Ringtail's Night Below Group A(boleth)

Game Master Ringtail

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Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

5 Rova, 4711 AR, in Varisia...

Wartle’s only tavern and trading post, the Lean-To, has been surprisingly active tonight. Normally half-filled this time of year with trappers and furriers from the Mushfens to the South downing tankards of a cheap, foul, watered down, locally brewed ale that tastes of stale piss known as Bog Grog, travellers from all walks of life seem to be swelling it to bursting (which honestly isn’t saying very much, given its modest size). Traffic through Varisia’s countryside has been unseasonably high. Amid the rabble is a well dressed merchant obviously scanning the crowd, his nose wrinkled in distaste as he sits alone at an old round table in the far corner, its many seats remaining vacant. He impatiently checks a timepiece from his breast pocket, an expensive curio to show in these parts, especially given the wenches and rat faced sneak thieves obviously eying the trinket, and if possible his demeanor grows even darker as he takes a deep swig from his hip flask. Leaning back, he fumbles for a small travellers’ chest with a thick lock on it beneath his chair without looking, and for a moment his eyes widen in alarm until his flailing fingers find the parcel and he visibly relaxes. With his close cropped, dark hair, portly frame, and obvious Chelish ancestry, he’d stand out in a backwater Varisian township even without his garish garb.

You briefly lock eyes across the room, and for the shortest moment you see the gentleman’s gaze linger as he takes stock of you and motions you to join him with a casual yet firm wave of his hand, before gesturing to the barmaid to bring a round of ale for you. Over the next several moments he repeat this process several times, until half a dozen of so have been signaled. Casting about you can see the others he is summoning appear to be able bodied travellers, most with obvious weapons or even armor as though they may have only just arrived this day and stepped inside for a reprieve from the swamp mosquitoes. Winding through the drunkards and gamblers of the Lean-To to better see the lavishly attired Chelexian, you notice that on the tabletop before him is a parchment, covered in ornate scrawl, with a rather ostentatious seal of crimson at the bottom, beside it a fat sack of coin.

The waitress slides around you with a forced smile carrying a hefty tray of drinks and sets six foaming mugs before the empty seats around the merchant’s table. He sighs impatiently and fishes a couple of gold coins of Korvosan mint out of the leather purse and flips them to here with a grace belied by his appearance, shooing her away with a glare shortly afterward as he rhythmically raps his fingers on the tabletop, waiting.

What do you do?

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

The massive man looks about at the others in the group noting any that look like warriors. As he sits he removes his helm. With his helm removed the most noticeable thing about his face are the tattoos on top of his head,neck and face while looking over his face you notice that he has pointed ears like an elf. Next the most noticeable thing about him is his clear blue eyes. Nodin looks at the cup of ale before him than back at the man who had motioned for him to come over. His blue eyes looking slightly angry before it seems to go away as a look of embarrassment crosses his face. He than says in a rich deep voice "I do not drink ale." Looking the man right in the eye he says "What do you want? I do not know why you have called all of us to this table but it seems off to call a stranger to a table."

Liberty's Edge

Native Outsider (Aasimar)
Cavalier of the Dragon:
Level 4 / Hp - 48 [48] / Temp Hp - 48 [48] / AC - 21 / T - 11 / FF - 20 / Resistances - 5Acid, 5Cold, 5Electricity / Fort +7 - Ref +3 - Will +3

With a loud sigh, Aerodus pushes himself up out of his chair, grabbing his pack and gear, where they lay against the wall, before strolling over to his countryman. Dropping his longsword on the table, and his gear beneath his chair, Aerodus takes a seat against the wall, his eyes scanning the crowd once more, before he turns to the man.

"Not too smart, flashing that watch around my friend. May want to keep it in your pocket, or in a chest, if you have it!" Picking up the mug of ale, Aerodus takes a long swig, before setting it down.

"So why am I sitting here? Is it to stop you getting your head broken? If you are on the run from the law I will have no part of it, I tell you that now.However... if you are being chased, by some nare do wells, I could be persuaded to help, if that is the case!" Nodding softly, he sits forward, a silver holy symbol falling out of the neck of his shirt for a moment, before he tucks it back in.

With a quick scan of the crowd once more, he glares down any who stared too long at the symbol, before returning his gaze to the man. "Aerodus Aluain, at your service!"

Looking at the large Shoanti man, Aerodus frowns softly. "Calm yourself Friend. I am sure he meant no insult with the ale!"

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tessarayth straightens from where she had been leaning on the wall near the door, and makes her way over to the table where the merchant is sitting. As she grabs one of the mugs of ale, and crinkles her face at the smell of the brew, she asks the merchant,
"Were you motioning towards me? Or towards someone else?"
Then she sets the mug back down, untouched.
"Do either of you two fellows know anything about this?" she says towards the other two men who have just approached the table as she approached.

Female Human Cleric lv3

"Izbahn, it seems we're being summoned." Naomi says quietly to the mage, gesturing to the Chelish man. He matched the description she'd been given, so she walked over and sat down, sipping once at the ale and hiding her distaste.

"I second that question. Are we the ones you wanted?"

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker turns to the man who spoke and says "I am calm if I was not you all would know." He than looks at the elf "I do not know what this is about. I asked that myself but he has not felt the need to answer."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

"It matters not, fair maidens, if you'll here my proprosal," the merchant responds to Naomi and Tessarayth's inquiries. He sits rigidly and makes a show of dusting off his fine silk waistcoat before continuing. "No harm intended, my large friend," the Chelixian speaks kind words, but almost with a condescending hint to his voice. It is obvious that he is of noble birth, or at the very least a product of fine breeding. "As a businessman, I take the greater majority of my meals with strangers and I apologize if I've caused you any concern or discomfort. I prefer to lead with generosity, but I'm afraid if I gifted fine wines or brandy's I'd not be in business for very long. But you are suspicious. This may be a boon for me. And worry yourself not, sir Aluain, a common theif will no sooner be able to wrest my valuables from my grasp than from...well, let it be said that they will find themselves wishing they hadn't attempted such things. And I'm not running from the law, nor am I chasing those who are."

"But where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself.My name is Gordrenn Winthrop. I'm a Purveyor of magical paraphernalia, material neccessities, and related items to many wizards of note around Magnimar and her colonies," he introduces himself rather pompously.

Knowledge Nobility DC 15 or Knowledge Local DC 20:
Hailing from minor nobility in Cheliax, the Winthrop family have retained their wealth since the rise of House Thrune by cornering the market on the sale of magical goods, often basic neccessities for wizards in the form of material components and foci, but with raw materials for the crating of magical equipment and the occasional already enchanted oddity thrown in as well. In recent decades they have expanded their merchantile empire to include much of Varisia, putting one family member in charge of each region. Gordrenn regularly supplies many of arcanists in the area surrounding the Harenshire. Many in his family have picked up some magical talents and more than a few are accomplished mages themselves.

"I must admit that I'm in a bit of a bind. My usual couriers in the Harenshire have run off on me and I'm to have a chest full of material components delivered to a mage known as Tauster in Galduria in the very near future so I'm looking for an armed and capable escort to make sure that the parcel arrives on time. The package doesn't contain any individual item that is all that valuable or time sensitive, but my customers demand punctuality and I'm afraid that Tauster can get very huffy and demand discounts if his shipment is ever even a day late. I don't expect trouble, though banditry isn't uncommon, I merely need someone to take a parcel from here to Galduria. If you are interested, once all of the other potential canidates for the job are seated we can discuss terms and payments."

Liberty's Edge

Native Outsider (Aasimar)
Cavalier of the Dragon:
Level 4 / Hp - 48 [48] / Temp Hp - 48 [48] / AC - 21 / T - 11 / FF - 20 / Resistances - 5Acid, 5Cold, 5Electricity / Fort +7 - Ref +3 - Will +3

Aerodus frowns for a moment, puzzling over the mans words, before replying. "This would interest me. My leads are dead here, I can find no Undead!" Sighing softly, Aerodus take another gulp of ale. "But yes... Let us wait for the others!"

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Knowledge: local 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
knowledge: nobility 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker shakes his head "I really do not need money. I need information or experience which this job of your does not give me."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

"What kind of merchant would I be if I didn't give you the chance to save me some gold. If it is information you seek perhaps I can provide it and lessen your share of coin for the task proposed. You'd be surprised at the knowledge even one such as I can amass in my frequent travels," his tone is level and monotone during the exchange, all business.

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker thinks for a moment on what Gordrenn said before saying "That idea will work with me."

Naomi Fairchild wrote:

"Izbahn, it seems we're being summoned." Naomi says quietly to the mage, gesturing to the Chelish man. He matched the description she'd been given, so she walked over and sat down, sipping once at the ale and hiding her distaste.

"I second that question. Are we the ones you wanted?"

Knowledge Local 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

"Yeah, I can see that." Izbahn nods to Naomi as his gaze travels over the well dressed merchant and recognizes his noble house name. He gives the man a nod of respect. "Your reputation precedes you. Master Winthrop." He nods in greeting. He glances at Naomi the look of approval he gives her is hard to catch but obvious to the practiced eye.

He pauses for a moment and takes a drink of the proffered ale, "A trip to Galduria, I am actually from there and I have heard of Tauster. He is somewhat a celebrity, actually." He chuckles. "I would be...delighted to assist you with this endeavour. I have been looking forward to meeting him for some time."

Female Human Cleric lv3

Naomi looks at Izbahn with just the slightest hint of surprise on her face. This man wanted them to go to the place Izbahn was from? Maybe she'd get to meet his family, and figure out why they were always a touchy subject with the wizard.

"I'll go then. Between myself and Izbahn here, we have a bit of magic to offer this endeavor."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

"Resplendent! This can hasten our proceedings. I doubt you'll need direction then," Gordrenn replies to Naomi and Izbahn with a bit of a relieved sigh and an easy going smile tinging his lips at last. He turns his attention back to Nodin. "But pray tell, half elf. What information do you seek. I am prepared to offer 300 gold coins to complete this task, as a group, not per courier. Should I know the answers to your inquiries say that...I lessen your share by 5 pieces of gold per valuable snippet of information that I convey?" The merchant speaks of coin when negotiating as though it were common and easy to come by, almost as if he doesn't fully understand its worth to those of a lower caste.

Liberty's Edge

Native Outsider (Aasimar)
Cavalier of the Dragon:
Level 4 / Hp - 48 [48] / Temp Hp - 48 [48] / AC - 21 / T - 11 / FF - 20 / Resistances - 5Acid, 5Cold, 5Electricity / Fort +7 - Ref +3 - Will +3

Aerodus frowns softly, before speaking. "Well it seems we are in buisness then, once the last member of our little party joins us. 300 Gold? Sounds fair for a group rate. I guess it is enough for us to have a few drinks, some food and a place to stay. That is all that matters!" Nodding softly, he raises his hand to get the Serving Womans attention, ordering another round, this time of wine, and giving her a big tip on top of it all.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Talking to herself softly, but not so softly that those nearby can't hear; Extra coin is always welcome, and a short trip to another town may turn up more leads for me.
She looks to the merchant and says, You can count me in as well, Master Winthrop.
When the wines Aerodus ordered arrive, she takes one and slowly sips from the glass.

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Noding thinks back on what the dragon had done to his comrades before answering the question. He than looks at Gordrenn "I need information on dragons. Mostly any uncommon weakness or where they tend to roam. The 5 gold minus to my share is fine."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

"Dragons, eh? Those I know a bit about, especially since their scales are becoming a popular and expensive commodity among spell-casters in recent days. It's a dangerous path you'll be headed on when you're looking for wyrms, though. Keep on asking questions like that and I might want to rethink leaving my property with you. I might be inclined to ask why, but I generally don't make a habit of sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. If you're looking for any old dragon, Inzeldren the Green calls the Churlwood North of the Harenshire home. Some say she's organized the lizard-men there into her own personal servant army, but that hasn't been confirmed, and as far as I'm concerned, a paranoid tale of old farm wives. I seem to recall stories from many years back that the current Count's great grandfather, then in control, managed to set terms of a truce with her rather than defend against Inzeldren and regularly offered spare livestock to her outside her mound, but the deal broke apart upon his death when his heir no longer chose to honor the deal. Green dragons are probably the most intelligent and pragmatic of the colored bunch and are highly susceptible to flattery. If you'd ever be able to befriend or at least work with such creatures, the green ones would be the most respectable to attempt the feat with. And if you ever wish to risk your neck bartering the creature's emit a acidic gas, so they prefer gifts or offerings which can either be eaten or can withstand such vapors. They also have a unique reverence for the natural world among their kind, often promoting the growth of both flora and fauna, even if it is only to further their own ends. As far as weaknesses go, I suggest you run if you run afoul of a green dragon. They are even tempered and slow to pick a fight, but there won't be much you can exploit in combat."

After rambling off the information to Nodin, Gordrenn takes another deep swig from his hip flask to moisten his dry throat.

"I hope that information was worth 5 gold coins, sir. If you are looking for a bit more specific information on any of those topics, just let me know and I'll see if I can expand upon any of it for you. But for everyone, let me just explain how my business works. When I hand you the parcel for delivery, I'll have you sign two copies of a contract, one for my records, and one for you to have countersigned by Tauster upon making the exchange. Once countersigned you may take the contract to any magistrate, or money exchanger to have it cashed out for coin, this way I can ensure that the delivery will be made without having to pay before hand and trust in strangers fully," he pauses to fish out the small chest, some 12" by 18" by 18" from beneath his chair and displays it by gently patting its lid. The container doesn't look very heavy, not more than perhaps 20 lbs.

"Of course I've taken some precautions to protect it. It is magically sealed, for which Tauster knows how to unlock. I've got it wizard marked, so if it...goes missing, I'll be able to find it and send someone- or something- to retrieve it. And finally there is a bit of a nasty surprise on the inside for would-be thieves. For those of you interested, please sign these forms, and the chest will be rendered into your possession. Questions? Concerns?" He slides the parchment across the table along with a vial of ink and an over-sized quill made from the feathers of an exotic bird.

Izbahn looks over the package with a practiced eye. He gestures to the package, "If I may...?. He then casts a magical cantrip. Detect Magic...just to verify the chest is actually sealed. Izbahn has no reason to doubt Gordrenn, but better safe than sorry. Assuming everything checks out...

Izbahn hands the chest back to Gordrenn, "Yeah, everything looks in order here. Where do I sign?"

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker thinks over the information he was given. He looks up at Gordrenn "Most of that information was not what I asked but it can lead me to what I wish to know so yes it was worth the 5 gold pieces. You do not have to worry about your property I said I would help for information I was given that information. I agree with this fellow where do I sign?" Bone Breaker than thinks to himself "I do not know which dragon killed my brothers or where it went. Maybe if I find this Inzeldren the Green I can find out information on the dragon I seek."

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tess reads over the contract before she takes up the quill and signs her name to the document.

That will suffice I assume?she says as she slides the contract to the next person, and then hands them the quill.

Listening to the witty conversation from the anonymity of a nearby corner table, Thorn slowly stands and draws back the hood of his cloak revealing a bushy head of brown hair and brooding dark eyes.

Approaching the strangers mid contract, Thorn introduces himself. "Pardon me good ladys and sirs if I've overstepped my welcome, but I couldn't help but overhear portions of your riveting parley. I heard someone mention Tauster, and something about waiting for your last member to arrive. Well... My name is Thorn and I'm a local mage from these parts. It just so happens I'm one of Tausters many apprentices and while it's been some time since I've had contact with the old blaster, I'm sure I could aid you in journeying to Galduria and securing an audience with him. That is, if Sir Winthrop here will overlook my impolite intrusion." As Thorn patiently awaits a response from the group, he draws a slender lacquered darkwood inkpen from the lapel of his jerkin. "Where do I sign?"

Izbahn notes the arrival of the newcomer with a great deal of interest. An Ulfen? Rather unusual for them to be mages, but the magic is a strong lure. He seems a friendly sort, and he KNOWS Tauster!

He smiles at Thorn, "Pleasure to meet you Thorn, I am Izbahn and this is Naomi."

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker looks at the man who showed up after the others. He than takes a look again at the group before him. "So there are four humans, the elf and myself. I wonder what these others can do."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

After concentrating for several moments with a Detect Magic, Izbahn becomes aware that there are 3 faint auras of magic within his cone. 1 on the chest itself, and 2 others coming from within:

Knowledge Arcana DC 15:
A faint aura from within the chest registers as being from the Universal School of magic.

Knowledge Arcana DC 17:
An aura on the chest itself registers faintly as being of the Abjuration School.

Knowledge Arcana DC 18:
A third faint aura, emenating from within the chest, registers as being of the Abjuration School.

Gordrenn points out the appropriate locations for you all to sign, and nods politely as Thorn arrives. "It is good fortune that you join the journey then, sir Thorn. You heard the terms of the agreement, I trust? If not, everything that I have mention are spelled out in full in the print on these contracts- feel free to spend some time reading over them if you'd like. The terms are quite clear and simple; I don't like tying matters up in bureaucracy." After finishing up matters with your newly formed group, the Chelexian merchant will excuse himself with his copy of the contract, leaving you with the small chest of material components and our copy of the forms to get countersigned by the mad mage Tauster in Galduria.

Feel free to continue roleplaying at the tavern if you would like. When you head out, I assume on the following day, please let me know where you'd like to be in a general, overland marching order assuming that the road is roughly 10' to 15' wide in most places and if there are any purchases or preparations you would like to make before departing, and of course who is going to be in possession of the chest itself. The trip will take you roughly 80 miles North, as any familiar with the Harenshire would know, a journey of some 5 days assuming you have at least one member preferring to wear their medium or heavy armor (I'm looking at you Aerodus) and nobody wishes to spring for the cost of a mount.

Knowledge, Arcana 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Izbahn nods silently in approval as he turns the chest back over to Gordrenn. "All of the protective magics are still in order, that is good to know."

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

After Gordrenn leaves Nodin puts his helm back on before standing up from the table. "Well I am off to get some rest. See the lot of you again when we set off." He than moves to get a room to rest the night before the journey.

Female Human Cleric lv3

Naomi nods politely at Thorn before she too signs her name. This man was certainly interesting, and Naomi wonders for a minute if signing a Chelish contract is a mistake...

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tessarayth slaps the large, heavily-armored man on the shoulder as he stands to leave, and says
Hi big fella, before you leave would you mind introducing yourself, so we'll all know at least each others names. Might make our job easier if we can communicate effectively. She smiles kindly at Nodin as she says this.
I'll go first. My name is Tessarayth, from Magnimar. I hope we are able to get along and work effectively together."

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Bone Breaker looks over at Tessarayth as she slaps his shoulder. He than says "I am Bone Breaker of Tamiir-Quah. I come from around the Nolands near the border to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings."

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

A half-elven Shoanti? she thinks to herself. An interesting story I bet.

Rest well and wake safe.

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

I knew I forgot something Ringtail can I change his ability to speak elven for Shoanti since he would not really had anyone around to teach him elven. Tessarayth we will go that he knew what you said until Ringtail answers.

Bone Breaker nods at Tessarayth's words before leaving the table to rest.

"Well met Izbahn." Thorn politely responds to the comely gentleman, his eyes sizing up the fellow mages female companion. "But being in such stunning company, I asure you the pleasure is all mine." Reaching for the womans hand, he bows and gently kisses it. "Well met to you as well lady Naomi, your looking lovely this evening dear."

After meticulously reading the contract, looking for any subtle clauses that may endanger him, Thorn signs the documents with his name and arcane mark. Returning his pen to the pocket of his jerkin, he addresses the other contractors. "Tessarayth, Aerodus, and Bone Breaker I believe it was, pleasure to make your aquaintances. May our journey be a safe one. Looking around at the lineup, I'm feeling confident that we'll meet any challenges head on."

Liberty's Edge

Native Outsider (Aasimar)
Cavalier of the Dragon:
Level 4 / Hp - 48 [48] / Temp Hp - 48 [48] / AC - 21 / T - 11 / FF - 20 / Resistances - 5Acid, 5Cold, 5Electricity / Fort +7 - Ref +3 - Will +3

Having signed his name to the contract, Aerodus stands up slowly, taking the chest with him. "Well... Time for bed, one thinks. Till the morrow then. It is a pleasure to be working with you all!"He bows to the two women, and salutes the men, before stepping away from the table.

Slipping the box in to his pack, he turns and heads toward his room, making a point to bolt both door and window tightly, before hiding the box beneath a loose floor-board. As he lay down to sleep, he frowned softly in thought.

'Perhaps this Tauster will be able to help me...'

Female Human Cleric lv3

Naomi smiles graciously at Thorn.

"Well met Thorn." She says, bowing slightly. "Considering Izbahn and I have been traveling for a while, I think your compliment would be better suited for the morning, when Izbahn and I have rested."

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

Nodin may know Shoanti in place of elven if he would prefer. I've placed everyone in a general marching order HERE and will leave the map editable by everyone so that they may alter their positions to a place they would most prefer. I'll lock the map for use within a day and an actual narrative post will be up soon.

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

BRAHG! My post got eaten. I guess I'll retype it. All of it. Again. Sigh...

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

No poor Ringtail. I have been copying my posts before I submit them because of that. Maybe you should try it Ringtail?

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6
Nodin "Bone Breaker" wrote:
No poor Ringtail. I have been copying my posts before I submit them because of that. Maybe you should try it Ringtail?

I normally don't have too because I usually post using Chrome as a browser which will save what I have typed should I hit the 'back' button to get to it again, but I'm stuck using old IE for my work computer and it slips my mind. I'm probably going to start typing up all of my posts in google.docs and pasting them to game threads so I don't lose several paragraphs again. The first time typing up a post is fun. The second time is a chore.

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

We're gonna' mix things up a bit and do things a bit differently with each group, mostly because I didn't feel like typing up a similar post for the 3rd time. Here we go again:

6th Rova, 4711...

Since conversation has stopped I'm going to take that to mean that everyone is ready to move on with the adventure. If you wish to continue the roleplay at the Lean-To, merely spoiler the continuance.

The following morning and afternoon travel goes rather peacefully. The weather remains warm and calm, with a gentle breeze to cool you and tease of the coming Autumn, and the mosquitoes and swampflies become sparser the further you get North of the Mushfens, though hang uncomfortably thick in the air. Late in the afternoon, when the sun hangs low and lazy, painting the sky a vibrant mix of orange and lavender, your party is begining to look for a decent place off to the side of the dirt trail to set up camp for the evening and rest your road weary legs. Pressing onward for a final hour or so to make sure you cover a decent amount of ground this day, and get a couple more miles behind you, everyone notices a quartet of farm laborers up ahead, supporting their tired looking frames by leaning onto pitchforks or walking sticks. They nod and smile politely, one even giving a half hearted wave as you draw nearer to one another.

I hope nobody has any objections to me speeding up my posting in 3 seperate PbP games by rolling group, non-combat rolls for them?

Nodin and Tessarayth:
You notice in the light wooded area, just West of the farmers, are a duo of shadey looking Varisian men with dark hair and mousey faces. They wear, old, worn, patchy leathers and carry longbows, arrows drawn and ready. They appear to be quietly stalking alongside the farmers and tense up as though they are ready to attack at any moment. One gives a curt nod to the other.

Nodin and Tessarayth will essentially have a standard action, surprise round with the men in the woods off to the side of the road.

Bandits?: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Nodin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Tessarayth 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Restated in order (for the surprise round - standard action only)
Tess (is it a problem if I shorten it to Tess when doing rolls like this?)


Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Move to I-9
Putting two actions on if they do something before his turn is up or not.

First Action:

Bone Breaker shakes his head at the sight of the men he turns to look at the group saying says "There seems to be two men up ahead about to attack the farmers." He than moves forward after speaking, drawing his massive Earth breaker to shout at the men "What do you plan on doing over there hiding?" He shouts in hope to draw the two men's attention to himself.

Second Action:

Bone Breaker shakes his head at the sight of the men he turns to look at the group saying says "There seems to be two men up ahead about to attack the farmers." He than moves forward after speaking, drawing his massive Earth breaker to try to stop the men from attacking the farmers.

I am going to assume they are going to attack the farmers.

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tess is fine.

Tess will cast Sleep (DC 13), centering the burst between the two archers.

After she cast the spell she yells out, Sneakthieves in the forest!

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6

Sleep has a casting time of 1 round. On a surprise round you only get a standard. You would be able to start casting it on the surprise round and finish with your first standard action of the following round though, if you would like. I'll type up the surprise round resolution as if that is what you would like to do, and if you change your mind, I'll retcon it at the start of the next resolution post.


Remaining initiative rolls:
Aerodus: 1d20 ⇒ 6
Izbahn: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12
Naomi: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Thorn: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Farmers: 1d20 ⇒ 6

Tie breaker between Aerodus and the farmers (high = Aerodus goes first): 1d2 ⇒ 2

Full initiative order:
Tess - gets surprise round
Bandits(?) - gets surprise round
Nodin - gets surprise round

Round 1 (surprise round) resolution:
Tess calls out to the rest of the party as she pulls forth a small sprinkling of sand and starts to weave an arcane ritual. The archers (bandits?) in the woods react quickly as they find out they've been spotted, stepping from their hiding places and pulling their bowstrings taught, each unleashing an arrow toward your party, apparently finding your group to be a more immediate threat than the farm laborers they were stalking alongside. The projectile aimed at Aerodus in front falls short thanks to foliage, but Nodin feels a burning pain in his thigh as it is pierced by the second bowman's attack. The quartet of farmers gasp in surprise. "Bandits!" They cry out, casting about.
Attack on Aerodus (flatfooted, but with +4 AC from the cover the edge of the tree is granting): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Attack on Nodin (flatfooted): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Damage on Nodin: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Nodin's powerful muscles easily draw the heavy earthbreaker from his back as he strides forward, causing the archers to nervously glance between themselves while he approaches. "He didn't go down when I shot him!?" One can be heard whispering to the other. "Aye! That was a great shot too, mate!" His compatriot replies, as both simultaneously draw a bead on the imposing half elf.

Everyone can go ahead and declare their actions for the following round.

Insanity Save: Will Save - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 (failure)
When Thorn awakens this day, he assumes his Hateful personality.

Sneering at the malicious actions of the bandits, Thorn issues a boisterous challenge. "Had you abandoned your feeble ambush, we might have let you live. Now you shall suffer the wrath of your ignorance!"

Summoning the power of Evocation, Thorn's outstretched hand explodes in eldritch energy.

Standard Action: Thorn uses his Force Missle ability targeting the bandit in C,6 - 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Move Action: Thorn takes cover behind a tree - Move to G,14

Female Elf (Forlorn) Bard (Archeologist) 1

Tess will finish casting her spell on the first round of combat, and draw her short sword to finish out her actions.

Female Human Cleric lv3

"What kind of bandits fail to hide themselves for an ambush?" Naomi asks no one in particular as she tightens her grip on her shield and moves to stand next to Bone Breaker, drawing her mace as she does so.

Moving to G-9 and getting my mace out.

Male Half-Elf 1 Armored Hulk(Barbarian)

Round 1, Init 13, 8/15 HP
"The kind who are going to get to feel my Earth Breaker." Bone Breakers says before he moves to attack the nearest bandit with a grim look upon what can be seen on his lower face.

Move to F-7. Figure they might move before than.

Attack and Damage Roll

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 192d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 2) + 4 = 10

"I thought they were hidden, my love, as I did not see them!" Izbahn comments as he chants a magical spell and draws his club.

Move action: Draw Club.
Standard action, cast Mage Armor AC 15 for 1 hour.

Brony Vegetarian Book Worm 1 / Gambler 13 / Zombie Slayer 6



A bolt of magical force erupts from Thorn's outstretched hand and slams into one of the bandit's chest, winding him and sending him into a coughing fit and he grabs at his cracked ribs. Tessarayth finishes her spell is a few more arcane gestures and words.
Bandit (left) will save:1d20 ⇒ 12
Bandit (right) will save:1d20 ⇒ 10
The men groggily sway from side to side as she draws her shortsword before they even hit the ground. The bandits snore loudly, laying in uncomfortable looking poses in the shade of the light woods as Naomi closes in on them, drawing a mace as she moves. Taking a few long strides Nodin hefts his weapon and bring it down on the skull of one of the sleeping bandits with a sickening crack. The archer does not wake up. I'm resolving as though Nodin still wanted to attack, if he would have chosen not to attack an unconscious man, let me know and we can edit that back. Izbahn draws a club and quickly motioning over a peice of cured leather shields himself with an invisible, but very real magic barrier. The farmers, appearently recovering from their shock of being attacked by bandits, close ranks with the majority group, brandishing their walking staffs and pitchforks defensively. "Bandits are like rats, where there are some there are many," the head farm laborer huffs to his men in a worried as they rush toward the group. and form a protective perimeter. Suddenly they all simultaneously turn to face Izbhan and Tessarayth. Their worried faces twist into cruel smirks. "Get the magic abusers!" The leader barks, pointing to the party's arcane casters.
That resolves us on the 2nd round with the exception of Aerodus. Everyone can start declaration for the 3rd.

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