Rigor Rictus' Savage Rifts

Game Master LastNameOnEarth

The futile efforts of a small few to protect a small swatch of land and its peoples from being crushed between supernatural monsters, fascist regimes, and extra dimensional terrors.

Current Map

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A killer GM with a killer smile.

Somebody posted a response ZenFox's question. Unfortunately it is the worst kind of answer possible; one that has no context, no explanation, and just repeating the same rote with no indication they understand the question (I'm not familiar with this poster - it wan't Clint).

I will have to post another question I suppose, asking why they are giving this answer, when it is in opposition to all other rules and logic. Don't know if I'll get any more of a detailed answer, but I can try.

Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0

Please go ahead and ask, more clarification can't hurt. But he only answers questions once or twice a week, so it may be a few days before you get an answer - I really lucked up with a 1-day turnaround.

But based on my statement :
My GM thinks it's a part of the Trait roll, and so doesn't treat it like a modifier in Clint's original answer.

And his answer (emphasis added) :
ALL modifiers, regardless of source, get counted.

Seems to indicate that the +1 in a d12+1 is indeed a "modifier", and so gets applied to the d6.

However, you've said several times that that is inconsistent - I would disagree. Treating any "+N" from *anywhere* as a modifier is more consistent, is it not?

A killer GM with a killer smile.

I take this as a, "Ya, whatever Clint said," kind of response. As there is no explanation, I dont know whether there is a good reason for the answer, or no reasoning at all.

I'm willing to accept the answer for now, as even though it makes doesnt make sense with the given information. I'm willing to imagine that there is some aspect of this issue I'm not seeing, or some obscure problem this ruling fixes, I would just very much like to know what that reason is.

As you say, you think adding bonuses from anywhere is consistant; except that the rule up until d12 is that changes to your skill do not affect your Wild die. Except that now changes to your skill suddenly start affecting your wild die. To be consistant, either every change to your skill should affect your wild die, or none of them should. If usually it doesnt, but sometimes it does, that is inconsistent.

My issue is this, it causes at least two problems while solving none (unless you consider grade 1 math a problem). A: It disrupts the established norm for the wild die (skill level does not affect the wild die), and B: it introduces a potential balance issue by giving those already the most likely to succeed and gain raises further chances to succeed and gain even greater raises.

If you left the ruling out, the game would to my mind only be improved, so why is the rule there?

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Just throwing this out there, but what if it was to emphasize that d12 is typically the pinnacle of mortal achievement. A trait with d12+1 and above is literally superhuman, so to reflect that, you start changing your luck.

It's also supposed to be kind of the pinnacle of a character; a lot of the time you need to dedicate a huge number of Advances to raising a stat like that, and it requires you to be exceptionally specialized to get it any earlier. There ARE Edges that give bonuses to the Wild die around the same time d12+x stats start coming online for the average character.

Silver Crusade

PP: 9/10 B3nn1es: 3/3 | W0undz: 0 |P4rry 8[10]/RATN:[6] |T0ughne$$: 22(11) | P4ce: 8/d10 |Cha:+2| N0t1ce: d4

Is it okay to move the game forward?

Maybe a new round will provide clarity to all things.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Sure thing. On nights the next few days so I've been sleeping odd hours. I'll try to get a post in tonight.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Nights were a bust. Could't get a minute on a computer for anything. Will be trying to update asap.

Silver Crusade

PP: 9/10 B3nn1es: 3/3 | W0undz: 0 |P4rry 8[10]/RATN:[6] |T0ughne$$: 22(11) | P4ce: 8/d10 |Cha:+2| N0t1ce: d4

"The fallen shall be forever remembered, as the emperor's finest."

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Same to you!

@Rigor Rictus: No worries. Just get to us when you can.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Been very swamped. Will try to get initiatives done for the next round, as well as try to get a map of the shop together so you have a better idea of what is going on.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

No post until tomorrow. Sorry.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

I feel the lack of a map is holding us back, but I dont have a good mapping solution. Anybody have a link for a particularly good Roll20 tutorial?

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

I'm kinda a bleh about Roll20 when used in PBP, not that Google Slides or Draw or whatever doesn't have their own issues. To be honest, my main gripe is about the number of steps it takes to actually do an action than any functionality, so feel free to ignore me.

That said, no, I don't, though there's some stuff out on youtube. Although the one channel I know of that has some doesn't do business with Roll20 anymore for so take that for what it's worth. (I think it was Taking 20 or WASD 20, not sure.)

Rigor Rictus wrote:
I feel the lack of a map is holding us back, but I dont have a good mapping solution. Anybody have a link for a particularly good Roll20 tutorial?

Should be pretty simple to freehand a map. Doesn't have to be pretty, just functional.

M Human Hyperion Juicer| Bennies 3/3| Wounds 0| Burn 7, Reflexes (-2 to be Hit) Agl d12 Smt d6 Spt d6 Str d8 Vgr d10|| Pace 20 (d10) Parry 9 Tough 15 (5) |
. Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Language (American) d8, Notice d6, Persuade d4, Research d4, Shoot d12, Stealth d4, Survival d8

I use Roll20 and Google Slides for my games, but I've had a bit of experience using both. I'm no expert mind you, but I'd be willing to give a few pointers here and there. I have also used Fantasy Grounds in the past, but it has been a while.

I usually just borrow pdf maps from my Paizo collection or the Internet has several after a search that you can edit and modify as needed. Roll20 does take a bit to get used to, but once you figure out the basics for what you need, you realize you don't need ALL of its functions for PbP. At least I did. Just enough to keep track of everyone.

As Storm Dragon said though, use a freehand map for a rough idea of where we are at. Windows Paint works just fine for that. Or, use the Zones system from 2d20/Hardcore DnD/IndexCard RPG. If you're not familiar, I can give a quick rundown.

You can freehand on Roll20 as well; half the maps I do for my live games are like that unless I'm running an AP.

"Here's a big circle, the tokens are here, here, and here. The little green square is labeled "acid trap" because you guys found it, try not to step in it."

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Freehanding in Roll20 would be a lot nicer if it worked with drawing tablets.

But not everyone has them and I guess it makes sense to focus more on stuff people will buy.

I'll have a post up tomorrow.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Hey, I have some not so good news. I've overloaded myself and I'm having to cut some games. I'm not sure how many, but I know this is going to be one of them. I'm sorry guys. I've enjoyed reading the thread and I know this will be a fun game, but I just don't have the time nor the energy, I'm sad to say. I'll be finishing out the fight, then I'll be bowing out.

Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0

Elaina - sorry to hear that, you will be missed. Hope things settle down soon.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Same. I'll be finishing out the fight, though, so you don't have to worry about that at least. :)

A killer GM with a killer smile.

My kids have discovered Skyrim, so I havent had much time on my computer today. I'll move us along tonight. Elaina can probably do something further this round, as she has only performed a skill check so far. Likewise, Arsenio can attempt his Str or Agi attempt to get free of the grapple.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

I was waiting to see what that check revealed before taking my next turn.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Did you see the spoiler with your name on it? Results of your check are under there.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Just a heads up. Over the past few days I have found out that my grandparents on my dad's side both have COVID-19, my grandmother on that side is also in the hospital with a strep infection on top of this, and my grandfather on that side has been undergoing chemo treatments for cancer. Both are 76-77 years old, so already in the high-risk category before the rest of it. Just keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Sorry to hear that Elaina; sounds like it will be touch and go. Wishing them a speedy recovery.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Same. And thanks.

And here's where the RNG decides to dogpile Elaina. :P

Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0

Sorry to hear about your situation, hope everything works out ok.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

I did get some good news this afternoon. My grandfather isn't showing any symptoms and my grandmother is doing okay. Well, as okay as she can be. She'll likely make a recovery.

Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0


Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Thanks. Called my Grandfather today. He seems to be doing alright. Doctor says my grandmother is also getting better, if slowly.

That's good!

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Yup. so one less thing to worry about.

Now I'm looking at work and wondering how the next few months are going to go, because we're about to get really busy.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Updating all my games since I've gotten more good news.
- Still no symptoms from my grandfather. It looks like he'll be alright.
- My grandmother is being weaned off the ventilator. The doctors are hoping that will happen soon.
- All in all everything's looking up, except...
- My grandfather, who's notorious for his inability to cook is going to try cooking himself something. My sister is going to make sure the house is still standing afterwards.

Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0

Rigor - can you please give me editing access to the tavern map? Thanks!

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been traveling to take my son to an out of province medical appointment. Found some wifi, but wont be able to update just now. I should be back home by Thursday.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Been travelling to take my son to a medical follow up. Looks like my first message didnt post. Sorry.

Should be back Thursday.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

Oh no, I hope everything's okay. :(

Don't worry about us, we're still here.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Sorry guys, my work schedule has been very heavy lately, and I just havent been having the time to update. Thanks so much for the patience you've shown.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

I hate doing this, but I'm going to be dropping out. I've pretty much lost all interest in the games I'm in and not in a good place, mentally, to play.

Sorry to do this, but, well, better to let y'all know now than just ghosting on everyone.

TK Revolver 4/6 Shots: 3/5 PPE | M Human TECHNO-WIZARD | Bennies 3/3| Wounds 0| Armor 7, PPE 8/15 Agl d8 Smt d10 Spt d4 Str d4/d6 Vgr d6 | Pace 6 Parry 2 Tough 5 Charisma 0 | Arcane Machinist: 2/5

Take care of yourself.

Female Human Mystic Rank: Novice Advancements: 1 Bennies: 1 Wounds: 3/3 PPE: 5/15 ISP: 10/10 Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 8(3), Size: 0, Charisma: +2 Ammo: Iceblast Shotgun: 0/8, NG-33: 19/20 Status: Quickness: 0/3

I will. I just hit the point where I was burnt out, so I needed to take a break.

GM, could you mark me as inactive? Thanks.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

Will do. Sorry to see you go, but I completely understand.

A killer GM with a killer smile.

So, who is still here? My schedule is not looking like it will change anytime soon, so all I will be able to offer now is a return to my usual inconsistant posting schedule. Are people good with that, or should I just put this game down mercifully?

Still around!

TK Revolver 4/6 Shots: 3/5 PPE | M Human TECHNO-WIZARD | Bennies 3/3| Wounds 0| Armor 7, PPE 8/15 Agl d8 Smt d10 Spt d4 Str d4/d6 Vgr d6 | Pace 6 Parry 2 Tough 5 Charisma 0 | Arcane Machinist: 2/5

I am still here, life is busy, I am happy to wait.

Silver Crusade

PP: 9/10 B3nn1es: 3/3 | W0undz: 0 |P4rry 8[10]/RATN:[6] |T0ughne$$: 22(11) | P4ce: 8/d10 |Cha:+2| N0t1ce: d4


Male Human Glitter Boy; Parry=7 (-2 size), (-2 when dug in); Toughness=32(18); Pace=10 (run d10); Charisma+2; Bennies=3; Wounds=0; Fatigue=0

I'm here, checking every day. Any posts are better than stopping the game, IMHO.

M Human Hyperion Juicer| Bennies 3/3| Wounds 0| Burn 7, Reflexes (-2 to be Hit) Agl d12 Smt d6 Spt d6 Str d8 Vgr d10|| Pace 20 (d10) Parry 9 Tough 15 (5) |
. Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Language (American) d8, Notice d6, Persuade d4, Research d4, Shoot d12, Stealth d4, Survival d8

Jace is still up to go. As school starts soon, I'll have even less time to post, so I totally get it. I'm always about the long game!

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