Mithral Scarab

Anca Ravarath's page

159 posts. Alias of Hu5tru.

Full Name

Anca Ravarath


Human (Varisian)









Special Abilities

Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage




Zon Kuthon


Common, Varisian, Draconic, Infernal


Noble Scion

Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Anca Ravarath

Anca Ravarath
Human Female Bard 1
LN Medium Humaniod (Varisian)
Init +3, Senses Normal Vision Perception +0


AC 13(armor +2, dex+1), touch 11, flat-foot 12
HP 9 (1d8+1) Current 9
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3


Melee dagger +0 (1d4 +0/19-20x2)
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6 +0)


Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
BAB 0, CMB +0, CMD 11
Traits On the Payroll (Campaign, +150 gold starting), Superstitious Ward (Ustalav Regional, Disrupt Undead 1/day), Carefully Hidden (+1 to will, +2 on ST vs Divinations)
Feats Noble Scion (Scion of War - CHA to Init), Skill Focus Perform (Sing), Point Blank Shot
Languages Known Common, Varisian, Draconic, Infernal
Skills Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Perform (Sing) +10, Spellcraft +6
Combat Gear Rosewood Armor, Dagger, Shortbow, Durable Arrows x20
Other Gear mwk Backpack, courtiers clothing, waterskin, bedroll, winter blanket, signet ring, sealing wax, stationary, ink, inkpen, soap, perfume, trail rations


Bardic Knowledge- Ability to roll all knowledge skill checks untrained.
Bardic Performance – 7 rds/day
Fascinate – Confound enemies with a DC 14 will save to resist your charms.
Distraction – Disrupt any spell effect dependent on sight
Countersong – Disrupt any spell effect dependent on sonic components
Inspire Courage - +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

(CL 1st, Concentration +4, melee touch +0, ranged touch +1)

1st Unseen Servant, Timely Inspiration
0 Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation


Carrying Capacity:
Light- 33 lbs, Medium - 66 lbs Heavy - 100 lbs

Rosewood armor (50gp) +2 armor, +6 max dex, 0 penalty, 15 lbs
Shortbow (30gp) 2 lbs
Arrows, Durable 20 (20gp) 3 lbs
Mwk Backpack (50gp) 4lbs – allows character to carry items at +1 str (light load 50 lbs)
Courtier’s Clothing (30gp) -equipped-
Waterskin (1gp) half full 2lbs
Bedroll (1sp) 5lbs
Winter blanket(5sp) 3lbs
Signet Ring (5gp)
Sealing Wax (1gp) 1lbs
Stationary x20(10 gp)
Ink, black (16gp)
Inkpen x 5 (5sp)
Soap x2 (2cp) 1lbs
Perfume, rare 1 dose – 20 uses (20 gp)
Trail Rations 4(2gp) 4lbs

Total Encumbrance

13 gp, 8cp remaining


Age 18, Height 5'8", Weight 160lbs, Hair Blond, Eyes Blue

For Reference

The first feature one would notice about Anca is her eyes. Expertly shaped brows painted with a pale ashen hue to stand out from her ivory complexion set off the cool blue of her eyes, in temperate climates likened to a fine mist in summer twilight, in more moderate, the icy blue found at the heart of a glacier. Her cheekbones are high and flat, her chin slightly broader than most, but softened by a dainty mouth with a bowed upper lip. The gown Anca wears is modestly cut, but of fine copper silk, accentuated by an elaborate lace bib that is held at the base of her jaw by a wide crimson ribbon tied into a bow at the nape of her neck. On the fourth finger of her right hand she wears an overlarge signet ring secured there by a length of gold ribbon wrapped about the band. She carries herself with an air of one used to excessive discipline, but her movements are not without natural grace.

Anca was the final and only girl child born to Lord Iozif and Lady Narcizia Ravarath. As a young girl, she watched her elder brothers, Andrezi and Grigori train in the arts of war to promote and advance the cause of their house. When she was only seven, Anca was awoken early in the morning by her mother's servants, stuffed into her very best dress, and then placed atop her father's horse. Lord Ravarath, flanked by his sons, quit the safety of their keep to hold court at the village below. Before the trio stood seven peasants accused of plotting a rebellion. Anca clearly remember the simple tools laid at their feet as evidence, and the mottled, almost purple color of rage spread across their faces as they denied the charges, swearing crude oaths at the witnesses that testified against them. Lord Ravarath adjudicated the case, pronounced the accused guilty, and lent his eldest son, Andrezi the family's blade to perform their execution. After, Lord Ravarath commanded his daughter to accompany him to the field. Stepping delicately around the expanding pools of blood, the pair made their way to the pile of evidence. Lord Ravarath summoned one of the witnesses, and extended a spade to him.

"The frosts have come early this year," he said. "If you've the strength to fight us, take this and put it to its proper use, with a mind to survival and not bloodshed."

It was not until some years later that Anca recognized her father's mercy. For what some would term his brutality, their family was feared. So far as Anca was concerned, she wanted for nothing in childhood, exceptional tutors, the companionship of her brothers, or her parent's love. She rode with their wards and servants through their holdings and was wholly safe, and though there were some years when the 'keep was forced to open its granaries to sustain the peasants, aide was distributed equitably and peacefully. As Anca matured, she showed a particular aptitude for rulership her brothers, despite having the best education their Lord father and Lady mother could afford, had not. While Andrezi had the firm hand and voice required to lead, his tact was lacking, and Grigori’s interest in the arcane consumed him for the most. Together, the pair would hold the keep in her father’s passing, but signs of fracture among them were already evident. Andrezi was proud, and would not share power easily, and Grigori’s studies seemed to grow more solitary as time progressed.

Fortunately, Lord Iozif had the good sense and preparedness to maintain a competent healer at the keep, and his own health through Anca’s early adolescence, for it became clear that despite Narcizia’s efforts a bride of any prominent standing could not be found to wed her elder brother. Andrezi, though displaying their lord father’s mein and sensibilities did not possess his strength, and furthermore he had little interest in cultivating relations with women. His rendezvous were always quickly and efficiently suppressed by Narcizia, who then recognized that neither of her sons would succeed their father.

At the age of twelve, Anca was sent to Caliphas to attend her mother’s sister as a maid to benefit from studying at the feet of the masters, and also to learn court intrigue. It was expected that she would be polished and refined into a worthy scion of House Ravarath, and cut as attractive a figure as a bride might to preserve the Ravarath holdings in her brother’s stead. It was in her period of study that Anca was introduced to the cult of Zon Kuthon. She did not recognize it then, but all had been arranged by her mother and her aunt, expert manipulators. Fearing the negative influences of bardic and foppish contemporaries with pedestrian sentimentality, Anca's devotion was encouraged by a charismatic cult leader who taught Anca that life ended at death, and that there were no greater purpose than service. A scion, Anca's flesh was spared her Lord's sweetest stings, but she was inexorably drawn into his worship, recalling memories of the beauty of her elder brother's artful form when he delivered killing blows to criminals. In particular, Anca was trained to obey her priest as she was to obey her betrothed.

Upon successful completion of her training, Anca was called home to be introduced to her intended bride groom. After a pleasant ride among the Ravarath holdings and a private dinner to discuss the details of the contract that had been drafted, signed and notarized in her absence by her Lord father and Lady mother, he beat Anca savagely, carving his intent into her flesh with a scorpion whip. Anca was tended by Narcizia and her elder brother Grigori, who laid into her main open sores woundweal, allowing her to heal naturally and scar. Grigori took a particular interest in the healing process, spending several hours each day beside her, occasionally reading to her from her favorite books, but for the most studying the effect of the woundweal on her flesh, even drawing in minute detail the wounds as they healed. When Anca could sit upright again, her mother visited and presented her with her her intended's signet ring.

"The temper of man is quick," her mother soothed her, brushing Anca's hair from her face tenderly. "Our profession has been and always will be harder. "


Anca's strict childhood discipline and social training have lent themselves to a rather... dry air of superiority when speaking with others. Her performances lack the passion usually attributed to the Varisian people, being noted more for their technical merit by her peers. Anca expects much of her party members, but more of herself. A noble scion and intended bride, she has a high strict standard of behavior and appearance to maintain.


Essentially, the inspiration for this character is Machiavelli's axiom - it is better to be feared than loved. A noble scion, fear is a tangible force to be reckoned with, of famine, of peasant uprisings, and the like. So far as the character is concerned, I know it reads as though she is wooden, but she has not truly been given license to live. It seems a challenge, and I am really stretching my abilities with this character, to develop into something... amazing, I am hoping.


Campaign Trait: On the Payroll While she was training, Anca was rarely truly idle. To put her studies to use, and earn some monies to supplement the meager allowance the Ravarath estates could afford her in the capital, Anca frequently took jobs from Professor Lorrimor in which she utilized her contacts in academic, social and political circles to obtain information for him. Rather than look upon her employment as embarrassing and something fundamentally beneath her station, Anca perceived the situation to be beneficial, using her innate and trained abilities to distinguish and promote herself rather than slovenly occupying space like many of her contemporaries seemed to. It was during these periods of employment that Anca felt most free, or at the very least engaged on a personal level. Despite years of training to suppress emotive response to stimulus, Anca felt a stirring of sympathy when she learned of Professor Lorrimor’s death, and being cited as a beneficiary of his will, she could not refuse to attend his funeral.

Plot Hooks?:

Rather than hazard a guess at the identity of Anca’s intended, I will leave that to you. Essentially, I’ve tried to leave it as un/ambiguous as possible that her mother and elder brother Grigori are into some freaky stuff, and may be plotting to overthrow her father, but ultimately I leave that to you.