Alaria |
Alaria nods, affirming her friends words. She gives a quick smile at the new comers and waves. She looks at Alec and waves her hand to get his attention. Once gotten, she lowers her brow in a questioning manner. She turns her hands so that her fingers curl up and move them away from each other and back, points at Alec, points at her temple, flattens her fingers out and takes one from below the other to on top of the other in a circle motion, then makes her thumb and first finger straight, parallel, curling the rest and makes a semi-circle with both of them meeting at the top and bottom.
Alaria |
Alaria doesn't question her companion's odd way of speech, considering she doesn't at all, its not fair to judge. She lets out a small snort of laughter and then covers her mouth. This is getting interesting. I wonder why they are splitting us up? Probably more experiments I'm guessing."
She furrows her brow and looks at Alec, curls her left hand into a y shape and brings it to her head, then down, points at Alec, points at her temple, and, with flat hands palms up does the move in move out movement again.
Zayva |
"Tell me: do you know any of the ones clustering around the Fang side? It would be beneficial to find out their capabilities if this turns out to be a gladatorial arena."
Zayva looked over toward fang, giving a nod, before looking back to Alec. Lowering her voice she explained. "Yes. I know two of them. Aren and" she chewed her lip some for a moment remembering a name, "Jethop. Though I don't know Jethop as well. Didn't see him as much." She chewed on her lip more debating with herself if she should share more about what she knew of them. "Aren and I are alike yet different. While my abilities are mostly related to life and healing, his are more death related. Jethop though, depends on the day, and sometimes even the moment when you talk to him. Sa-Siri saw his more... enthusiastic side earlier." She had looked apologetically at Siri when she had once again miss-said her name. She was getting it down a little better each time, but it sill wasn't right on the first attempt. She would get these names down!
Siri Aponavicius |
Siri's body language changes the instant she becomes aware of the drow, going from relatively meek to imperious in a split second as she rears up on her tail undulating slowly her hips a pendulum.
"Well it seems we have something of a potential team. Might I suggest that since combat of some kind is one of the most obvious perils we might face we formulate a rough strategy for how we might operate? I would ask you to consider waiting before you move, for if you are close at hand I can augment our speeds rendering us all more capable combatants. My combat strength is in the number of my attacks, but they lack the accuracy of a more focused warrior, so anything you can do to aide me in bringing them to bear will pay a bloody dividend."
Alec Ritous |
"The good doctor's given me heightened reflexes, so I often get the jump on my enemies. Aside from that, I rely on stealth and striking at weak spots on the body. Often, Alaria and I team up against opponents - alternating between attacking and serving as a distraction. If one of you wishes to assist, get in their faces, and I'll strike from behind."
Aren Brighteyes |
Aren's eyes flash ever so briefly, literally. But the light fades as quickly as it appeared, perhaps making one doubt it even happened. "Indeed." He says, his head turned away from the drow up top long enough to speak in common for a moment, "Please avoid angering our captors. The last thing any of us need is more private time with those blasted drow."
His voice was lower then it normally was, but that wasn't saying much. Aren was of the belief that one did not raise ones voice to be heard, but forced others to lower theirs to hear what one had to say. When he turned back he was smiling politely again, quite certain that nothing he did this close to one of the drows symbols went unnoticed anyway but figuring that they didn't know he knew that. Quite confusing, even for someone as quick as he could be mentally. "Anyone gleam anything from those that gave you the gear they wear? I'm judging from the armor and shield I was given we're expected to go into combat soon."
Siri Aponavicius |
Siri exhales and folds all six of her arms,
"From my crown, I believe I can surmise a number of things. One whatever their primary objective is they intend to amuse themselves, two they hold matriarchal virtues in high esteem and seek to vaunt those who display them, and three they are wealthy enough to spend a great deal of coin upon what, from their perspective, appears to be a relatively frivolous item."
Alaria |
She nods at what Alec is saying. she adds, gesturing by pointing at herself and parting her fingers in two's putting her index between them, and pulling it downward. She then makes a Y shape and shakes it back and forth at the wrist, uses both hands to gesture a door opening. She points at her self, proudly, takes her hand to her mouth, touching it with her fingers and moves it down, and using both hands touches her index and thumb together several times. She finishes by making the Y shape once more, this time facing down towards the floor, and sharply moves it downward.
Beleste |
Beleste would give an amused smile to those around him before continuing on in a softer voice. "Do you think it possible that they do not already know how I feel about them? They find use for my hatred and will use me till they find no further use or simply find me too much of a hassle to keep around. I'll do their dirty work and that is all they care for."
Once done making his statement, Beleste would turn to address Aren specifically, "I would assume something along the same lines. While I only have my breastplate on now, I expect that the rest of my gear is not far off."
Jethop // The Ravener |
There is a slight shift in Jethop's posture. He stands taller and when he speaks his voice is deeper. "Fool, all slaves hate. Every master knows this. Yet there is a difference between a silently hating slave and one who crows his insubordination. That difference is the whip, the rack, and the burning irons. Strike only when you know your victory."
DM Frogfoot |
Coluber and Loptr, I'm more or less ready with everybody else, I just need to know your fighting styles so Khan knows where to put you.
Very important detail that I forgot to mention utterly, sorry. You all are wearing slave collars that bend you to the drow's will - you cannot disobey the drow or seek to bring harm to them in any way while wearing them. Removing the collar, or allowing someone else to do so, requires a Will save that can be made daily - but even the most stubborn of you will not be able to do so as you are right now (even with nat20s). The DC is simply too high for you to manage to do it with the resources you have now available.
If any of you have read War of the Spider Queen, it's similar to the battle captive spell cast upon Danifae Yauntyrr. Same technology. Danifae's battle captive magic was simply cast upon her, while yours are invested in collars that you wear - this is your "badge of slavery," proof that you are not just some free tiefling wandering Chaulnazeen (when you do get your chances to wander.)
DM Frogfoot |
A few other things about the way the campaign is going to be run:
If your roll beats your opponent's roll, you go before they do, along with all of your teammates who beat the opponent's roll. Instead of being a strict turn order, your initiative roll will place you in group turns. And PCs who roll the same number as NPCs always beat the NPC. So if Alaria rolls 19, the ooze or whatever rolls a 15, Muhoro rolls a 14, Jethop rolls a 15, and Siri rolls a 9, the initiative would break down like this:
Alaria and Jethop, in whichever order they post or choose
Siri and Muhoro, in whichever order they post or choose.
Natural 19s, 20s, 2s, and 1s
I've been trying out the new Monte Cook game system, Numenera, and I want to steal a few mechanics from there for my game. They're called Major or Minor Effects. Minor effects, positive or negative, take place when you roll a 2 or a 19, and Major on 1 or 20. If they're positive, I let the player choose what their bonus will be. If it's negative, I choose the effect. Try to tailor the major effects to your character and what exactly is happening in the situation.
An example of a positive minor effect would be rolling a 19 and giving yourself a +2 on your next strike against that foe. An example of a negative minor effect is accidentally tripping as you attack and lowering your own AC for one round.
An example of a major positive effect is a second attack at the same bonuses as the one that rolled a 20. This effect takes place even if you do not confirm your crit, if it happened on an attack roll. An example of a major negative effect is dropping your weapon or being knocked prone. These are all just examples, and more effects can be suggested by the player. My general rule of thumb is that if it sounds cool I'll allow it.
These effects can take place during skill challenges, social situations, or combat, so be prepared.
Also, if you roll max damage twice in a row you cause some sort of additional injury that would impair the enemy. I'll be watching for that, but feel free to remind me if you see it happen and I don't comment on it.
The Scales of Karmic Fate
Every so often I'm going to WANT you as players to succeed or fail at whatever you're doing to advance the plot the way I want it to go. For example, if you're about to land an epic killing blow on a ravenous yeti or something, but you roll a 3, that's disappointing, so I'll step in with my divine intervention at random times and force a success.
Yet, karma will be tracked, and that cosmic favor you earned a few days or weeks ago could come back and bite you in the ass in an equally retributive way.
DM Frogfoot |
This is the second-to-last time I'll be posting this roster. Next time it will include where I've put Loptr and Coluber.
Fang Brutes
Fang Clergy
Aren Brighteyes
Fang Magician
Web Assassins
Alec Ritous
Web Brutes
Siri Aponavicius (also magician)
Ranax (also magician)
Web Clergy
Loptr Unknown - assassin?
DM Coluber Unknown factor
Siri Aponavicius |
A badass Marilith who slices, dices, and occasionally misses is a lot cooler than one who has to spend every other round picking up her weapon/s.
For me critical fumbles and successes are a bad thing, because they favour the build types that are already the strongest, two handed weapon users, and to a greater extent casters. They don't gain you anything, they only hurt you and make your hero look like a chump.
Would it have been cooler if Legolas and Gimli had dropped their weapons a couple of times at Helm's Deep and had to pick them up? I argue that it would not.
In short I see this as a large nerf for my character, its certainly not a deal breaker or anything, but I definitely would not have gone with a character who relies upon multiple weaker attacks had I known about it in advance. I've gone from no chance of anything bad happening to a one in ten chance of suffering a detrimental effect, on seven attack rolls.
DM Frogfoot |
Mmmm, that's fair to point out. Still, I believe you're focusing too much on the negative here - you have an equally likely chance for something unexpectedly great happening when you attack.
Regarding your Gimli/Legolas example - I assert that it depends on your perspective. A hero who never fails is flat and combat involving those characters is devoid of dramatic tension.
Tell you what. To balance things somewhat between the multiattackers and the greatsword wielders, positive and negative effects, major and minor, can only occur each once per round. (1 minor or major positive allowed, 1 major or minor negative allowed)
Alec Ritous |
Broken Prince |
I agree that a hero needs to have danger, but thats not what the system seems to be doing, its making them look foolish. Falling over or dropping a weapon is not the kind of danger I think of, its things like being disarmed by a better opponent, fighting against overwhelming odds. The kind of danger you appear to be talking about, to me, is already inherent in the system and this rule does not seem to involve it.
To me this is a pretty big nerf because it does not seem to gain anything, a crit was a crit before, a natural one was just a miss - a nineteen would be a crit for many weapons to. And its a nerf for only certain kinds of characters, not for spellcasters really, and hurts some more. And the benefits are presumably less for a character whose damage is relatively low, if one of my attacks does double damage thats not that big of a deal, if I fall over I loose 6 attacks and provoke an aoo.
I'll live with it, but its the kind of thing that I feel should probably be disclosed before people make their characters as it skews for and against certain builds. Maybe you could talk about the positives a bit, obviously I don't have all the information so I'm probably being a little paranoid!
Alec Ritous |
Regarding the fumble thing, I remember reading a post a while back that demonstrated that a Level 20 TWF vs. a wooden training dummy would injury himself/drop his weapon/fall down/etc something like 12 times a minute. Meanwhile an untrained Level 1 Commoner would do the same thing once every 2min. Not necessarily gamebreaking, but it would have been good to know from the beginning, as it will affect people's builds. I'm just glad that I'm going the Spring Attacker route, so I won't be affected that much.
Broken Prince |
I actually think this hurts us via our foes to. Either they fall over, or drop their weapon and aren't as cool or intimidating, or they get a 20 - already bad enough - and do more damage than before. And as we are of course going to receive far more attacks than any foe, since we'll be in numerous encounters we're bound to come up against these more.
Grand Moff Vixen |
Frogfoot, for easier reference here is Belrek's background again. I still would like some feedback on it.
Before he was taken he wasn't very bright, and as a result that he was made to do all the chores nobody else would do. Cleaning the stables, picking up after fights (he hates blood on his clothes), and anything else that needed it. Being very meticulous in his duties he was very good at keeping things in order.
He was noticed by a scout for exotic slavers who swept through the area looking for "recruits". Beldrek was marked taken without much effort. He didn't know how to fight anyway. They brought him to someone they referred to as a doctor. "Doctor makes people feel good. I like doctor."
Doctor Khan began right away. Enhance muscle density and size, increase natural speed and balance. "Yes." she thought. "He will do wonderfully."
The other "recruits" never spoke to him. He couldn't possibly know what they were talking about they said. He was always alone. Alone and in pain. He was always fighting the other slaves as they kept taking his food. That finally stopped when he snapped the neck of last one who tried. "Strong! No take food!" he yelled to the rest. Nobody bothered him again.
Something new began to happen. The experiments had continued and he grew larger, stronger, faster. Even grew a tail. He liked it as it gave him better balance. He began to think. Think beyond what he had been able to before. He observed things that he had never noticed. How they moved, how they talked, and how they hid things. Like fear. He could smell their fear. It was almost palpable. He never could smell like this before. It was....interesting. Some of the others couldn't see very well in little or no light but it never bothered him. He could see just about as clearly and as far as when light was present. Darkness meant nothing to him. Not even when the mages put them in a test maze with a darkness spell active did it phase him. He just walked to the end and waited. He merely wanted to eat and go back to thinking.
On one particular day the doctor had just finished with him for the day and he was put back with the others. They had been talking about what made people afraid. They continued after the guards had gone. Prior to this he had only spoke broken common at best.
(Speaking in Abyssal)"People are afraid of what they do not understand. Fear comes in a variety of forms. The lot of them are afraid of me because I am different now. One thing, I hate duplicity. Don't try to trick me and we will get along."
They just stood there, stunned. A guard had noticed his speech and told Doctor Khan. She had not expected intelligence. That was not part of what she had done to him. This would warrant further observation. Yes, this was coming along quite nicely.
DM Frogfoot |
Oh, I'm sorry Grand Moff, I didn't make this explicit - I love your backstory and look forward to your contributions to the campaign. A few things you should know - your remark of hating duplicity and don't try to lie to him? They're drow overlords, you're a piece of dirt tiefling slave in their eyes. You would've got a beating for that comment. As DM, I love it, just letting you know that is the reaction you'd get out of the drow. "Spare the rod, spoil the slave" is their motto.
Firstly, are the spoilers really necessary for a back and forth conversation? Looks rather silly to me. Just sayin'!
Secondly, all of you are focusing exclusively on the bad possibilities of this addition. It's primarily used as a mechanic for me to make combat a bit more dynamic - and I have just as little interest as you in making your characters look like slapstick comedians. That doesn't benefit me at all.
I'm going to remove the idea from my campaign because I feel that it's just going to cause a lot of bellyaching down the road when I make bad things happen to people's characters and I can't stand arguing mechanics with people.
All I wanted to do when I introduced this mechanic is to let people know, in advance, that unexpected things are going to happen to you that may not be explicitly outlined in the rules. I use DM fiat pretty heavily but I let the dice rule what ultimately happens in the world and it's never going to feel like I'm deliberately picking on someone intentionally. If that's going to be a problem you should be aware of it now.
Suny, Arwen, back me up a little here. I use the same mechanics in the Wastes of Belkzen campaign I'm running.
Alec Ritous |
@GM: Yeah, sorry about the spoilers; I was trying to keep the stuff separate so as not to derail the roleplaying going on upthread. While our positions may differ, it's really not a huge deal to me; I'm just coming off of a campaign who used a similar mechanic + secret behind-screen rolls to repeatedly screw over everyone's characters. Not saying you're going to do the same - I've heard great things about you as a GM - just letting you know where I'm coming from. Past experience affecting future expectations and whatnot. Whatever you rule is fine. :-)
Back to our regularly-scheduled programming....
Muhoro steps forward and takes Alaria's offered hand and shakes it.
"Let us hope we are not pitted against each other would be very unfortunate to have to fight an ally."
Alec nods. "Aye. But I wouldn't put it past them. Just the sort of sick game they'd enjoy..."
Alaria |
Alaria frowns. "It would be something they would do..." She subconsciously scratches at her collar and looks at Muhoro. She points at him, mimics fighting, and shakes her head. She is obviously adamantly apposed to fighting. She takes her hands and makes a fist with her thumbs out and pushes up in a semi-circle.
Grand Moff Vixen |
Well, he is in constant pain as it is so them beating him is nothing new. Not to mention that even though he is intelligent he only has picked up what he hears about. He was also trying to see if he could smell a lie (using his sense of smell).
I play in a numenera game and I find the special rolls to be just fine. Although the dice roller in D20 pro needs to be reworked again when all I roll is under a 10 the ENTIRE night. The special rolls rules are not going to be used against us in a way that would be comedic. If those against the idea were truely paying attention to Frogfoot's campaign info they would realize he would make things happen based on what their character does and is doing. Too much whining about a mechanic that had not even been tested yet. Personally I am for it.
Frogfoot, it is a solid idea. If you desire to implement it I will back you on it.
If you want to introduce Beldrek into the scene I am cool with it. I want to see how the group interacts with him. I will finish his description and personality and post it in his alias.
Muhoro |
"I would not like to fight those I call ally, but the only other choice is death...and if I thought that was a way out I would have taken it, but we all know that death is not an exit, only a slight inconvenience for our Drow overlords. Be that as it may, I do not think I will obey such an order to fight. There is no honour or profit in it."
Zayva |
Zayva had been about to reply to Siri when Charade gir-correction Alaria had started doing more handsigns before clearly miming her distaste in killing. "That is not something I care for either. I prefer to keep others alive. We will find out soon enough what they plan. Why worry and stress over what we only know in speculation?"
Sorry for not responding sooner. Been traveling. I'll post when I can today and tomorrow.
Broken Prince |
Just used spoilers to avoid side tracking. Can I suggest an alternative DM Frogfoot? How about simply having characters make a luck roll each round and then you dole out some appropriate goodness/ badness on 1-2 and 19-20 respectively.
That way it would effect everyone, even casters who seldom make attack rolls, and everyone would have an equal chance of good or bad luck. And in PBP the extra time for the roll should be little problem. That way combat is extra dynamic, but all characters have an even chance.
Aren Brighteyes |
Absolutely Beldrek. We'd just reached a point where I was comfortable assigning the remaining PCs to teams based on the different assignments I have for each squad.
To clarify, how deep will this game be RP wise? it sounded like your original concept for a drow campaign left a lot of move for power plays and so on. Will one groups actions effect the other? Does that mean we won't be waiting on just one group but two whole groups?
GM Coluber |
So, I tried to do the background a little differently this time. Got the idea from reading Aren's profile, though it is much better written than mine is. :P
HP: 4d8 + 4 ⇒ (8, 2, 3, 1) + 4 = 18
Faeleen Baudin
Female Rakshasa-spawn Bard (Arcane Duelist) 4
N Medium outsider (native)
Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft; Perception +4
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex)
hp 18 (4d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4;
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Mwk Rapier +7 (1d6+1/18-20x2)
Ranged Mwk Composite Shortbow (+1 Str) +7 (1d6+1/x3)
Spells Prepared (caster level 4, concentration +3)
2nd (2/day, DC 15) Bladed Dash, Glitterdust
1st (4/day, DC 14) Beguiling Gift, Disguise Self, Grease, Innocence, Unnatural Lust, Vanish
0 (DC 13) Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Know Direction, Mending, Message, Prestidigation.
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats: Arcane Strike, Combat Casting, Pirhana Strike, Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Bluff +10, Climb +5, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +9, Escape Artist 08, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History) +5, Knowledge (Local) +5, Knowledge (Noblity) +5, Knowledge (Planes) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5,Perception +4, Perform (Sing) +7, Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +8.
Traits: Twilight Zeal,
Languages: Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, Infernal
Combat Gear: +1 Chain Shirt (1100 gp), Mwk Rapier (320 gp), Mwk Composite Shortbow (+1 Str) (450 gp), 20 Cold Iron Arrows (2 gp), 20 Silver Arrows (41 gp), 20 Blunt Arrows (2 gp)
Other Gear: Mwk Backpack (50 gp), Spider Silk Rope (100 gp), Shaving Kit (15 gp), Spell Component Pouch (5gp), 2 Potions of Lesser Restoration (600 gp),
Special Abilities: Bardic Performance 13/13 (Rallying Cry, Distract, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence)
1d100 ⇒ 59 +1 to Will saves.
1d100 ⇒ 67 Teeth: fanged
1d100 ⇒ 33 Hands: pincers
1d100 ⇒ 90 Other: no shadow
From the door of a small cell hangs a long piece of paper, filled with medical charts and writing in Undercommon:
Experiment 719
0 days after subject's arrival.
Subject 719 arrived today from "Arcavato's House servants, Waiters & Entertainers". Subject was sold to us 25% of the normal price due to an encounter where two customers and three employees were grieviously wounded. Subject was calm, and upon being inquired about the incident at Arcavato's responded that she'd behave herself as long as she wouldn't have to endure "stupid #@*&£ posh nobles gawking at her". The ensuing beating for not showing respect to superior races did little to improve her attitude.
No modifications have been made to subject at Arcavato's, except for basic level singing lessons. It is highly unlikely that it will adversey effect future experiments.
3 days after subject's arrival.
As agreed with Mr Arcavanto, the first experiment perfomed was an excruciatingly painful one: The extraction of the subject's shadow and its subsecuent consumption by subject.
A highly detailed retelling of the process of removing someone's shadow with extremely sharp enchanted flaying knives follows.
...It is estimated that we'll see the results of the experiments and whether the subject survives them or not later this week.
8 days after subject's arrival.
Success! The subject shows some minor magical abilities, and vital signs have almost stabilized. Due to her extremely drugged state, we can not yet evaluate how the experiment may have changed her mental state, but I'll wager that she'll be a lot more compliant now.
15 days after subject's arrival.
Unfortunately, it would seem that our experiment did nothing to curtain the subject's insubordination. In fact, she has gotten even more headstrong than when she came here, though keeping her cell well lit seems to erode her willpower somewhat. In addition, during our efforts to deter misbehaviour, we've noticed that her blood and other bodily fluids have became significantly darker in hue. The effects of this seem so far to be cosmetic only, but we'll keep an eye on them nonetheless.
81 days after subject's arrival.
Joint and tendon modification going well, subject estimated to be 37% more flexible than two months ago.
123 days after subject's arrival.
Continuing experiments with injecting Rakshasa-blood into the subject's veins. Subject's teeth exhibit some growth, but other fiendish features remain the same. The teeth are not sharp enough to be viable in combat though, so we're moving onto cranial injections tomorrow.
130 days after subject's arrival.
Marginal improvements on subjects already mediocre cognitive capablities and memory. Further effects on repeated injections unlikely. As per Dr Khan's recommendation, mental tests are to be suspended and subject moved into combat training.
141 days after subject's arrival.
Subject performs adecuately at physical tests, but strenght of grip is disappointing. 80% of fingers to be amputated tomorrow.
142 days after subject's arrival.
Fingers amputated succesfully. Acid to be applied into wounds to keep them from healing too much before crustacean-style grafts can be implanted.
144 days after subject's arrival.
Grafts implanted. Results satisfactory. Subject beginning to exhibit more sophisticated magical abilities. Antimagic field will be installed into cell at the earliest possible opportunity.
164 days after subject's arrival.
Subject administered large amounts of strong spirits to test alcohol tolerance. Subject started singing, slurring her speech and exhibiting unstable movement and slowed reaction times after two cups. Subject deemed too intoxicated to consume more after ten cups, when she proclaimed her love to scientific experiments and the drow, tried to give Dr Khan a kiss, and then passed out from the large amounts of alcohol ingested and head trauma from a blunt object.
179 days after subject's arrival.
Subject beginning magical training to complement combat practice. Our chirurgeons are looking into ways to increase body mass and strenght, but so far results have been limited as maintaining subject's dexterity is a greater priority.
191 days after subject's arrival.
Due to an escape attempt, subject's food rations have been reduced to 1/6 of normal. In addition, irritant gases will be pumped into subject's cell during the next two weeks. Interestingly, subject had managed to convince two fellow test subjects to assist her in escaping, and intimidated a low-ranked guard into divulging information she needed. The other escapees did not survive the attempt, and the guard was executed for his cowardice, but subject's interactions with other sentinent beings will have to be monitored carefully.
231 days after subject's arrival.
Subject chosen to be among the group that will have their natural tails amputated and replaced with one that has been crafted from tissues harvested from different kinds of demons or demonic creatures.
238 days after subject's arrival.
After a week, subject is only one of the tail-swap group surviving. The reason for this is not entirely known, but we suspect that it has something to do with the large amount of demonic radiation that the subject recieved while living in her home town near the Worldwound.
279 days after subject's arrival.
Dr Khan has selected subject # 719 for a classified project. Subject to be moved into Wing C-9 as soon as possible.
Unlike most surfacers, subject # 719 does not react to being captured by superior beings with meek submission, but with snideness and insolent remarks. Being inflicted pain and hardships seem only to worsen this behaviour. She seems to have inherited a skill with words from her rakshasa forebearers, but favors intimidation and outright lies to the honeyed words of the beast-headed fiends.
When interacting with other test subjects or slaves or other beings of similar status, she acts friendly enough, though some snideness remains. She often tries to improve the mood of the people she's stuck with, with varying amounts of success. She does exhibit some irrational behaviour, such as sharing her food with those in worse physical conditions, but does so rarely. All in all, she does have fewer ridiculous surfacer beliefs (morals) than most, but she sticks to and rarely compromises them.
She's moderately intelligent (for a surfacer), but often displays lack of common sense.
Subject # 719 is slightly taller than average, and is of an regular build. Like most rakshasa-spawns, she has some animal-like features, such as vertical-slit pupils and light fur growth on the face. This fur has the tendency to accumulate on her chin, making it look like she'd grown a beard.
Due to experiments perfomed on her, she lacks a shadow, has most of her fingers replaced by pincers, and sports a threathening-looking tail and fanged teeth.
I'm sorry that I won't be joing the RP right now, but I'm practically falling asleep on my keyboard. :P Hopefully I haven't written anything too stupid.
Alec Ritous |
"If I attack you, you will kill me? A distinct possibility, and but one of many reasons I fervently hope such a circumstance does not arise. Please note that if we had a sliver of a chance to escape such a fate I would pursue it with all of my ardour."
Alec shakes his head. "Actually, she tries to avoid permanently ending someone unless absolutely necessary. I've never seen her do it myself. Me, I've no such code but will honor our agreement to the best of my ability."
DM Frogfoot |
Suny is going to drop in - I'm allowing it because she did post before the cutoff, she just thought she wouldn't be able to participate before. Now it seems, she can.
As for Coluber and Loptr...I haven't heard very much from Loptr, I'd like to give him/her a chance in my campaign but it's not reassuring when he posts so little. Coluber, finish creating your alias, and I'll begin the story tomorrow at work.
Suny, if it takes you a little bit to finish rolling up your character, that's fine, I'll drop you in after it's begun and pretend you were there the whole time. Worth it since I know you're a great roleplayer, and active.
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that this is a pretty big undertaking on my part, especially because both groups will be operating in the same world and will, in fact, be influencing and sometimes working directly with each other. With that in mind, I'd dearly appreciate two things.
1. Post often! It helps keep the campaign feeling fresh and alive, which everybody likes.
2. Roleplay with each other, don't just tell me, the DM, what your character does. The more direct PC-to-PC roleplay there is, the less pressure there is for me to provide all of it.
Excited to get this debacle of evil started! ^_^