Ruins of Aztlant

Game Master Nayr Trebrot


The lure of a free, open land, but what mysteries lie beneath the roots of a new frontier, or lurk deep below, in the darkest waters.
Froggy Map

Roll20 link

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Sorry, missed that. These things appear to be fully automated, working on a routine.

The ramp is indeed walled, so yes - if you go up the ramp, you'd be protected by the wall from the Xbows.

The ramp leads up, but curls around, so you can't really see what they lead up to without going up...of course;) But, they seem to go to the next level, which is above the level of the crossbows. So, it wouldn't make sense for them to go to the crossbows themselves; if anything, maybe they lead to some mechanism for them in the floor of the level above, but even that is pretty doubtful.

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

I was unable to move Banterknell any further up the stairs. Is the way blocked? If so, does that mean the others cannot find shelter on the stairs?

Nope, that's just a restriction of it being a break between 1st and 2nd floor. You have 3 extra squares before you enter into a larger room up on the 2nd floor. So, you can move up 2 squares and hide everyone within the stairwell, if you like.

Banterknell - your calculations look perfect, long as that's the spell telekinetic projectile.

Cantrips are awesome in 2E; my live war for the crown group has 2 8th level wizards, and they kill most things with telekinetic projectile and electric arc.

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Then I would like to move BK up to the next level, 2 more squares.

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Marius, just ideas, but to "Seek" is an action; hearing from Grunyar that there may be a control panel, viable actions would be to use actions to look for it. Just let me know and roll perception if you like.

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Guys, sorry for this, but I'm headed out of town tomorrow till Sunday. I'll be able to post by phone only

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

That's alright, life happens!

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Since it looks like we are leaving, are we headed back to camp or is there something else we would want to investigate while we are out there?

Just to figure where we are here. Kib is downstairs, and you'd mentioned you were going to check a door? I don't want to discount that, as it would be happening simultaneously with the conversation on the second floor. There are 4 doors - 2 in the east wall and 2 in the west wall. If you approach one, please give me a Perception check for it. Tess - I moved you out into the open on the 2nd floor of the map, as that's the only way you'd be talking to the creature.

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Banterknell is already half way down the stairs. He will turn back if the discussion goes poorly of course.

Grunyar, I'm thinking that's electric arc you're casting? It's a reflex save, so doesn't require an attack roll from you. Let me know if you mean something else.

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

I will be on vacation Thus-Mon. I'm pretty good at keeping up while vacationing but there are two 10+ hour drives involved so I may not be able to respond promptly at times.

Looks like that hits, even with shield raised Tess; feel free to shield block if you like.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

Okay, so out of character, I regret all of Kib's actions and apologize for the absolute beat down we are receiving from these things. I am so sorry.

Well, the dice sure haven't been helping you!

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

Not to be That Guy, but I think this initiative round isn't going quite right:

Since this post, Kib, BK, Marius and Grunyar all acted, with me waiting to see if that prone guy still needed some extra stabbing. After this, the enemies haven't gone yet, but now, as of the GM's last post, the enemies haven't acted yet, but everyone except Kib is up again. I think something didn't go quite right here...

This isn't to call you out or anything, of course. As someone who's also GM'd PbPs, I know tracking initiative can be an absolute mess lol

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

I agree with Tess. I posted Grunyar’s action based off of the previous initiative posting by the GM. I likely will do the same thing again in the next round but haven’t seen any results from my most recent post. Mostly I’m saying all of this selfishly since I want these bad guys dead before Grunyar is dead.

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I had only posted the result of Kib's action, since Tess said specifically that she'd like to wait to see the result of said action.

Now, I can recap the rest.

Tess and BK both had crits that turn. That's 12 damage to Grunyar!

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

I was just wondering on that electric arc cantrip. Does it need a spell attack and enemies get a saving throw? That seems harsh to spellcasters. It is almost like two saves vs the spell. Just wondering cause I am new to pathfinder 2E and I didn’t see that in the spell description but maybe there is something in the general rules on spells that I couldn’t find or a house rule or something.

Thanks for any clarification

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

It will tell you if you need to make an attack roll. Check out TK projectile to see what I mean. So, I would say that you do not need to make an attack roll.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3
Grunyar Surefoot wrote:

I was just wondering on that electric arc cantrip. Does it need a spell attack and enemies get a saving throw? That seems harsh to spellcasters. It is almost like two saves vs the spell. Just wondering cause I am new to pathfinder 2E and I didn’t see that in the spell description but maybe there is something in the general rules on spells that I couldn’t find or a house rule or something.

Thanks for any clarification

It does not require an attack roll.

Correct, no attack roll!

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

I'll be the first to say it.

I'm done. This game just isn't progressing and I've quickly lost interest in it. The time between postings makes it hard for me to keep track of what is happening. So I am going to withdraw.

Thanks everyone for playing.
Thanks GM Nayr for running.
Hope you all have wonderful success in your future games.

Likewise Kib; thanks for playing. I hear ya'; I've lost interest in the messageboards as well, and work has been crippling my posting.

I can honestly say that posting frequency isn't likely to get better anytime soon, guys. So, that said, did you want to continue, or cancel this one and move on to greener pastures?

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

I'm patient. I'll wait for you to have time. Seems like a lot of my non-PFS games are like this of late.

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

I'm very attached to Tess, and I'll gladly continue this at any point. That said, don't force it. Whether this dies out or continues, like, years down the line, I'll be there to make my next post.

Male Human Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) 3 35/35 hp AC 17, Fort 8, Ref 5 will 11; Perception +9

I'm fine to continue at a slow pace, since I'm still learning 2nd ed, it sort of helps. But I'll defer to the group.

Cool; sounds good guys. We'll continue on; Kib will disappear into thin air though.

HP: 32 of 33 / AC: 20 / FORT: +6 , REF: +11 , WILL: +7 / PERCPETION: +7 Kobold Rogue 3

In fairness, I would like the party to have some of the loot from this tower. 1 is a lesser healing potions, 2 are unknown potions. Do with them as you will.

Arcana (T) +9 Occultism (T) +9 Society (T) +5 Lore Engineering (T) +9 Crafting (T) +9 Diplomacy (T) +5 Lore Azlant (T) +9 Athletics (T) +5
Wizard 3, HP 28/37 Perception +6. Dwarf AC:16 . Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8. Melee attack +5. Range attack +6. Spell attack +9. Spell DC 19
Prepared spells:
cantrips: Tanglefoot, Detect magic, Electric arc, Ghost sound, Mage hand 1st: Grease, Summon animal, Charm, Magic missile 2nd: Summon elemental, Hideous Laughter x2

I too am fine staying and posting at whatever speed we continue at

Just to get this right - is BK really grabbing the steel bearings via telekinetic projectile? You can sure try, you'll just have to wait till its in range of the spell.

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Sure he is. It's just the sort of thing he would do.

That's fantastic;) I love it

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Is this game still going?

It's with a heavy heart that I have to say I'm going to let this one go. Real life now has me by the butters, and priorities have substantially changed. I'm very sorry to waste anyone's time, but hope you enjoyed playing a bit while we could. Thanks to everyone for playing!

Male Human Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) 3 35/35 hp AC 17, Fort 8, Ref 5 will 11; Perception +9

@GM thanks for getting this going, it was fun while it lasted!

Be well!

N/N male gnome bard/3 | Acrobatics +8, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Occultism +6, Perception +4, Performance +11, Stealth +8, Thievery +8 | HP: 30/38| AC: 15 | F/R/W: +4/7/4| Active Conditions: none

Ditto. I'm sure we will meet up again.

Female LG Half-Elf Champion 3 | HP 36/44 | AC 20 | FORT +9 REF +7 WILL +7 |PERC +5 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: none | Focus: 1/1

The game was good while it lasted, thanks GM!

Male Human Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) 3 35/35 hp AC 17, Fort 8, Ref 5 will 11; Perception +9

@ GM do you think you can move this to inactive if you see this?

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