Cassian Vespertine |

Thanks for accepting me! My sheet is 100% ready to go. I took the acrobatic dodge feat from SGG which I'm kinda wavering on since it seems really one-sided so it's up to you if you accept it. I've linked sources so it's your call.
Looking forward to starting! :-)

Leon Cross |

Ok so from a quick glance its looking like our group is going to be a fairly sneaky group right? Also I'm nervous/interested in seeing what happens when/if the tabaxi group meet with us. Since Nightflier is playing a paladin I think it will ne an entertaining event.

Spartakos |

I'm going to be revising a few minor things (I think I'll swap Enforcer for Power Attack, and I want to have 3 ranks of Acrobatics).
And if I got everything right, we're looking at...
2 Ninjas, correct? :)
Time Thief
Lore Warden fighter
So yeah...fairly sneaky.
How do our characters know each other? Do they even? Should we have some sort of relationship or affiliation prior to the beginning of the campaign, or will we meet in media res?
I'd assume myself, Cassian, and Diyeana might possibly know each other, since we're all ex-military from Cygnus (although my service branch does not match as well as theirs; I suppose I could have traveled aboard one of their ships, though). Likewise, it looks like Aelessaer might have a connection, as she traveled on a Cygnaran ship. Aelessaer, being from Cryx, might know the Crosses as well (I'm presuming you guys have some Cryxian connection?). Finally, after reading Cassian's backstory it seems he and I might have known each other from our 'troubled youth' days. :)
I am up for any connection that anyone would care to expand on with my character.
Questions for the DM:
1.) Should we repost character sheets, either here or in another thread?
2.) Is there any particular starting location I should be prepared for, or do I have a free hand as far as that?
3.) I assume I'm permitted to invent people/places as necessary for my backstory?

Diyeana Stormwin |

Whoo-ho! Happy to be on the team and excited to play!
Will have character sheet and expanded background up and ready asap, have just had very little to no free time of late. That will end very soon though.
Spartakos (and all) I'm totally up for connections as well, and will post some ideas shortly.
Congrats all! This is gonna be great! : D

DM Corerue |

Any last minute revisions is fine, I am currently working. While sneaking a post, nyarr~. If you want your characters to play up there abilities to each others strengths that's fine with me.
Acrobatic dodge is fine, as Leon already pointed out. ;)
simply post in the ooc when your character is revised/complete and I will look it over in your profile, no point in pasting it again and again. :)
I can post a number of cities or towns if you want. The capital city is Rennor, named after the king who broke off from the Bright Empire years before. Rennor is a major port and heavily fortified 'Castle City' as a lot of the architecture is made of stone and reinforced masonry. The city has faced numerous attacks in its time but has held off even the most vicious of Cryx's assaults.
Yes, you may invented people and places, these people could be used as followers and contacts in the future as well. Please though don't make a oblige 20 or something like that without my approval please. ;)
I will get to answering more questions as I have time.

DM Corerue |

Any last minute revisions is fine, I am currently working. While sneaking a post, nyarr~. If you want your characters to play up there abilities to each others strengths that's fine with me.
Acrobatic dodge is fine, as Leon already pointed out. ;)
simply post in the ooc when your character is revised/complete and I will look it over in your profile, no point in pasting it again and again. :)
I can post a number of cities or towns if you want. The capital city is Rennor, named after the king who broke off from the Bright Empire years before. Rennor is a major port and heavily fortified 'Castle City' as a lot of the architecture is made of stone and reinforced masonry. The city has faced numerous attacks in its time but has held off even the most vicious of Cryx's assaults.
Yes, you may invent people and places, these people could be used as followers and contacts in the future as well. Please though don't make a oblige 20 or something like that without my approval please. ;)
I will get to answering more questions as I have time.

Aelessaer |

I am good to go.
However, I am concerned about adventuring with evil assassins. We have a paladin in the group and my character is CG. She has suffered under evil's yoke and is not in a position psychologically to shrug stuff off: she knows exactly what it feels like to be the victim and that colours her response.
Leon's character stuff suggests that he will look and act just like the people who ruined most of Aelessaer's life.
If Aelessaer walked into a shop and saw Leon, she'd probably just leave and look for another shop: nervously looking over her shoulder the whole time and with one hand on her sword hilt.
It's going to take some impressive GM chops to bring this group together.

Leon Cross |

Well technically its only one evil assassin, and being put into slavery because of your father's indiscretions and having your mother's life used to control you. And then having her die literally moments before you could have saved her will leave some emotional scarring.
Its more of a defensive evil than the CRB's definition of evil.
Here is a small conversation I had with Coreue previously about this exact issue.
Cryx –
The Nightmare Empire, ruled by the dead. Yet home to both the dead and living. Life has no meaning here as the meat markets are full of slaves and corpses bought and sold to evil beings, necromancers and other foul practitioners of the dark arts. The black ships of Cryx are known to raid coastlines, battlefields and ancient ruins in search of valuables. Necrotite is the most sought after item among Cryxian’s as it powers most of their war machines and is a major power source for necromantic rituals within their empire.
Not much else is known about this terrible empire because none of the existing kingdoms, except Cygnus, have ever come into direct conflict with Cryx. It is believed that Cryx is ruled by the same Lich Lords that lead its armies and that the ultimate leader is an immensely powerful and enormous Dracolich that is rumored to have godlike abilities. In all recorded history this dracolich has been seen a handful of times and each time he has left destruction in his wake, leaving entire cities burning wreckages of their former selves.
If you see the blood red sails of a Cryxian Blackship, your best and only option is too run full sail and pray that they don’t catch you. Because where there is one of these foul ships,. There are usually more lurking in somewhere nearby.
Most of Cryx’s economy is fueled by stolen goods, slave trade and the creation of newer, more deadly necromantic weapons.
Classes that hail from Cryx: All, Neutral (rare) / Evil Alignment’s only
What alignments are you two thinking about using? Because Crux is a brutal place and unless your just as cruel and evil as the best of them, then you won't survive long. Granted if you originated there and escaped to the mainland, that could work.
In Cryx the weak suffer far worse then in any other nation. Most of the time people there are more then willing to sell their children, their family and even their neighbors to the Meat Market's if they can get away with it. It is the Nightmare Empire for a reason. Now Neutral people can survive their but good doesn't thrive for long because it is a nation of evil and goodness is eventually crushed under the weight of such overbearing oppression. Especially when everyone there si going to use you to ensure their survival.
When Cygnus attacked they used this distraction to kill their handler and escape. Alignment is either chaotic neutral or possibly even lawful evil, but unlikely cause I'm not really sure how to play thy alignment. But I was thinking extremely self serving not really caring who gets hurt in the process as long as he and Aurora are safe. Like he would kill in self defense or even in preemptive-self defense. As noted by Kylar in this quote from the Night Angel series.“If you tell the Chantry of my existence, I’ll have every Sister in the world on the lookout for me. For the rest of a very long life. Maybe for me it’s better to take the risk once, with one Sister, than to have to deal with every newly frocked tart looking to make a name for herself for all eternity.” “So you’d murder me in cold blood?” she asked. “Call it preemptive self-defense.”
What do you call someone who will kill for those he cares about and for survival yet not always in self-defense? See this is what I hate about the "alignments" they are to black and white even chaotic neutral doesn't really work for this concept only evil, and yet to do that it only reads as a villain and yet paizo's own magus prevent is LE.

Aelessaer |

Well, I've not read those books but if the Sisters/Chantry are evil then I would say that killing one to keep the rest off your back is a good/neutral act.
If the Sisters/Chantry are good and hunting him for his crimes then that is different.
Protecting people is good.
Choosing people close to you over others is neutral.
Choosing to make other people suffer/die for you and yours is evil, as long as the choice is yours to make.
I note that Leon is not an 'assassin' but rather a shadow assassin, so mechanically he does not have to be evil.
Are you saying that Leon was an assassin who killed people for money, with the threat of his mother's own life used to compel him to do evil?
If that is the case then...
People who are neutral with respect to good and evil have compunctions against killing the innocent, but may lack the commitment to make sacrifices to protect or help others.
It certainly doesn't scream:
Lawful Evil: A lawful evil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order, but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank. He is loath to break laws or promises.
If my interpretation is correct then Leon could well be a Neutral character living under an evil regime/society - he did not want to make sacrifices for others (losing people he cared about) but he did not choose to kill people.
Maybe I've misunderstood but Leon seems like a character ripe for redemption. No?

Leon Cross |

He wasn't paid for his murders, he was a slave his mother was just insurance and was also a slave. And died during Cygnus' attack on blackwater which allowed him and Aurora to leave originally with his mother in tow only to discover her dead.
So what true neutral? On a rollercoaster between good and evil?
Yes acrobatic dodge is a fun feat hopefully it will keep me alive. :)

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My paladin will be LN, more concerned with honor than what is Good. Also, he is a cat, so the fighting from the ambush is perfectly good way to kill to him. So, technically, he should be OK even with LE assassin - a ruthless but honorable character, who understands the values of civilization.
Of course, much depends on GM.

DM Corerue |

I am fairly lax when it comes to alignments and Leon's story fits, if he chooses to change to TN or CN I don't mind. Alignments can change overtime as well, I look at his LE as his way of coping with the foulness and vile ways of Cryx. He also did quote me correctly, Cryx is not a place for the light hearted.
Granted I don't mind the discussion. :)
Nightflier: Since the Tabaxi worship aspects and are not directly linked to a god, I won't strip you of your powers just because you associate with someone who is evil. Now if you go against your ideals or code of honor, then it would be another matter of course. ;)

Leon Cross |

I'd like to keep Leon's alignment evil, because it fits his ruthlessness better than neutral. He isn't an arsehat or anything and even attempts to fight for the "good" guys. He considers himself mostly good in the sense that he doesn't enjoy causing others pain and certainly won't randomly cause others pain for the shear enjoyment of it. But he is also not above poisoning a potential enemy's dinner rather than waiting for him to attack later.
He isn't assaulted by ethics or morals once his mind is made up. He may regret his decisions after the fact but not during. Act now doubt later. Of course if it is an issue altogether I'll go TN but I'd rather not. Though technically Aelessaer wouldn't know his alignment, now she may question some things he does. Because he is unlikely to leave a defeated enemy alive since that is putting a threat at your back and just asking for retribution.
Also as far as honorable goes I suppose he is in the sense that if he gives you his word he is unlikely to betray it, and he is loyal to those he feels deserve it.

Cassian Vespertine |

Though technically Aelessaer wouldn't know his alignment, now she may question some things he does.
*cough* Detect Evil *cough* :p
Cassian's created his 'honor' system basically to justify his own ambitions. I see it straddling the fence between CG and CN but resolved to make him true to his own code, thus LN.
I'm happy to link backgrounds with anyone who has a plausible idea. Cassian has spent many years abroad so there's a good chance he's crossed paths (or swords) with most of you.
His status in the Cygnan military is up for questioning. I'm not sure how the game will start but I figured I'd give the potential to be in a neutral enough place for all of us to meet. He would have joined for selfish reasons anyways...

Leon Cross |

I wouldn't pop up yet as evil I need one more level. :p Also it has been 20 years since he's been a real assassin he now does more mercenary work than anything now. On occasion even helping Cygnus fight of Cryxian warships.

DM Corerue |

Awww yes! Khaladon had asked if other forces were employe by Cygnus and indeed there are! I totally spaced to post that Cygnus has a health appetite and use for mercenaries and privateers. For such ambitious (or suicidal) companies they are offered the reward of taking anything they capture from their enemies, except for prisoners or slaves. If people are retaken from Cryxian or other hostile groups they are to be turned over asap to Cygnus or to the port of their birth.
It is a well known story of one Privateer group that was found to be taking recovered prisoners to slave markets in the Imperium or selling them in the meat markets of Cryx. When it was discovered the Cygnus military ran them to ground and executed them to the last man.
Lyonesse and Cygnus do not deal in the slave trades. Qin has a form of indentured servitude that fits there code of honor, but they too do not deal in slaves. The Imperium is the kingdom that works, slaves are a needed part of that and besides some Imperial's can't be expected to do the most menial of tasks. Slavery is spotty in the 'Free' Cities.

Leon Cross |

That could be the meeting point for everyone then. Either an already made mercenary group in Cygnus or a meeting there when signing up for merc work.
Hmmm is it possible Aurora and Leon were a part of the group who stopped the privateers? Finding that some people selling slaves in there newly adopted country wouldn't sit well with the troubled couple.

DM Corerue |

With your long life spans and the fact that it was King Rennor's attack on the Cryxian empire that helped to free you from the bondage of your Master. Then yes you could have been merc's hired to bring justice down on those who would turned against there fellow man. A lot of mercs remember that story and some were young back when it happened, Cygnus is not prone to such acts but these groups had had fair warning and they brought down the wrath of Cygnus down on themselves. Especially by trading with Cryx, that alone was justification for Cygnus to bring the Mercs down.
we can work towards a merc group or a joint-task force of sorts to make it easier. Tomorrow I will have the first in game post up. Looking at some of the character sheets everything is looking fairly peachy. :) But since some want to change some things up I don't want anyone to rush.

Cassian Vespertine |

haha, I always forget how detect spells and aura's work.
Leon's suggestion fits my character pretty well. He'd be looking to get a new ship and crew at his command so it's a likely place for him to be. I plan on taking the Leadership feat when I qualify for it. Seems appropriate for what I have in mind.

Aelessaer |

Fair play, didn't know Corerue was houseruling non-LG paladins.
Seeing as Leon doesn't really do obviously evil things it won't bother Aelessaer anyway, although she will have to get used to the worrying appearance and manner but that will just be RP gravy.

Cassian Vespertine |

I took ranks in Profession (sailor), would that be the skill that is used to pilot airships? Whatever that particular skill is, I'll be sure to max it out.

Diyeana Stormwin |

Awesome. Then that is definiately the direction Diyeana will be going in. She was regular Cygnus Military, and was then chose to, or was shunted to, one of the Privateer groups, as it was mutually recognized that her talents and, even moreso her attitude and personality, were more suited to such ranks.
I had considered her having her captain her own ship as well, but that may be a tad too much responsibility for her. Perhaps 1st mate would suit better.
Her and Cassian could easily have met in the mercenary forces at some point. She could perhaps even be helping him get his new ship.
Diyeana is a happy-go-lucky, daring-do sort, definitely CG in nature. She doesn't like rules or restrictions and generally has no problem doing what needs to be done, as long as it's in the name of the greater good. I could see her though clashing with the Cross' over certain of their modus operandi, but again, as has been said, just more RP gravy ; )
Corerue: I love the idea of the armoured longcoat. If Diyeana had been a long gunner, and then was moved to being a privateer, would she have been allowed to keep any of her equipment, as, technically, she's still a member of Cygnus' armed forces?
While the military rifle is awesome, I'd be even more interested in being able to keep the longcoat for her. I am still kinda more attached to the idea of her being primarily a pistol, or duel pistol, wielding sort. Though I suppose she could do both. Military rifle for long range, pistols for up close and personal
Also, is there any kind of equivalent hand gun weapon in the Long Gunners ranks? Say for officers?

Diyeana Stormwin |

EDIT: You know what, now I think on it more, perhaps I could see Diyeana rocking the military rifle instead (if she gets to keep it) and could be Mysterious Stranger/Musket Master instead.
But would a Long Gunner still need the Rapid Reload feat?

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Okay, do we get traits? Also, what level of equipment is available to Tabaxy? I wrote the equipment list as the artifacts found at the sites where High Ones lived, basically - and I'm sticking with common stuff for the rest, such as leather armor.
Is there a trait or a feat that allows the character to add his Str bonus to Intimidate? I forgot.
I am leading a gnoll cub with me. He is the cub from the backstory. I plan to take Leadership at some point and he'll than become my cohort. Is that OK?

Cassian Vespertine |

I'd be happy to have Diyeana at my side as the game opens. It should be easy enough to say the two of them are recruiting for a team of explorers and fortune seekers to join them on an adventure.

Donovan Lynch |

Apologies...I am new to Paizo, and did not even realize how profiles worked. I just figured it out and edited mine...may not be completely finished yet.
I am also curious about longcoat stats...also, what firearms rules are we using again? I was going off the "commonplace" rules, where early firearms are 25% pricing...but I see Cassian has a revolver for 400 gp, so he seems to be based off the "guns are everwhere" rules (10% pricing).
Cassian...I see you mention a home city, but is it in Cygnus, or the Free Cities?

Leon Cross |

I remember once Coreue saying they are martial which puts them in "common place" but for most of Cygnus to have at least a revolver they'd have to be "everywhere" right?

Spartakos |

I remember once Coreue saying they are martial which puts them in "common place" but for most of Cygnus to have at least a revolver they'd have to be "everywhere" right?
Well...he said this:
Ever citizen of Cygnus is reputed to own at least a pistol if not a rifle and are required to serve for five years in the military starting at the age of fifteen.
1.) It did say "reputed", so I wasn't for sure if that was fact or propaganda (much like how the streets in America were supposed to be paved with gold).
2.) It said "pistol", not "revolver"...so I was thinking single-shot muzzleloaders.
I don't care either way...but I'd like to be on the same page. My current build has Donovan carrying a pepperbox in his pocket, but if guns are 10% cost I'd just as soon have a revolver (maybe something like a Tranter or a Webley...).

Cassian Vespertine |

Cassian is from the Free Cities, more specifically a small port city called Osselo. He spent 11 years moving abroad as the commander of a pirate airship before a mutiny pushed him to relocate to Cygnus.
I wasn't sure what level of firearms was used so I went with "everywhere" since it seemed the most logical. I'm willing to change my equipment if I'm wrong. I was actually thinking of ditching the pistol for a crossbow with a grappling bolt anyway. It's steampunk(ish) so I can imagine a neat looking clockwork crossbow would be just as cool.
Spartakos - You may want to rethink your equipment. Monks cannot use flurry of blows when wearing armor. Idk if that's a big part of your build but if it's not, feel free to slap me and say, "Mind your own business! :)

Diyeana Stormwin |

Sorry for the delay in finishing the character sheet, but need some answers back from Coroue before I can finalize whether going with Pistelro or Musket Master
Again, basically, would she get to keep the military rifle if she's moved on to being a privateer, and also keeping the longcoat (which Everyone now wants! lol ; )and it's stats. Or, if she can't keep the longcoat, can it be purchased outside of being a longgunner? Black market maybe?
Won't be quite as cool if half the group is wearing one, but I still want one for her anyway : )

Donovan Lynch |

Cassian is from the Free Cities, more specifically a small port city called Osselo. He spent 11 years moving abroad as the commander of a pirate airship before a mutiny pushed him to relocate to Cygnus.
Gotcha. Thanks.
Spartakos - You may want to rethink your equipment. Monks cannot use flurry of blows when wearing armor. Idk if that's a big part of your build but if it's not, feel free to slap me and say, "Mind your own business! :)
No slap necessary. Yeah, I'm aware...I'd originally planned to simply do without Flurry, since grappling is my main thing right now anyway. Once I get Mnk4 and can bump my Wis, and maybe afford a little more magical protection, I could ditch the armor.
I've been rethinking, but it's a tough choice...losing the mail shirt (say, replacing with Bracers of Armor +1, roughly the same price) loses me 3 points of AC...that's significant, IMO.
That's also why I was asking about the longcoat...I could use a little more AC without clanking too much. I don't wish to tread on anyone else's coolness, though. :)

Diyeana Stormwin |

Hey no worries, if they work for you (and they've available) then go for it.
Maybe we could get our mercenary company name printed on the backs, like team jerseys ; )
Roll for HP: 10 + 2d10 + 1d6 + 8 ⇒ 10 + (7, 6) + (5) + 8 = 36

Donovan Lynch |

Decided to roll for HP (please luck, be a lady...)
2d10 ⇒ (6, 4) = 10
1d8 ⇒ 4
And...my usual luck with the bones comes through. I suppose it's too late to take average HP after all? :)
I am going to drop 2 skill ranks and use my favored class bonuses for HP, then.
8 (for 1st) + 10 + 4 + 4 (Con) +2 (favored class fighter) = 28