Savage Tide -- Pathfinder Core Only

Game Master Chainmail

Players Guide
Current COMBAT map

The City of Sasserine is recovering from a century of oppressive rule. The thieves guilds have been destroyed and many unsavory elements eliminated. It is a place of opportunity for the prospective knave and a heroic battleground for the prospective knight.

(1) You are recruited by a desperate noble of the city of Sasserine, one Lavinia Vanderboren. After her parents recently perished in a freak accident, she inherited a large number of debts along with the rest of the estate. Yet her real problem is not financial, but personal.

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Some crafting may be possible, but the adventure moves at a pace that will not allow extended breaks.

Particular items, such as an amulet of mighty fists, can be ordered and picked up later. You should be able to get an enchanted composite bow for the appropriate strength made.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The player's guide doesn't seem to have any helpful information as to what would be good as favored enemies or favored terrains. Will we be mostly fighting in cities against humans, or something else?

Scarab Sages

dotting for interest so much interest, I will build some sort of fighter when i get home at work now.

Here is Redelia's character. She is complete, other than a favored enemy selection. For that I am waiting, hoping that the GM will give some ideas as to enemies we will see a lot of.

Core almost screams for a Dwarven Fighter - I am going to mull it over some, since the 2+Int skill points make me want to cry.

I have not read past Part 1 of 12 parts, but, for Part 1, there are a fair amount of humans.

OK, thanks. Another favored enemy is added later, so it's not important to know about long term. It can just be frustrating to pick something and then for there to be _none_ of them.

Malstei was born in the Faerie Kingdom Celene. His parents were not religious people though they venerated the eladrin paragon Gwynharwyf. Both were members of the guard of the Kingdom. While nestled alongside Kingdoms which were not warlike in nature Keoland was always looking to expand its borders, evenat the cost of the Elven Kingdom if necessary. Indeed, tThe Greyhawk Wars reminded all of the goodly folk of the Flanaess that nowhere was safe when evil was afoot.

Malstei grew to be like his parents a believer in Gwynharwyf despite his affiliates to the Goddess Aerdrie Faenya. Malstei when he came of game joined the Church of the Whirling Fury. Unlike his parents he saw the duty of a follower as more than just the defense of the kingdom and decided to seek evil throughout the world.

Before he was ready to leave, a skirmish with a group of Orc raiders slew both of his parents leaving him the dour soul he is today. Knowing that now there was truly nothing left for him in Celene, he booked passage on a ship in the Wooly Bay for grand adventures. His wanderings and affiliations finally led him to Sasserine where he joined with the sect in a more formal way, looking to root out any evils on the docks of the port city Sasserine.

Working on a half-elf fighter/rogue working towards the duelist prestige class.

Scratch that, Fighter/Bard/Duelist. All core, of course.

This will be the nine's entry Crunch is mostly finished, working on the fluff now, along with a bit more purchasing, work called me in early. Hope to have everything finished in 8 hours or so.

Garren will be the lovely son of the opera house owner Nylaria Absalee.
Hes the not as pretty and talented child, mostly used with members of security. I might mix in a few levels of rogue later or heck who knows sorcerer or something but I wont be going bard/duelist no worries.

I did have a quick question/clarification for you GM Tribute, the district feat is in place of the trait and is free correct?

District feat in place of traits -- they are pretty good

Ok, we can cut off recruitment.

Thanks for submitting some great characters.

I just caught this thread and see you cutting off any chance I can slide in an application? If you see it in your heart to do I will submit a human bard core cause who doesnt love that? Focus on crossbow with weapon focus and dazzling display cause hey I am flashy and like bling. St 10 dx 16 cn 14 int 10 wis 10, cha 18. I can also give storyteller shadow a shout out as a player in one of his games as an excellent rper (and gm)so if you let me in I will flush this out for sure and if not, thanks and good luck!

Ack, never had time to finish a submission. Ah well, thems the breaks.

Scarab Sages

I could be wrong Dave but i think he meant he wasnt going to look into others I think you have time to still finish the submission

Sovereign Court

Updated the char, including feat, backstory and physical description.

Here is the nine's entry, just need to finish up his non combat gear, I forgot my phb at home. Backstory is up let me know if you see anything that needs fixing or possible added. I look forward to the chance to play with you all, and good luck.

I will not while he is built to be in the mix of things if we are lacking other elements a few quick feat changes and I can focus more on ranged attacks. Early fighters are good for that i think.

Adney de Montchele wrote:
I just caught this thread and see you cutting off any chance I can slide in an application? If you see it in your heart to do I will submit a human bard core cause who doesnt love that? Focus on crossbow with weapon focus and dazzling display cause hey I am flashy and like bling. St 10 dx 16 cn 14 int 10 wis 10, cha 18. I can also give storyteller shadow a shout out as a player in one of his games as an excellent rper (and gm)so if you let me in I will flush this out for sure and if not, thanks and good luck!

Why thank you! :-)

Right back at you, tough to step into a 7,000 post campaign the way you have but I think you are doing an excellent job as a PC.

Good luck to all applicants!

Sovereign Court

Good Luck to all!

Good luck.

Bummer about missing the deadline for this. The profile here is the character I have been working on for submission. Should the GM be interested in adding a gnome rogue working as an alchemist and rum distiller in the Shadowshore District to the mix, then Wilstrom Topplesprocket at your services. *Bows deeply*

Good luck, everyone!

Anyone posting earlier than this post in this thread can complete characters today.

GM Tribute wrote:
Anyone posting earlier than this post in this thread can complete characters today.


Erovell Enu - Half-Elf Fighter/Rogue working towards Duelist

Alright, bard prepared

And we are good!!

Lots of entries to look over.

My bad, I missed the deadline. Weekend was a full one. Good luck to all applicants though :)

Will have results in a few days.

OK - Thanks to all who applied. First, I will admit right away I looked at posting history and content. For a game to go to level 20, it will take a serious commitment, so many of you that are newer to the boards, I may not have given you the chance you deserve. I also decided to go for a group of five characters that could possibly survive the loss of one and continue (real life happens).

So, those chosen (please report to the discussion thread) are:

Garnst White Eye = rogue
Katharina Tuskherhill = barbarian
Dain = cleric
Mahath Kishion = wizard
Malstei Alenuath = ranger

Best of luck and good gaming to the rest. And, as we need many good DMs, anyone willing to piggyback off my maps and this thread to run another Savage Tide game is welcome to do so. If, for some reason, those accepted choose to decline or drop, PLAYERS THAT APPLIED FOR THIS GAME FIRST WILL BE CONSIDERED ABOVE A NEW RECRUITING!! I believe anyone putting a character together for the first recruitment deserves some consideration above an open recruitment.

sigh, always a bride's maid, never the bride. Oh well, I hope the chosen party has a great time, and good luck to everyone else in the future.

Scarab Sages

Good luck to you guys and have fun!

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Recruitment / Savage Tide - Pathfinder AP #3 - Level 1-20 Campaign - Pathfinder Core Rulebook Only All Messageboards

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