About Tyrn JadeTyrn Jade
Special Abilities:
Class Features Rogue (scroll scoundrel) Sneak attack +3d6, Evasion, Trapfinding, Elusive Gambit, Pay it Back, Adaptive Learning, Fast Talker. Rogue Talents Underhanded Bleeding Attack Powerful Sneak Alchemist (mindchemist) Bomb 3d6, Cognatogen, Perfect Recall, Swift Poisoning, Poison Resistance +6, Swift Alchemy, Alchemy, Brew Potion, Throw Anything. Discovery Explosive Bomb Ectoplasmic Bomb Wings Extracts (#/day): 1st 6/day: Polypurpose Panacea, Shield (2), Targeted Bomb Admixture (2), Illusion of Calm. 2nd 4/day: Invisibility (2), Fox’s Cunning, Dark Vision, Touch Injection. Heroic Distinctions: Lvl(x): 3: Lucky (+1 Saves). 4: Magical Training (+1 to attacks, damage, and caster level checks with spells. 5: Dextrous (+2 Dex). 6: Intelligent (+2 Int). Racial Traits: Human Traits: Focused Study (Skill focus 1st, 8th, and 16th level), Heart of the Wild (replaces Bonus Skill point). Youxia: Combat Focus +1/2lvl (Saber), Ki Pool (1/2lvl+Wis), Healing Chi (2d6), Hammer Blow (+2d6), Iron Shirt (1/2lvl+2)
Skill Details:
Total Ranks: LEVEL(8+INT) = 84 Trained Skills
Acrobatics*(DEX) 7+5+3+2=17
(r) = Ranks
Equipment Details:
Equipped Torso: Mithril Chain Shirt (+4 AC). Total Weight:
In/On Backpack
Total Weight:
Total Weight Carried lbs
Background, Physical Description & Personality:
Personality, motives, and psyche: Tyrn is experienced, eager, and above all, curious. He's a good person at heart and mind, but his actions and behavior correspond more with a CN alignment. Pushing buttons (with people and non-peoples) is what makes him tick. He's a scientist at heart and in outlook, perceiving the world with wonder and the need to know. He has a vast understanding of other people and cultures, and is less concerned with causing violence and more concerned with building bridges, often talking his way out of a battle, or turning enemies against each other during a battle. Still, he is not objected to defending himself by any means necessary, and is an incredibly dirty fighter, taking cheap shots wherever he can to ensure his cosmic right to survival. He has an incredible intellect, and often thinks against the grain, either putting people off, or inspiring new ideas within them. His main motivation in life is to affect the future of civilization, toward what he perceives to be a pinnacle, eudamonic culture, through the power of ideas. He can be viewed as a sort of renaissance man. Tyrn is inspired by Carl Sagan, Leo Davinci, Ben Franklin, and Sherlock Holmes.
Physical description: Tyrn is an older man, but his long years of activity and expeditions have left him still in conditioned physique (of course not like he used to be). His aim is still sharp, as well. He’s taller than average (6’ 1” relatively), and is a solid 185 llbs (relatively). He has thick, wavy, long, silvery-grey hair that drops to about four inches past his shoulders (typically worn down) and with an equally colored full-beard to match. His hair is natty, which is indicative of his low-maintenance, practical lifestyle. His skin is tan and weathered from being exposed to multiple harsh environments. He has many knicks and knacks, some major, some minor which all have stories to tell (which he loves to talk about). His eyes sit slightly deep in his skull, which are a conspicuous emerald green, which seem more vibrant when contrasted with his dark eye-brows. I know. He looks a lot like Sean Connery from The Rock . It was not intended! It’s just the phenotype that came to mind based on his traits and qualities. ***Quick Character Details***
***Background*** Abbreviated background/profession: I’m not sure really on the timescale, but I’m assuming since Tryn is 60, he was around for Rennor’s rule? But anyways, Tyrn was born in Cygnus, and is the 3rd child of 4. During his adolescence, his older brother and sister had moved to the Free Cities after their service, and Tyrn and his younger sister still lived with their parents in Rennor. Tyrn was always very capable of learning new things really quickly. He also absorbs knowledge and develops understanding of concepts with ease, which led to him attending special private schools that his parents poured every penny into. I’m assuming there is war going on during all of this time, so around age 10, Tyrn’s parents are both killed during a siege that occurred while he was away visiting family with his younger sister. Unable to stay in Cygnus, Tyrn and his sister (Zoe) move to the Free Cities to live in rural Argos (or some other place that you know exists ) with their uncle who they were just visiting. Tyrn’s uncle, Jecht, was a hunter and woodsman and taught him many practical skills (Life in Cygnus = bard levels. Life in Argos = rogue levels. Haha). Around age 15, he moved back to Cygnus to enlist with the military. He spent 5 years as a reconnaissance officer, and was often relied upon for analyzing extensive, clever strategies for operations. The next two years after his service was spent as a privateer. Life from his 20’s to his late 30’s was a big miscellaneous series of adventurers and even more miscellaneous company. Tyrn was never able to settle down. It never sat well with him. Life was too big for that, and he saw more for himself with life as an adventurer. Whether it’s travelling with gypsies, or aligning with a group of ruffians, his relationships were often short lived, for something or someone new to learn was shortly in sight. He wrote many books during this time, with many subjects including his adventures, philosophy, science, or books on specific skills. I’m just assuming being level 4 and his background, he’d have some notoriety? If not, no bigs, it’s just an assumption. As of Tryn in more recent times, with not as much traveling done, he has been relied on for his expertise by many agencies (government, private, etc.), and has also aided with diplomatic relations with other nations (since he’s been nearly all over. All the main kingdoms at least). So CURRENTLY currently, I’d say he is residing somewhere in the Free Cities, living a much quieter life. It’s been 11 years since his last adventure as a diplomat to the Empire of Qin, which he suffered a severe heart attack en route back to Cygnus. From his late 30’s to present, he focused mainly on his studies and research on many of the Demi-humans and their disappearance. But life would not stay quiet forever, as word got out about the recent siege of Cygnus, and….. so he enters the campaign somehow! ***Physical Description*** Tyrn is an older man, but his long years of activity and expeditions have left him still in conditioned physique (of course not like he used to be). His aim is still sharp, as well. He’s taller than average (6’ 1” relatively), and is a solid 185 llbs (relatively). He has thick, wavy, long, silvery-grey hair that drops to about four inches past his shoulders (typically worn down) and with an equally colored full-beard to match. His hair is natty, which is indicative of his low-maintenance, practical lifestyle. His skin is tan and weathered from being exposed to multiple harsh environments. He has many knicks and knacks, some major, some minor which all have stories to tell (which he loves to talk about). His eyes sit slightly deep in his skull, which are a conspicuous emerald green, which seem more vibrant when contrasted with his dark eye-brows. I know. He looks a lot like Sean Connery from The Rock . It was not intended! It’s just the phenotype that came to mind based on his traits and qualities. ***Personality*** Personality, motives, and psyche: Tyrn is experienced, eager, and above all, curious. He's a good person at heart and mind, but his actions and behavior correspond more with a CN alignment. Pushing buttons (with people and non-peoples) is what makes him tick. He's a scientist at heart and in outlook, perceiving the world with wonder and the need to know. He has a vast understanding of other people and cultures, and is less concerned with causing violence and more concerned with building bridges, often talking his way out of a battle, or turning enemies against each other during a battle. Still, he is not objected to defending himself by any means necessary, and is an incredibly dirty fighter, taking cheap shots wherever he can to ensure his cosmic right to survival. He has an incredible intellect, and often thinks against the grain, either putting people off, or inspiring new ideas within them. His main motivations in life (his personal "legendary" motivations) is to affect the future of civilization, toward what he perceives to be a pinnacle, eudamonic culture, through the power of ideas. He can be viewed as a sort of renaissance man. Tyrn is inspired by Carl Sagan, Leo Davinci, Ben Franklin, and Euelle Gibbons. --------------------
Combat Stat Block:
[ spoiler=Round X Initiative X] HP: 40 AC: 20, Touch 16, Flat Footed 14 CMD: 20 Saves: Fort: 6, Refl: 11, Will: 5 Speed: 30 ft/round Equipped: Mithril Chain Shirt (+4 AC), Conditions: none Attack/Damage:
Melee Ranged Misc Modifiers