Slaves to the Ochre Fang (Inactive)

Game Master Dalton the Thirsty

The Fang slavesquad of Doctor Khan, in Chaulnazeen, in the Darklands of Golarion


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Kana, I never intended them to be. The Dresdenverse seems to be a reference that a lot of folks make.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Okay, just wanted to clarify. I just know i was reading about them before I ever discovered Dresdenverse.


Dotting officially, Im Whack a rogue's fiance. Definitely interested in the fae idea.

Definitely keeping an eye on this thread. If I didn't feel so crappy today I would think up some ideas. I like the idea of the tomb raiding genie thing. Although I would love to see a game about the political machinations of various noble houses trying to gain power in a rather large city and/or country. I do love political intrigue.

Always wanted to try a underwater environment. But the logistics of it seem overbearing. Even in a real life game. I could just be dense, but having a mechanic similar to fly applied to everyone seems a bit intense on a pbp form.

One idea is having a system for insanity. I think they have something like that somewhere. Could all be patients in an insane asylum, all have something wrong with them. Trying to break out , their insanity might be attributed to the tests that were being tested upon them.

Not sure just spewing nonsense until something makes sense, it's how I think sometimes.

Having a group of crazy and/or psychotic people working together could be fun in it's self. Not sure may get stale, when a person swears they saw a killer hamster for the 100th time. You never know.

Not sure on the race thing though.

Wait I did not think this out. Would they have had asylums in golarion? If not then i guess you could be a wizards test subjects and have to battle between sanity and insanity while trying to escape.

Of course some planar adventuring could be fun, never actually done any in PF. Are you set on beginning at 1st level DM FF?

So, usually I just lurk around these forums and read PBPs, but this sounds too awesome to pass up commenting on!

Really like the Lovecraft and genie-kin tomb raiders ideas!

I've never done planar adventuring either, it certainly could have its perks...though I get the impression that the planes can sometimes be like having a lifetime supply of a single flavor of ice cream. Y'know? Too much of a good thing?

I'm certainly not set on first level - in fact I said in my original post that we will be starting at 4th.

Yodler, while I'm totally cool with heavy nautical themes (ocean voyages, port towns, pirates) I don't want to do an exclusively underwater campaign. A little too intimidating a prospect. As for the insanity mechanic, it works well in games like Amnesia, but I have my doubts about this format. I certainly want to play with insanity themes if I were to go with the halflings-in-Ustalav option, but I'd have to be careful with how I implement the mechanical side of things.

After giving it some thought, I think my favorite idea so far is the genie tomb raiding idea.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

So far my top three are:

1.) Experaments
2.) Genie tomb raiding
3.) Seelie vs UnSeelie

Mine are close to Kana's

3)Oddly enough I like the halfling assassins idea.

As I read through this I saw my ideas slowly being listed off. Undead, Tieflings, Genie blood.

By the way, the Genies don't -have- to be tomb raiders you know. A lot of the elemental kin like Ifrit's find themselves in nomadic cultures, so it could be that a group of them, despite or maybe because of their kinds tendency to be so against the norm, gathered together for safety, numbers and community. We could take on an interesting twist of wanting to see ythe world and experience cultures outside the secluded and nomdaic life style that was originally put in place to protect them. In fact, the more wild elements of each genie blooded race could be either exemplified or downsized due to the proximity of the other genie blooded races. Ifrits that are more calm because of their friendship with an Oread and so on. Or more excitable because their earth friend tends to be too calm and quiet.

If you hadn't noticed, I'd like to Rp an Ifrit traveling with other elemental blooded kin. XD


I have no problem with the Genie idea. I personally love the Suli race. The fae campaign is still my favorite though. :)

Thanks for supporting my idea, Marko. :-)

To be honest I supported half your idea. XD The tomb robbers half could be interesting but it kinda limits the concepts that can come into play. You're probably thieves, unless your already adventures just adventuring for loot.

My top three so far are:

1) Superheros/Lab experiments
2) Genie/Elemental-kin
3) Assassins

I'll take what I can get.


Im actually becoming more into the Genie campaign.. Ive made a few preliminary characters for something like that and love the ninja I made...

Liberty's Edge

Looking at a build for a Oread monk character....

I have not made my final decision. However, I will comment that the genie-kin idea seems to be gaining a lot of traction. Theoretically, what setting would appeal to you all for an elemental party?

Liberty's Edge

Well I still am pulling for the dwarf/undead idea, but I think the Genie could be cool too. Not too sure of the setting though.....maybe as embodiments of the elements, were are needed to restore a balance in nature???

I think desert (maybe desert Horror (gasp)), but I'm down for whatever.

Mmmm, it seems like a bit of a waste to me in Golarion, there are so many cool races with unique and interesting backgrounds, genie-kin don't seem to have that. My brief reading seems to indicate they just live amongst humans. Maybe I'm missing a source with cool fluff, maybe you can give all the characters stronger ties to their elemental parents than the race info seems to. But so far its the only idea I struggle to get jazzed about.

The fluff also says that Sylfs and Ifrits won't associate, easy enough to ignore that though.

Maybe you could have Oreads and Ifrits that lived with some entity between the elemental planes of fire and earth and were driven out by something?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Daniel Stewart wrote:
Well I still am pulling for the dwarf/undead idea, but I think the Genie could be cool too. Not too sure of the setting though.....maybe as embodiments of the elements, were are needed to restore a balance in nature???


"By your powers combined..I AM CAPTAIN PLANET!"

Bagsy not heart!

Ultimately, it's important to remember that although all the party members are the same race, the group's goals need not necessarily be racially motivated. They could simply be a traveling troupe of genie-kin, living an existence somewhere between family tribe and thieves guild.

The Kelish lands have a good mix of things that exist and plenty of room to make whatever the hell you want up in them. The genie's blood tends to be much more common in the desert area too, so I'd probably lean toward that interest wise. That said, a came that takes them out of their element (heh) could be interesting. people are leaning more to Osiria/Katapech and Elemental/Genie type race.

Interesting. So, we have the four elemental infused races as well as the Suli and the Half-Genni to play with there.

I have had an idea for a Half-Gennie "Master Thief of Baghdad" for ages. I might actually play it. (^_^)

Also, I can brush off an 'Elemental Oracle' build who's game fell away.

Sweet! Two choices already fleshed out for such a campaign. Plus, there's the next adventure path after "World Wound" which is set in Osirion, so if we keep the game running long enough with the DM's home made stuff we can slide into that!


Something to consider, the sorcerer has bloodlines that connect to varying genies. Djinni, Efreeti, Marid, and Shaitan.

I'm always going to support the path to war!

Top three are:
Drow or Elf incursion/political
Dwarf or Orc war/revenge/exodus

Unseelie and Seelie are close too

I'll happily split things and throw my weight behind the Osirion/Gennie/Elemental game


The Drow game.


We play a game in some where like the frozen North and are a clan of Giants?


Liberty's Edge

Drow or Genie, I would be up for either!

The advantage of a Faerun Underdark campaign is that I'm very familiar with the setting. More so even than Golarion, I've read up on Forgotten Realms. I'm actually reading the Sellswords Trilogy, starring Jarlaxle, right now.

Decision will be made this afternoon. I welcome new race/campaign arc ideas up until the very last minute! :)

DM Frogfoot wrote:

The advantage of a Faerun Underdark campaign is that I'm very familiar with the setting. More so even than Golarion, I've read up on Forgotten Realms. I'm actually reading the Sellswords Trilogy, starring Jarlaxle, right now.

Decision will be made this afternoon. I welcome new race/campaign arc ideas up until the very last minute! :)


Hypothetically speaking, would players who are interested in a Drow setting in Menzoberrenzan prefer to be part of a merchant house, a mercenary house, or a noble house? I have fun ideas for all three - my bias is for a noble house with mighty aspirations, something not unlike House Agrach Dyrr, but creating a rival for the Bregan D'aerthe mercenary house would be fun as well.

Type "house" often enough and it starts looking like a really weird word.

having read the sellswords trilogy as well, I am interestd.

Don't spoil anything for me! I'm only on chapter 11 of book 1, Servant of the Shard. :)

I prefer noble house. That way we get the respect that we so richly deserve.

Don't be so certain. One of my story ideas has the group of PCs in a noble house that recently fell into disfavor with the Spider Queen, and the campaign would be a series of backstabbings and political maneuverings that would bring the house back to its former position and glory. :)

I know Grand Moff Vixen was interested in a campaign along those lines.

Liberty's Edge

I would like a mercenary house, perhaps just recently awarded and struggling to find a niche in the byzantine politics of a Drow city. Although a house fallen on hard times would be good too!!

I am uncaring on whether 'Noble' or not. We can can always use feats etc to have the money to 'influence' our way to power.


actually the "noble"drow house is a more interesting / more flavor campaign :)

DM Frogfoot wrote:
Don't spoil anything for me! I'm only on chapter 11 of book 1, Servant of the Shard. :)

wouldn't dare.

I must say that I've been watching from the shadows for some time and this looks to be a rather fun and intriguing game no matter which route you go down. I'm really enjoying the idea of creating a monk or ninja of some sort for your consideration if you go with the elemental theme or some sort of drow if you decide to explore the world of Faerùn.

I'm starting to lean more toward the drow campaign because it's more readily apparent to me that a personal story is there, which is important for me. Dungeon delving and treasure hunting is fun, but I want there to be a real reason for wanting to besides mere accumulation of shinies. If I do decide to go for the "party of genies" theme, it will have a more fleshed out and personal story hook than just "you are a roving band of treasure hunters" - perhaps involving the elemental planes.

I was also batting around the idea of a "Back to Africa movement"-themed campaign, only for gnomes, and it's back to the Feywild.

A party full of gnomes would certainly be entertaining and brightly colored. :)


I defy your Gnomish reality and substitute my own Goblin dominion!


The experiments theme is popular. You could integrate that with the drow campaign easily; drow are famous for their experiments after all.

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the drow campaign idea.

I still think the experiment one would be fun.

I'm with Grand Moff, Drow nobles attempting to regain favor could have some flair.

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