Cassian Vespertine |

Is this new game using Mythic Rules? If so, would we be factoring that into character creation or is this something we add during the campaign?
I downloaded the playtest a while back but haven't seen the final product. Any major changes?

Cassian Vespertine |

Swelling?! I hope you mean that figuratively and not literal. :/
I have a penchant for drama; 'fogginess' would have been a better word.

Jaeger di Angelo |

Is this new game using Mythic Rules? If so, would we be factoring that into character creation or is this something we add during the campaign?
I downloaded the playtest a while back but haven't seen the final product. Any major changes?
Not at character creation, I think it is somewhere near the end of the first part. I believe d20pfsrd has the mythic rules up already. I've already got an idea of how Jaeger will be. A dual pathed Guardian/Trickster with path dabbling into Champion for "Impossible Speed" Jaeger is going to be extremely fast 60 ft move plus 7 league boots (boots of speed and striding and springig combined) it'll be fun ;)

Cassian Vespertine |

Not at character creation, I think it is somewhere near the end of the first part. I believe d20pfsrd has the mythic rules up already. I've already got an idea of how Jaeger will be. A dual pathed Guardian/Trickster with path dabbling into Champion for "Impossible Speed" Jaeger is going to be extremely fast 60 ft move plus 7 league boots (boots of speed and striding and springig combined) it'll be fun ;)
Word. Yeah, still debating on whether or not I'm up for another game. I'll see how the rest of this week plays out and begin organizing thoughts by Monday if everything goes well.

Cassian Vespertine |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The catalytic converter in my suzuki is covered by warranty, my son went to the sitter's without having a full-blown mental and/or physical collapse AND all of my morning meetings at work went pretty well! Nearly all major articles of my recent woes seem to be turning around.
Everything's coming up Milhouse!
Now, lets see what my newfound optimism can do...
1d3 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17 = 17
1d10 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 = 16
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 2, 3) = 15 = 13
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6, 3) = 17 = 15
4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 1) = 7 = 6
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 5, 5) = 17 = 14
6... 6... 6!?!? SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX!!!!
*reverse slide whistle sound*
**cries in the shower**
Eh, whatever. Maybe I'll just stat up a barbarian and play him like Lenny from Of Mice and Men. Anyone want to be my caretaker and - eventually - tell me about the rabbits?

Cassian Vespertine |

O word! Welllll, now I'm a little attached to the idea. If anyone would like to team up on a backstory I'll play the hulking galoot companion with an infantile intellect to the best of my abilities. i maek dumb gud!
4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 2) = 16 = 14
Y'know what? In any case, I'd still like to team up for some shared history between players. Could make things a tad more interesting.
Class choices: Lenny (Barbarian) or a scallywag rogue.

Cassian Vespertine |

Neato! I'll keep that offer in my pocket until I hear if anyone is playing something more compatible. Thanks!

![]() |

O word! Welllll, now I'm a little attached to the idea. If anyone would like to team up on a backstory I'll play the hulking galoot companion with an infantile intellect to the best of my abilities. i maek dumb gud!
4d6 = 14Y'know what? In any case, I'd still like to team up for some shared history between players. Could make things a tad more interesting.
Class choices: Lenny (Barbarian) or a scallywag rogue.
If you'd prefer, an aasimar paladin with Shelyn's bloodline (I plan to take the relevant path abilities). Born to do Her work. Plannin g to multiclass in bard too.

Cassian Vespertine |

If you'd prefer, an aasimar paladin with Shelyn's bloodline (I plan to take the relevant path abilities). Born to do Her work. Plannin g to multiclass in bard too.
Now this is a compelling offer for the barbarian I had in mind. Between Seren's charisma score and Shelyn's portfolio, I'm getting some pretty decent ideas as to why a man-child would follow this type of character with nearly blind loyalty.

Seren Tyddewi |

GeraintElberion wrote:If you'd prefer, an aasimar paladin with Shelyn's bloodline (I plan to take the relevant path abilities). Born to do Her work. Plannin g to multiclass in bard too.Now this is a compelling offer for the barbarian I had in mind. Between Seren's charisma score and Shelyn's portfolio, I'm getting some pretty decent ideas as to why a man-child would follow this type of character with nearly blind loyalty.
Looking at your rolls, she's also stronger than him (Str. 20) so that could be interesting.
She sings stirring battle songs, tosses cabers and loves the beauty of virtue above all else.
She's not a typically elegant Shelynite (dex 9) and relies a lot on the guidance of the church (wis 9) but she takes pleasure in the company of others and has an easy going charm, people want to be around her as she makes them feel confident and positive (cha 18).
That's the skeleton I've got: feel free to add suggestions to draw us together.

Jaeger di Angelo |

Jaeger's strength comes more from his sides and stomach rather than from his neck and shoulders.(11str but 19dex)
He believes he is smarter than most others (and since a 16 is considered genius he is mostly right with a 19)
He may be smart but he is very rash and abrasive. Ethyra's saying is "Only Jaeger can piss someone off that much" normally just before a fight breaks out, with Jaeger di Andgelo at its center.
If you've ever read the Mortal Instruments series imagine Jace mixed with a bit of Dante and a few other trace elements and you've got Jaeger The Demonknight, Chevalier and husband to Ethyra Chosen of Desna.
Chevalier is going to be a semi rank of knight protector of Desnian Clerics that we just made up. Of and apart of the clergy.
Edit: would the alternate racial trait beguiling liar apply to bluff checks for feinting in combat? It's wording is a bit confusing to me...
Many tieflings find that the best way to get along in the world is to tell others what they want to hear. These tieflings' practice of telling habitual falsehoods grants them a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to convince an opponent that what they are saying is true when they tell a lie. This racial trait replaces skilled.

GM Tsuga canadensis |

1d3 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18
1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 1) = 9
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 5, 3) = 17
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 6) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 2) = 19
uuuhhhh.... hah... bha..hwabhahah!!!
III'MMM RIIIIICH in stats. But seriously, those are ridiculous and if the GM wants me to reroll, that is what I will do :)

DM Corerue |

some nice stats there~ For those who rolled low there will be a chance to raise stats during the adventure path so not all is lost please repost your stats as they will be or as they are now and let me go over them please.
I am still pretty sick but well enough to get to work, as after two days they send ya home which I can't afford...
So my voice is in an out which sucks but my new position makes it so I can drive around and well... hide out with my laptop and work. :P

DM Corerue |

So rolling will be as followed:
For each attribute, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die. If you rolled less than a 7, re-roll, i.e., 7 is the minimum allowed attribute score. In addition, roll 7 attribute scores and drop the lowest. Assign attribute scores as you will. Alternately, you may employ "epic rules" and roll 1d3+15 for any attribute you choose, BUT for every attribute you roll this way, you must roll one other attribute as 1d10+6. So let's say you're rolling a sorcerer(ess). You would probably want to roll 1d3+15 for your charisma, and then take 1d10+6 for maybe strength or dex, leaving your other attributes as standard rolls.
Forgot to repost it and so it is here if needed. :)

Jaeger di Angelo |

Ethyra's attributes.
Str: 10 (0)
Dex 14 (2)
Con 11 (0)
Int 10 (0)
Wis 20 (5)
Cha 16 (3)
Jaeger's attributes
STR: 11 (+0)
DEX: 19 (+4)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 19 (+4)
WIS: 13 (+1)
CHA: 7 (-2)
Just for help.

Jaeger di Angelo |

Jaeger stands defiantly as the horde of demons come rushing at him Abyssion point first into the ground in front of him his arms out wide at his sides.
"Come on whose first? Don't be shy!"
He says with a sarcastic smirk he then explodes into action yanking his sword from the earth and with a quick slash he cuts into the leading rank of demons. His individual movements a blur he leaps up onto the shoulder of one demon using it as a springboard he leaps up into the air only to come crashing back to earth his blade cutting the demon in two.
He is a dervish among the bodies his blade cutting into demonic flesh leaving severed limbs in his wake. Demonic claws and blades reach out hungrily for his flesh unable to catch up only catching the trailing edge of his coat. He stands silently among the carnage his hair streaked with demon ichor.
The ground vibrates as a glabrezu demon approaches Jaeger smiles brightly his eyes aglow.
"Well come on I was just starting to get bored with these mooks."
He says as he gestures for the demon to come whilst resting his sword on his shoulder completely at ease.

Cassian Vespertine |

Alright, I gave myself a week to come up with a good character concept and I'm still drawing a blank. Rather than go in with a lackluster or poorly thought character, I think I'll just sit this one out.
Thanks for the offer, Cori. I hope you guys all have a blast!!

DM Corerue |

Sorry for the wait, tumbled 6 feet off a loader today, since it was a significant fall I was indisposed at the medic. Rattled me pretty good and landed on my left side. left hand is messed up sore but otherwise nothing broken. Typing speed however is poor lol.
Will try and catch up today but thought I'd let you know why my posts were so short lived. Sorry! :(

Leon Cross |

You've been having one hell of a last few days at work haven't you? Jeez, also since we are loosely talking about work I got promoted from running food trays at my hospital to answering phones in the office. Yay me no more coming home limping because I haven't sat down for nearly 9 hours.

Jaeger di Angelo |

*sigh* Its really hard to not read any WotR related threads because I don't want to spoil any of the AP....oh well just have to keep killing stuff in Diablo 3 with Cyra for now until we can kill stuff here.

Cassian Vespertine |

Just letting you guys know that I'll be out of town for the next couple days so I probably won't be posting until Sunday/Monday. I can read from my phone but, Gods help me, I can't write a thing. Auto-correct makes anything longer than 3 sentences sound like a fevered patient in the dementia ward.
Good luck with the family, boss! Think about moving someplace warm ;-)

Jaeger di Angelo |

So I was thinking to my self...what's the best way to explain Jaeger's fighting style and it hit me. Listen to Bombshell by Powerman 5000 and you'll see. Very quick and aggressive best defense and all that.

Jaeger di Angelo |

So we've got a healer of souls and flesh, a holy warrior, and a demonic swordsman....now we just need some arcane firepower and/or a sneaky person. Any takers? Of course I wouldn't mind some ranged people to because apparently all of us like the up close and personal touch.

Jaeger di Angelo |

Another sickness? Jeez just move down to some place warmer...I hear it's nice in Florida this time of year ;p

Cassian Vespertine |

Woooot!!! Good to see ya (relatively speaking), Di!

Diyeana Stormwin |

Heh, why thank you sah!

havoc xiii |

This song is what Jaeger's fighting style would sound like.
Yes my impatience has kicked in how can you tell? Also out of curiosity for those who haven't said what class they are playing yet in WotR...what are you planning on playing?

Seren Tyddewi |