Skyfall - Colonies of the Shining Sea

Game Master Corerue

Battle at the lift

Crosses vs

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Posts coming in the morning, our power is intermittent due to a nasty storm front. Internet is out and i'm posting with my phone->Laptop. It should clear up in the next 12 hours....

Hopefully. :P

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Looking forward to it. Things look messy on all fronts so it should be fun.

sorry for the wait, have a bad head cold and I just got back to work. I will get caught up tomorrow. :(

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

No worries. Weekends are spotty anyways

Well the head cold is abating and its time to catch up! Here we go!

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

So, hmmm, I'm wanting to express my feeling at this whole thing of you letting us re-roll some stuff, problem is, I'm not exactly sure How I feel.

I think a part of the problem is the inconsistancy. For example sometimes you roll for us first (eg Cassian's last post) and sometimes you don't (eg Diyeana's last post). When you Do roll for us, and then we get to re-roll, it is exactly like having one of those pretty awesome feats or class traits that are fairly rare and valuable. Just doesn't seem quite right to get it for free.

On the other hand, I fully understand Why you do it. One, because it's simply easier and quicker to roll for us as then you can post the follow-up without having to wait for our roll first. Two, you allow the re-roll because, being also a player, you understand how it can kinda burn to get shafted by the result of a roll you didn't even get to make. If we are to be realistic though, that's a kinda silly stance for we players to take, as a roll is a roll is a roll. (Which Any player knows is NOT true as Dice can be at turns Good or Evil and are always, Always, fickle)

So, really, I dunno? Is the best solution to just Not roll for us, and accept the result further delay in the already slow PbP game that will make? Or is the solution to just go ahead and roll for us and for we players to just suck it up and accept whatever the (EVIL!!!) dice give us, no matter if we got to roll it or not?

I think I'm leaning with option B, as that seems more practical, but I haven't entirely convinced myself yet. Therefore I'm very open to alternative suggestions.

Either way though, there does have to be some sort of consistency methinks, cause for example I sure woulda liked a chance to get a second re-roll on that Shaken check. (Here showing bare my pettiness! There! See it! Now ya still love me??)

Soooooooooo....whatcha'll think?

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

I, shockingly unabashed I may add, am ok with how it's handled now.

Although now that I've re-read my last post, I think I may have missed the point Corerue was trying to make. I'm not sure if we wanted me to only re-roll just the Acrobatic Dodge which would have negated the Fort Saves or pick and choose what I wanted (as I did). I've actually been thinking about this too because what I did in my last post was very self-serving and I felt a lil' bit guilty. (Hell, I feel guilty about the Acrobatic Dodge feat as a whole, haha).

All I really know is the stakes are pretty high right now and I'm happy to accept any boon granted to me.

(Actually, I'm also thinking that Corerue means to paralyze me sooner or later. I don't even want to know the CR on those Mutations?!'s)

Whoops! I mean't to add that if you do reroll you will have to reroll all of the rolls, not just the ones you want. ;)

But since I failed to clarify I won't hold it against anyone for the misninterpretation. Although Di does make a good point as I have proven to have made this a slow PBP to say the least. Like a glacial mass slowly making its way. =/

Also @Cassian The called shot to your leg has reduced your speed by 10 ft.

Your attack also killed the first one of these creatures so your back to one on one.


You spent your last turn getting in the cab.

The dragon toys with the airship.

Smitty evades as best he can.


And back to you :) Oh master of the grappler. Your opponent is out of sight at the moment but I'm sure you'll come up with something~

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Duly noted, sir. I'll make sure not to be too self-serving in the future and leave all that egocentricity to my character.

Looking forward to seeing how this fight goes. Those readied actions saved my a$$ and I'm happy to see the odds are more favorable.

No problems Cassian. :) I just want everyone to enjoy themselves despite the slow pace and losses we've had. :)

Yeah those readied actions have been saving you. >:) One failed save though... Mwahahah. >:D


Is your friend ready to go or he still working on his char?

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
DM Corerue wrote:
Although Di does make a good point as I have proven to have made this a slow PBP to say the least. Like a glacial mass slowly making its way. =/

That's okay. It's like when you buy something online and you're waiting for it come in the mail. You check when you wake up, after work, when you get home from the store... Hopeful but not anxious. Then when it arrives! Happy Days!!!

At least that's how I see it... After looking back at what I just wrote don't expect me to post any OOC for a while.

And yeah... I may tap into those Hero Points earlier than I'd like to.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Also at this point in the game the losses aren't too terrible from an IC standing. Di and I are the only ones left who've actually spent some face time together. Donovan's situation left for a neat cliffhanger so he could potentially be an NPC. Everyone else's stories have been independent of each other sooooo.... yeah.


Cassian message for you up above. :) I was editing my post sorry for ninjaing you lol!

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

DM Corerue:

He should be good. Just texted him and we'll be going over the finishing touches of his sheet after I put my son to bed. That'll be in about an hour :-)

Not sure where he stands with his fluff. He had a solid framework going though.

Male Human, Cygnan

Super solid. :)

Male Human, Cygnan

Okay. Here are my rolls for my attributes. Let me know if I did anything wrong.

1d3 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
1d3 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
1d3 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

This is without age or race modifiers. I look forward to playing!

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Nice rolling, brother. Now all you need to do is fill in your sheet and paste it into your profile.

Male Human, Cygnan

4d8 + 0 ⇒ (5, 2, 8, 1) + 0 = 16

For HP.

:( What can I say? He's oxidizing.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

You get full HP at 1st level so that last roll doesn't count. 8+5+2+8 = 23. You know how we used to joke about how crumby Toughness was for non-wizards...

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

Wow!Loving the battle between Cassian and the Mutation! Very tense and action packed.

And Man loving the (perhaps slightly overpowered?) Acrobatic Dodge feat! I know what Di's next couple feats are gonna be! ; )

But man dude, things are close! How many uses do you have left for the day?? (I think you get 7 but it looks like you only listed 4?)

And now here's Di's Dragon Crunching Time!

BTW Corerue, does the Grappler do Grappling damage when it Grapples? ; P

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

I'm enjoying myself quite a bit. It's so close that it's getting hard to tell how this will end up. I just need to make it through this round and hope that thing doesn't shred me to pieces.

I have 7 uses of Acrobatic Dodge (I know! That's why I feel guilty but completely relieved to have it) but I've used it 3 times today so there's only 4 uses left till bedtime.

Good luck with your Dragon!!!


Also, I hope Ael is still around because things are definitely heating up in downstairs. I can't wait to see how all of this comes together :-)

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

Ya indeed! Especially with Mir now joined in the fray as well!

Kudos on some excellent posting/writing lately Corerue!

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Diyeana Stormwin wrote:
Kudos on some excellent posting/writing lately Corerue!

Hell's Yes! +1

Hydraulic Crush(Ex)

A Grappler armed with this special attack can crush an opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, when it makes a successful grapple check (in addition to any other effects caused by a successful check, including additional damage). The amount of damage is given in the Grapplers's entry and is typically equal to the amount of damage caused by the grapplers's melee attack.

Format: constrict (1d8+6); Location: Special Attacks.

Sorry about that DI! I thought I missed something.

To initiate an attempt you need to try and grapple it with the claw, right now a normal attack is merely swinging the grappler head and striking the dragon with it like a massive flail.

Picture like your playing that 1$ claw game in the store and then add a LOT more gripping power. >:D This thing was mean't to puck up and hold heavy metal objects, lift massive pieces of equipment and could pop the head off of a warjack if it got the right hold on it. >:) I like inventing special things. Sadly Cranes don't have D20 stats, so if its overpowered some oh well, I did my best. :p


Is your HP at 7 now? I believe two of those hits beat your ac in the last round, I was just wondering if I didn't account for something in your total AC.

This fight is getting pretty heated and hopefully Ael does reemerge, I feel kinda responsible for putting them in an awkward social dynamic like that. :(

I will try and be more explanatory with my posts, I was just trying not to give it away. I am however glad your enjoying the posts, I added the snippet for fun~ NPC's are people too. :D

Back to work... Blargh!

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

My AC should be 22 with Combat Expertise. I see that in my attack/damage thing I forgot to mention it but my AC and Attack still take it into account. But then again, it was marked correctly for round 7. In any case, it was an oversight on my part so you can rule as you please :-)

Just got home but I have to leave again.

Justice League Announcer Voice:
We'll be back for the thrilling conclusion... After this!

Currently have a room mate in my room at camp, posts will be up in the morning as he heads to bed early as hell and I don't want to be rude. Sorry guys. :(

Male Human, Cygnan

ALrighty. I'm going to make my first post. If I don't do something right, like with HTML or something, let me know. I'm not that savvy :( Nice to meet you all (except Cass ;)).

Male Human, Cygnan

Cori. Do you mind giving me an abbreviated timescale? Just so I have a sense of when the important events had happened. It doesn't have to be in depth. Thanks! I can roll BK if you'd like.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Good to see you in the IC, Tyrn. Very entertaining stuffs.

All: Tyrn is a dear RL friend of mine so I reserve the right to nitpick without consequence. That being said, just send me a PM if you want me beat him up or something :-p

I have 1 quick little thing about your formatting, typically bolded text is reserved for dialogue. You were spot on using italics for inner-monologue so kudos, brother!

**Side note**
+1 to the timeline. That may be some pretty neat information to have. I was also considering writing up journal entries for Cassian when things cool off for him. Do you have a specific calendar or alternate names for weekdays in your universe? In that vein of thought, what would be "today's" date?

Male Human, Cygnan

Ditto. PM me to tamper with John's fate ;). I think for dialogue I'll just use quotes. It feels more natural. But I won't bold it so it's not confusing.

Yeah. His character isn't totally defined yet. But it will certainly develop as I play more and see him in more situations. It has to naturalize.

It's certainly more comfortable to do IC in pbp. I never was much for it when I played. I always was just more descriptive. It's cool. It's like we're writing a collective story.

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

That's Exactly what we're doing Tyrn! A fantastic, fantastical, long, ongoing, collective story. Welcome to the game. And to your new addiction! ; )

Male Human, Cygnan

Haha. Thank you. It's a healthy addiction! I can quit whenever I want to... :-s

Male Human, Cygnan

Oh, I just saw that the armor never distorted reality in the first place. I suck at reading. haha. Been asking the wrong questions the whole time.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Took me forever to write that post and then the site was down for like 10 hours...

Sorry about your phone, DM. I guarantee there's a win coming your way. Seems as though you've been getting the short straw these past couple months but things balance out eventually. With that in mind, I'll send you my mailing info for when you win the lottery :-)

Yeah the forums being down messed up several posts which now i'm retyping them.... Blargh xD

I will be caught up again tomorrow, hopefully we haven't lost Di :/ I will PM her in the morning~

Male Human, Cygnan

So how is magic treated in this world? Like, if people, commoners and such, were to witness the use of it, what would the reaction be?

I also just had one more question about k-checks. According to the skills section, it qualifies for the take 20 option. Could I do that from now on when not under stress or anything (basically when I'm capable of rolling so many times to where I'd eventually get a 20)? I wanted to make sure before I just assumed 20 in my later posts. Thanks!

I'm very much enjoying the campaign so far! Awesome universe.

sorry guys major internet issues, won't be able to post until sometime tomorrow morning. Again sorry about the wait!

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

No worries. I've been having some inconsistencies with my home network as well.

Where my Stormwin at?

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

O, and I sent you a PM, Corerue.

I got your PM Cassian, still working on getting on board with working nights. Its been a rough couple of days. I will look at it again and get back with you shortly~

Posts are up, I spent part of my work night training a guy and had him running things while I supervised quietly. So I typed some things up and will work to get everything moving forward again~

Di will be with us shortly to continue her battle with the dragon in the skies of Rennor.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Cool cool. A quick little detail while you may/may not be close: Would MoG's Thought Transference have given me a basic layout of the temple? More specifically, would I know where to find Sil?

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Still around, y'all. Figured I'd just wait to post in case my character has knowledge of where he should be going next. I'd hate to have to double back or make redundant posts and break the flow of the story.

Also: WTF is up with these fraggin' boards!?

@Cassian: I'll keep it simple, at the moment you don't remember anything just yet but you still have a nausea feeling...

@Ael: I will post later. Losing internet in five minutes :( sorry.

Also yeah the boards are driving me friggen nuts! I have 78 posts on Skyfall.... its weird. It's also wrecking everyone dots, so I will have to hit Mir up later. =/

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

It actually completely ate my post.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Mirrianissa wrote:
It actually completely ate my post.

I noticed that. It said there was an update from you but whenever I clicked on it I was brought to Tyrn's post.

The Dev's just can't win.

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

And now it's back after I re-rolled

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

That's really messed up... I'd say take all the better rolls as payment for the hardships we've suffered since their maintenance took place. Most of my stuff doesn't update anymore. I just check the time of last post.

Male Human, Cygnan

Yeah, mine is being weird too. No messages are deleted or anything. But it keeps saying there are new posts when there isn't.

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

The 'x new' number isn't being wiped when you visit a thread... very annoying and I hope it will be fixed soon.

The Paizo techies say that these are wrinkles from the upgrade which should be good in the long-term but just needs some ironing out.

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