Ringtail's Night Below Group A(boleth)

Game Master Ringtail

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Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

Working a couple of jobs now I'm not often finding myself near a computer with some free time for long. Apologies if the game moves slower than excepted until my next deadline.

As Tessarayth's idea is brought up the bandit opens his mouth as if to object, but can't quite seem to find any words and lets it hang agape for a moment before shutting it with a nervous gulp. The wounded, groggy farmers, shake their heads at Izbahn's inquiries, obviously nervous, but grateful to be released, apearently not keen on facing the magistrate's justic themselves, norwhatever creative punishment the bloodthirsty Thorn could come up with. Assuming that nobody has any further questions or prevents them from leaving, they will quickly scamper off, leaving the archers and Carlanis at the party's mercy. However, it is late in the day and Nybor, and by extension Magistrate Darius Carmen, are still some hours away.

Does the party want to press on through the night without rest with their prisoners in tow, or would the group like to secure a camp and deliver the brigands and/or question them the following morning?

Izbahn glances about him, noticing the lengthening shadows. "Maybe we should make camp here and press on in the morning."

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker shrugs "Seems fine with me. I can keep watch most of the night if you like or we can just promise them we will find them again and give them to Thorn. That would be a sure way for them to stay put." He looks at the prisoner shaking his head at their stupidity.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tessarayth looks around at their surroundings for a brief moment, shrugs, and says; "Rest sounds wonderful, though perhaps we could move off the road and into the trees a little bit. Less chance of getting trod upon in our sleep."

She then looks at their three captives for a moment, and then at Thorn, face creased with deep thought, before she shrugs again, and starts looking for a decently comfortable spot, under the cover of the trees and relatively root and rock free.
Once she has located such a place, she begins to clear out a spot, and set out her bedroll.

Izbahn nods in agreement with the Forlorn elf. "Yeah, seems a good idea to me getting off the main road. We still should set a watch schedule though." He glances at the other party members, "I can take the first watch."

Thorn sends the defeated farmers on their way with a stern warning. "Savor the mercy you've been so generously granted and let this be a lesson to you! Should we cross paths again, I'm afraid the prudence of my benevolent allies will not save your sorry lives a second time!"

Switching his attention to Carlanis and the bandits, Thorn threatens the prisoners with a gleeful smile. "I'm gonna get some rest, but if you fellas try to abscond while I'm sleeping, I'll hunt you down and open your necks with my bare teeth when I wake. And that's no dragonscat, just test me you worms!"

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