TraitsAcrobat: +1 Acrobatics checks & take -2 penalty when using accelerated climb
Giant Slayer: +1 bonus on Bluff, Perception, and Sense Motive checks. +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls vs giant subtype.
Languages Common, Varisian
U Monk:
Monk AC Bonus, Flurry of Blows, Evasion, Fast Movement +10 ft, Ki Pool (4): Fists count as magic, Spend 1 point for extra attack; Bonus Feat: Dodge, Combat Reflexes; Unarmed Damage 1d6; Improve Unarmed Strike
U Rogue:
Finesse Training (weapon finesse); Sneak Attack 2d6; Blind Fight (replaces 1st Rogue Talent); Danger Sense +1(perception vs surprise, dodge & reflex vs traps); Finesse Training (Unarmed Strike), dex to damage w/ listed weapon;Debilitating Injury (on sneak damage): Bewildered (target -2 ac vs all -4 vs me), Disoriented (-2 attack vs all, -4 vs me), Hampered (All speeds /2 and can't 5ft step); Rogue Talent 2: Ninja Trick (Vanish); Shadow Strike (Can sneak attack vs concealment); Uncanny Dodge
Toughness (+lvl hp), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike); Dodge; Jabbing Style (+1d6 damage if damaging previously hit target w/unarmed strike); Accomplished Sneak Attacker (+1d6 sneak damage); Combat Reflexes (+5); Pummeling Style (Total damage vs 1 target when flurry before applying DR)
Carrying capacity: Light Load: 33lbs, Med load: 66, Heavy Load: 100
Lift overhead: 100lbs; Lift Off ground: 200lbs; Push/Drag:500lbs
Equipment: Sling & Bullets (20) 2sp 10 lbs
Worn Items:
Ring 1: Ring of Protection +1
Ring 2: Ring of Feather Fall
Head: Hat of Disguise
Headband: Inspired Wisdom +2
Eyes: Eyes of the Eagle
Shoulder: Cloak of Resistance
Neck: Amulet of Mighty Fist +1
Belt: Incredible Dexterity +2
Wrist: Burglar's Bracers
Hand: Trap springer's gloves
Feet: Cat Burglar's Boots
Wonderous Items:
Handy Haversack
Mage Armor x4
Grappling Hook 1gp 4lbs
Monk's Kit: Backpack, belt pouch, blanket, rope (50 ft), soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), Waterskin 22lbs, 8gp
Survival Kit: Flint and Steel, Mess Kit, two waterskins, basic maps, small utility knife 4lbs 5gp
Small Tent 20lbs 10gp
Coins: 2226GP
He was part of a Varisian caravan as a "performer" in the cover shows during the day and one of the second story workers at night. Slipping along rooftops and removing barriers for the rest of the team. They came across Sandpoint during the troubles and he couldn't help but try to assist. It didn't hurt that he could get hired on to make some money while helping
Pitivo is fairly short at 5'7 but of a thin build.
His dusky skin and dark hair helped him blend into the shadows. His hair is usually tied back into a short ponytail to keep it out of his face. He wears plain clothes due to his background and finds the habit a tough one to break.
So I was thinking the monk part is more just him learning to fight bare handed and discovering some innate tricks. The rogue part is realizing dirty fighting and striking from hiding isn't dishonorable when you're fighting for your life.