who's interested.

Please note that the character templates are broadly defined in this game; an Arrogant Noble type will generally be great at knowing stuff, but depending on the specific build, can also be competent with a blaster. Combat is very important in this adventure, but a group with a broad range of specialties has the best chance of success. Most combat in Star Wars d6 uses skills under the Dexterity attribute. Starship combat falls within the Mechanical attribute.

(The protocol droid template is very likely the LEAST useful to a party, but Threepio is my favorite character in Star Wars; I would love to see a Threepio-like PC in an adventure like this, but if you pick him, be forewarned, he won't be any good in combat).

My goal is to get a group going within the week. In addition to forum posts, play will feature various media: sound effects, images, and most likely, an opening Star Wars-style crawl.

So what's the adventure about?

The characters are Rebel counter-intelligence agents infiltrating an Imperial outpost. Your mission is to gather intel on an Imperial replenishment fleet. The Alliance is in desperate need for starship-grade fuel, and its uncertain where you'll wind up next, depending on what you find.

So, please, reply if you're game. And tell me these three things:

1) which template you like best

2) which two or three attributes should get the most focus as far as skill specialization

3) two or three interesting things about this character. Keep it brief. A short quote, a piece of background, something about his/her/its personality, etc.

Dark Archive

Hi! Looks like fun, although I don't know much about the system.

1) the pilot!

2) mech and tech, this order ;)

3) think Wash of Firefly; someone with a soldier (trooper? :)) type of background, with great skills piloting a ship, but not great in direct combat per se. Someone that knows ships with the back of his hand and can do almost anything when talking about piloting them - from landing in the edge of a Sarlacc Pit to vertically dropping in Coruscant. A charismatic, brash sometimes person, but lacking negotiating skills or blaster skills!

Cool beans. I should have added a 4th item to my list, of things to get from you. How about a name?

Name: Maro Trask

Template: Outlaw

Attribute emphasis: Perception and Dexterity (ranged only)

Fun facts: Lando Calrissian meets Austin Powers. Fancies himself a ladies man but...doesn't quite have it. Silver-tongued rogue who prefers to talk his way out of a fight if he can but is reasonably adept with a blaster just in case he's dealing with Trandoshans or Gamorreans. Card sharp wanted in 4 systems...or so he claims.

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Welcome Master Trask, I think the rebels could definitely use someone with your ... unique abilities <ahem>.

In all seriousness, that's an awesome name and i LOVE the two descriptons we've gotten so far.

BTW, here's a little intro video I put together. Enjoy!

I forgot to mention in my original post that Threepio was my favorite Star Wars character, too. However, I really didn't want to be completely useless in combat so I went with "the not-a-player who thinks he's a player" rogue archetype for the comedy relief Threepio usually provided.

I think based on what you've described that the Gambler template is a better fit rather than Outlaw. I'm whipping up a PDF sheet for you, and will have it finished by tomorrow.

ziltmilt wrote:

Welcome Master Trask, I think the rebels could definitely use someone with your ... unique abilities <ahem>.

In all seriousness, that's an awesome name and i LOVE the two descriptons we've gotten so far.

BTW, here's a little intro video I put together. Enjoy!

Dude, that opening crawl vid was totally sweet! Did you make that yourself? If did you do that?

I saw Star Wars in 1977 when I was 5 years old (the first movie I can recall watching) and I was totally blown away by the opening crawl followed by that massive Star Destroyer sailing across the screen. Best opening to a movie...EVER.

Oh man, if an "arrogant noble" comes along, I would love to try my hand with a protocol droid. I'd probably steer clear of a threepio personality as I would hate to butcher it. The concept I had in mind was less of a font of knowledge droid and more of a social analyst to help its master finesse through the intricacies of politics. If said noble does not make an appearance, perhaps I will consider something else.


The Star Wars website has a crawl creator app but, the music on it isn't 100% faithful to the film. So, I used screen capture software to record the web app and then using MS Movie Maker, added the proper audio track.

Epic DM, it's like picking an ice cream flavor to eat. Just get anything ... you can't go wrong.

I wouldn't mind throwing my hat in the ring.

Failed Jedi
Dex, knowledge and a minor in perception
Named Harken Talos

Very nice, Ned. The Jedi are a bit different, in that they have Force skills which others don't have. A couple more folks and we'll be ready to roll.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

aw man I havent played d6 starwars in forever but loved it.
Name - Jer Koroban
1. Bounty Hunter
2. Dex, then Tech, then Mech
3 I see Jer as someone prior Law enforcement like say from Corsec or something before the rebellion got moving into full swing. More like a criminal detective turned field agent.

"Yes sir he did indeed fall down the flight of steps twice when we arrested him. If I hadnt seen it myself I wouldnt believe it either."

Dark Archive

My name: Lettu "Wings" Kan. Ex-imperial elite pilot, forged his death and defected to the Alliance. Human, mid-30s, inspired in Firefly's Wash ;)

Welcome, Jer Koroban! I should have character sheets for all 4 of you available later today. Ideally, I'd like to have 1 more player, but if not, this will be an excellent group.

TheNine wrote:

"Yes sir he did indeed fall down the flight of steps twice when we arrested him. If I hadnt seen it myself I wouldnt believe it either."

I think our characters are going to get along quite well... :D

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Ee Threepio, or "E".

1) Protocol Droid
2) Knowledge, Perception. Maybe technical as a third.
3) E is a salvaged Imperial E-3PO droid that has been reprogrammed for Rebel use. Its databanks were damaged during a space battle and subsequent crash landing in addition to having lost some of its metal plating. As with most E-3PO droids, its exclusivity throughout the galaxy has resulted in a haughty personality, but the damage sustained causes it to temporarily take on that of a forgotten Sith Lord.

Ooohhhh, I like it! How did you get that avatar image, Ee?

Filtered for constructs and seemed to be the best match. It even gave me the idea for cosmetic damage.

OK, we've got a full suite of players. I've got to finish up a few details on the character sheets, and we'll begin play.

You should find the rules primer linked in the Discussion thread.

E-3PO wrote:
As with most E-3PO droids, its exclusivity throughout the galaxy has resulted in a haughty personality, but the damage sustained causes it to temporarily take on that of a forgotten Sith Lord.

I eagerly look forward to seeing this dynamic in action during game play! :D

Dark Archive

Wings is here "eagerly" looking forward to play with this group as well ;)

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