Savage Blight - Rune Stoners go north

Game Master Rev Rosey

Part 2 of the Rune Stones saga.
Levels 3-5 and the introduction to Kyleth.

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Female Eladrin Warlord/10

OA on Garok

Kia swipes at Garok as he tries to leave.


Feeling the surge of battle renewed within her, she stabs her blade into Garok in a desperate attempt to stop him.

Kia is on 3HP

Garok cannot avoid Kia'a vengeance. With a fragment of half-formed verse on his lips, the ogre falls, still clutching Whiteclaw's backpack. Ugly's eyes widen and his mouth opens in a soundless scream.

Seeing Garok fall, Reason deflects his lance of faith towards the new threat, striking the orc with the might of his goddess.

Took the liberty of changing your target Reason


Kia is up

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Now, cover me! (And I wouldn't mind a little healing)."

Kia picks up the sack from the fallen Garok and shifts to E5, then moves to H11 taking cover behind the boxes (she may have to run there). If no-one heals her and she is still conscious next turn she can heal herself but.. If people can move to block access to her and stop Brainpeeler having a go at her, it would be a help.

It would be really helpful if someone moved to G10 before the orcs next turn

Ugly gasps as Kia grabs the backpack and darts away. The infernal fire generated by Garok dies as abruptly as its creator. Apologies, that should have gone as soon as he died.


Arianwyn is up

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

As a result of Garok's demise. teleport to K9. Minor - move Urho to I8. Move - shift to K8. Standard - whack Brainpeeler. wiv me longsword. 1d20+8 vs AC = 20. Damage 1d8+2 +1d6 curse = 9 damage.

"Greetings once more." Arianwyn says as he appears out of nowhere (from Brainpeeler's perspective), "I assume Kyleth is waiting for us?" he says as he displays the swordsmanship for which the eladrin are famous.

Gobi feels avandra's presence continue through himself as he heads to help out one of his wounded comrades.

move to h12, lay on hands for kia

Is Gobi continuing to divinely challenge Brainpeeler?

"Don't speak the name of the Holy Bride, polluted feyspawn."

Brainpeeler spits the words as Arianwyn's sword sinks into his flesh and the snarling form of Urho moves to cut off his escape.

Gobi hastens to Kia's side and applies some much needed first aid.


Whiteclaw is up

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Brainpeeler's escape is further hindered by Whiteclaw's form hurtling across the room, her flail flashing down as she howls out a challenge!

Ferocious charge against Brainpeeler. 1d20+11=17. Just in case, 1d10+8=10. Mark him and frown at my dice! Oh, I'm in J9.

Whiteclaw's action serves only as a minor distraction to Brainpeeler. Her blow fails to connect.

Insane light fills Ugly's eyes as he stomps towards Kia.

"Give it here..."

Reason gets on OA on Ugly.

Grabbing at the precious pack, he pulls it out of Kia's arms and gloats.
Grab on backpack (Str v Fort) (1d20 6=19)

Brainpeeler shifts back and screams at Kia "Fall to Gruumsh" as he stabs fiercely at the warlord.

To her horror, Kia feels her defences seeping away. With a horrid grin, Brainpeeler gestures to Ugly and the orc swings the backpack hard at the eladrin.

Eye of Wrath (Ref) v Kia (1d20 8=23). Eye of Wrath - Kia -4AC to end Brainpeeler's next turn.

Swipe at Kia with backpack (1d20 6=20, 1d4 3=6). Brainpeeler used Swift Arm of Destruction (it recharged). Theoretically, this allows a free action melee attack from Ugly, but since he's carrying the backpack, he hitting Kia with that rather than the blight blade. 6hp damage to Kia


Reason - OA on Ugly
Vel is up

Arianwyn and Urho

Rev DM wrote:

Is Gobi continuing to divinely challenge Brainpeeler?

"Don't speak the name of the Holy Bride, polluted feyspawn."

Brainpeeler spits the words as Arianwyn's sword sinks into his flesh and the snarling form of Urho moves to cut off his escape.

Gobi hastens to Kia's side and applies some much needed first aid.


Whiteclaw is up

Negatory, the only thing I could use would be my daily for a ranged attack. I felt as though healing was more important

Makes sense, just wanted to check.

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Arianwyn's eyes flash as he retorts, "You are as half-witted and half-blind as your so-called god. You are the pollutant. We are the clean wind and scouring wave that shall sweep you away. Speaking of which.." he finishes as Whiteclaw joins the melee.

On my turn

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

Vel curses as her force bolts miss the orc with the precious pack.

MM vs Ugly (1d20+8=12, 2d4+6=13)

Male Tiefling Cleric 11

Reason has no weapon in hand, so declines his OA. Want to see results from Vel and TRK before my action.

Reason stands poised and tense as Vel's attack misses. The Rogue Knight simply strides across the room and smashes Ugly into the ground. The precious backpack is free once more.



The vile presence of the demon Obitu Qai seeps into your mind, seeking to overtake you.

Attack on Reason (1d20 12=21, 1d4=3). 3 psychic damage to Reason.

To your horror, you see Reason drop to his knees and the appalling screaming you associate with the demon skull start.


Kia is up
Arianwyn and Urho

Male Tiefling Cleric 11


Rev, do I also miss my action due to the psychic attack?

Reason wrote:


** spoiler omitted **



You can take your turn as usual - apologies, I meant to have said.


REASON is up
Arianwyn and Urho

Male Tiefling Cleric 11

Reason calls out to Ioun to aid him.

Ioun's Poise. Will is now 24.

Apologies. Have horribly flu. Will update as when I'm a little less precarious.

Take care, Rev.

Through the pain, Reason feels the power of his goddess strengthen his will.

Kia is up
Arianwyn and Urho

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Yeah, Rev, get better, don't worry about updates, take care of you.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"Everybody, keep your distance from me!"

Kia picks up the backpack, and moves to G16. There she uses her second wind for an extra healing surge.

Kia is now on 21HP - still bloodied, but only just

Feeling a bit better - may be sporadic the next 24 hours but pretty much on track now I think.

Kia clutches the backpack and speeds to the far corner of the room.


Arianwyn and Urho are up

Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Eldritch Blast vs BP. 25 vs Ref - 11 damage. Minor - move Urho to J8. Minor - Urho attack BP - 16 vs AC, 4 damage.

Wordlessly Arianwyn causes arcane flame to arc out to the orc, whilst the stone hound silently leaps towards the offending orc and bites him.

Arianwyn's wild fey blast hits Brainpeeler solidly, but Urho's teeth just glide off the orc's armour.

"Filth, you're all filth..." curses the cleric.

Kia - please make a perception check. DC15


Gobi is up

Gobi moves away from his current position of aiding his friend to finish off the Orc. "Filth? We're Filth?" Gobi shuts his eyes tight and invokes a prayer.

Move to L9

On Pain of Death vs. Will (1d20+6=17)

On Pain of Death Damage (3d8+4=10)

the plan was overkill on damage, and I think my god was not happy with gobi's intent.

Outraged by Brainpeeler's taunts, Gobi strides across the room and mallets the orc once. It is enough. A slightly un-nerving grins crosses the tusked face as your last visible foe falls.

Remain in init order for now please, Reason has failed his first save v Obitu Qai's skull and this needs to be resolved.

Brainpeeler is at -1. Gobi, is he dead or alive? Your call.


Whiteclaw - immune to skull attacks
Vel - not immune
TRK - not immune
Reason - due to take second attack at +5 to Will defence
Kia - immune, needs to make a perception check DC15
Arianwyn and Urho - Urho is immune, Arianwyn isn't
Gobi - not immune

unconscious please

OK. You going to tie him up?

I'd certainly like to, we're still in initiative though right? so I may have to wait on that

You are. Extracting rope preparatory to tying him up counts as a minor action though, so you can do that.

Whiteclaw - immune - is up
Vel - not immune
TRK - not immune
Reason - will be making second save at +5 v Will
Kia - immune and needs to make a Perception check at DC15
Arianwyn and Urho - Urho is immune, Arianwyn isn't
Gobi - not immune

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

Perception check (1d20+3=14)

I hate IC and it hates me.

Pity. So far not a problem as my rolling has been perilously bad as well.

Male Tiefling Cleric 11

Just checking: am I making a save, or is the skull attacking my Will defense?

The skull is attacking your Will defence. It needs three clear hits.

Reason - will be attacked
Arianwyn and Urho
Gobi - probably going to tie up an orc

Just so that Reason's activities can be seen in the sea of ooc comments...

In the interests of moving things along a little here, can I ask that Vel, TRK and Whiteclaw post any actions they're taking as soon as they can and if necessary, I'll retcon to include them. Where I'm really going with this is that if one of is planning to grab hold of Reason, you need to tell me so you can make the appropriate rolls. Of course, knowing you chaps, you'll have something else up your sleeves.

Reason screams again as the demon lord dives under his imposing defenses yet again.

Skull v Reason round 2 (1d20 12=25)

One more attack to come. If that hits, Reason is dominated and his actions will be directed by Obitu Qai. Reason, can you confirm how long Ioun's Poise lasts?

Kia to act
Arianwyn and Urho to act
Gobi to act

Female Gnoll Warden 12 (Icewrought Sentinel)

Sorry, I've had no internet for 2 days, and hence no way to post or tell you all I couldn't! Vicious circle that.

Whiteclaw will guard the others while they deal with the skull situation.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

GM :

Vel readies an Illusory Ambush against Reason should he appear to be hostile

Whiteclaw wrote:

Sorry, I've had no internet for 2 days, and hence no way to post or tell you all I couldn't! Vicious circle that.

Not a problem - good to see you back. The joys of our technology based culture.

Male Tiefling Cleric 11

Unfortunately, Ioun's Poise only lasts 'til start of my next turn.. yuck. Reason will take his Second Wind this round. At least that will increase his defense by 2.

Edit: Did I take damage this round?

Searing pain arcs into the tiefling's brain.

Psychic damage (1d4=4) 4hp damage to Reason



In your own private hell, you seem to yourself to be fighting a Glazberu demon with five red glowing eyes. With each attack it moves closer to you, seeking to devour your will utterly.

Next attack is v you at Will 21.

Female Eladrin Warlord/10

"I daren't go near him with this thing, but ought we not to secure him in case he finally succumbs? Surely if he is tied up we will be less danger to himself and to us if the worst happens. If our strongest person holds him while another ties him. I am sure that Reason will not object."

Arianwyn (and Urho) with Gobi both need to say what they're doing. Vel has a readied action. TRK needs to say what he's doing as well.

I'd like to move things along a little. If anyone wishes to take Kia's advice or take some other action, please tell me in your next posts.



The glazeberu reaches out to you once more and you know at some deep level that if this attack succeeds, you will fall under his control. Demonic claws grip your body as the eyes glow and pulse once more ...

Skull v Reason round 3 (1d20 12=15, 1d4=4). 4hp psychic damage to Reason.

... from some unknown source, you find yourself able to resist. Pain arcs through you once more, but for now you are safe. As the thwarted presence in your mind fades, you are left with a final impression of desperation amidst the infernal malice.

Reason is now immune to skull attacks for 24 hours.

Reason lies slumped on the floor, but the screaming has stopped.

OUT OF COMBAT. 514XP each, taking you to 5287 total.

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame
Rev DM wrote:

OUT OF COMBAT. 514XP each, taking you to 5287 total.

So close!

Female Human Wizard 11 / Master of Flame

"Now what?" Vel asks, looking warily at the tiefling on the floor.

Male Tiefling Cleric 11


Male Eladrin Warlock (Feypact) 13 - Multiclass Bard - Hexer Paragon Path

Arianwyn and Urho stand over Reason, "'Ware, tiefling... if thou'rt possessed, we shall not flinch to prevent thee." the eladrin says darkly.

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