Ryuko's Adventures in Ustalav: The Hauntings at Harrowstone (Inactive)

Game Master Ryuko

Discover the menace hiding in the darkest corner of the Inner Sea, the country of Ustalav, where brave men fear to tread.

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Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Did anyone let anca know about the contents of the books, etc?

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

Would assume so. Not like Tyrgrim is gonna go "Oath of being all bro and s&&$" and then go "Nah, secret, neener neener!"

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1

Okay, well then, when it is appropriate, I will make the aforementioned knowledge checks. Obviously, making them while we're investigating something "unrelated" is not appropriate.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard/1


Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

Hey all, I've just finished moving in with my GF today and we won't have internet for at least a week. Any posts I make will be made from my phone and probably won't be very long. Just letting everyone know in advance.

Male Ulfen Human Cleric of Gorum 1

The sheriff just gave me permission to hack down the painter of plasma? Excellent! Let the wrath of Gorum commence :P

@Anca: Yeah, pretty close. Give his a little longer beard, put banded armor on him and make his sword a greatsword, and it is pretty accurate.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

I fly, I fly high,
Man I'm amazing I'm blazin.

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

What the hell? Someone posted for me. Weird. Anyway...


Anyone interested in continuing this now that I'm back.

Male Half-orc

im interested as soon as your ready. hope ur ok man

Male Human Super Cruel DM 10

I'm fine, however, Anca and Tyrgrim are having a few days of together time so we'll be without anyone. We'll see if we can get it started again when they're done.

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