Siege on Amberfall

Game Master SecSeibzehn


Current Characters

Ghartok, The Carrion King

HP 104/104 :: AC 27 T 15 FF 24 :: CMD 30 :: Fort +11 Reflex +12 Wis +8 :: Initiative +2

played by Eben al'Jol (104 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Calithilon the Dreamer

Male Elf Wizard 10 - HP 64/62 (82 false life),- AC 14/T: 11/FF: 12 - Perception +15 - F: +7/ R: +7/ W: +10* - CMB: +4 - CMD: 16, Speed: 30, Init. +10

played by Tarondor (73 posts)
Lantern Lodge DM Titan

played by SecSeibzehn (274 posts)

played by McFetus (331 posts)
Nawarld Gondieran

HP 90/90 (+30 rage), Ini +2, DR 5/-, AC 27 (+1 rage, -3 RA) Touch 14 (+5 rage), Flat-footed 25, Fort +10 (+7S), Ref +7 (+7S), Will +5 (+7S+ 2 rage)

played by Finkmilkana (48 posts)

female | 2'8" | 31lb | grey eyes | black hair | grey skin
FRW+/+/+ AC/t/f CMD: | SR: | Init+ | Perc+ | hp:8/8

played by McFetus (20 posts)
Giant Hunter
Rose Bracebuck

played by Sersi (44 posts)
Scarab Sages Schahrizade I'Nam Morroq

Female Ifrit Oracle of Flame 10; AC 25, 16 touch 20 flat-footed; HP 78/78, Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +8+2 vs. fatigue and exhaustion, charm, compulsion and emotion; +9 Initiative, -1 Perception

played by SecSeibzehn (40 posts)
Ilarris Zeleshi
Seila Merrilon

Female Half Elf Shaman 4

played by Tark the Ork (153 posts)
Deep Crow

Male Orc Expert 5
played by Tark the Ork (11,478 posts)
Thak Val Zsing

played by Arkwright (276 posts)

Previous Characters

Gold Dragon

(3,579 posts)
Darius Finch
Faerdorcha "Freddy" Maercair

Male Human Bard 1 | HP 27/27 | AC 16, Touch 12, FF 14 | CMD 16 | Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +3| Per +5 | Init +6

played by Nidoran Duran (23 posts)
Herald of Omens

played by Slaughtersea (494 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Rhiannon Mableanbh

F Human Bard 1
played by Nidoran Duran (113 posts)
Loris Raknian
Sergeant Harth

HP 85/85 :: AC 27 :: CMD 29 (31 Bull Rush) :: Fort +11 Reflex +7 Will +7 (+10 vs Fear)

played by CrazyYodler (3 posts)
Koriah Azmeren
Shaelathar Silvermoon

Female Half Elf Wild Caller 10 | HP 63/63 | AC 18/24 | T 16 | FF 15/21 | CMD 20 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +10 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +3 | Perc +5 | Sense Motive +2

played by stardust (27 posts)
Danse Macabre
Teller of Tales

played by Finkmilkana (522 posts)