Koriah Azmeren

Shaelathar Silvermoon's page

27 posts. Alias of stardust.

Full Name

Shaelathar Silvermoon


Female Half Elf Wild Caller 10 | HP 63/63 | AC 18/24 | T 16 | FF 15/21 | CMD 20 | Fort +4 | Ref +6 | Will +10 (+2 vs enchant) | Init +3 | Perc +5 | Sense Motive +2






Neutral Good


Common, Elven


Beast Tender

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 20

About Shaelathar Silvermoon

Beast Visual Reference

Shaelathar is a vengeful force of nature, savage and beautiful. Mostly silent and deadly, the proud half-elf carries a regal bearing. She rides her Beast with a flaming lance in her hands.

Shaelathar keeps to herself, unwilling to share her painful past, and certainly unwilling to actually become social with living beings outside of Beast and her other sometimes companion animals. It is obvious to most that she has spent a long time away from normal civilization.

Shunned by her human father after her elven mother died in childbirth, Shaelathar's childhood was far from peaceful, and she quickly learned to rely on her own instincts and the Temple of Gozreh that raised her. The priests of Gozreh encouraged her instinctive development, believing that her ties to nature would improve that way.

The result was a savage young half elf woman, barely able to carry on a conversation, though her beauty and personality were both vividly powerful. It was this same beauty that caught the attention of her much older lover Altair. Although at first her savage nature kept the intelligent handsome elf distant, she soon developed a very basic, instinctive attraction to him. This attraction blossomed into an enduring love, with all the glories and shadows that such a relationship forbears. The priests of Gozreh prepared for the ceremony, but it was Shaelathar's own fear and jealousy of other women that drove her to abandon the ceremony, running into the deep caverns beneath the sacred well. Her fiancee followed her for a time, but even he could not keep up with the little savage, and returned heartbroken, to the surface.

And to his doom. Amberfall's attack released a rain of meteors on the city, devastating the countryside and obliterating all signs of civilization. It was only because she was in the deep caverns beneath the city that Shaelathar survived. She finally emerged, stronger and more resolute in her love. Only to find everything and everyone she had ever known gone. Completely heartbroken and devastated, she returned to the caverns. For years she stayed there, encountering Beast one fateful night, and learning to love all over again. After a time, she emerged once again, to see what she could find out about the devastation.

Beast remained by her side, almost always, and as the beast grew larger she learned to ride him. She left her secluded valley and engaged the rest of their world, searching for information and survivors. Finally finding what she needed, she resolved to seize her revenge from the savage kingdom. Over time, she learned to find what agents of Amberfall she could, relying more on her natural instincts than any particular knowledge, and brutally killed them, with fire if possible. Silent and deadly. Sorrowful. Regretting. And never asking for forgiveness.

When the call rang out, she knew then that many had survived the attack. The time to strike back had come back. She mounted on Beast, grabbed her flaming spear, and answered the clarion.

Shaelathar Silvermoon

Wild Caller

Female half elf wild caller (summoner) 10
NG medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3, Senses low-light vision, Perception +5

AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+3 Dex, +2 natural, +2 shield, +1 deflection)
hp 63 (10d8+10)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +10 (+2 vs. enchantment)
Immune sleep

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 impervious flaming lance +8 (1d8+1, crit. 20/x3 and 1d6 fire) or
Melee adamantine dagger +8 (1d4, crit. 19-20/x2)
Ranged adamantine dagger +11 (1d4, crit. 19-20/x2) 10' range increment
Full Attack +1 impervious flaming lance +8/+3 (1d8+1, crit. 20/x3 and 1d6 fire)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.

Trample (while riding)

Spell-like Abilities (CL 10, concentration +15)
8/day - summon nature's ally V (duration 1 minute per level)

Summoner Spells Per Day (CL 10, concentration +15)
4th (2/day) - overland flight, wall of stone
3rd (4/day) - black tentacles, evolution surge, fly, heroism
2nd (5/day) - bull's strength, blur, evolution surge (lesser), see invisibility, summon eidolon, summon swarm
1st (7/day) - enlarge person, expeditious retreat, mage armor, magic fang, rejuvenate eidolon (lesser), shield
0 (at will) - acid splash, detect magic, guidance, light, read magic, resistance

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15 (13), Cha 20 (18)
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +7; CMD 20

1st Level: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
3rd Level: Augment Summoning
5th Level: Mounted Combat
7th Level: Lunge
9th Level: Trample


Class Skills:

Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Skill Points Total: 20 (+2 favored)
Fly +7 (1 rank +3 Dex +3)
Handle Animal +18 (10 ranks +5 Cha +3)
Perception +5 (1 rank +2 Wis +2 racial)
Ride +12 (6 ranks +3 Dex +3)
Survival +9 (4 ranks +2 Wis +3) (+2 to find food and water)

linked surge Once per day, Shaelathar can make a Strength or Constitution based ability check or skill check using her eidolon's ability score in place of her own. Her eidolon must be summoned and within 30 feet for her to use this trait.
child of nature Shaelathar is as comfortable in the wilderness as she is at home, gaining a +2 trait bonus to Survival skill checks to find food and water, and a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (nature) checks. Survival is always a class skill for her.

Common, Elven

low-light vision
arcane training (summoner)
dual minded
keen senses

impervious flaming lance +1
adamantine dagger
+1 clangorous shield cloak
amulet of natural armor +2
ring of protection +1
headband of mental prowess (+2 Wis, +2 Cha)
equestrian belt
ring of spell knowledge I
wand of create pit
wand of summon nature's ally II
potion of cure moderate wounds
summoner's kit
spider's silk rope.

Favored Class (Summoner)
1) +1/4 evolution;
2) +1/4 evolution;
3) +1/4 evolution;
4) +1/4 evolution;
5) +1/4 evolution;
6) +1/4 evolution;
7) +1/4 evolution;
8) +1/4 evolution;
9) +1 skillpoint;
10) +1 skillpoint.

Ancestral Arms (Racial) Shaelathar was trained in the use of the lance from a young age. She has Martial Weapon Proficiency with the lance.
Augment Summoning (Feat) Shaelathar's summoned creatures gain +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution.
Aspect (Su) Shaelathar can divert 2 points from Beast to add evolutions to herself. She can only select evolutions her eidolon could possess, and must meet the requirements as well. Points spent this way are taken from the eidolon's evolution pool.
Bond Senses (Su) As a standard action, Shaelathar can share the senses of her eidolon: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. She can use this ability a total of 10 rounds per day.
Dual Minded (Racial) Shaelathar has a +2 racial bonus to Will saving throws.
Eidolon (Ex) Shaelathar is bonded to an outsider eidolon, and can summon it with a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune identical to one on Shaelathar's forehead.
Keen Senses (Racial) Shaelathar has a +2 racial bonus to Perception skill checks.
Life Link (Su) Whenever her eidolon takes damage, Shaelathar can sacrifice any number of hit points to prevent 1 damage to the eidolon. The eidolon and the summon must remain within 100 feet of one another, or the eidolon takes penalties.
Lunge (Feat) Shaelathar can increase the reach of her melee attacks by 5 feet until the end of her turn by taking -2 penalty to AC until her next turn.
Low-light Vision (Racial) Shaelathar can see twice as far as humans in starlight and other dim light conditions.
Maker's Call (Su) Twice per day, as a standard action, Shaelathar can call her eidolon to her side, teleporting Beast up to 800 feet as through a dimension door. The eidolon appears adjacent to Shaelathar, or as close as possible if all available spaces are occupied.
Mounted Combat (Feat) Once per round, when her mount "Beast" is hit in combat, Shaelathar may attempt a Ride check (immediate action) to negate the hit. The hit is negated if the Ride result is greater than the opponent's attack roll.
Shield Ally (Ex) When Shaelathar is within "Beast's" reach (and Beast is not grappled, helpless, paralyzed, stunned, or unconscious), she gains a +2 shield bonus to AC and +2 circumstance bonus on her saving throws.
Spell Focus (Conjuration) (Feat) Shaelathar's conjuration school spells have +1 saving throw DC.
Summon Nature's Ally (Sp) Whenever her eidolon is not summoned, Shaelathar can cast summon nature's ally V as a spell-like ability with a duration of 1 minute per level, a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier.
Trample (Feat) When Shaelathar attempts to overrun an opponent while mounted, that target may not choose to avoid her. Her mount "Beast", may make one claw attack against any target she knocks down, gaining the standard +4 bonus on attacks against prone targets.
Transposition (Su) As part of her maker's call ability, Shaelathar can swap locations with Beast. She can appear in any square occupied by Beast. Beast must occupy the square that was occupied by the summoner if able, or as close as possible if it is not able.


headband of mental prowess (+2 Cha, +2 Wis) (10,000 gp)
equestrian belt (3200 gp)
ring of spell knowledge I (1500 gp)

impervious flaming lance +1 (11,310 gp)
adamantine dagger (3002 gp)

amulet of natural armor +2 (8000 gp)
+1 clangorous shield cloak (5000 gp)
ring of protection +1 (2000 gp)

wand of create pit (4500 gp)
wand of summon nature's ally II (4500 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)

summoner's kit (8 gp)
spyglass (1000 gp)
spider's silk rope (100 gp)

NG Large outsider
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft, Perception +13
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+3 Dex, +12 natural, -1 size)
hp104 (10d10+40)
Fort +9; Ref +9; Will +2 (+4 vs enchantment)
Resist sonic 15
Defensive Abilities evasion
Move 50 ft., Climb 70 ft.
Melee bite +16 (1d8+8 plus trip), 2 claws +16 (1d6+8), gore +15 (1d8+8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks rend (1d6+12), trample (1d8+12; Reflex DC 23 for half damage.)
Str 26, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +8; CMB +17, CMD 27
Feats Improved Initiative, Multiattack (Bonus), Toughness, Weapon Focus (bite, claws)
Skills Acrobatics +14, Climb +19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Elven
SQ devotion, link, multiattack, share spells
Evolutions bite, claws, climb, climb, gore, improved natural armor, large, limbs (legs), limbs (legs), limbs (legs), mount, rend, resist, trample, trip (18 evolution points)
-SPECIAL ABILITIES-----------------------------------------
Devotion (Ex) Beast has a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Evasion (Ex) If Beast is forced to make a Reflex save to only take half damage, a successful save prevents all damage instead.
Link (Ex) Beast can communicate mentally with Shaelathar across any distance on the same plane.
Share Spells (Ex) Shaelathar can cast a summoner spell with a target of "you" on Beast, even if the spells normally do not effect outsiders.