Skyfall - Colonies of the Shining Sea

Game Master Corerue

Battle at the lift

Crosses vs

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Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

I equal Cassian's str...well my right arm at least...and if that doesn't make sense then you haven't read my history...

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)
Leon Cross wrote:
I equal Cassian's str...well my right arm at least...and if that doesn't make sense then you haven't read my history...

Whoops, yeah, sorry Leon...forgot about your crazy robot arm. :)

(also, fleshed out my history/personality, if anyone was curious)

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Besides having a reliable to-hit chance, I wanted to take full advantage of maneuver mastery for trip and disarm (I don't like being shot).

I should be able to keep a decent AC when paired with expertise and eventually dodge & mobility. That plus my comparative HP should let me survive a little longer than the majority of the team. Acrobatic dodge can only save you every other turn provided you didn't use a swift action so despite what I originally thought after reading the feat, AC still matters.

In/out of combat, my array of Knowledge skills should prove somewhat useful. After lvl 7 they add a lovely bit of fluffy fighting perks.

Like everyone else: a respectable acrobatics, lol!

Decent Diplomacy, it gets better if I'm clean and handsome. Decent Craft(alchemy) and Linguistics. O and profession(airship pilot)! I may actually take skill focus in that. Hmmmmmmm...

Basically, reliability is all you'll get out of my character in combat. I should be a consistent headache to whoever/whatever we're fighting.

I really wanted to avoid the "typical fighter" when I put Cassian to errr... paper. He's not the full-plated instigator swinging a greatsword (or falchion as you kids are so wild about these days). I wanted to make him a charming and brilliant scoundrel of sorts. If you were to meet him in game, you'd probably assume he's a full-blooded rogue.

Because I'm not sure of what type of campaign this will develop into I've been keeping my character evolution sort of loose. There's a very real chance I'll go into the Duelist Prc but idk what options Corerue is keeping up his sleeves so I'm not at the point of crunching numbers and drawing up a feat progression.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Donovan Lynch wrote:
(also, fleshed out my history/personality, if anyone was curious)

Hooray for childhood shipyard hooligans!!!

*Shoots gun wildly in the air*

Everyone, as I have been up almost 18 hours now I apologize. Tomorrow at 6 am my time I will post the first introduction posts to the campaign in the game thread and answer your questions here.

Ael: The sash is very nice. :)

Di: A wand rifle, it sounds interesting but I am trying to figure if it will be balanced or not. Right now I am pretty brain dead. Sorry ~.~

Donovan: Sorry for not saying it sooner, but yes the 2k can be spent however you like. ;)

Cassian: I will paste the rules when I get a chance, its a fairly wordy document so you may have a little reading to do. lol I will summarize if i can

I will post again tomorrow, sorry for the wait guys. I'm loving the discussions going on btw~

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
DM Corerue wrote:
Cassian: I will paste the rules when I get a chance, its a fairly wordy document so you may have a little reading to do. lol I will summarize if i can

That's fine. You can mail it to me if you want. I can give you my outside email if it's too big of a file.

I'm greatly looking forward to starting but for now, get some sleep!

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

Ok one question for later, given the far more tribal nature of the nomads, can magic items be modified a bit, such as boots being an anklet, so as not to get in the way of the rake attack?

Figured right now additional wealth would probably be a pouch of rough gems and other such items.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Ok so 9ish my time...I can live with that.

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

I'm not sure how Aelessaer will be useful in combat yet: she's got a debuff and some other little tricks but she's essentially doing +8/1d6+3 most of the time.
Mostly I think she'll be a disruptor, especially at level 5 when her haste+bullet dodge kicks in.

She can self-heal a lot as well, which might come in handy.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Oh yea...I do have one more out of combat use....I just don't think any of the PC's with "G" at the end of their alignment will like Leon's use of intimidate...

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

Hey no worries, get your rest man!

As for the wand attachments to the rifle, basically all it would benefit is allowing her to use them without having to waste movement actions putting down her rifle or getting them out of her bag/sack/bandoleer etc.

Well, also possibly could have a +1 to hit benefit with ranged wand spells and/or rays.

Real quick, Di is mainly a ranged heavy damage dealer, but with her Deft Shootist feat she can get up close & personal when she wants to as well. Plus the sorcerer level should help give some arcane untility that we're otherwise lacking.

And ya, we'll have to be loading up on potions and/or wands of healing alright!

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)
Aelessaer wrote:
I'm not sure how Aelessaer will be useful in combat yet: she's got a debuff and some other little tricks but she's essentially doing +8/1d6+3 most of the time.

Yeah, but you have some Out of Combat tricks...scouting (with Stealth, Escape Artist, Climb, etc), Bluff and Sleight, and Knowledges.

I was really surprised though, that Time Thief doesn't get any sneak attack progression.

Leon wrote:
Oh yea...I do have one more out of combat use....I just don't think any of the PC's with "G" at the end of their alignment will like Leon's use of intimidate...

Hey, Neutral here. Break all the fingers you want. :)

LOL...Cassian and Donovan could do the "good cop/bad cop"...and Donovan and Leon could do "bad cop/worse cop". :)

Sorry, 1 more question (which I already suspect the answer to):

Most bonuses to attack rolls also apply to CMB checks...does Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) add to a grapple check?

From what I've seen on the boards, the stock answer is "no, you have to take WF: grapple"...but that's a bit weird. See, all other forms of WF add to normal attack rolls AND CMB checks...but you never make a normal attack roll with a grapple. So having to take WF: grapple is a little weird; it gets you less than a normal WF. Heck, "grapple" isn't even a weapon; it's a combat maneuver. You don't take WF: trip.

So how does the DM feel on this issue?

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

I would figure than anything that doesn't require an attack roll, doesn't benefit from weapon focus. You can practice striking for accuracy all you want, it doesn't make you a better wrestler.

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)
Mirrianissa wrote:
I would figure than anything that doesn't require an attack roll, doesn't benefit from weapon focus. You can practice striking for accuracy all you want, it doesn't make you a better wrestler.

Core rulebook, page 199:


When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus. Add any bonuses you currently have on attack rolls due to spells, feats, and other effects. These bonuses must be applicable to the weapon or attack used to perform the maneuver.

(a little further down)
Combat maneuvers are attack rolls...

So it's pretty clear that Weapon Focus does add to CMB for long as "the bonus is applicable to the weapon or attack used". So if I try to trip a guy using a guisarme and have Weapon Focus (guisarme), I get the +1.

So the real question is, is an unarmed strike "applicable" to grappling. Considering punching and wrestling are both forms of barehanded fighting, and the fact that a monk can do an unarmed strike with any part of their body, I'd say yes. Paizo has said no, but has not given any rationale (that I've seen). But what the DM says is what matters. :)

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Leon Cross wrote:
Oh yea...I do have one more out of combat use....I just don't think any of the PC's with "G" at the end of their alignment will like Leon's use of intimidate...

I think artisan tools only apply to craft skills but you can legitimately torture people with the Heal skill, just not sure how many friends you'd make. A Healer's Kit adds +2 and Surgeon's Tools bumps that bonus up to a +3. If anything that gives you another out of combat skill.

I also noticed your BAB is a point off if your still ninja 1/assassin 3.

Donovan wrote:
So the real question is, is an unarmed strike "applicable" to grappling.

I've always ruled that it applies. Anything that adds to an attack roll boosts CMB, just like dodge/deflection/circumstance/etc... add to CMD. The only benefit of using a weapon with a maneuver quality is that you can use it without provoking AoO's and drop it if you fail terribly.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Tool, Masterwork: This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack

Male Tabaxy Paladin 2

I am on a business trip until Sunday morning. I'll try to post before that if the game starts, but I am not sure if I'll be able.

Cassian Vespertine wrote:
DM Corerue wrote:
Cassian: I will paste the rules when I get a chance, its a fairly wordy document so you may have a little reading to do. lol I will summarize if i can

That's fine. You can mail it to me if you want. I can give you my outside email if it's too big of a file.

I'm greatly looking forward to starting but for now, get some sleep!

I can email it to you then and anyone else for that matter if they want to PM their emails. :)

Num-Rah wrote:
I am on a business trip until Sunday morning. I'll try to post before that if the game starts, but I am not sure if I'll be able.

RL takes precedence Num-Rah, we'll keep your seat warm. Have fun, hopefully! :)

Cassian Vespertine wrote:

Donovan wrote:
So the real question is, is an unarmed strike "applicable" to grappling.
I've always ruled that it applies. Anything that adds to an attack roll boosts CMB, just like dodge/deflection/circumstance/etc... add to CMD. The only benefit of using a weapon with a maneuver quality is that you can use it without provoking AoO's and drop it if you fail terribly.

I agree with Cassian and in the end it is only a small bonus and the 50/50 rule applies. What is good for you is good for the enemy as well. Bare that in mind. ;)

I was thinking of allowing variant rules such as, piecemeal armor (which is neat~) and Called Shots. Grant the 50/50 applies there as well. I have never utilized called shots before and would like to see if they are any good. BUT if you guys want to avoid that shabang thats fine.

The other item that will added is Hero Points, you get one per lvl and so each of you will start with 4 hero points.

Mirrianissa wrote:

Ok one question for later, given the far more tribal nature of the nomads, can magic items be modified a bit, such as boots being an anklet, so as not to get in the way of the rake attack?

Figured right now additional wealth would probably be a pouch of rough gems and other such items.

Sure we can figure some neat items out, besides a different world may have different rules when it comes to magic or imbuing things thereof with Magic. ;)

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]
Leon Cross wrote:
Tool, Masterwork: This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack

Neato. I didn't realize they made an item that boosts any skill. I still have some sort of 3.5 tunnel vision that affects a lot of decisions in character building. I'm sure I can think of a number of skills that could use that bonus.

DM Corerue wrote:
I can email it to you then and anyone else for that matter if they want to PM their emails. :)

That would be great. I think that the PM system is a really neat tool. All of the posting format still applies so it's a good way for one member of the party to do something without the other players knowing whats up.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

I like the called shots idea. It works very well for an assassin.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16
Cassian Vespertine wrote:

DM Corerue wrote:
I can email it to you then and anyone else for that matter if they want to PM their emails. :)
That would be great. I think that the PM system is a really neat tool. All of the posting format still applies so it's a good way for one member of the party to do something without the other players knowing whats up.

Actually for whatever reason dice rolls can't be done in pm.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Well that sucks. Only one thing to do.

Dear Paizo Mail Designers,

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]
Cassian Vespertine wrote:
Leon Cross wrote:
Tool, Masterwork: This well-made item is the perfect tool for the job. It grants a +2 circumstance bonus on a related skill check (if any). Bonuses provided by multiple masterwork items do not stack
Neato. I didn't realize they made an item that boosts any skill. I still have some sort of 3.5 tunnel vision that affects a lot of decisions in character building. I'm sure I can think of a number of skills that could use that bonus.

You have to choose the skill when you buy it. One item per skill.

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)

I am in favor of the Called Shot rules...they look interesting, without being overpowering. :)

I am against the piecemeal armor rules, primarily because they offend my sensibilities of how armor works in D&D (for instance, I don't personally consider default "Studded Leather" to include arm or leg armor; likewise, I thought "Breastplate" armor included gauntlets and greaves). Not to mention...I really don't see any advantage to using them. They wrote the rules to prevent abuse (which is good), but the end result is that there is no real reason (I can see) to use them.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Same here on both called shots and piecemeal armor.

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)

Would someone kindly tell me what "dotting" is, and how to use it? I would be obliged.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Well it was mostly to get it to show up in my campaign list since posting in ooc doesn't do it. But normally it is to make it easier to follow later on.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

I apologize for the cliche but I'm not sure how I should introduce anyone else's characters. I figured I'd put myself somewhere accessible so you guys can go for it at your leisure.

Di - I'm sure you're more than welcome to have been on the same ship as Cassian. Join me?

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

Got to say I like your introduction post Cassian.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Thanks! The "icebreaker" post is always the hardest and I didn't really have the choice to give anyone else that responsibility. It took me a while to put together something I liked so I'm happy to hear it meets expectations. :)

Very enjoyable first post! Sorry again everyone the days at work have been rather unkind as of late >.<;

Dark Archive

I'm back and ready to join the game.

I have to modify my character a bit, to reflect the extra wealth, but otherwise I'm good to go.

Human Skyborne Sorcerer 1/ Myterious Stranger Musket Master Gunslinger 4; HP 46/46, AC 22/18/14, Init +8, Perception +9, F7/ R11/ W6

Ok, so am I correct in thinking that the Longgunner longcoat is the same as the armored coat, but modified to be light armor

If not, please do give the stats for it. Just finishing up, posting in a bit!

Go with that for now and once I can get to my digital books I will post the others later. :/ Technology doesn't like me today! lol

For those of you in Cygnus you can meet up however you want, the Initial posts are only a flavorful beginning and I tried to fit in your backgrounds into the equation. I cannot wait to see the rest of the posts. :)

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

I guess I imagine Cassian looking something like the kid from John Carter or Jake Gyllinhale or someone along those lines. Boyishly handsome, not rugged or brutish like Clint Eastwood or Thor. He definitely wouldn't look like he has a STR 20.

I see him as a bit of a cross between Michael Fassbender's character in Inglorious Bastards, Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones, and Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher (yes, two swords. I know, I know...) all meshed together in terms of personality and skills.

Male Tabaxy Paladin 2

This is how I envision Num-Rah, only white.

Male Human Rogue 1 (Thug) / Monk 1 (Martial Artist) / Fighter 2 (Brawler)

I imagine Donovan looks a bit like a cross between a young Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, and Simon Pegg. :)

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)


Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Cool cool. Great links by our Tabaxi friends. Hell of a lot better than thinking of Thundercats.

Definitely in favor of Called Shots. I think they're really neat and my old RL group used to use something along those lines all the time. Super helpful to our ranged combatants.

I really like the idea of piecemeal armor because it reminds me of things like Diablo II or Elder Scrolls but I doubt it would work that way in practice. It would be neat to have skill/ability boosting items on each individual piece of armor but by the core rules those bonuses wouldn't stack and blah blah blah. Enchanting armor would be a bit confusing too... I can easily see being confused by it in the end.

Besides we've already got:

Magic Items on the Body:

SRD, Magic Items on the Body wrote:

Many magic items need to be donned by a character who wants to employ them or benefit from their abilities. It's possible for a creature with a humanoid-shaped body to wear as many as 15 magic items at the same time. However, each of those items must be worn on (or over) a particular part of the body, known as a “slot.”

A humanoid-shaped body can be decked out in magic gear consisting of one item from each of the following groups, keyed to which slot on the body the item is worn.

Armor: suits of armor.
Belts: belts and girdles.
Body: robes and vestments.
Chest: mantles, shirts, and vests.
Eyes: eyes, glasses, and goggles.
Feet: boots, shoes, and slippers.
Hands: gauntlets and gloves.
Head: circlets, crowns, hats, helms, and masks.
Headband: headbands and phylacteries.
Neck: amulets, brooches, medallions, necklaces, periapts, and scarabs.
Ring (up to two): rings.
Shield: shields.
Shoulders: capes and cloaks.
Wrist: bracelets and bracers.

Of course, a character may carry or possess as many items of the same type as he wishes. However, additional items beyond those in the slots listed above have no effect.

Some items can be worn or carried without taking up a slot on a character's body. The description of an item indicates when an item has this property.

**Y'know I never realized that "girdles" were on that list. Weird...**

Donovan - Nice assessment! Definitely a pretty boy, haha.

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

Aelessaer, only with different equipment.

the pictures are awesome and totally what I envision the characters themselves to be like, especially Mir and Num-Rah. The Tabaxi are a ver lean people and very close to what Mir has for their picture, near Identical except for the long hair. ;)

Hopefully I am not boring anyone with the details, its been a Looooooonnnnnggg time since I DMed and I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. Let me know if there is anything I can do to make it more enjoyable. :)

Female Tabaxi Ranger/ Barbarian 6 (Skirmisher, Natural weapon style/ Invulnerable Rager)

Wow, my opening scene just may result in going out in a blaze of glory!

This should be fun, will post soon.

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

I really like the way each character is being introduced in their own environment. It gives things a cinematic feel to it by jumping between these little scenes and episodes. I especially like how Diyeana and I are sharing a scene in the same place as Donovan while he's got his own thing going on.

Shadow Assassin/Shadow Warrior 6 (HP 90 AC 19, T 16, Flat 13 F+5 R+10 W+11 Init +8/10; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +16

I'm just trying to figure out how to best introduce Leon with what's given atm...

Human Lore Warden // Talented Monk 6
HP 84/84, Nonlethal 84/84; AC 28, touch 23, Flat Footed 19; CMD 36 (+2 v Trip, +1 v Heavy Blades); Fort +9, Reflex +11, Will +9; Blindsense 30ft; Perception +12; Initiative +5; Acrobatic Dodge (+16) [8/8 day]

Jeez Aelessaer, your situation is a bit creepy...

Good Luck!

Female Human Time Thief 6 [Current HP 37 Total HP 37, Init +5, Perception +9, AC 20/15/15]

For a moment I thought it might go a bit matrix and I might find you guys in the other containers...

Aelessaer definitely wishes she was enjoying a beer with you guys.

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