Common, Elven, Sylvan
Favored Class: Ranger
Mal is 5'3" tall with milky white skin and a silver sheen to his dark hair. He has worked hard to grow a beard to allow him to blend in with human society a bit better. He wears green breeches with a tan shirt both tight fitting. Simple green riding boots adorn his feet. When the weather is poor he has a dark green travel cloak with hood though usually it stays in his backpack. At his hip is a longsword. Strung over his back is a quiver with arrows. He usually walks along with his long bow unstrung unless he expects combat (when on the caravan route it is always strung).
Personality: A dour elf, he has a flighty personality (due to his Fey blood) which will sometimes be overly cheerful making his dour moods appear even more dour than they truly are.
Motivation: Growing up in Evereska he felt that the elven people turned their backs on the forestlands they once protected. He left Evereska in order to do so feeling that one elf can make a difference. He dislikes elven isolationist policies but feels disconnected from the world of men (part of the reason for his dour moods).
Perhaps the other reason for his dire moods is that Mal believes that he is a reincarnated elf who has been slain by Dragons in many of his past lives. As a result, he has dedicated this life to hunting the Beasts.
He has spent much time in his recent past aiding the citizens of Phlan against the fearsome foes.