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If we've spotted the assassins, and Ne'er has an opportunity to act before combat, she will pull a scroll of mount out of her backpack and cast it.
While you would have the opportunity to act before combat, you don't know when/where the assassins would be coming from. Would you honestly use a scroll that is good for only 2 hours when you don't know how soon the fight will be?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Armenian Man steps forward a taps Roland on the shoulder. "Act with the luck of Magdh."
Move: 10'
Standard: activate Lucky Presence on Roland
Lucky Presence: At 1st level, you can touch an ally and grant it a lucky presence. The target of this luck can call upon it to roll any one ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check twice and take the better result. The decision to use this benefit must be declared before the roll is made. Once used, or once 1 minute passes, the effect ends.
Roland: Lucky Presence, 1 minute or until used

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Glok as soon as Glok notices the assassins he will cast divine favor.
Good surprise round action, what about your round 1 actions?

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Neerduwyl Nathvallar wrote:
If we've spotted the assassins, and Ne'er has an opportunity to act before combat, she will pull a scroll of mount out of her backpack and cast it.
While you would have the opportunity to act before combat, you don't know when/where the assassins would be coming from. Would you honestly use a scroll that is good for only 2 hours when you don't know how soon the fight will be?
Point taken, I am not mounted.
Ne'erduwyl moves closer to the battle, and begins to cast sleep.

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Roland nods at the divine warrior for the assistance given and double moves toward the first assassin.
Would someone please advance me 40’ toward an assassin? Time to whoop someone with a book again!

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Glok casts Divine Favor.
Pinch hides like a chicken....
Armenian casts Lucky Presence on Roland
Roland runs to the first assassin
Glok keeps sneaking up on the assassins.
Neerduwyl begins to cast a spell.
Pinch keeps hiding.
Hekrank - ?
COMBAT ROUND 1=====================

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Hekran casts Hindericking...
Reflex DC 14 - Black: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Reflex DC 14 - Blue: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Both are entangled!
COMBAT ROUND 1=====================
BLACK, even slow as he is, moves forward 10' and attempts to hit Hekran back for his spell.
mwk nunchaku: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (6) + 6 - 2 = 10
Gnicky, go for it!

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WOW I didn't realize how badly I mistyped that. That was my school ability, Hindering Muck. I'm going to blame the little bit bourbon I had yesterday and go feel bad about myself.

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Gnicky throws a well placed bomb and hits BLACK, however, his splash damage hits Hekran, 4 damage (Reflex save for 1/2).
Glok breaks stealth and hits BLUE, killing him!
COMBAT ROUND 1=====================
BLUE attacks Hekran, following up the attack by the BLACK (now dead) assassin.
shortbow: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 MISS!
Everyone, go ahead, BLACK is dead!

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Ne'erduwyl aims her sleep spell at the assassin who is still alive. end of round 1
She then moves closer to the battle, and casts a fortune hex on Gnickygnack, giving him two chances to hit the assassin with a bomb in his next attack.

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Sadly don't think I had a charge line to reach.
Annoyed at being caught day dreaming Graktul rushes forward drawing his heavy flail getting in blue's face while grinning silently.
Double move to reach the target though think Glok killed him already.

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"Hey now, pardn'er, I'm still here! Hekran says.
Reflex: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Swearing in Kellid about Gnickygnack's fire, he steps back and casts a defensive ward. To be safe, he also draws his club.
Move action Draw club, standard action cast mage armor,
free action 5 foot step

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Glok draws another dagger and throws it at the blue one.
[DIce=Attack]d20+8; 1d3+5
[DIce=Conf]d20+8; 1d3+5
Really? Took you long enough to finally hit someone with your throwing daggers, figures on the final fight you would crit him....

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come on add another pound of salt to the wound.
Actually I rolled pretty high and hit quite decently. Precise shot lacking is painful.
I blame it on Fortuna. I hope he is at least dead.
14 damage? On the big bad fight? Good chunk out of him, but he's not dead yet.

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Roland moves forwards and tries to crack blue in the head with his tome.
Attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

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The Armenian Man, seeing the battle erupt almost immediately in the party's favor, considers just staying back and leaving things to the others.
After thinking on this strategy, he actually decides it's a good one. Their primary objective was protecting Ulisha, so he moves over to stand near her as her immediate guard, in case there are other assassins that they haven't seen yet.
Move: 20'
Standard: activate Hexing Attack blessing on scythe
Hexing Attack: You can touch one weapon and enhance it to inflict a minor curse on the next target it strikes. The struck target must succeed at a Will saving throw or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks (warpriest’s choice) for 1 minute.

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Who knows. With the new updates bold doesn't work anymore, LOL
Did my sleep work? I think it should have popped after Graktul, but I'm confused about how a full-round spell works.

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Round 1 is finished so if anyone didn't do their round 2 action then they are up except sadly for me.

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Graktul runs forward with the hope of catching BLUE, but is to far away to attack.
Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 FAILED (sleeping)
Armenian moves to protect his charge, and curses his weapon.
Roland Smacks BLUE around with his book.
At this point it doesn't matter if the SLEEP spell worked, as BLUE was wounded he would have woken up, but he is PRONE.
Glok crits the archer, killing him.
Seeing the last assassin fall Ulisha jumps up for joy.
Now What?

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"We did it Ulisha! We fought off your assassins."
He looks at the woman with more interest, now that things are calm. "We used your journal... you left us many clues. It was an interesting trip--you don't have a lot of friends. But we found you. And we helped you. Now, I think, it's time for you to help?"
He cocks his head to the side. "I think there was a... Silverhex?"

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"Wasn't the whole point of us following the clues in your journal that you wanted to sell it to the Pathfinder Society?"
"I'm pretty sure that's why we're here."

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"Yes, I am looking to sell it, if only to get the assassins off my back. Did you follow my instructions? Did you recover the items?" She see you all nod your heads. "Good, then I will trade you what you have earned for the sword. Agreed?"
You really have to mention buying/selling the sword, she doesn't give it for free.

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Graktul looks at the fallen assassins then back at half orc.
It seems your assassin issues are resolved so shouldn't we receive the sword as payment for services rendered in this case.
Should I be attempting a Diplomacy roll to go with this statement even though I am not the best choice here unless we are going to attempt to intimidate her?

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"You stopped these, Anwald will send more. I need to pay him and get him to stop."

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"Very true, but the fact remains, you can either be my bodyguards for the remainder of our lives, or pay me so I can pay off Anwald."

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The Armenian Man shifts his weight back and forth to keep Gnickygnack balanced on his shoulders. Gnomes are only a hair's breadth from being fey themselves. This one sure is playful.
But he continues to address Ulisha. "I hear a third option unspoken... what if we visit this Anwald and convince him to leave you alone; that should achieve the same goal. Would you surrender the sword to us for that service?"

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"Won't work. He will still seek his due. I am happy to sell you the sword. Deal?"
This is where you accept the deal and end the scenario. I don't know how much more plain I can make it.