Rise of the Runelords by DM KLS (Inactive)

Game Master KyleS

Battle Map

Eloen - HP: 11/11 -2 penatly on Will saves
Farumph - HP: 13/13
Galeas - HP: 13/13 +2 AC and saves until struck or failed save
Kera - HP: 7/7 -2 penatly on Will saves
Yeda - HP: 13/13 -2 penatly on Will saves

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So I've consistently tried to run this privately for the last few years to no avail, and I'm really wanting to run this! So it's been some time since I ran a play by post for the public, but fear not! We're good to go here! So what am I looking for in this game? Well as the title says, if you're new, I encourage you roll up a character! If you're new to play by post, I welcome you to the place that gives you more leeway to write the story you want to share! And you won't be alone either, there is already someone who is brand new waiting and ready to play! And if you're not new, here's what you'll want to know for sure!

First and foremost: No 3rd Party. I don't run it in my games, so if you want to run something, it either must be found in a physical book on the PRD here on Paizo (yes, I don't trust the pfsrd20 site. I've found too much home brew supposedly published by Paizo). This is not to say that I won't say no to ideas though. If you wanna try it, run it by me, but keep it practical and simple. If I'm to welcome new players, I don't want it to be something they can't wrap their head around and takes me 15 minutes to figure out how it works. Now on to the creation rules!

- This will be a 20 point buy for ability scores.
- Average starting gold for character class.
- 2 traits and a drawback. Campaign traits are not required, but if it's a trait that involves some background work, I will expect the work along with it. Example: the Rich Parents trait. Tell me how you got an extra 900 starting gold. I'm not going to just straight hand it to you, and it may not be 900. Also, make the traits tie into your character. The Fencer trait makes absolutely no sense if your character has never touched a blade.
- Please provide at least a brief background of your character and who they are. I favor stories over roles and stats. That doesn't mean the longer the story, the better the chance of getting in.
- If you have anything in particular that you want to incorporate, please ask. I'm sure I will get people who've played or own this AP that apply. That's fine with me as long as you keep character knowledge separate. But if you want to utilize something from the AP as part of your character, give a simple explanation of how it would tie with your character and we can go from there.

I'm sure you will all have questions, so please be free to ask. I don't have a deadline as of yet as things can fill very quickly, but I will be looking for at least the next couple of days. I look forward to seeing everyone's character ideas!

I'd like put my hat in the ring. I'll find the players guide so I can get a better idea of the background of the campaign and what would be feasible. What kind of posting schedule would you be looking for?

Posting as often as you can would be nice, but at the same time I understand that life can get pretty hectic (mine certainly does). I'm able to post most mornings and late evenings as of right now, so I can constantly check in. When in combat, if a post isn't made at least once a day, your character action will be ran by me. I won't let one round of combat last a week. Out of combat, I'm not going to let the entire game be ran by two players because the other 3 or 4 don't get the same opportunity to post.

Dark Archive

I would love to get into this AP. I have two characters available that I could add traits and adjust gold on.

Nilah, Tiefling Magus http://paizo.com/people/Nilah

Yeda, Human Bloodrager http://paizo.com/people/Yeda

But I’m flexible and can create something for a different fit.

I’m still fairly new, in my first two PbP sessions currently.

No worries Pale. If possible, I would like to see a little more expansion on who the characters are. I'm more interested in Yeda, but I would like to see what you can do with Nilah though. Go ahead and figure your traits out, and then you can put the backgrounds here for now so that way anyone who wants to give input can help you out. I've been part of some recruitment threads where people are actually friendly enough to help out "rivals" so to speak just for the sake of spreading knowledge.

Valerie is an exile from Hermea, newly expelled from her perfect society and with very little knowledge of the wider world... she's determined to be a hero and so prove herself worthy of re-admittance to Mengkare's glorious future.

(Eventuallly planning on paladin/sorceror/dragon disciple.)

(I've read ROTR and been in one game of it that got partway into book 4, but I'm pretty good at not metagaming.)

Dark Archive

Yes, I had intended to do this for the last recruitment thread I tried but ended up running out of time. I plan to expand them quite a bit from what is there now. I’ll put a bit more for you to see before I truly focus on Yeda only.

Thank you.

Do you have a copy of the Familiar Folio Valerie that the Chosen One archetype comes from?

I'm going to have to check; a lot of my game stuff is packed away right now. I can go ahead and just make her a more standard paladin if that works better for you.

I'll be rescuing a Warpriest that didn't get selected on the last RotR recruitment. Just need to tweak some stats, I'll post it later today or tomorrow.

I just want to just make sure everything is correct is all. I don't have access to all of the Companions, but I've had people in the past swear up and down to the pfrd20 was true and all it took for me was a page flip to show them it wasn't in there. I know that it may not seem like a big deal to people, but I've rarely had a positive experience with in accurate written excerpts as well as 3rd party content in groups that weren't based on the whole party already knowing each other. Those are fights I don't want to deal with nor do I want to have stop game play. That's why I'm heavily keen on the PRD from Paizo because everyone has access to it no matter what and it's not as easily susceptible to random information updates.

I'd be very interested! I'm willing to play any core race and class, though I have a hankering for an elven fighter (archer with possible arcane-archer future?) or human monk...

Let me work something up and send it to you.



I've never played this one. I'd really love to. Hop I can get something together to throw into the ring.

I'm used to building a character based on what the party needs so having a fairly blank slate to work with is odd to me. That being said, monk is my go to class but I haven't had a good look at the unchained book yet.

Pitivo Wren, monster hunter, enjoys the purity of using his body as a weapon. Becoming bored with his life in Magnimar, he's been wandering the wilderness searching for a worthy adversary when he was set upon by goblins. Barely escaping with his life he came to Sandpoint, humbled and ashamed, to rest and recover. After a few days he is finally up and about again when he hears of the consecration ceremony of the new temple. Not having anything better to do he heads over to enjoy the festivities.

I'm not the greatest at coming up with the backstory details but I can fill in some more if needed. Basically it's human unchained monk that likes to fight monsters. I'm still working on the crunch of the character to put it all in an alias.

Liberty's Edge

I would like to throw my hat in! I am at work for the next few hours, but I have two ideas for characters:

A tattooed Varisian sorcerer

A Thassilonian Specialist Wizard

Arcanist would be the other class I would be interested in.

I love arcane classes haha, in case you couldn't tell. I am at a poing in my life that I can post at least once a day, and more on *most* weekends.

I've been unsuccessful so far in making it into any APs, so here I am putting my name in the hat. I figure I'll make it sooner or later!

I have a human ranger I built for this AP, so I'll probably submit him later this evening after a couple tweaks. Not the most original and unique concept, but hey, I think he'd be fun to play.

DM KLS wrote:
I just want to just make sure everything is correct is all. I don't have access to all of the Companions, but I've had people in the past swear up and down to the pfrd20 was true and all it took for me was a page flip to show them it wasn't in there. I know that it may not seem like a big deal to people, but I've rarely had a positive experience with in accurate written excerpts as well as 3rd party content in groups that weren't based on the whole party already knowing each other. Those are fights I don't want to deal with nor do I want to have stop game play. That's why I'm heavily keen on the PRD from Paizo because everyone has access to it no matter what and it's not as easily susceptible to random information updates.

Oh. I'm sorry but playing without the Weapon Master's Handbook is against my religion (yeah, even if I'm not playing a fighter). I guess I had to have a flaw, right? ;) Jokes aside, see you around.

Dotting on this. Really want to play something using the Deific Obedience rules, likely being a Cleric.

Also, another good srd would be Archives of Nethys which is pretty good at keeping things updated and is usually pretty correct. There is also no third party content on there, so no confusion on that front.

I'm not going to say no to anything in a compendium or Paizo published material, so don't get the wrong idea on that please. I'm just very weary of sites that are publicly edited by various members. So if you want to use something in a companion or chronicles or an AP, absolutely feel free to. I'm just asking that you have a way to cite the source that doesn't rely on 3rd party sites.

My idea is for a Bard (Dervish Dancer if that's okay) named Caryyn. She's a Varisian that's clanless due to her original one being killed early on in the war between the Chelaxians and the Shoanti due to the Chelaxian's assuming her tribe was there to attack them. Most of her actions are done out of spite or the desire to add another dance to her repertoire.

Caryyn is either young or eternally in good health, it's hard to tell the difference. Many suspect she's barely out of her teens, others are determined she's pushing 30 and has a baby face. None bother to ask. They do not meet Caryyn for conversation. They come to see her dance.

She twirls and glides around as she performs, making her layers of scarves look like living paint as she darts around. Everyone gets a moment of the performance to themselves as she draws near, most swear later they had more coin on themselves the last time they checked.

When not performing, the young woman enjoys a nice meal or two and plans the next place to travel to. Those that catch her get to hear the stories that inspire her dances and her hopes for another adventure soon. Life gets rather boring when all you do is travel and steal from the invaders of your homeland.

When amongst her kin, she's a bit more outspoken. They stole the land that should belong to none. They anger the gods and mock their mystics. They killed her family with no regrets. She's aware she'll never overthrow the outsiders, that her people aren't after blood. With a heavy heart she grows tired of their smiles and trudges off to put a fake one on and take what she can before nostalgia of what she's lost drives her back to the nearest clan passing by for a bit of familiarity and comfort again. She's been offered a home in a few clans given that she can get past her anger. Caryyn is uncertain that she can despite her skill at hiding it.

Yeah, I've no problem with that. Go ahead and stat up the character and we can go from there!

Found my copy of the Familiar Folio... Valerie will be chosen by Shelyn after all.

So what are we actually missing so far?

So after the end of the first day, here's what we've got so far...

Character Submissions:
- Arya Drottningu, Female half elf Rogue by JackNSally
- Nilah, Female tiefling Magus by PaleDim
- Yeda, Female human Bloodrager by PaleDim
- Valerie Victrix, Female human Paladin (Chosen One) of Shelyn by tonyz
- Balshazzar, Prince of Flames, Male hafling Wizard by MageOfSwords
- Caryyn, Female human Bard (Deverish Dancer) by Xaraley

Shown Intrest:
- natloz
- Solicitor
- KayriKhaos
- Krash4031
- Redac
- PixelsAreGod
- Aruetii

Not all submissions have been completed so far, and I don't expect every single one of them to be completed by the time I pick the cast of characters. Also, I'm getting applicants by PM, just in case you're curious where extra characters may be coming from.

Dark Archive

Okay, here's my first swipe at more detailed information about the character of Yeda. Feedback is welcome and highly appreciated. I hope you like it. I'll pick traits after this narrative gets solidified. I will try to get a similar character workup for my other submission sometime in the next two days (let me know if this needs to be sooner).

Yeda Wolfspirit, Shoanti Bloodrager

The Shadde-Quah are well known for their relative mistrust of outsiders. Even so they made occasional trade with passing Varisian caravans who came looking for treasures that the clan had found on the nearby seas.

Little Yeda didn't share this mistrust and was always fascinated by the traders who seemed to bring wondrous stories and things. Her clan's cliff dwellings in the Calphiak Mountains seemed like such a small world to her.

While the other young members of her tribe looked forward to voyages on the high seas, she simply wanted to roam further out into the world and see what other interesting people and things didn't fit on those caravans.

Where she diverged in matching local attitudes, she made up for with her fighting ability. Instead of the traditional axe, she traded with one of the passing caravans for a greatsword and some limited access to training. She practiced with it day and night for months after she obtained it, keeping it near her even as she slept. Although her older brothers were ashamed of her "irresponsible lack of caution" with outsiders and their weapons, they took great delight in watching her embarrass her peers in combat. This made it hard to have many friends of her own age within the clan which drove her further to socialize with passing outsiders. Older, softened members of the clan were somewhat friendlier with her, regarding her as a bit of an instigator but they respected her ferocity in battle and good spirits otherwise. Since she longed to range away from the dwelling into the valleys and beyond they named her the Wolf-spirit.

One year, the passing caravan came with a small circle of sorcerers. She was instantly fascinated by all of their activities. Their alchemical crafting, their somatic gestures before some fantastic effect would erupt. Amused by her they began to explain their ways and entertain her questions for hours every day.

The clan elders became concerned with this and called a meeting with her parents to ridicule them for letting such behavior flourish. When they confronted her a heated argument ensued. "You don't need these dark ways that corrupt the soul! You're just as capable a warrior as any young member of the clan..." Predictably both sides stormed off in anger.

Though she knew she may regret it soon, she decided her world was continuing to shrink and it was time to open it up for herself. The caravan was leaving just then and she stole away with them. It was time to see the world.

The first stop was Riddleport. Her initial experiences were... less than ideal. The variety of danger that can happen upon an unsuspecting traveler in that city were too much, too soon for the freshly reborn Yeda. She was nearly robbed in an alley and after defending herself in brutal fashion had to flee the city and stick with the caravan at the gates until it left again.

Nevertheless, she understood that there would be bad with the good in exploring the outside world. So she stuck with it hopeful that their future stops would be more positive. Along the way she continued to socialize with her sorcerer friends and they detected an arcane spark in her. Although she wasn't ready to weave proper spells, they helped her figure out how to imbue her sword strike with elemental energy. While she had departed from some of the ways of her clan, the water element of her talents provided a new tie to those roots.

After a pleasant journey down the coast, which included several enriching stops, the caravan stops off in Sandpoint. She decides to put her abilities to work with some odd muscle jobs for Sheriff Belor Hemlock, rounding up wanted thugs. She particularly enjoys going on scouting patrols with Shalelu, who she admires and looks up to a bit as a big sister.

Yeda stands 5'8", with the athletic build of a warrior. She has pale skin and an inviting friendly face, contrasting the tribal tattoos of flowing river that run from her shoulders, down her arms and end with a rock, topped by a wolf howling at the moon on the back of each hand. By the moonlight, her skin somehow takes a grey complexion. Her eyes are a sparkling ice blue. Her blond hair is kept in various styles that are practical at any time, including tucking it away in her winter hood or simply cutting it short from time to time to "just take a break from it."

Yeda is generally friendly and inviting as she still looks forward to meeting new types of people, ways, and arts. As she has chosen her current nomadic state, she's generally good-spirited and of course accepting of adverse conditions per her clan upbringing.

She is an idealist with a healthy skepticism of cultural traditions, but the further she gets from home the more she treasures them as a reminder of where she came from. Still, she rejects the idea that a person's life should be constrained by them. This will probably lead her to often think she can "save" others from their situations.

She is passionate about her ideals, and can have a hot temper if pressed on the wrong subject. The warm exchange of ideas and stories leaves her gathering and deepening new friendships as she fulfills this lifelong dream of an expanding journey.

Here is Kera Mvashti, great niece to Madame Mvashti and native of the region. She is a "white witch" intended to be a versatile spellcaster, with a focus on healing and support. Thanks for your consideration!


Kera Mvashti
Female Human Witch (Hedge Witch) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +0
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks hexes (evil eye, healing, ward)
Witch (Hedge Witch) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st—enlarge person (DC 16), mage armor, sleep (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
. . Patron Stars
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats Extra Hex, Extra Hex
Traits reactionary, thrill seeker
Skills Fly +5, Heal +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Knowledge (history) +9, Knowledge (nature) +9, Knowledge (planes) +9, Linguistics +6, Spellcraft +9, Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Shoanti, Sylvan, Tien, Varisian
SQ witch's familiar (cat named Thimble)
Special Abilities
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Evil Eye -2 (8 rounds, DC 15) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Familiar Bonus: +3 to Stealth checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Healing (1d8+1) (Su) Heal touched creature, but each target can only benefit once per 24 hrs.
Thrill-Seeker Gain 5ft movement speed first round of combat, and begin play with three star candle fireworks
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Ward +2 (1 at a time) (Su) Ward another, granting +2 to AC and saves until hit or fail a save.
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.

Background, Appearance, and Personality:

The Mvashti clan’s roots run as deep as any oak, its progeny reaching skyward on great, fabled limbs that seem to tickle the very stars in the sky. Perhaps it is owing to some starluck that the family and their kin have flourished in the Varisian woodlands and prairies of Sandpoint’s hinterlands. Singers, fortune tellers, and hired hands, the Mvashti’s have traveled these woods for generations, staking out some small piece of southwest Varisia as their own, but never staying in one place too long, heavens no. As the wind changes, so does their destination, and it is peculiar to find them congregated in any one place for any given time, save the sacred harvest and moon festivals of which they are so fond.

Kera was born eighteen summers past, in the back of a rolling cart near the tail end of the caravan. Her mother Arya is niece to the famed Niska Mvashti, whose daughter Koya herself served as midwife at the birth. At that time, Koya was still a young woman, and watched over Kera from time to time as the little girl grew. Koya must have sensed the power that Kera possessed, for she would bring her to Sandpoint from time to time to visit with Kera’s great aunt, the Madame herself. Kera always enjoyed these visits, and never questioned the way that Niska would worry over her palms and teeth, as though she found something peculiarly or vexing about these things. To Kera, her hands looked like any others, albeit a bit small on account of her being a child. Still, Niska and Koya were always kind to her, and she grew to love them, their large, rambling manor house, and Sandpoint itself. And while the desire of the older women to remain in one place perplexed her, she was able to enjoy the best of both worlds, traveling with her parents and the caravan through the warmer months, and spending the cold months with her aunts near the ocean.

Kera spent her days tending to the house and exploring the town. She grew quite fond of the Turandarok Academy’s book collection and, though headmaster Gandethus had a reputation for being a strict schoolmaster, appreciated the rogue’s girl natural curiosity, and so sometimes lent to her a book on Varisian folklore, history, and even languages. Once or twice she would even find an arcane scripture tucked into the books, though Ilsoari always feigned ignorance.

Sometimes she would stand outside the playhouse, peering through its grand doors and listen to Cyrdrak embellish upon the details of that evening’s plays. Once she even bartered for a ticket, agreeing to help stitch together costumes for an upcoming community production of The Goat Herder’s Daughter. To this day it remains a highlight of her time in Sandpoint.

One day, while dancing through the refuse of Junker’s Edge in search of treasure (making sure that Garvi was away at the Rusty Dragon, of course), Kera happened upon a lonely kitten. Pitch black as coal, with one eye gray, one eye blue. The kitten at first tried to run away, but she scooped her up, suffering her claws and howls, and ran straight home to present her to her aunts. Niska and Koya ooohed and aaaahed over the creature, giving each other meaningful stares. They offered the kitten a bowl of goat’s milk, and as Kera sat petting and speaking with her newfound playmate, her aunts carried on a whispered conversation in the next room. Once the kitten calmed down, she became quite timid, and Kera named her Thimble. The two became fast friends.

Not long after, Kera’s powers began to appear. At first it was little things--flowers would sing to her, or tell her jokes. Her own shadow would play tricks on her, and sometimes they would chase each other through the house. Her aunts merely chuckled, and told her she was a white witch. Kera had known that some men and women of her tribe carried that title, but just as often it was used as a term of derision against them. ”Wear’t with pride, m’dear,” Niska had told her, ”Desna’s blessed ya with her kiss.”

Kera has spent most of this year traveling with her parents on the caravan through the Sanos Forest, and it has been nearly six months since she saw her aunts. She returns now, this time on her own, to attend the Swallowtail Festival and visit with Niska, Koya, and her friends in town.

Kera is good-natured, optimistic, and a bit naive. She has not seen the horrors of the world and believes that people are fundamentally good, though she is loyal to those she loves and would do her best to protect her family and friends. She has tried to maintain good relations with the townsfolk of Sandpoint, calling many of them friends and even managing to be tolerated by the ill-tempered ones like Garvi. Her cat Thimble is perhaps her best companion, never slinking far from her heels.

Of modest stature, Kera’s most prominent feature is her hair. Its jet-black curls tumble down in unkempt ringlets nearly to her waist, spilling out in all directions at once. She is thin of frame and smiles easily, her hazel eyes glowing with mischief. Sometimes she wears a flower in her hair, though just as often it becomes lost. She dresses in simple garments--loose fitting pants or a simple skirt, and often wears delicate bracelets of braided dandelions or herbs on her wrists and ankles.

Now that the site is working again... I present a fleshed out Pitivo for Natloz

I have a gnkme summoner that I half wrote up for this AP. I need to get the crunch together sometime this week.

Liberty's Edge

I noticed a lack of divine characters after making my original one, so I went a different route: Touched-by-the-Moon

Touched-by-the-Moon was born a bit different from other Shoanti. He was born with the muzzle of a wolf on his face. He was born into the Lyrune Quah, or Moon Clan of the Shoanti, and they considered his Curse a gift from the moon herself.

As the child grew, it was apparent that his connection with the moon was special. In his teens, a wolf from the wild appeared at his side and became his companion. He learned magic and began to see the world in a new light.

Like other Shoanti of the mon clan, Touched-by-the-Moon trained with the bow, as well as traditional Shoanti weapons. But what set him apart was a strong desire to learn the rest of the world,s religions. He read everything he could get his hands on, and travelled as often as he could. When he heard there was a new cathedral opening in Sandpoint,he couldn’t resist and headed there right away, Muraco the wolf by his side.

Here's Caryyn. I think the sheet is done unless I missed some math somewhere. Which happens a lot. X(

At work right now on lunch, so full crunches aren't easy to look at just yet, but the backgrounds are looking very nice, plenty of material that I can easily work with. Only question I've got so far is for Krash though. How disfigured is his face and appearance? I only ask because of how I run general populations. I'm not the kind of GM who'll let someone play a drow or a strix and the townsfolk just accept them full welcome and all. If you come into town looking like a demon, you're gonna get the looks and reactions a demon would recieve.

So I'm not trying to discourage the character idea, it's actually an interesting concept for sure. But I would like to get an idea beforehand so I can give you fair warning of what you could expect.

That alone really makes me want to play a Tiefling because I find that super interesting.

Side note because I got asked about this. When it comes to carrying capacities and encumbered movements. I'm common sense about it. I figure that if combat breaks out, gear gets dropped and picked up afterwards. When traveling, I'll just move pace based on what the heaviest load is. But overall, as long as you're not trying to pack a whole house or general trade goods store in your pack, I'm not going to fuss over your inventory weight. But if you have 500 feet of rope, I will question why you have 500 feet of rope lol.

Sovereign Court

Showing interest. Been wanting to play a chaotic Sander Cohen-style Cleric of Shelyn for a while, I'll have them stated up with a backstory tomorrow night, or even get the crunch done tonight if class gets out early.

Also noticed there was a Paladin of Shelyn looking to join. On the off chance both are chosen that's going to be a really interesting dynamic /wishful thinking.

So, if being a Tiefling won't be an OOC issue I'll go with that and work on something for that. If it is an issue I've got something else in mind.

I agree that the dynamic would be interesting. Valerie has been chosen by Shelyn but really knows nothing about her save the basics (beauty, art, etc.), because that was what was emphasized in Hermea -- the focus was less on the struggle against evil and more on the aesthetic side.

What it means to be a paladin of Shelyn -- that's something a disciple of the dragon Mengkare will have to learn.

The site wasn't working for me all last night and now I'm back at work and unable to really correct my build. So I'll just link to another post that has the crunch and background in it. I hope that will be sufficient for now, if only to make sure I get put into consideration.

Here's the link.

The traits, drawbacks, etc. need to be tweaked a bit, but otherwise that's basically the character I'd like to play. Any feedback is welcome, and I'm not opposed to changing things as needed.


Liberty's Edge

DM KLS wrote:
Only question I've got so far is for Krash though. How disfigured is his face and appearance? I only ask because of how I run general populations. I'm not the kind of GM who'll let someone play a drow or a strix and the townsfolk just accept them full welcome and all. If you come into town looking like a demon, you're gonna get the looks and reactions a demon would recieve.

The exact wording from Blood of Angels is "your face is deformed, as though you were born with a wolf's muzzle instead of an ordinary nose and jaw. Many mistake you for a werewolf, and in areas plagues by lycanthropes, you must take pains to hide your face. You suffer a severe speeche impediment...[/i]

This is also where the bite attack comes from. I was picturing it as him having a somehwat furry face, with an elongated jaw. It would be very obvious, and definitely stir some people.

Bring on the roleplaying, I say! ;)

EDIT I haven't completely figured out his appearance yet.

Sovereign Court

You should totally use Background Skills. They let people add flavor to their characters without creating a huge game imbalance.

Have always wanted to play this AP. I am relatively new to PbP (playing in a few PFS campaigns) and looking for a regular game after a long hiatus due to being overseas.

The alias is for a previous recruitment attempt at RotR. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like me to expand background.

EDIT: This character was built using background skills. I noticed you do not have that explicit in Build guidelines. Let me know if not using this option (which I believe is really cool, btw) and I will modify.

He's still incomplete, but I'll throw this guy in for consideration. If you need to know which campaign trait he's using, it's Scholar of the Ancients.

Dotting for interest, rebuilding this alias of mine, the final build will be a Card Caster Magus from the Harrowed Handbook, Heavily invest in the Varrisan background.

Shy and bookish with a talent for the cards and has a bad habit of getting wrapped up in the event around her. I can play up, or tone down the elements of density and the role the cards play in her life if you like.

I'd like to dot here too, I've got a concept in mind but I'm just fleshing out the mechanics a little more. Full disclosure, I've never played pbp before but I've been involved in a few tabletop pathfinder games.

Dotting in.

Going to update this character to fit the campaign, as he was originally created for a different AP. Will post again when he is ready for consideration.

This is Pixels, submitting Farumph Iusltine. Acts like a bit of a know-it-all while knowing surprisingly little. He possesses a never-ending optimism, and a fascination in magic.

Going to be a cleric focused on support, providing buffs and healing if need be. Later going to take Deific Obedience and going down the Exalted route.

Knight of Rust here as Luke Painter.

Luke Painter

Luke Painter
Half-Elf Cleric of Shelyn 1 CG
HP 8 / 8 Speed ft Init -1
AC 9 Fort 3 Ref 0 Will 6
CMB +2 BAB 0

Str 15 (2) Dex 8 (-1) Con 10 (0) Wis 16 (3) Int 14 (2) Cha 14 (2)

Luke is a mess of a man. Shoulder length platinum blond hair is often speckled with paint, framing elven facial features such as high cheekbones, a strong nose, and a prominent brow furrowed with worry lines. He would be considered traditionally handsome if it weren't for his eyes. Cold blue eyes dart back and forth, as if catching something that no one else can. Anybody with even a lick of empathy can see the madness that lies in those eyes. His strong frame doesn't do him any favors, easily knocking down items when he isn't paying attention. When relaxing he prefers to wear vibrant colors, mostly purples and yellows, although all of his clothes have been used to wipe paintbrushes clean; even his priest's cassock has a few streaks in easily seen places.

Luke Painter was born Calazar Fredrickson to a human father, Fredrick Harrison, and an elven mother Shalendra Daegella out of wedlock. As soon as the half-elf was born, his mother, both disgusted and shamed by the union, left to return to her elven home. The boy was left in Egorian, Cheliax to be raised by his father, a distant man who saw too much of his mother in him.

Calazar's fascination with artwork started early. His father was a collector of pieces, often throwing together large collections of local artwork to help up and comers get their names out. As a child, Calazar would try to gain his father's approval with artwork of his own. The results were hit and miss, although Calazar could never figure out what pieces appealed to his father in which way.

Everything changed one fateful day as his father threw a small invitation-only gala on the top floor of their family home. Calazar had long since learned that he was not allowed up above, as that was where his father kept his most prized artwork. As an adventurous young painter, this sadly meant that the child would stop at nothing to see the artwork that would be on display. He hatched a scheme to get the key from his father and see the exhibit before anyone else could.

The horrors that child witnessed that day were enough to break his mind. The gala was invitation only as it held the artwork of a devil gone mad in Hell. His work was largely inspired by demon-born atrocities, and were to be sold by Fredrick to Chelaxian nobles for a pretty platinum. The sights were enough to break even a weak willed adult, let alone an impressionable young child.

Afterwards, Calazar became more despondent. His paintings slowly became more and more complex, the pain of his madness acting as a muse the likes of Cheliax had not seen in many ages. Realizing that something had happened to his son, Fredrick became more and more wary of his child, often claiming to take his paintings to sell only to destroy them when he thought Calazar was not looking.

As if by divine providence another collector came to Fredrick's home some years later. An aging Shelynite who called himself Lucius Vereit. As he toured the collections, looking to buy some of the pieces, he saw Calazar painting in the garden through a window. Something struck him. There was a pain in this child that struck a chord with his goddess, Shelyn. Excusing himself from Fredrick's company, he approached the young Calazar.

It did not take Calazar long to warm up to this stranger, who acted kindly to him in a place where kindness was only for personal gain. This man didn't seem to have any ulterior motive, and over several visits he would return with new paints or a violin to play as he watched Calazar work. Over time his paintings became more tame, although on some days his madness and pain was still clear.

After figuring out all he could about Calazar's situation, Lucius offered to take him to the church of Shelyn. The boy, now a teenager, relished the opportunity. It soon became his favorite place, often covered in flowers, beautiful paintings, and songbirds; he would go without Lucius on days the elderly man couldn't make it. Calazar felt a special peace there. His madness would quiet to a dim roar.

Seeing how his son was improving, Fredrick took the opportunity to let Lucius take him to the church of Shelyn for good. Those who would come for exhibits and galas had begun talking about Fredrick's strange son and his stranger, disturbing paintings. Lucius took the boy as though he were his own son.

Calazar Fredrickson took the name Luke Painter shortly after Lucius passed after a decade of teaching, grateful for how the man saved him from what was now obviously an abusive relationship with his biological father. The madness remained, as did the pain, and not even the temple of Shelyn could stop his nightmares. It returned with an intensity he had not felt since he was a child upon Lucius' death. He was, however, intent on doing good for the world, and took up the cassock of the clergy of Shelyn. He learned of Shelyn and the other deities.

Upon hearing of the new cathedral in Sandpoint, Luke decided to make a pilgrimage of sorts to see if they would need anyone to come up with artwork for the shrines there. With Shelyn at his side wherever he went and a purpose he could latch on to, he was beginning to feel better about the canvas fate had given him to paint his life on.

"Beauty that comes from within is good, and good is what I strive to be."

Luke is constantly at war with himself. He understands the teachings that Shelyn embodies, and does his best to live up to her expectation. However, when he is not relaxed, Luke often fights against the madness in his mind. The type of madness where, upon seeing blood and gore, makes him want to reach out and begin painting with broad strokes. Thanks to his master, this is very rarely the case.

"The muse of madness speaks to me, whispers as I stare at the blank slate, but Shelyn guides my brush."

Although he may babble to himself at times and cover himself with paint without realizing it, Luke has an eye for detail and for people. Years of living in Cheliax had taught him the importance of finding out what a person needs from you. He does try his best to not use his keen eyes to look out for his best interest, instead focusing on what he can do to help others.

"So much beauty in the world, and so much of it blighted; it's so tragic I could weep!"

Even as a cleric of Shelyn, Luke is new to the idea of Love. It was only recently, at the deathbed of his mentor, that Luke had been able to say he truly loved someone out loud. His heart weighs heavily upon his soul, his loss still fresh. Luke would be the first to admit that he doesn't feel much for people; whether it's some stranger on the street, his own father, or his long lost mother, they hold no special meaning to him. Despite this, he tries to be good. Tries to be beautiful.

"For when one is truly good, they have attained the highest beauty..."

I got really excited and managed to do everything except get equipment tonight. Hope you enjoy!

So after the end of the second day, here's what we've got so far...

Character Submissions:
- Arya Drottningu, Female half elf Rogue by JackNSally
- Nilah, Female tiefling Magus by PaleDim
- Yeda Wolfspirit, Female human Bloodrager by PaleDim
- Valerie Victrix, Female human Paladin (Chosen One) of Shelyn by tonyz
- Balshazzar, Prince of Flames, Male hafling Wizard by MageOfSwords
- Caryyn, Female human Bard (Deverish Dancer) by Xaraley
- Kera Mvashti, Female human Witch by Something Wicked
- Pitivo Wren, Male human? Monk by natloz
- Touched by the Moon, Male human (Shoanti) Oracle by Krash4031
- Theron Istral, Male human (Varisian) Ranger by Redac
- Jarek Vorel, Male human Wizard by ShadowFighter88
- Zeldana Tomovici, Female human (Varisian) Magus by Sam Sturkie
- Churm, Male human Fighter by Granta
- Farumph Iusltine, Male gnome Cleric of Nethys by PixelsAreGod
- Luke Painter, Male half-elf Cleric of Shelyn by Knight of Rust

Shown Intrest:
- Solicitor
- KayriKhaos
- Aruetii
- Galeas
- Uthraed
- JessHeinig?

Alrighty, starting to get some variety, but still missing some backgrounds, and today's maintenance didn't help either. I might close up Saturday evening or Sunday morning. A couple extra days should hopefully get plenty of variety and allow those who still need the time to finish up their characters.

And just to go ahead and say after the uncommon races and appearances, all I have to say is create the character you want to play. I'll take character concept over stats very often, so don't fret if the stats don't reflect who your character is (within reason of course lol).

Liberty's Edge

Traits and drawback selected. This character is ready apart from any feedback that may come.

Sovereign Court

I do have a character ready for a Runelords game, Eloen Tamlyranth, an elf paladin (divine hunter). But, I am not a new player, I have a lot of experience and I am always happy to see new players have a shot at a game. I am happy to help out a group if you want someone who's been doing a bunch of PBP for a while, and take a backseat role, but just as much glad to watch some new folks have a turn. :)

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