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Ne'erduwyl continues to inspect Sarvio mauseleum. You can use my Perception check for that...I misunderstood what you wanted that for.
I'm interested in the spire. Does anything else about it spark Ne'erduwyl's interest? Symbols of badgers? Setting suns? Could it be removed to reveal something?

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Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
The good Pastor can’t ues to walk about the mausoleum, wondering if they might have been sent on a wild goose chase after all.

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Ne'erduwyl continues to inspect Sarvio mauseleum. You can use my Perception check for that...I misunderstood what you wanted that for.
I'm interested in the spire. Does anything else about it spark Ne'erduwyl's interest? Symbols of badgers? Setting suns? Could it be removed to reveal something?
Make a climb check, get up there, and try it.

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Ne'erduwyl looks at Graktul and says, "Graktul, smoarg hwerm uwerm aeowm. Gog bral oworg horom."

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Check the rest of the Cemetery will probably have to get out of this chainmail before I climb.
Afterwards if there is nothing else to worry about will attempt the climb.
Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Leaving my armor and shield on the ground with the party.

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Looking at the spire you confirm what is already thought, that it is weak near the base, and with some time and muscles you can easily topple the spire.

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Ne'erduwyl keeps up her conversation with Graktul, who is standing on the roof of a mausoleum. "Hmmm, there's no real reason to knock it over. And the last time we cracked open something for no reason we had spiders crawling all over us. But, hey, I brought some liquid fire this time, and, I do like treasure..."
"Maybe we should see if we see any clues elsewhere in the graveyard first?"
What time is it, anyway?

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”There is no reason to desecrate this place just to look for something at random. I can’t approve such vandalism. If there were a solid clue suggesting that would be successful, then maybe.”

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Ne'erduwyl rolls her eyes. "We're standing here letting a body collect flies, preacher boy, don't get high and mighty on us."
Ne'erduwyl sends Pinch to investigate the perimeter of the graveyard, and report back to her at the Sarvio mauseleum.

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Pinch scuttles stealthily through the graveyard, eager to report back to his mistress.
Hiding behind a building on the western side of the graveyard a human female has been keeping an eye on what we are doing. A horse is by another building, also in hiding.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Armenian Man remembers the badger that he saw on the boys belt buckle, and studies the badger on the Tullivor mausoleum.
"Maybe these the same. Maybe the boy is a Tullivor." The Armenian Man speaks out of nowhere, and perhaps to no-one. He comes over to the others standing at the Sarvio mausoleum, seemingly unconcerned with the spire and anything that Graktul might do with it.
"So, Sarvio and Tullivor don't like each other. Sarvios use these white birds," he says with a wave of his hand towards the carvings above. "Tullivors use badgers. The Tullivor boy has bird scratches on his face. Clearly a Sarvio is responsible for the boy's current condition." Which actually makes more sense than some wicked fey trick. That's good. Just normal stuff.
"When we get the Tullivor blessing so that we can retrieve the treasure, maybe we should bring the boy inside, leave him with his people."

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Guess lets see what else we can from this spot.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Though wanting to see why this is loose to be honest.

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You have someone spotted, a loose spire, and a rune on a door. Everything's here to get into the crypts....

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When the Pastor was alerted to Pinch’s findings, he moved to engage the person hiding behind the building. ”Now what are you doing there, young lady? I’m not that interesting, so why are you paying such close attention to my friends and I?”

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"Me? I arrived a few minutes before you and your group did. After seeing a body, well, I hid. How would it look if someone was seen hovering over a dead person. What are you doing here?"
Roland only, please make a sense motive check.

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You can easily tell that the following she said was true:
1. She arrived before you
2. She hid because you arrived

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Pinch having returned to her shoulder, Ne'erduwyl stands behind Roland. She narrows her eyes at the human female, saying nothing, while trying to glean more about her.
Does she appear armed?

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"Well, ma'am, I can't say that it sounds right t'be hoverin' over a dead body, but I must say, I don't think it speaks much higher to be sulking in a graveyard near a dead body. I can't rightly think of a reason to do that instead of runnin' off, unless you done seen something. Now, did you see something?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Hekran moves closer to the horse as he's never seen a horse hide before.

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”So you were here before us and you hid because we happened upon the scene, huh? Did you cause harm to the poor boy with the badger belt buckle? If so, then that puts us crossways...”

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Does she appear armed?
She has a crossbow on her back and a short sword on her side. But, given how almost everyone walks around with at least some weapon, being armed, by itself, is no guarantee of being bad or something.....

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”So you were here before us and you hid because we happened upon the scene, huh? Did you cause harm to the poor boy with the badger belt buckle? If so, then that puts us crossways...”
“Perhaps I saw Northis slaughtered by a pack of tomb raiders, dressed identically to yourselves. The testimony of a Sarvio would outrank your version of events. But, that doesn't matter. The Tullivor mausoleum contains an object rightly belonging to us. If you help me retrieve it, you may earn the Sarvios’ gratitude.”

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The Pastor looks around to see if the woman has a bird of prey accompanying her. ”That shortsword looks like a weapon that dealt the mortal wound to the Tolliver boy,” he says, becoming more convinced that he was talking to the murderer.

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The Pastor looks around to see if the woman has a bird of prey accompanying her. ”That shortsword looks like a weapon that dealt the mortal wound to the Tolliver boy,” he says, becoming more convinced that he was talking to the murderer.
Perception check, please, to see if you can....

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Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
The Armenian Man finally finds himself drawn to the conversation with the Sarvio woman as more and more Pathfinders peel off to confront her. He slowly moves over, catching just the end of the conversation.
"Telling us that you mean to frame us is a... strategically... bad choice. I would hope that we can be encouraged to help you. Can we?"
"What is this item that was entombed in the wrong mausoleum, I wonder?"
"By which, I mean, you should tell us."

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Seeing everyone moving towards the woman Graktul continues to take advantage of his elevated position to attempt to discern if anyone else is with the woman while pulling out a javelin.
I wonder if I can make the jump down if they need me to close.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23

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How spread out are they just wondering if I can let someone know where to look since I am assuming it is too far for me to tell the birds apart.

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"Of course!" says Ne'erduwyl, smiling widely at the self-reported Sarvio woman. "We'd love to help you retrieve this object. We've discovered the way into the Tullivor mausoleum. There's a spell on it that only allows the rightful owner to open the gate. Since your clearly the rightful owner, all you have to do is turn the lock, and, presto, the gates open! Come over with us, and we'll stand guard to make sure you receive your rightful treasure."
Bluff, Blatant and Purposeful Sarcasm: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (6) - 2 = 4

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Meanwhile, feeling somewhat exposed, Ne'erduwyl takes a few steps back, pulls a scroll out of its case, and uses read magic to cast mage armor on herself.

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How spread out are they just wondering if I can let someone know where to look since I am assuming it is too far for me to tell the birds apart.
You can point people in the right direction.

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The Armenian Man asked her a question; did she respond in any way or is she just ignoring him?

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Can anyone take a look over there...see a bunch of birds but cant tell if there is a hawk or not.
Graktul points out the birds to the group with the javelin he is holding.

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Perception 1d20+6
Gnickygnack clearly spots a hawk hovering in the area around the mysterious woman.

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The Armenian Man asked her a question; did she respond in any way or is she just ignoring him?
She is ignoring you, as you wanted information from here that she is (quite clearly) reluctant to give. Not without some sort of Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate type roll to force some sort of answer... I mean, she is smart enough to know that if she tells you what she is after, you will be more likely to blatantly stop her from getting it....